• By -


Usually cases are designed for the PSU to suck air from the bottom (from underneath the case), not from the top, but with enough air from the front fans this will work too.


Just chiming in to say that I had a similar setup to OP before with one intake and one out on the top, and my airflow turned out to be TRASH. Changed it up to be as you described, air in from the front and bottom, out from the back and top, and it actually had a pretty measurable positive impact on performance.


Iirc having that intake on top would interfere with the gpu exhaust


no, it's interfering with the gpu intake, it sucks air in with the fans, aswell as the psu does, the exhaust is either on top or back where your ports are and is passive.


In my Fractal Design Meshify 2 I have 3 fans on top and I put the first one as intake which improved my temps because otherwise it was pulling air out before it even got to any component.


I love how those comments ignore Saddam Hussain and go on to have a serious discussion about airflow.


How much heat does a psu usually create? Would it be safe to use it to cooler the gpu?


A lot of modern PSU's have a silent mode, and don't turn on the fan until the components hit 50c. With the fan in the top most position, your letting convection carry that 50c heat straight up, until the fan kicks on, at which point, it will be pulling air form inside of the case, then exhausting it out the back of the PSU.


>With the fan in the top most position, your letting convection carry that 50c heat straight up This really depends on the case fan setup. With a positive-pressure configuration, the pressure from the intake fans may overcome the convection and exhaust air from the back of the PSU in the "normal" way.


Convection is negligible in most pc case scenario because of fans


Convection is actually a really, really, really minor force compared to the fans actively moving air


Like a GPU fan, pulling it right on up.


Ah yes. You are right. Brain fart. I guess a duct or something would be better to cool the gpu from the front or bottom of the case.


You can't use a PSU to cool your GPU, at least not without some very strange mounting. It exhausts air from the back where the mains plug is.


There's no way for a psu to push air into the case that I'm aware of. They're mostly set up to take air in from one side (either case interior or outside and exhaust the heated air outside of the case)


>There's no way for a psu to push air into the case that I'm aware of. Not since the original ATX spec IIRC, which had the PSU fan as the primary intake for the entire PC. And maybe those Hiper Type-R PSUs with the perforated metal cases, they dumped a decent bit of heat into the case.


Mr Hussein might restrict airflow to the GPU. Maybe consider moving him downstairs where the drivebays are (of there's enough room)


but then the bricks and rubble would get in the way


He’d also need a fan which would cause some problems given the Drivebay has 0 airflow


maybe the vent could fix that




Shameful ,,dogs barking and caravans passing by,,






I fucking love this reaction image. The actor did such a good job bringing life to the scene.


whats the context for it?


IIRC, the POV is from the main character who sat on a chocolate in the car on the way to church, and it looked like he shit his pants. So he wrapped something around his pants to hide it, but I forgot the exact details after that.


Gregory heffley sat on a chocolate bar on the way to church, thus leaving a brown stain on his pants. He used his mother's shirt tied around his waist to cover said stain but while walking into church it had fallen off. (Or it was taken off by his mischievous and heckling older brother Roderick Heffley, forgive the inaccuracy as the effect time has on my memory becomes ever increasing). Therefore while walking down the pews in church it had looked as though Gregory heffley, a child obsessed with his own image, had evicted his intestinal systems, which causes great distress to his close friend and rebel-in-arms Rowley; Such is the very distress and character seen in this graphics interchange format.




I would personally place saddam under the air cooler


Ncd is leaking again




That’s implying it was ever contained


We are inevitable.


PSU should be sucking air from the bottom and the top should be exhaust or intake only (usually exhaust). Don't mix.


This. That top front intake is canceling out your top rear exhaust by blowing cool intake air directly into it. I'd remove it and wouldn't swap it to exhaust. That'd just end up pulling out cool intake air before it can do you any good.




What’s Saddam doing in there?




Homies right in front of those intakes, he's chilling alright.


Turning into mummy jerky. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAur04gWg3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAur04gWg3s)




Add more blue arrows to cool it more.


https://preview.redd.it/vm67hf8ue06d1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=63400f423e0ba2597519c8f0275c92c7b6ca04f4 Hot goes up. I would put the second top fan as an extract too, or BETTER, REMOVE BOTH. And the PSU should suck outside air from the bottom. Edit: Capital letters for idiots spamming me. YES YOU NEED POSITIVE PRESSURE, I WROTE THAT 20 TIMES, I PERSONALLY DO NOT PUT FANS ON THE ROOF BECAUSE IT IS USELESS, I EXPLAINED THAT, WHAT I DRAWN IS THE RULE OF THUMB FOR AIRFLOW, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.


The topside fan you've switched to out (top front, front top?!) will suck air away from the CPU cooler, reducing its efficacy. Tech Jesus himself has mentioned this, most recently in their latest computex videos. Intake or remove.


Hot air rising effect is so insignificant that it zero impact on temperatures unless it's passively cooled PC. In OP case there are 10/11 fans blowing completely overpowering whatever can rise


Issue with 1 intake and 1 exhaust fan on top is circulating air. Hot air goes out one fan and gets sucked right back in again before it has a chance to cool down.


This is the optimal way, dont listen to anyone else, its simple physics


Fans overcome convection in pc cases


Finally the only actual comment that has any brain power put into it. How after all this time and all of this info people still seem to think the heat rises matters in a case


Still got downvoted for pointing out the truth


Reddit is a strange place. I think too many people watch YouTube content creators and get/stay misinformed. There are a few that point out the heat rises/convection arguments but that doesn't get views.


Yeah, the super technical guys aren't as "fun". Youtube also propigates psu misinformation as well for some reason. People will say peak efficiency is 50-70% when I've never seen a model that peaks over 50%. People also tweak about peak efficiency when the difference is often less than 5%


The problem is the intake and exhaust next to each other on the top are likely to create turbulence and reduce effectiveness. There could be a different flow, but the original layout is likely to have reduced performance... And an overheating PSU


Only if the air is caught in the airflow though, if there are pockets of turbulence, that warm air will still slowly rise. I think no fans at the top is the best option. Better for positive pressure, less noise, and as you have said most of the air is flowing laterally through the case, so a small amount will naturally flow out the top, and any stagnant trapped air will also move toward the top. While not significant, there is still some temperature gradient.


Positive pressure is where it's at. That is my main focus when doing fans


Why, it's so simple any schmuck can figure it out




Me neither.


I have mine currently set up like your correction, but I have to say that the top front fan as exhaust does nothing. There’s a measurable difference (feel but also with temperature gauge) between the top back and back back but nothing of note from the top front. I’m probably going to flip it into intake soon because of it.


>I’m probably going to flip it into intake soon because of it. If your PC is is on desk or has plenty of space above it, go for it. If it's crammed under desk with limited space, I'd just remove that fan instead of potentially sucking warm air back in.


Oh for sure. Top is free and clear.


It's pulling air away from the CPU fan intake side, so worse than nothing, it's actively detrimental to CPU cooling.




I thought you wanted more intake than exhaust, positive pressure, dust


2 intakes and 3 exhausts are fine, fast air flow, with psu in correct position, just like the drawing.


Wouldn't OP's PSU be upside down if its drawing case air (in most typical modern ATX cases)? Mines like this: [https://i.imgur.com/foGj9rf.png](https://i.imgur.com/foGj9rf.png) Fractal Meshify 2 Compact, with properly oriented GPU holder.


That's why you don't buy roof fans, useless. Get bigger front intakes if anything. More diameter less noise btw.


I wouldn't use the top right fan at all, it's only removing cool air that the cpu could use.


Why do you have a red dead body inside your PC case?


Fixes internal pc parts in case they get unplugged


that's Saddam Hussein. He js chilling


I think it's fine, just make sure to hide the entrance with bricks and rubble


"Mr. President, we found him"


This is good, but test it. Ive got 2 machines in a similar configuration and they’re always cool. 3 intake, 2 outake in the same positions. (5x 120mm fans w/3:2 in:out). I tried the configurations that the users here suggest. Ie. the top fans are used for outtake, and the psu is flipped. 2 machines had negative pressure and were vacuum cleaners at the back near the GPU. I tested with incense and flipped the fans one by one until I stopped the suction. The result was 2 machines that look like this. I’d expect the machine to have slightly positive pressure, but check with incense. There are some good videos on YouTube that explain how/why, etc. Edit: I don’t have a Saddam figurine in any of my machines.


Yeah this is the answer. I also tested different setups. And this one was pretty good, but I was still getting negative pressure back near GPU when the fans kicked in. Also tried two top exhaust, top rear exhaust and blocked top. They were worse. Single top rear wasn't that bad but the air pressure near GPU was too much negative it sucked air under GPU a lot. So I decided to go with two top intakes and air nar back of the GPU is blowing air out or around neutral when GPU kicks in. Testing with incense is good advice. I used lighter 😅 and was looking at which direction flame was leaning. Not the safest solution but worked pretty sweet. :D




Definitely this one OP. I use this config in a Meshify C with 140mm intake and 120mm exhaust so there is optimal airflow but still slight positive pressure. My setup is so good that back when I had a Wraith Prism on my CPU my temps were lower than some eople had on big air coolers or A2W coolers; 3700X at 21C ambient - 24C idle and 55C under load. I fitted a Dark Rock Pro 4 and saw NO CHANGE to temperatures, only noise. TLDR; people spend a fortune on fancy coolers and overlook case cooling.




# Does my pc airflow good?


why is saddam hussein in the living room?


Good night Mr. Hussein.


Who saw this too? https://preview.redd.it/1cos6agkl26d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a532471f74bf1520540568ac31fa067697722a8


https://preview.redd.it/8j7i5xml356d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dccad4b826b6f88ac5d0a5a6f930ee1b8ff9ef8 This should be the way


I'd run a bench mark without the top fans to compare.


Is this a repost? I recall the Saddam joke before, and it also had this intake/exhaust combo at the top


Top fans should blow out, if one is pushing and the other is pulling, you are creating turbulence, which is not good for airflow.


The intake on top is a bit weird, I would probably change that to be exhaust, since you don't want dust getting in. Also, hot air rises, so it's more sensible to aid the hot air in getting out at the top, rather than sucking it back in to 'cool' the PC. Surprised you didn't go for a liquid AIO for the 14700K, but it isn't necessary.


Actually intake in front of the air cooler will help cpu temps Definitely don’t make it exhaust, that will just steal cool intake air from the air cooler


I'd say keep the top intake, lose the top exhaust. Plenty of positive pressure in the case


PSU intake is wrong. You're going to be blowing hot air into it. Flip the PSU, the bottom of the case will have air holes where the PSU is supposed to be.


WEll... it's hard to say


Just switch the one upper intake fan to exhaust and you should be good


What's with the homie laying on his back on the bottom??


Why do you have one fan intake and exhaust on top?


Easy, always heat up (Top) and out. Cold bottom (Low) and in


You can blow cigarette smoke thru one fan and see it flow through the case. Also cigarette smoke is not good for your machine.




Recirculation on top will be putting warm air back in into intake of your CPU. Flip one of the fans so the top is intake only, or exhaust only. Alternatively, remove one of the top fans completely. You need positive pressure on that setup, so balance the fan speeds accordingly (done in UEFI directly or via FanControl software or via connecting dedicated hardware fan controllers)


I'd worry less about the airflow, more about the national security threat


I’m concerned that you have a small man inside your PC. He looks like he may require medical attention.


https://preview.redd.it/cgki0rt9o66d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cdaad80334bdd5e153d16e5075592af40d8f142 An Ideal airflow would be like this. But this case is much more negative airflow. So maybe higher chances of getting dust inside the case but usually unlikely if you take good care of it.


Saddam Hussain helps with FPS.


Perfect configuration except the power supply fan should be facing down


Where should he move Saddam Hussein tho?


You don't have enough husseins


That's a no for me dawg


I'll just remove the top intake one and be done with it. Or make the all the top exhaust then lower the fan exhaust speeds, then maybe increase intake fan speeds.


I would flip the PSU so it draws from the bottom. The top vents should both be the same. Probably exhaust. If you have it like the way you do then what will likely happen is the intake would be sucking up the hot exhaust air and putting it back into your case.


Move the top intake to the bottom.


I have my psu facing the same way, fractal north case has holes for the fan. Keeps my from forgetting about the filter and accidentally baking my psu. Flip that red fan on the top and it's good.


Double check your intake direction on the PSU, generally they pull air from the outside into the case. Outer air is colder, after all. Then, think about the air that is getting entrained above the case, the currents are fighting amongst themselves and are diminished as a result. It might affect temps, but the currents fighting is a waste of power (and negligible extra wear). For fans that close just decide if you want the top to be exhaust or intake, not a mix. Remember that all heat in the case rises, so having high exhausts is built on good principles. This diagram needs exhaust arrows on the GPU and PSU, as it helps illustrate the currents better. There's a clear flow of air from the lower-front of the case to the upper-back, pretty bang on for what you want. To get a "right" answer you'd need to run benchmarks for the fan, flipped or not, see what gets better temps under load.


This is a useful video https://youtu.be/dLX54ounENY?si=gTyOESwd7cJYCkrE


This play is going to take the Chicago bears to the superbowl


Bottom to top, front to back. Bottom and front in, top and back out.


This is a Sadam Hussein reference?????????


Can you help me understand?


Not long ago people started using the diagram used to show Saddam Hussein's hiding place as a meme. It spread and now there are so many variations of the meme. Here is another example: https://preview.redd.it/i4ezupexw06d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b0dda85567a7717f472a412823875f1139d863


This is a good configuration. I'd stick with it. Make sure your m.2s are getting something.


I'd let the PSU do its own thing, take in cool air from below and push it out the back, it simplifies things, and you know that you're not going to blow it up with hot air if the case temp gets too high. Besides that you're probably as good as can be expected.


When in doubt just intake front & under and exhaust top & back. No gimmick or tricks. Unless you 3d print parts to maximize custom airflow.


Top and left should be exhausts Front and bottom should be intakes


Top and back should be exhaust the rest intake


Does spider has puss puss?


No, the intake outtake fans on the same side create too much turbulence.


Mr Hussein at that size may be an issue as he could get into the fans. Oh, and the top two fans may cause turbulence which isn't good. 8/10, nice beefy PSU.


You may think it flows this way, but it likely doesn't. GN covers this in depth.


Me looking at it from a top down view making no sense


Turn both top fans facing out


it's always better to use the upper Fans for exhaust, it's not really a problem, but it would be more efficient.


The only reason I have this exact set up is because I meant to make both top fans exhaust, but put them in the wrong way. But I'd have to remove my giant cpu cooler in order to flip it around. So I said fuck it. No cooling issues at all though.


Seems like solid airflow, but you may wanna fumigate your house. Looks like you've got Husseins.




No this is Patrick


It blows


Flip the psu if you have a bottom vent. Keep it closed air loop. Remove the bottom front case option. Use both top case vents for intake. Boom, positive pressure cooling.


i had a similar airflow in my case, if the ram gets enough airflow it should be fine, funny enough since i had an aio ram was overheating


why the red guy is in your case?


*Does my PC have good airflow.


Your airflow do good, need fan flip psu


No power supply is upside down and make the top fan exaust


Looks good. That's a positive airflow setup. You can tweak the fan rpm in the bios so that your intakes push more air in than your exhausts can handle so the remaining hot air will seek to leave the case out of every nook and cranny in the case.


Just remove the top fans, don't over complicate. 2 or 3 fans in front for intake and 1 in the back for exhaust. Without counting the cpu cooler.


Don’t think so. It’s drawn in paint, in 2D.




Front to back, bottom to top. Good rule


Should keep any would be ousted dictators cool.


I need a 3d printed Saddam I can put in my PC now


Isn’t the PSU flipped over? The fan should be at the bottom. In addition to that the second top fan (right), is set it as exhaust. Just because hot air goes up. Don’t want to make it throw in air it just threw out (with the top left fan for example).


1. Would move the top intake closer to the left and change it to be an exhaust, in that case more heat extraction the better since they are closer to a heat source than the front intakes. Just make sure you tune your fan curves to make slight positive air pressure for dust control (intake RPM faster than exhaust). 2. Invert your PSU to have its own intake from the bottom, GPU and PSU will fight for fresh air and create unnecessary hotspots from the turbulence, 1200 Watts is overkill btw if you don't plan to upgrade in the future. 3. I believe your case' ODD Bay can be removed to make room for another intake fan to balance the no. 1 setup or move the top intake to be a front intake instead. 4. Please move Mr. Hussein to a proper shed to hide him.


Damn't that's a large case if the human is to scale


you're probably good, but the best way will be to test. to test, you really only gotta test at a few points. run some strenuous task or game, and let it run long enough to heat up the system. then stick your hands a few inches from the exhaust. it should feel warm, but not super hot. the other thing to test with is [HWMonitor](https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html). fire it up before you start your game. it'll track the Max temps. sometimes Max temp will hit before the fans kick to full. so don't worry too much about it. but check the current temps against the Max temps. make sure they're reasonable (like 70-80C for GPU, roughly the same for CPU though it might be a tad warmer). if all that's good, then your airflow is good. but really the best way to test airflow is to feel the exhaust after running the PC hard. it should feel warm, but not super hot.


Top fans are usually useless, so is Saddam.


Overall looks good but I'm not sure Saddam Hussein and PSU is getting enough fresh air, might wanna check on that.


This is a repost.


Didn't even see him at first, had to scroll back up after reading comments Very good hiding spot indeed


“Does” you know engrish?


The pull down away from the GPU and the GPU pulling up will cause churn, but fortunately there's no way you put your PSU in upside down, since they're almost all designed to pull air from under the case, upwards, which is the way yours will work too. With the arrows going the way they actually will, this is a fine positive airflow setup, I'd swap your top intake to exhaust though, keep things consistent and balanced.


Sadam gonna be freezing


"Your computer has virus" ahh title


Pretty sure I saw this exact meme a year ago.


I bought a case that everyone said airflow was bad. I have no issues running triple a games at max settings… Don’t over think it.


Reminds me of this video https://youtu.be/cmmiLv8oJCI?si=5qO01-WAdLs97I6t


I thought for a moment this was a house plan


Am i the only one to see dash spider cuz I'm a dumb fuck and I hav no idea what this means?


your anti gpu sag saddam Hussein just fell


Why is there a corpse in your PC?


No, you cannot have good airflow in a 2 dimensional pc


Why is there a random figure lying down and why tf does everyone keep referring to it as being Saddam Hussein???


You have a positive pressure setup provided all int/ext & ext/int flow roughly the same, which is ideal. Makes it way easier to filter fans, stop fluff and dust ingress.


https://preview.redd.it/h20xf158346d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d859d8cb617d79c8fc43cec2a4774521901515 Don’t want to add another post but I kinda just threw this thing together and didnt research anything, am I getting optimal airflow? Bottom two are 140mm and the 2 floating fans are part of the cpu cooler


Hot air rises, do with that as you will.


I'd personally flip the PSU upside down (will steal air from the GPU) and have that random inlet on the top being an exit fan


Saddam Hussein


Move Saddam Hussein between PSU and HDD bay, everything else is okay..


no, the top blue one must be moved somewhere else as intake, or removed completely.


shouldn't the top be only exhaust?


PSU should intake air from outside. Not from inside. Swap it and it all will be good.


The Corsair is sucking the air in from the top and exhausting into the bottom. You need a red arrow going out in the bottom left corner. Top of the case, decide which direction you want the air to travel and put both fans in that direction. If you buy and install a hardware fan controller you can get a model that has temperature probes. You run a piece of plastic from the controller through the case to where you want it to get the reading. It is a very helpful tool for understanding the effects of your airflow.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khfD-c6No0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khfD-c6No0Q) Quite a helpful video. You have the correct setup. If you can get rid of the ODD bay, you might be able to put another intake fan.


Flip the psu, that way it has it seperate air cylcle (if your case allows that).


I’d get a better case, since this looks like a pretty dated design, with the obsolete ODD bay. Modern cases are way better for pretty much everything except for the front bays. I would run both top fans in exhaust to avoid sucking in dust, but you might end up with negative case pressure unless you lower the RPM for them and increase it for the rear exhaust. I would also flip the PSU around so that it is getting its own air supply instead of fighting the GPU for air




Just because a case has a space for a fan doesn’t mean you need to use it. I would get rid of the top intake fan completely and flip the psu upside down so long as there’s an opening for air. Tbh you could even get rid of the top exhaust too and be fine.


I would probably flip the psu if the case has bottom ventilation, and also flip the top right fan to be exhaust because I think it is just going to catch the heated air from the top left fan and recirculate it


I thought this was a hotline miami level


human for scale?


Flip the PSU and the forward top fan and you're good.


Does anyone realise Saddam Hussein just chilling in the case?


Nope. You have several conflicting airflows. You will be circulating hot air. Also, the RTX 4070 -- is it a Reference card or does it have a shroud with several fans? You don't show where the hot air is exiting that GPU. I suspect it's not a Reference one, meaning you will be circulating even more hot air around inside your case.


Is the human for scale?


Is that red thing a human


May wish to obliterate the national security threat first