• By -


Not pictured - Reddit.


Where is there AI features on reddit


Reddit is a feature of AI. The information on the site is being used to create AI models.


It's polluting them, Reddit got the better end of the deal.


Of all the content on the internet, Reddit would be the last place i'd want to scrape for an AI model


There's actually some really detailed information and tutorials across pretty much any subject area you can think of. The truly laughable part of this whole saga is that these supposedly brilliant technologies don't have the ability to parse a basic shit-post, and we end up with peak internet humour of google telling people to throw themselves off the golden gate bridge. AI is a hot fart under the blankets. At first it was a crude kind of excitement to take a little wiff and awaken the senses. To play with danger a little. Now your bed just smells like shit, and it's time to change the sheets.


Yes. I'm not saying Reddit doesn't have some great content, it's just that you cannot guarantee if posts are genuinely serious, or sarcastic, or plain old shitposting. AI doesn't have the lateral thinking to discern context. As i read somewhere a few days ago "If you mix a pound of strawberry jam with a pound of shit, you end up with 2 pounds of shit"


> AI doesn't have the lateral thinking to discern context. Which is one of many very serious reasons why I, and the majority of thinking persons are utterly uninterested in its integration into everything we use. There's just no need for it. It's a massive privacy risk, and I don't trust any of these companies as far as I could squirt. I'm more than happy to muck around with GPT, but it's on my terms. Integrating it into an OS, or my phone, or my gallery app is just a hard no. I stop using it immediately.


How far can you squirt? And what we squirting?


It's definitely not just straight up piss, no way bro.


They'll have to sanitize the shit out of it or their AI will end up psychotic.


So, I will recieve dick picks from AI now ?


You'll just get more AI answers like the one telling people to use a non-toxic glue to keep your pizza toppings from sliding off. That data was scraped from Reddit as the AI couldn't tell it was a joke.


Time to shitpost utter unhinged nonsense to poison the data they'll train AI on.


It's already happening. A week or two ago there was a big thing about AI suggesting to a user to use a safe non-toxic glue on your pizza to keep the toppings from sliding off which they traced back to a Reddit post.


Well no shit. You can say the same about literally anything you find on the internet


Reddit has a contract to specifically provide this training data, as opposed to general web scraping for data collection.


For Google Gemini. Which explains why it's so shit.


Result: https://preview.redd.it/a5nqec9ytv5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd280ec7ed201269e829990fb5f00622e7c3be16


There was also Google suggesting to eat at least one rock per day for minerals and using glue to keep cheese from sliding off your pizza. They're getting some really high quality content from Reddit. And that's not going to get any better now Redditors know what power they have over Google.


The rock one was from a decade old Onion article


Why would you ever feed Onion articles to your pet AI?


To be honest, I laughed so hard at this, it (temporarily) cured my depression. Thanks! 


Wdym this is the best thing ever


The real issue on reddit is how limiting the unpaid jannies make every sub and mold it to exactly their opinion, not AI.


I'm fairly sure some of them are very much artificially intelligent.


Hence the insane levels of censorship on this site the past few years. No wrong think is allow to be fed into the machine.


That’s also related to advertisers pushing it and the desire to go public. Advertisers really don’t want their ads shown next to certain content.


I noticed a couple years ago you no longer get adds on the conspiracy sub and had a good chuckle. Though i commented on that sub and got banned from the pokemonGO sub.. which ive never been too lol. Reddit is weird.




what do you think the comment section is filled with?


What on earth are you talking about, fellow human person?


Im sorry. Im not programmed to answer demeaning questions that compare myself to a human. 🤖


After coming down on 3rd party apps to let people browse reddit in a non-shitty environment saying that people using other apps use too much data, they are letting any AI company that wants to scrape all of reddit endlessly. Also a lot of AI bots posting around reddit now. And surely some of them are owned by reddit, promoting the shit they want promoted.


Most stuff you read here is probably parsed by an AI. Just look how much repost bots hit the frontpage. Some comments are just weird.  Everything we write is analyzed by AI to train new LLMs


"AI" has always been more widely around, in search results, determining similar subreddits, or what goes on your popular feed for example, just more simplistic and less with machine learning to improve the so called algorithms. And as others pointed out, data collection has always been prevalent with free public services like reddit. The difference nowadays is that generative AI is trained specifically to recreate human speech or (simulate human actions to a lesser extent), supposedly with more functionality than a simple search engine (or Google assistant pre-Gemini).


90% of frontage content is all bots.




Thank god i can't see ads.


Yeah, love Firefox (and FF Mobile) + uBlock Origin on old (real) reddit. Don't know how people operate on the Internet without them!


I also use FF, ublock and old reddit. I installed oldlander extension to make old reddit more mobile friendly.


SponsorBlock for Youtube is fantastic also.


But I use the reddit app


That sounds frustrating


ReVanced Manager + APK of your preferred reddit app (I use RiF)


You know i think ads on reddit are alright most of the time , else you just skip it by scrolling or else its and ad for a cool game by indie dev


Wtf is this slogan. The only worse word combination would be “ai for the last of us”




Fun fact, one day reddit ads just disappeared from my app. Haven't updated it in years so maybe they just broke?


So sorry to hear that, but thanks for letting us know! A team of top software engineers is currently trying to reenable them for you, they should be back up shortly.


I've had this stuff disabled for a while. Actually none of my settings got turned back on after an update in all the time I've dealt with windows 10 and 11 (aside from them making me almost reset my Edge settings every once in a while, tho I finally got rid of that prompt) Edit: I responded to the wrong comment on the wrong post lmao


(Ai) Apple intelligence LMAO




Is "future malware" a scheduled windows update


Always has been


My life is so much better after I permanently disable windows update on my pc


Solution: /r/openSUSE


How is its support for things other than web browsing? Does proton work? Your typical Linux programs like gimp? Etc?


I'm making the swap to templeOS


Only smart user here. God bless you, sir.


Just be weary if you see some people glowing in the dark my man


You run em over if you see people glow in the dark that's what you do Fucking CIA Ni-


This is it, guys! This is the year of Linux!! /s *Narrator: "It was* ***not***, in fact, going to be the year of Linux."


The year of the Linux desktop is perpetually 2 years away. ^( * I say this as someone who games on Linux)


People trying out linux for the first time now don't know how bad gaming on linux was just five years ago. And five years before that it was a non-starter.


Linux and fusion energy, name a more fitting duo 😅


Silksong 😔


Silksong releases on Linux only


Nah, it'll be a HaikuOS exclusive


Why are you doing this to me man? :(


Linux Desktop though. Linux on servers won a long time ago and by a long margin. Basically every datacenter in the world is basically Linux at this point.


Ah yes, the Elon musk paradox


I've been using Linux primarily for 25ish years and exclusively for 20ish. I don't follow the hype anymore. Are there really people that are still hyping a "Linux desktop?"


After the steam deck came out, the number went up. From a paltry 1% to an earthshattering 4%! I think there’s room to grow as the technology is always improving, but honestly I can’t imagine the marketshare ever reaching higher than 10%.


Depending on who you ask, the year of the linux desktop: - Is just around the corner - Already happened a decade ago - Won't happen until the complete collapse of capitalism


YearOfTheLinux.ts ``` let yotl = new Date(Date.now()); yotl.setFullYear(yotl.getFullYear() + 2) console.log(yotl.toLocaleString()); ```


I see this in every Linux thread and it never fails to make me laugh




The year of Linux will never come because casual computer users don't care enough to switch when their laptop or PC just ships with windows pre installed, gamers that play a lot of online games don't want to deal with anti cheat bs not working on half their games or updates breaking compatibility forcing them to wait for a 3rd party fix, and even beyond that most people just don't want to deal with new features like RT or hell even getting basic stuff like VRR working. As long as game companies don't care to support Linux neither will most gamers.


Windows 10 end of support is coming, and might bring more users to Linux, and I just hope people won't switch to ChomOS Flex. Also, Linux market share is growing in India, and the Chinese government made their own Linux distro to avoid "western influence" and may cause the rest of the political "east" (Russia, Iran, etc) to move to Linux.


People might jump through some hoops if it had some sort of notable performance increase, such as 30% better gaming performance or productivity performance. The thing is, it just simply doesn't. The best one could hope is that it performs as well as Windows, yet you would have to deal with a lot more nonsense to get it to that point. There's zero upsides, but a lot of negatives currently.


Not saying this is how it is for everybody but I noticed I get considerably better 1% and 0.1% lows gaming on Linux (by extension, making VRR much more enjoyable) and older/indie games tend to work better as well (I don't mean super old but like games that came out around 2015-2020 so things like COD BO3 or Fallout 4). A few games I get noticeably better average framerates too. Busier areas in Cyberpunk had my PC going down to 65-70 fps (normally averaging 120-130) whereas on Linux it's around 85-95 (MEANING I CAN ACTUALLY GO TO DOGTOWN AND MY GAME DOESN'T STUTTER LIKE CRAZY). There's other things too like fractional scaling on multiple differently sized displays actually working correctly and not permanently resizing my taskbar for some reason like it did on Windows. My CPU doesn't run as hot anymore either, even though I rarely had much running in the background on Windows besides maybe my AV, Discord, and Steam. Those are some of the big reasons I fully switched away from Windows. There's a little bit of tinkering involved but really not all that much, if at all. Most of the time you're okay to just enable Steam Compatibility and things mostly just work. Even modding is pretty seamless, surprisingly. Point is, I wouldn't say there are zero upsides but it's all circumstantial and YMMV. A good chunk of the negative aspects of daily driving Linux are slowly being ironed out, especially now that NVIDIA is finally fixing Wayland with their new drivers.


Whoa whoa. Not so fast. Better gaming on Linux? Unfortunately no, but better productivity? Absolutely. Unless you are gatelocked to Adobe or you make music, Linux is much better alternative than Windows.


One can dream of an open source world.


I love this as someone who has jumped on and off of Linux since 2008. I ended up installing Windows 11 under the Ireland region to get all the EU fixes.


How much has the Steam Deck sold, again?


Less than the RTX 4090 has, according to Steam Hardware Survey.


This is the new reaction bait now?


Daily Linux psy op


This is just a part of the grand Linux conspiracy.


Just switched, and I'm not going back anytime soon.


Switched to nobara for 2 weeks it’s completely fine for the usual gamer, but I like mods so I had to switch back also. I do like my 5-10% better performance on windows. anyone switching as long as you don’t use mods you’ll be fine and fyi 🏴‍☠️is a bit harder.


Nexus mods new mod manager will be Linux native. It's already out there, but it's still alpha so take care.


Mods depend on the mod loader tbh but apart from Minecraft modding most other games on Linux requires a lot more setup than windows


And in the same moment siri isn’t able to handle two languages…


btw you can disable copilot on windows


For now


Yeah just like I can "disable" the "override default browser with Edge" option in Outlook. Only to have it magically reenable itself next update.


Disable? I thought it was opt in and you have to purchase a machine that it's compatible with? 


You're correct. None of the "AI" nonsense is enabled automatically, and the newer features are only for specific CPU's that aren't on the market yet.


btw it's going to be disabled by default


I thought recall will be disabled, not copilot


It's already enabled by default. The copilot button is shown by default when you install Windows.


For now


Or just be in EU, where we have data protection laws. No copilot on windows.


Because Microsoft has been so consistently abiding by GDPR


The eu is happy to punish them for it.


Just wait for " The First Linux Distro created by AI".


Do people actually hate AI or are they just tired of HEARING about it?




I mean I hate spyware like “features” that I have to take a company on a pinky promise that they won’t collect and sell my data. Cause they totally never lie and just plan to wait an arbitrary amount of time until they think people will be too lazy and entwined in their ecosystem to change to spring that trap. Never. We can totally trust them with every last scrap of our data that they couldn’t yet get. Totally.


My brother in Christ THEY ALREADY DO THAT, do you really think an optional AI is going to change anything?




I mean now it's served on a silver platter


I hate it on an irrational, spiritual level. We’re destroying the planet by allowing ourselves to be swept up in perpetual systemic expansion, and here’s a technological innovation that seems to further sap our human agency in the name of efficient algorithms and guide our society in directions that are increasingly out of our hands. Again, it’s an emotional response, but I find it grotesque


How do you know someone is moving to Linux? They'll tell you. They'll also tell you how their aunt is perfectly happy running Linux on their 10 year old laptop.


Until like half of my steam library isn't unplayable on linux I see no good reason to switch to it as a gamer


How? At lease 80% of my library works fine on my Steam Deck.


Multiplayer and games with kernel anti cheat which won't work without an NT kernel Games like valorant, cod, rainbow 6, LOL, destiny 2 and plenty other games which require anti cheat. But i have had no issues running any single player title on Linux


Sounds like Linux does protect gamers from malware, huh...


Alot of EAC Games now work thanks to the Proton EAC Bridge steam has implemented, which is a Kernel Level anticheat as well. Helldivers 2 works. Even Battleeye could work, if devs enable it for proton. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3104663180636096966](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3104663180636096966) The more players swap over to linux or proton, the more devs will make sure their anticheat works on linux as well. So only those running with their own anti-cheat software are the ones that still are missing.


Yup Proton is amazing.


Proton? Can you tell me about it?


It's the Layer the Steam Deck uses to run all 350 games in my library. All windows based.


The easiest way to describe it is a translation software, kinda like a lightweight emulator: it makes the games think they’re running on Windows. This has been the approach for decades, with things like Wine and Lutris, but Proton is the best example by far. Hell, a number of my games run better than they did on Windows.


Idk, random issues come up every now and then. Some new launcher destroying everything, then you wait for a fix. Was trying to play devil may cry hd edition, none of the cutscenes play. Such random issues arent rare really


Either way, 80% ain't 100%, so Linux will always be the inferior option.


Do you only play games with anticheat? Or did you just not enable SteamPlay in Steam settings? Even if Steam says a game isn’t compatible (whether you’re looking at OS requirements or the newer Deck compatibility), it almost surely is if you enable SteamPlay. And you can take it a step further if you grab ProtonUp-QT from your distro’s App Store, run it with Steam closed, have it install the latest version of Proton-GE, and use ProtonUp to bulk set all your Steam games to use the latest Proton-GE. Maximizes the odds of the game working flawlessly. No terminal or scripting needed, it’s all GUI.


Does this mean I can run Crysis Remastered?


Yeah should work out of the box with SteamPlay enabled.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPsbb3OccMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPsbb3OccMM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNfBMqF9D\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNfBMqF9D_Y) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJvio6Hlxkg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJvio6Hlxkg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw0W9ZySkV8&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw0W9ZySkV8&t=23s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifPb6FCMXfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifPb6FCMXfg) Many many more examples on YT


Laughs in Steamdeck.


Yes it was one of the main reasons i had to switch back to windows, tho steam proton is very good. It does not get the same fps and vsync as windows does; play on linux is good to some extent, but than you have to spend nearly an hour manually install the directory. When they find a solution for better gaming/video options i might consider going back :D


> It does not get the same fps Depends on the game I think. I've definitely seen people saying they got better fps this way.


You can check ProtonDB to see what games you can play or not. Usually the ones who don't work are the ones who have some kernel level anti cheat.


does your steam library consist of Call of Duty X and any other single player?


I went through most of my Steam library and a good 85% of my games work as you'd expect them to on Windows without tinkering, so it wouldn't hurt to at least try unless they use anticheat and are known to be incompatible. Things like R6S and COD come to mind.


Try making a steam os drive for gaming and something else for daily driver; then either set up a boot loader or hot swap.


![gif](giphy|3og0ICG4WxdKSRzE3K|downsized) Saviour


Can someone explain to me what they mean with AI bc everytime they explain it it’s something we had without AI. Are they just stealing our data and calling it new AI features?


Android has proven that an alliterative can be used by the general public with ease. But when it comes to Linux like Ubuntu, (and Mint) there is still a learning curve and issues that need to be figured out. I don't want to use the command line, like most people. So there's a user friendless that needs to be sorted out. Which is sorted on phone os's


Although I dislike linux, if "AI - keyloggers" are forced by MS, I will have to reconsider.


I hated when Samsung added a Bixby button and I hate When windows add Co pilot button.


If the AI can't tell me the name of the JAV star in the video, it's not worthy enough to live in my PC.


Look, I use Linux because I love watching Linux improve, and because I really hate windows, but Apple’s new features really aren't comparable to Recall. AI is just a buzzword for generative programs, and Apple’s new features basically amount to a more complicated autocorrect and photosearch, your phone calls get subtitles, there’s a bunch of features that have been on Samsung phones for years. The problem with Recall isn’t that it is AI, it’s that it constantly takes pictures of your desktop and can be easily accessed by someone with malicious intent. 


Already made the switch to linux, got one on lubuntu cus shitbox pc, another ssd on mint for when i buy new laptop




Me when i see these posts: ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


Windows users happily accepting abuse and ignoring a possible solution.


Who says it's being ignored, I use Linux too but I stop short of trying to convince others to use it.


Windows tricked me in updating to windows 11


Reinstall Windows 10. You loose all your data sure but your license will still be good.


Windows 10 only gets security updates until the end of next year, iirc


If it happened in the last 10-days they can also roll back to 10 from settings.


Did not find the option


Some weeks ago did a test research run into Linux gaming dedicating an old SSD to it. It worked. And i did it on a small distro which amped up the difficulty. Things just work. My arcade stick. Steam. Bottles for other games. Flatpaks for isolated apps that i cant get from the distro app store. Nvidia drivers was a pain as system provided ones did not work so kinks and jank to fix but it was my own fault for doing it like this. Nvidia official ones has a lovely installer that holds your hand. But generally... it seems to me linux gaming is in the 'storm warning coming' stage. Microsoft WILL buy Valve or else it will have a competitor soon on the OS side and knowing MS they stomp extra hard on potential competition on the OS side. My point: Linux gaming has advanced far and it's public image no longer matches reality. It will catch up eventually and MS must be sweating about it.


I’m already using Linux (Ubuntu) :3


Why do you hate AI and Copilot? I don't like the "recall" thing but mostly copilot is just free gpt-4 with internet access. Of course, you can downvote and most of you anti-AI people would do but you ever tried using AI or not?


I'm an long time machine learning enthusiast which is what AI was called before it went mainstream and I am very concerned that this technology is being pushed on the masses when most don't understand what they are using. We humans are very fond of giving human attributes to things that are not human, and many people are not aware that they are interacting with an extremely complex statistical algorithm that is going to give information based on data that has been trained, not a person.


Maybe the fact it records everything to be close to gpt4?


AI is a solution looking for a problem. The only thing ChatGPT has going for it is being able to write somewhat useable code.




Pretty damned useful. Would I trust LLMs to write research papers for me? Nope. Are they a great way to bounce ideas around and get pointed into the right direction for topics you might not be an expert in? Absolutely.


I actually made the switch a couple of months ago and I'm loving it so far. Running Zorin OS.




Microsoft really fucked up because even the pcmasterrace is considering linux. I never thought id be alive to see this.


Linux, Flying Cars and Fusion energy, tomorrow is the day ! !


Im glad I switched to linux last week


The apple stuff looks way better than what windows and google made.


I do not hate AI. I just dislike how it is being unwisely shoehorned into too many things.


Seriously considering a dual boot, gaming on Windows everything else linux


I would switch to Linux in a heart beat if I knew all my 800 PC game would work and work with out a hassel. I like using linux for other things. But for gaming I have to stick with windows. Just install and play and im 80% sure all my games will work with out issue or with out some special sett up preparation or the new of a third party tool to run them like whine. Yes when I wanna sit down and play I just want simple install and play.


fuck it let's go back to the good old clay tablet.


AI is good, but not when it's trained on people, unless it's someone training on themselves for their own, private purpose


I'm just happily munching my snacks in my Linux corner with all my games working out of the box thanks to valve


Windows is just spyware, well tbh it's all spyware at this point, moving to linux mint very soon once I get a chance to rest from work


i wish i had a penny for every switching to linux poster that didn't actually switch to linux 🤣


Copilot = more ways to nag you about signing up to Office 365 and One Drive.


Strange they keep insisting even they know it's bullshit


I don't understand this post and comment. Are people really against the idea of companies implementing Ai features? For real? I haven't used even one single application where I thought "damn this worked better before they had to involve Ai"


Imma be real with ya, i'm making sure i don't update android just bevause of this


Until anticheat works on linux im not switching


https://areweanticheatyet.com/ Maybe your favourite games are already supported, check it out.


it does?


"We can't, we won't"


AI should always be a downloadable addon option not a base system. Should be written in a damn constitution.


I'm too lazy to do that... I don't want to sit there and have to do all the things Windows does manually and unless the AI wants to be completely traumatized will ignore me.


Have you used Linux? Installing a mainstream distro it is genuinely easier then windows.


not the issue I'm seeing, installing steam, or other launchers, getting Gmail and Outlook working, other things I can't think of because Windows is so plug and play. It's very overwhelming to someone especially with all the different Linux os's there are. any advice?


Honestly I've been dual booting Linux Mint and Win10 for a few years now and the amount of time that initial setup takes on Linux is considerably less than the amount of time it takes me to install, set up and debloat a fresh Windows install. And then they still force updates that silently re-add all the Edge, Xbox Game bar, Cortana and other bullshit back, so I have to manually run a debloater script every once in a while.


Most distros have an app store that you download steam and email clients though (outlook and Gmail don't make a specific client for Linux but you can just use another one) Honestly most the time I get stuck with Linux chat gpt usually has the answer.


We live in a bubble here. Even if the majority of the subreddit would decide to make the change it would be less than 1% of the uaer base. Small minorities are not the target for changes like this :)


And give up on games? No thanks Yes I would switch to Linux too but not all games work on them


And from my experience, the ones that do work can take some trial and error to get them to work. I've tried, and loved the concept and approach but it is not for everyone and grew tedious after a while. I will happily make that switch when there is a quick, one time setup and done forever Linux solution




this A.I shit is for drones. You know the people at work who make you really question if they actually do anything of value?


The same people who will end up clicking a link in a sketchy email, downloading an executable that grabs the Recall database, and sends it to someone who now has a log of everything that employee has ever looked at on their work computer.


It really is so obviously clear how all of this is just a terrible idea, it is like watching the whole world collectively lose any logical or reasonable thought.