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Windows is the default, you're not going to see "you should get Windows!" posts because (almost) all PC users are on it. You'll likewise not see "switch to MacOS" posts. That means that almost all OS-relates posts you'll encounter are the third option, Linux. It's not surprising that a PC enthusiast forum also has a (relatively) high percentage of users who are comfortable with, or seek out, operating systems which allow for greater customization than Windows at the cost of losing some of its integration or stability. That means you'll get a relatively high number of individuals proselytizing for their preferred Linux distro. From time to time news will come out about changes to one of the other operating systems and you'll encounter higher numbers of posts accordingly. TL;DR: selection bias, pick the best OS for your needs and move on.


>operating systems which allow for greater customization than Windows at the cost of losing some of its integration or stability Loss of integration, sure but a loss of stability? My old home server had a uptime measured in years without any sort of stability issues.


Yeah. Linux and stability go hand it hand. My Pi-hole/Jellyfin server is just chugging along. Never a reboot needed.


it might be referring to program stability rather than OS stability. some programs arent rly working/crashing on linux, even if it says they support it


"Stability" is often used to refer to things like packages breaking on update. But even then some linux distros can be more stable than windows


I recently did a file rename on a mounted NTFS partition (using the file explorer in a freshly installed Pop!_OS). Pop OS was then unable to list the directory in file explorer. 'ls -la' showed its contents, but the file was missing (old name, and new name). Pop OS couldn't provide access to the file using any means I'm aware of. I'm not very fond of that kind of 'stability'. I later used Windows to take a look at that directory. Explorer showed the file under its new file name. When trying to access the file, Windows just made the file vanish without further commenting on that issue. The new file name was supposed to contain an Umlaut. Maybe that factored into the corrupted file state.


Idk why you're getting downvoted for sharing your experiences. Stuff like this happens - the potential for misbehavior with NTFS is pretty well documented ( and other filesystems, like btrfs ).


I guess they believe the problem must've been me.


Right? Like the idiots saying "skill issue" when a stock AMD cooler would rip the CPU out of the socket with it. Reddit has a healthy population of unhelpful zealots and RTFM morons.


Lol, this exactly happened to me. I actually blamed myself. I had luck, though. Some pins were bent, but system is running and stable. Now waiting for the morons to tell me this is the reason for my NTFS renaming issue.


"at the cost of losing some of its integration or stability." man what drugs are u using?


linux is one of those things where it sounds fun because you aren’t thinking about the constant crashes, compatibility issues, or lack of software support (games). before you cry that steam exists, all valve titles perform objectively worse on linux and not all steam games have linux versions on steam. you can get 80% there, but it’s not the same as being on windows


you dont expect to run apple SW on MS products so why do you expect to run MS SW on linux? This has always seemed like a bit of an unreasonable double standard to me. They are different systems...


Microsoft is the reason. Here's an article that does a pretty good job of explaining why MS has lost people's trust. https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/microsoft-has-lost-trust-with-its-users-windows-recall-is-the-last-straw For me, I've been using windows since 3.1 and have been an IT professional in Microsoft land for 15 years. Even though I tinkered with Linux over the years and even had bouts of using Linux as my daily driver, I always ended up going back to windows because windows has been the better OS overall in my opinion. However, since Nadella took over and started their cloud first strategy, Windows has become less of a user friendly OS to make your life better and more of a vehicle to push you into using Microsoft's cloud services. In other words, windows is not user focused anymore nor is it developer focused like Ballmer liked to push. It's nothing more than a profit center so we get ads in the start menu. Ads in file explorer. Ads in Edge. Forced Microsoft account usage. Data mining everything you do. It's 100% reasonable to assume that recall will become enabled for all architectures and automatically on because that's what Microsoft has always done with its new features it wants everyone to use. Essentially, I don't trust Microsoft, at all, to not to force shit on us and with something as risky as recall, that's not acceptable. I mean, just last week, the owner of a client had a very obvious fake popup tell them to call a number for support for a security issue and they fucking called! The scammer very nearly got remote access to their PC which, even now without recall, is basically game over. Recall makes a breach like so much worse because all the attacker needs is that database. No long term reconnaissance. No carefully navigating the network to comprise more systems without detection. Just one spear phish to a person with admin rights and everything is compromised. With a move like recall, Microsoft proves they cannot be trusted. Because of all that, I am making the switch to Linux permanently outside of work. The Linux world still has user experience as a prime focus and since it's open source, if you really don't like something, you can absolutely remove it or switch distros to one without the offending feature.


> Microsoft is the reason. Here's an article that does a pretty good job of explaining why MS has lost people's trust. Zac Bowden is a writer pretending that there's something going on right now that hasn't been going on since the beginning. There is no "last straw" with Windows 11. This is the same nonsense rhetoric we got from everyone when MS ditched the beloved (no sarcasm) Windows 7 for Windows 8. 8 was a disaster from user reviews, but it wasn't and end of anything, and slowly morphed into the 10 that people do seem to love. There was no "last straw" there either.


The last straw crap is definitely hyperbole but it also true that MS has lost trust. The market share stats show how much their dominance has declined over the years. Granted, most of that loss has been to MacOS but Linux and even ChromeOS has seen an increase as well, especially this year. https://www.statista.com/statistics/218089/global-market-share-of-windows-7/ https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-201301-202405


Windows 11 fuckery is making people consider switching to it.


It is mainly becasue the Recall AI feature that is scaring everyone. I for example have a bit of a hobby answering Linux questions on reddit and other forums, and I have indeed seen a spike on posts askings for tips on how to migrate to Linux, with the great majority of them citing the Recall as the main reason.


Unrelated - but thank you for your hobby! Reddit needs more helpful Linux folks ( or just fewer zealots and RTFM / man page morons ).


I simply answer as I wouls have liked to be answered when I was a newb.


Currently, the only software stopping me from ditching windows is Quicken and I blame myself for that since I have not even tried to run it with Wine or other software that should run it in Linux.


Tried today just to see and it, at the very least, is not plug and play. They do have a web client now, so I'm fine with using that as I need it. As for other software, there really isn't any. Quicken has got the monopoly on integrations.


Microsoft *(and to a lesser but very real extent Apple as of this afternoon)* are really REALLY testing the boundaries of how much they can spit on someone's face before they'll consider stepping out of the way. They are both discovering that the limit basically does not exist - and the vast majority of PCMR's machines will be ad/data-mining platforms pretty soon. Naturally, people are upset about this even if they are not going to step out of the way. It has allowed for Linux to gain a small but real foothold in communities that formerly shunned it for some reason.


Let's be real, all Apple users after about 1997 are cult members.


I'll give Apple credit for one thing: They managed to make the youth of America, who thus far seems to think that you shouldn't have to pay for anything at all, be more than willing to stand in line for hours for the first release of a brand new product line for outrageous pricing.


damm you really called us out there didnt you! I dont use any apple products and run linux on my computers phones and tablet but you have a really good point for alot of my demographic.


Apple is indexing every Mac users personal information using neural networks, and if you post about it on Reddit or the forums your post will be removed or you’ll get banned


Indexing is a vague term, as is personal information. If you are talking about analyzing the contents of files then sure that's probably going on. I am totally fine with that if it improves functionality and that data isn't sent to a server somewhere. A swipe gesture that opens a tiny search dialog that will look for apps, files, and content within files *very* quickly is superior to having a taskbar with a list of files/apps going across the page. Swipe down for search, swipe up to view all open files/apps, swipe left and right to switch between them. No alt+tab bullshit. Easy.


Apple is at least starting to learn that their willingness to buy incremental upgrades that push only the hardware and nothing else or their willingness to buy experimental tech without a purpose has its limits. Apple vision pro is failing to meet sales goals, and I've been seeing a large amount of tech youtubers rebel against the pointlessness of the Ipad Pro upgrade because it's just another hardware upgrade that doesn't address the glaring issues that prevent it from being the device Apple sells it as: a production powerhouse.


Tech YouTubers are dorks. $3 trillion is $3 trillion. Nobody stepped out of the way.


$3 trillion is $3 trillion, but [Apple has said it's not meeting shipping goals of Apple Vision Pro](https://bgr.com/tech/apple-cuts-vision-pro-shipments-as-headset-fails-to-find-a-market/), and the Ipad Pro has been out less than a month, so we don't even have sales figures for that yet.


Enthusiast tier products that don't even amount to a rounding error, even less so if you count by user base and not dollar amount. Furthermore these buyers aren't migrating/leaving, they're just abstaining from upgrading. If 1 million less iPad Pro owners upgraded this year from last, then I'd bet my money less than 100 currently own a Galaxy Tab or Windows alternative and the rest will buy a later gen iPad anyway in a year or two. Nobody steps out of the way, I'm telling you.


Ok fanboy, whatever you say


> fanboy What


I’ve never cared much about Linux but the new Recall AI bullshit is making me consider it. I’m currently researching if the games that I mainly play will work. I’m looking into Arch it seems cool.


Do not use arch for your first distro it will be way too much to learn at once. Try Nobara (Fedora but ready for gaming) or Ubuntu (non LTS) they will be good for gaming. Nobara is only maintained by a single person though so keep that in mind.


I'd say just plain fedora or fedora kde for a first try. I moved to KDE when 40 dropped, really like it. so easy to set up a desktop to what i wanted.


I wouldve reccomended fedora kde too but they completely removed x11 in 40 and you would need to install it again if you're on nvidia.


ah yeah forgot about have to wait for nvidia to pull their finger out lol


Thanks for the suggestion I’ll research into it. Anything I should be aware of as an Nvidia user? I’m not planning on replacing my 3080 any time soon.


You'll want to use the proprietary Nvidia driver. Each distribution is a little bit different in the way it manages the installation and configuration (some quite integrated, others less so). Off-hand, I'd say the easiest are Mint, Pop OS, and Manjaro, but there's some other things to be aware of like Wayland vs. X11, but supposedly the newest Nvidia drivers (555.x) have improved/resolved a lot of the complaints. I switched to an AMD card about 9 months, so I've only partially paid attention since then, maybe it's gotten a lot better?


use endeavourOS cachyOS or gardudaOS if you want a friendly arch enviroment


Windows is going all AI and offering to allow you to "recall" by letting Windows track everything you do... Might have something to do with it. Personally, I will probably investigate what Steam games would stop working on a Linux distro and dual-boot for a while if MS becomes even more intrusive. I could try to find a cut-down "Tiny Windows 11", but at that point, it would just be better to go Linux since most of my productivity/banking apps would work fine on Linux.


If you do not have a device with the upcoming Qualcomm NPU in it then this recall is a non-issue.


Pretty easy these days to figure out what you can expect to experience by searching the ProtonDB website: [https://www.protondb.com/explore](https://www.protondb.com/explore)


I'm betting it's all the people curious about Linux after getting a Steam Deck and the ones scared of Recall.


I honestly want to but I'm not looking forward to having to learn to do everything that Windows just does automatically. not to mention I mostly do video games on the computer so I don't see a lot of plug and Play options with that. I don't know I'm just getting old, Miss the days of Windows 95 and XP


Bazzite is simple plug and play. A clone of the SteamOS used on the valve steamdeck handheld pc, known for its extreme new user friendliness and being a lot like windows. If you dont do much on windows, then you also dont need to learn much on linux to do the same things.


thanks for the words of encouragement!


100% due to the Steam Deck. I've got a rig with a 3090 not been used in months. But the Deck has become daily.


Big Linux is having a huge marketing push ATM.>! /s!<


I think some people donnt want to switch to Windows 11 from W10, others are already on W11 and see how it is getting worse after each update when it comes to ads and pushing microsoft products so that they can mine as much data on you as they possibly can. Me, I've always been a bit curious about linux and when I built my first PC in 2019 I even started to dual-boot, but I got lazy and since I could do everything with windows 10 I went with that instead. My problem is that W10 will be declared EOL in 2025, so by that time I need to find an alternative. Since there are some software (and some games) I use that still require Windows, I'll probably keep W10 on the side to use it, because I don't want to touch W11. Meanwhile, for most of my activities my daily OS will be linux-based. Seeing how my Steam Deck manages to play things that aren't made for linux, and since I am using an AMD GPU, it is encouraging me to make the switch probably in the coming months.


Microsoft wants to be like the cell phone companies. They want to keep an eye on you 24/7 so they can sell as much of your personal information they possibly can. I've been wanting to change for a few years now, but I just cannot get the hang of linux.


2 new people switched to Linux and wanted to tell the world about it, their windows installs became baggy due to them messing with system files and trying to debloat Windows 11. Jk but seriously, most of these posts are literally from 2-3 users spamming the living hell about Linus good Windows bad. I tried to reason with 1 guy but he was soo deluded he nearly tilted me off the face of the planet.


Windows are making a feature called ~~rewind~~ recall, so you can go back and look at screenshots of what you was looking at say 3 months ago, on by default. (Supposed to be local only) Screenshots are taken automatically and saved automatically It is apparently able to be turned off but people want to ditch windows because of it after one or two people made a massive deal about it. It's really a non issue as long as they don't turn it on with updates or make it non local. But Reddit will be Reddit


>It's really a non issue as long as they don't turn it on with updates or make it non local. That's a pretty big "if" considering a vast history that most *unwanted, opt-out* windows features turning themselves back on after any minor OS update, with updates being performed automatically with zero user confirmation and no indication that they've been applied.




Recall doesn't store the screenshots. It takes them, analyzes them with AI to produce tags/keywords and then stores the resulting text in a sqlite database. People testing it out are saying data storage is measured in megabytes, not gigs.


You do understand that's actually much much worse, right?


I wasn't suggesting it was good or bad. I was simply replying to someone who thought that recall would create 50 gigabytes of screenshots. In five years Recall will be as big of a part of our lives as Cortana is, for whomever doesn't just outright disable it.


I confused snapshot with screenshot. I realised this just didn't delete my comment before you replied


It's not a non issue. I remotely connect to work and i don't want a single screenshot of confidential information to be automatically saved anywhere! Yes, you are supposed to be able to turn it off, but Windows is a piece of steaming hot dung software that is known to turn on "features" by itself. So, no thank you.


After having to deal with Microsoft installing Skype on my computer and then forcing it to open at launch without my permission at all, I do not trust Microsoft to keep their word or to honour the fact that I've asked for the feature to be turned off. I am actually fairly certain I'll just turn it back on at any given update without even telling me


I have doubts the feature will ship on by default, given the response to it. Further, unless you have a PC with a NPU certified as CoPilot+ (ie. the new Snapdragon chip) you're unlikely to get the feature any time soon. Personally I don't think anyone outside of Microsoft thought the feature was a good idea and I'm sure their legal team has either worked miracles behind the scenes or are currently trying to do so. That being said if it ships broadly it's a togglable feature so... a bit of a nothingburger to me.


Yeah I feel the same, I see ops point tho, I go on /new and I see so many people on the karma grind of Microsoft recall / apple open ai. Linux time. Like damn. As long as it cal be turned off who cares ayy


There are lots of things in windows that you can turn off, but they somehow are re-installed and turned back on whenever there's an update


We can emulate arm processors.... in x86 machine. What's stopping windows to have an inbuild emulator for that certain part to make it run in x86 natively?


It's true you could emulate the problem away, but not without a hit to performance. To be honest the best way to achieve it is to allow GPUs to take on the compute load, but again -- there'd be an impact to performance of anything also utilizing the GPU. I read some articles that this could be the approach down the line, but I'm not sure folks who play games would appreciate a reduction in performance to support features they don't want.


This is no longer accurate. Because of the backlash, it will be off by default once they implement it into Windows 11. You have to opt in manually if you want to make use of it now. >On Friday, Microsoft announced it would make changes to Recall in response to feedback.  Along with turning off the feature by default, Microsoft said users will have to use Windows Hello biometric authentication to enable Recall.  Source: https://www.computerworld.com/article/2140187/microsoft-makes-windows-recall-opt-in-after-privacy-security-backlash.html#:\~:text=Microsoft%20will%20make%20its%20Windows,any%20app%20they've%20accessed.


Yeah I saw 2 vids on recall made by Brodie (linux youtuber), apparently recall is only encrypted when your not signed in, but when you are signed in its a plaintext sqlite database somewhere in appdata, doubt too many people outside of the Linux community have seen that video (source (video title): Microsoft recall is worse than we thought) but the linux posts here seem to go back further then the recall announcement. Did they just hate windows 11?


To be fair, that was a beta release people made to work and then scrutinized. It literally was "this beta version was beta".






>as long as your not doing anything illegal or shady encryption feels pointless, compression is what it needs, Care to explain about this? Seems you don't understand what's being discussed. >But then again I for one will just be turning it off if not for any other reason as a screenshot of my 3440x1440 screen every 5 seconds for 3 months will kill my storage space. It's not going to a picture gallery feature... You really know nothing of this besides some headlines huh? Edit: And he removed his link and answer when he realized his error..........




1) You are mixing encryption and don't understand compression. They're already stored compressed, how else do you expect pictures taken that often to last 3 months in the 20 GB expected? 2) Encryption is needed because of the fact those images can be recalled. If any input can be spoofed then have fun doing any banking on that device or using a password manager and accidentally logging into your vault. 3) Snapshotting refers generally to a method of recording change, not recording just screenshots, probably a large reason they can make that 20 GB expectation with a 50 GB max ceiling. 4) What does dark web have with anything to do here? You are confused about the topic at hand I believe. *** Edit: and you just delete this without a word. This is why I dislike you style segger...


>Windows are making a feature called rewind recall, so you can go back and look at screenshots of what you was looking at say 3 months ago, on by default. Last I heard they were changing it to off by default.


... and that is the reason why the people are so upset? Seriously?




Yeah that's one.


And in typical reddit fashion 90% of the people only read the headlines. It's only on CoPilot+ PCs with an NPU. Until June 18th, it's literally a non issue for 100% of the people here. After the 18th it's a nonissue for 99% of people here. I am concerned, though, that Microsoft is going to want a similar technology for non NPU computers. Although that's completely speculative, but within reason of the "fix it if it aint broke" mentality Tech companies have towards adding 'features'


It’s not on by default. Requires biometrics to access. It’s only for copilot pcs. It won’t be shoved on your windows install. So if you go and buy one of these devices, then you know what you’re getting into and people can’t complain.


Man this sub really hates change. Wonder how many people here still refuse to upgrade to windows 11


I don't have that useless chip on my motherboard that is required for W11. And I'm not buying another motherboard just because Microsoft said to. I'll stick with windows 10 until my PC dies. There are zero new features on 11 that could convince me to upgrade even if I had the chip.


I don't hate change. I hate it when things that work, and have been working for decades are changed for no reason, and actually make the experience worse


RIP vertical taskbar.


From what I've seen on /new of people asking if windows 11 is worth the upgrade and the replies they get, genuinely a LOT of people are still on windows 10 and refuse the upgrade. I personally love the changes especially the file explorer changes. They are worth it alone tbh. No longer do I need 15 windows open when missing single player games haha


Microsoft has been pushing people to consider Linux, that's why


It's essentially a ton of linux users trying to convert Windows users by spreading misinformation. These people are aware that the attentionspan and critical thinking process is heavily hampered these days so they simply mention Recall and how they switch because of it and bank on the fact that people don't actually research it to find out that recall won't be existing on any windows machine outside of these copilot+ laptops.


Yes and no. You can run Windows spy free but you need to use some sort of debloater and block Microsoft IPs until you want to do updates. So either way you have to do something to get rid of Microsoft's bs. It's just do you want to go all out and switch to an OS you don't have to worry about with privacy, or do you want to just do the bare minimum or slightly more but have access to more programs?


trying to glaze bimbows can be arguably considered a crime


Linux is like the standing desk of the pc nerds.  Everyone knows its better for you but noone want to deal with the hassle it brings with it(or with the people who’s personality revolves around it)


In my opinion this is a karma farming. People live to be "rebels" against "evil corporation". But it's only post on Reddit. They will not make a switch to Linux.


>They will not make a switch to Linux. at least one will me lol


> They will not make a switch to Linux. as has always been the case with outreach efforts most will ignore you, some will listen and then turn back shortly and a few will stay and join the community. To me if i am 1% successful that would be unexpectedly successful for most other forms of outreach.


you should get your eyes checked. try to use them to expand your mind, your life


Due to recent backlash about copilot, I genuinely want to switch to Linux but I don't wanna give up the convenience of windows


Try dual booting Linux Mint you can always go back


Use a Windows debloater


I debloated my windows to oblivion but this is the dilemma I faced, I don't trust Microsoft even with all the adjustment I made, but even so I can't leave the convenience of it Maybe I'll take the advice and dual boot to get used to Linux first


I have an old TravelMate laptop that got the W10 upgrade back when it was first available. It had issues, because W10 was simply too much for it, had audio crackling issues due to windows eating too much processor time, long load times even after I slapped an SSD in it. I installed Linux Mint with the Cinnamon UI, as it's pretty much looks and works the same as windows' UI, and it has been like that for 4 years. No performance issues, no resource hogging, all of the everyday stuff works perfectly on a 10+ years old core2duo based laptop. It's good.


bc of the windows bullshit screenshot feature showed a few weeks prior for windows 11. that shit was scary.


I mean you CAN still use Windows 11 just get a bloat remover and do IP blocks until you want to do updates then block Microsoft IPs again.


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) Windows 11 continues to be a dumpster fire


Windows going full adsware and spyware?


It's just the linux community acting like they always do.


Surprised to scroll the thread and see no one mentioned windows 11 ads. Yup they are testing ads, and copilot, and ads for copilot, 366 ads, some as for a online service in the image preview. it has just started to become noticeable, enough to interrupt work on occasion. and LLMs just don't need to be integrated into an OS at all there's no good reason other than harvesting free training data and right now they are more annoying than useful.


Because MS has decided to keep making windows worse and worse with every update. I game a lot, so not switching yet. But if the Steamdeck version of steamos (Linux) comes to all PCs, I'm absolutely switching.


Same as most Linux posts waves, Microsoft does Microsoft stuff


windows recall.


I became a full time software developer where Linux made things much easier for me at work. I grew to like Linux more than windows so now all my devices are Linux except for one laptop that is used for windows-only programs


Microsoft is the main reason. And recall is the latest major reason. Windows is just spyware now.


You mean, other than Windows becoming progressively worse?


Copilot Windows Recall news I guess






I think a certain percentage of it is just people *threatening* to change because they're pissed at Microsoft for one reason or the other, but I think most of them probably wouldn't ever really consider changing in real life. And it's more like a kid telling their parents they're going to run away if they don't get their own way about something. Of course some people might make the switch to test out Linux, but a large percentage of them will probably get frustrated with Linux pretty quickly if they've never used it before, trying to get GPU drivers to install and work properly using the command line (*or maybe you can just download them from Nvidia nowadays?*), or trying to install their favourite apps with WINE finding it to be too much trouble and then just switching back to Windows. But if these people dislike Windows they probably won't post here that they tried Linux and didn't like it either. I've installed various versions of Linux myself over the 15-20 years or so, but I eventually find it to be too much hassle and end up switching back to Windows again. But it has been a while, and I'm probably due to give it a shot again soon.


After windows 10's long life and Microsoft killing it softly.. i was just about to install Bazzite ( steam os ) and what stopped me was Fortnite , can't be played on Linux.... EHH SO i installed Windows 11 as a test and now i guess i'm stuck because i signed in with my Microsoft account and it converted my Windows 10 pro key to a Win 11 Pro key and activated my install ! SO now i'm running Windows 11 on an 12 year old system, i have to do 3 registery hacks to get it installed and it's running AMAXING on my old ass i7 3770 CPU Otherwise i would have installed Bazzite Linux.... If it wasn't for the Fortnite and anti-cheat problems that Linux suffers from.


Well alot of us are glad that we are getting better ARM hardware since the SW side of linux on ARM has been ready for years but we lacked modern readily available laptops. Also MS just keeps pulling more BS at a rate not even linux users expected.


It's just linux elitist being annoying as fuck as always


How are we annoying? Yall promote what yall think is best and enjoy messing with the HW side of your systems. We promote what we think is best and enjoy messing with the SW side of our systems. ​ The linux and pcmr communities are way more similar than many would like to admit.


Always goes in cycles :)


Because it’s objectively one of the best kernels… bsd has a bit different strengths but is also good… nt is fucked and outdated since 1993…


More then 1 factor. I think Steam forcing the industry and enabling games on linux plays a big part of it though. On top of that Win11 hardware checks and them trying to force you into windows accounts and all the negative press helps as well. Fear of AI functions probably play a big role as well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Recently, an article went up last week about an upcoming feature on Windows 11 for ARM called Recall that seems like a security nightmare. It's an AI thing that's designed to help you with stuff. It's trained on your routine by taking regular screenshots, transcribing any text it sees into a database, and using that database for behavior prediction. The problem is that it's on by default, and while apps or specific websites within a browser can be excluded, the user has to know about that. The article expounds that the screenshots are saved without a file extension and the database has no encryption beyond bitlocker. What this means is that anyone with access to your PC--whether remotely via malware or physically without your login credentials--can access its records with minimal fuss. This is already a security issue for average users (no reason Recall can't capture your credit card information), it's potentially very dangerous for certain people (for example, closeted queer people in countries where that's a crime or living in home where they'd be left homeless if their parents found out).  The wrinkle is that this report was the result of using Recall on an unsupported device. It requires specific hardware to do the LLM calculations locally--whether this analysis is accurate or not, Microsoft understood from the jump that uploading automatic user screenshots to the cloud for processing was a no-go from the jump--and those machines weren't released by the time of writing. So there's a possibility that this staggering lack of security is an artifact of the hardware being jury rigged instead of purpose built. And a reminder: it's still exclusive to Windows on ARM, so there's no danger you'll wake up one day and discover that your PC has started recording everything you do. But you have to read the whole article for that. The headline will only tell you that Microsoft is screenshotting users constantly via a poorly-advertised, automatic feature.


It's really not that much more than normal. Windows 11 was officially released nearly 3 years ago, but MS only relatively recently announced their subscription policy for continuing to back-support Windows 10, which will have its free support dry up in October 2025, so there's a minor uptick there. But despite what people here think, it has very little to do with gaming support for it. Linux continues to putter along with a dismal market share. I use Linux (daily driver and development), and unix/linux-esque things are what I'm always the most comfortable with (from over 40 years in software engineering), but it'll never go anywhere much more than where it is in terms of general home computing. It's a driver problem, and when I raise this issue even with software engineers, a few words in I'll discover that `they don't even know what a device driver is`, and have certainly never written one. I was writing device drivers even back when it necessitated recompiling the entire kernel. 1. People quoting the companies using linux for servers don't understand what they're talking about. Getting a server to work is *nothing* compared to getting a home personal computer to work when it has to cooperate with arbitrary hardware.....the device driver problem is severe in linux. And those companies rush to Linux for servers mostly because of its tailorability at the source level. 2. People quoting chromeOS/Android similarly do not understand what they're talking about. For all that it matters to the home user, both of those could be sitting on a Windows CE protocol stack. It's not linux, even if linux is underneath. 3. Everyone commonly sees people chime in with "I've been using linux for everything with absolutely no problems". Try to ignore such people. I have too, since the beginning, since *before* the beginning with unix, and even printing with AIO printers is a struggle. And doubly ignore people saying "linux is not unix" as if it means something. It does not.


>absolutely no problems" not even i would say that without a disclaimer that the definition of a problem may vary on an individual basis. That said i have been using linux on everything pretty much my whole life. (younger guy) I am aiming to get a linux capable smart watch working sometime this summer as that is my last non linux device. (currently using a coros pace 2) If that works out i will use a pinephone, pinetab2, rog strix, and whatever watch for a complete linux experience.


People get all evangelical and zealous when they first start using Linux. It’s sort of cringe and tiresome, but they think it’s edgy and cool, so… Linux has barely progressed relative to windows since I first used it in 1996, and I don’t see that changing. They’ll get over it. 🤭


>Linux has barely progressed relative to windows since I first used it in 1996, You are either ignorant, stupid, using a different definition of progressed or evil. When was the last time you used it? Has it not become the basis for countless systems since then? (yes it has) Was something like the steam deck possible in 1996? (no) Was WINE identical in functionality 25+ years ago? (it has improved greatly)


I use Linux every day, and have used it on desktop/laptop intermittently for almost 30 years. I used to run servers built with LFS in ~2000 and currently own a software company that sells Linux-based software, I’m no longer insane enough to run LFS servers. Relative to windows, Linux hasn’t really improved since ‘96. Modern Linux is as comparable annoying compared to Win 11 as Slackware and fvwm95 was to Windows 95.


>LFS servers. I salute you


I ran an lfs desktop around that time too, but got tired of keeping it up to date. It’s a very interesting learning experience though. A bit slow to compile given the machines at the time, but good to go through. I had a dual Celeron 550mhz on an abit bp6. 🤭


>Modern Linux is as comparable annoying compared to Win 11 as Slackware and fvwm95 was to Windows 95. cant say ive spent enough time on any version of windows to compare them but a linux to linux comparison even just over the last 10 years shows tremense improvements.


Sure, but they’ve both improved, that’s sort of my point. I still get give or take the same number of annoyances using desktop Linux that I always did compared to contemporary windows, though its capabilities are vastly better. I miss e14 and early compiz days, though. They were sort of fun.


it is interesting to hear the opinions of someone who has been using it so long. I am a younger guy and son of a longtime user so i was never given a windows computer. In linux i get a dozen different people blog posts on how to solve an issue but on Windows I am told it should just work or that i am stupid and should just call MS.


I grew up using a very wide range of 8 and 16 bit machines (Sinclair, amstrad, commodore, Amiga, acorn, msdos, win311), which probably informs how I view oses and desktops and the like, I’ve used so many I’m fairly critical of all of them. I’m not sure I know anyone who has ever called Microsoft for windows stuff, but asmongold mentioned his mum doing that so I guess it’s an American thing. 🤷‍♂️ These days honestly I find the whole market annoying. No one makes a laptop I want to use, and even though it’s the least annoying, windows gets stupider every update. The whole win8 tablet-obsession thing was a real fuckup, and I legit converted several machines to manjaro during that period.