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You mean this one? I also have a wireless g502 at the office. The main post are only what I have at home. :) https://preview.redd.it/q99qb7l5p66d1.png?width=2311&format=png&auto=webp&s=9117c942bd2e549cf2ca1a940fe34eebf7f8b98d


G502 are elite, but, what is that color pattern? Never seen that.


It’s the G502 SE HERO


G502 SE. not entirely sure but might've been exclusive to amazon, at least at the beginning. Came at a bargain price with a lower quality cable than the OG G502 (non-braided or braided but much thinner than OG), and redesigned scroll wheel (more solid and resistant to wear and corrosion from sweat etc - that's what killed my OG)


As somebody with multiple PCs and uses their mouse for work and games--there is no better mouse on the planet than the MX Master


MX Master is probably my favourite work mouse. Perfectly adequate for gaming and great size, but I personally think it has a heavy click for fast paced games. I have found for work, my muscle memory relies on the MX Master however.


The MX Master 2, MX Master 3, and G305 are on the top of her pick list right now. I have to bring home a G502 light speed for her to try tomorrow. She likes the MX 3 the most so far slightly better curve and smaller so fits her hand better, but doesn’t like that it doesn’t “click”.


Bought MX Master 3S for work (3D CAD/Garment rendering) and didn’t think it could game well. Tried it on PC to get some desk space back, holy crap I loved it and haven’t looked back!! Ergonomics are amazing IMO and super easy to switch from work comp to gaming rig!!


Absolutely agree, I have an MX master 3 and it's the best mouse I ever used


> Absolutely agree, I have an MX master 3 and it's the best mouse I ever used I agree that the MX Master 3S is awesome and definitely worth it, but since no one's mentioned it, I'd recommend also trying the Logitech Lift mouse. The Master 3S is quite comfortable, but the Lift feels even more comfortable. It also feels a little lighter, and the buttons are even quieter than the Master 3S.


I actually tried the lift, I guess it's not for me, I am way too used to a regular mouse, and gaming on it was completely impossible.


Peak design I don’t know where I would be in life without my MX Master S


Yeah, as someone who doesnt have baby hands, the design and slightly larger size compared to many of the other gaming mouses is \*chefs kiss\*


good selection, but I'd put a g502 in there as well.


I have two at the office. Everyone keeps taking about them, so now I have to bring one home for her to try.


It's one of the world's most praised gaming mice for a reason. Overall great shape and size catering to most palm sizes and grip types, thumb rest is something I personally can't live without anymore, and if you scroll a lot, the switchable free-spin mode is a miracle. If they made mx master with same polling rate and latency, to me that would be the ultimate, as I prefer large and heavy mice, but the g502 is sitting at the sweet spot to be good enough for me to be a daily driver 80% of the time, swapping for the mx master for heavy 'work' (excel, web, graphics) use. Extra bonus, once you configure it in the software to your liking and store the settings in the mouse, you can get rid of it and don't need to ever touch it again.


> the switchable free-spin mode is a miracle It's so frickin' useful for 3D modeling! While my coworkers are walking around their models, I'm flying around mine!


I use a 3DConnexion brand space mouse for 3D O.O


As an avid 502 enjoyer it's fantastic


I just switched to the wireless version and use my wired for work now.


and a Viper Mini


I have a Razer Viper Mini mouse :)


G305 easy answer. I got mine 3 years ago when I got my g14 white and I saw a white Logitech mouse. My laptop no longer works well but the mouse holy shit this thing doesn’t die. I don’t even know if I ever changed the battery. Once it got a blinking red light on it and then all of a sudden it just disappeared. This is the Toyota hilux of computer mice.


Older mouses seemed to last longer. Logitech also used to be way more easy going on warranty replacements too.


Don't want to be that person, but just for future reference, it's mice, not mouses


I get where you are going, but I think it is a nice distinction between live animals - mice - and computer accessories - mouses. Even some tech places categorize it as such.


However, in the context of computer peripherals, "mouses" is sometimes used to refer to multiple computer mice, though "mice" is also widely accepted in that context.


It kinda makes grammatical sense no? Fish = multiple (or one) of the same species, fishes for different species. Mouses = many different models, mice = many copies of the same model. Maybe I'm too high for this but it made sense in my head.


I'm not the one to judge. Even though I consider myself fluent, English is not my native language. I just think that unless you are talking to a single-braincell person, they will understand the context


Ooh yeah never thought of that


It's been a bit, maybe 2 years, but I tried replacing one of my keycaps for the G915 TKL since it got scratched. They said they only currently had a white keycap and asked me if I wanted that one or if I was willing to wait. I said I was fine with waiting, soon after they said they didn't want me to wait and send me a new G915 TKL, didn't even have to return the old keyboard, my brother is now using that one and doesn't mind that a small piece of the "S" keycap was chipped off lol. Just recently send back my G Pro X Superlight mouse though, the scroll wheel wasn't working properly after around 11 months, tomorrow I'll receive a new one. The mouse wasn't directly bought from Logitech.


>It's been a bit, maybe 2 years, but I tried replacing one of my keycaps for the G915 TKL since it got scratched. I had a G910 Orion Spark that started to get chatter in a few keys. This chatter only started to occur a few months after the warranty period ran out which meant that I couldn't RMA it.


I'm sorry to hear that; that sucks. My situation was pretty funny. My brother kept telling me I was wasting my time trying to get a replacement keycap, but it ended up with me getting a new keyboard and him getting my old one, lol.


The blinking red light is the battery low indicator. You're saying it just went away? Magic.


Came here to comment about G305. Great one indeed!


Unfortunately mine fell victim to double click. I loved that mouse but decided to upgrade to something else. Really appreciated that battery life and how well it fit in my hand.


G604 lightspeed has been serving me well


Best and most versatile mouse ever made imo. No other mouse offers Bluetooth/light speed with 6 side buttons and a great 25k sensor. I broke mine a couple months ago and am seriously considering buying a used one on eBay for $160.


It's my favorite mouse. Im gonna cry when mine dies.


since the 604 doesn't use an internal battery, it's less likely to die from that, if the switches die (like mine) you can replace them, not super easily, but they can be replaced with a bit of soldering


Disassembling the sucker took me ages to replace the bouncing buttons. Never thought a mouse can be build with that many parts. Totally worth it


Yeah, like idk wtf was going through their head, I’ve taken apart a couple of mice and the g604 is definitely one of the more annoying to do so


Is there any other mouse close to it?


It was the same for me with my G9. i would have payed almost everything to get one new. It had so a uniq shape, i had a wile to be comfortable with the g502.


I love my 602 with all the side buttons. Me left hand almost never leaves WASD because I've got all my hotkeys set up there. I got it for like $25 on sale on Amazon, and I wish I bought 7 of them, cause when this one dies, I'm gonna just keep fixing it.


It’s a shame it’s EOL. Mine is starting to fail and I can’t replace it.


I'm 2 years with my 604 after nearly a decade with a g700 that I loved dearly. If I could have bought a new g700 I would have but the 604 has been great so far. I don't like thinking about having to replace it


Dude I’m in the exact same boat and just wrote nearly the same comment (my g700 lasted 8 years). No other mouse does the design those two have done. I have an unopened 604 in my closet for the day this one dies. I’m not gonna be left high and dry like when my 700 finally croaked


Oh no. Same situation here. It's been my favorite work/gaming combo mouse to date.


Wait, the 604 or the 602 is eol?




Other brands are avaliable.


Sure, but Logitech is a classic for a reason. They know what they're doing and the prices are good for the quality that they offer


> quality They haven't been good since 2010


I use G602 (top left) for over 10 years. Every two years I need to disassemble it, disassemble left button switch, bend springy metal a little and use some fine sandpaper on contact surfaces to eliminate double click. I tried different mice, but this one is perfect.


Ive never had an issue with it and its been over 10 years Now its my work mouse


I use it for work and light gaming, everyday. It is what it is.


Its a nice mouse


The G305 is a great choice. It’s like a charge once every 4 months. I’ve had it since Christmas of 2023 and i’ve only changed the battery’s once.


G903 all the way, looks cool and absolutely uncomfortable, but is actually quite comfy. Let us know what she decides! Super curious!!!!!


MX Master. Every. Single. Time


In the same with keyboards lol, can’t stop buying them.


I blame Slickdeals for fueling my addiction.


I can't stop using the G502s. I've got them at work and at home. So comfy for me!


Agreed. I love my g502x!


I have the mx master 2s, and love it. Got a good deal on it for Christmas


Goes for a Magic Mouse.


where g502


I've got a collection of keyboards.


Don’t get me started. lol. My daughter already built her own custom keyboard not long ago. https://preview.redd.it/eaeg5jdlv66d1.png?width=4021&format=png&auto=webp&s=d387bffcee6f574d28a6b917c9b13de3ef262775


That MX Master 3S is easily my favorite mouse of all time. Have one at work and then bought one for home.


The Logitech Anywhere X is the best one I've ever used. Not enough mice incorporate the free spinning mouse wheel thing... Now I need to get one again since you got me thinking about it.


I really like the Anywhere mouse. It’s my “on the road” choice, packs easily and works well on basically any surface.


I was about to ask about the Anywhere, I need a new on-the-road mouse. Thanks!


Mx master 2 the best for work and gaming (unless you have RAT8)..


Bottom right. That's my favorite. I've been using one for 10 years with zero issues. It's the only mouse I've ever had that didn't start developing issues in less than 2 years.


It’s great as non-gaming mouse. :)


Top right (Lenovo, correct?) just feels more natural than the others when used with netbooks. It's not good for gaming, though


I need a more Vintage flavor. The G9x Lazer if you have that. Pairs so well with my hand.


The G900 series is great.


Had a G402 for years. Replaced it with a Razer Basilisk (wanted to go wireless). Both are solid choices.


Why though


Mx master for office work, g502 for gaming but im also starting to like the g pro Wireless




G602 supremacy


Nice collection, but modern day Logitech? I've had very meh luck with them to say the least. I wish I was exaggerating but around 5 years ago I purchased and subsequently returned 5 different Logitech mice in a 6 month period because they all ended up suffering from double click within roughly a month of light use. I ended up settling on a SteelSeries Rival after the 5th return, swapping the stock pads with ceramics, and that thing has been trucking right along like a champ since then. The only modern day Logitech mouse I still have that has never exhibited any problems is my Logitech G600 MMO which my better half uses full-time. I do still have a (now 15 years old?) original Logitech G19 that still works perfectly to this day, but it has been retired due to needing keys that I'd rather not replace at this point given its age.


Logitech has gotten super complacent recently, their mice are the only things worth checking out anymore. And that's largely because powerplay was such a damn powermove back in the day, that they decided that's all they need now. Their recent 60% keyboard has been heavily criticized to be a good keyboard if it came out in 2019, it's not even comparable to other keyboards in the current market. I still believe in the ergonomic designs of the logitech mice though, so until I find a competitor that has some crazy innovation that outperforms logitech, or even has similar/better ergonomics (for my hands), I'm cool with buying logitech mice. Buy the product, not the brand.


I have had the M280 for 2 years, the battery with that it came with lasted more than a year, there is no noticeable delay, ergonomic, constant and rough use and a couple of falls and it has no problems of any kind, 100/10


G502 hero


"couple" Dude this is like a whole batch of testing supplies.


G305 >


at least they aren't expensive mice


Let me buy your g604 from you! It's my favorite mouse of all time and the only mouse that works perfectly for me. It isn't being made anymore so you can only find used ones on eBay.


G502 Lightspeed for play, and Hero for work. 733 for headphones (935 broke). The current keyboard is the Wireless G915 TKL with a couple of G512s for backup.


Steelseries mice are just more dursble, logitech also does not feel as good in the hand as my steelseries.


Love the 604 but the switches are awful. They start double clicking within a month


No g5xx series mouse? I's by far the most famous Logi mouse series with the biggest following. And G502 Lightspeed is actually my daily, after owning almost as this much Logi mouse.


Where’s the G502?!


Why do you have so many mice? Just seems like a huge waste of materials or materialism.


What are two most right bottom specimens?


The Purple one Dad


Only one is close to what I use, and I wouldn't like thst particular one. I currently rock the Steel Series Sensei ten. Waiting for them to decide to release the next version.


I did this with my current girlfriend. She liked the G502.. but since that's my main mouse I had to order her a new one. So the other 20 mice are continuing to gather dust.


no razer mouse? thanks, but none for me


Just for you. ;) https://preview.redd.it/zoagpv17w66d1.png?width=2383&format=png&auto=webp&s=f120afc703d2854cefa295652fe2400d99563e1f


same i have at home :)


I really miss my g700s. Loved that mouse so much and haven’t found one that comes close to it.


I actually like the cheap TeckNet mice. I have a similar one to the purple unit on the left.


They a make a descent mouse. Two of these are technets. I think the purple one is close to 10 years old and still works fine!


is logitech g203 good


“Which mouse do you want?” “Yes”


I'm scared of the day my g900 dies...


G903 severely underrated.


And they all double click, which is why you have so many.


I would love an mx master. If only they made left handed models


MX2 , it works on everything except white. also bumping the right mouse button against something doesn't generate a click like a lot of others including the MX3 the ridges on the sides are really useful for that. the page back/forward sucks though but I don't use that a lot. Ed: also at the bottom you can switch between unified and bluetooth, my screen can use bluetooth so I can use my mouse on there easily and switch on the fly.


I would add the Pebble, i use it for mobility work aside a MX3s and is good when I just have to office/browsing


I did the same for my kids but with headphones


But none of them is pink daddy


Superlight where?


That mx3 is bliss


G903 SE Lightspeed wireless is giving me trouble. Double clicking and ghost clicking :(


Top left mouse please. One of my favorites for the amount of customizable buttons!


I only ever owned two mices haha (g400 and g502)


G903 Gang


Put her up for adoption if she turns down the MX


G203 is my favorite. Simple, big enough for my hand, elegant. Got like 3 extras waiting for me to smash the current one during a League game :)


Mx master 3 is the only mouse you ever need. Perfect for gaming, audio production, and general use. Cant think of any reason you would use anything else other than if youre really small as it is somewhat weighty 


I miss the g700


Not the M275 😭


No g502??


Ähm there are also other brands existing rather then logitech, you know that right 😅🤔


The g602 is a banger.


I love my g604 to the death. Best mouse i have ever owned hands down


I don't mean to sound like a snob but these mice look BORING. You should get a Swiftpoint Z2. I bet you haven't seen anything like it before. I own 3 now...


They stopped making the g604 :(


big fan of my mx anywhere 2, have had it for around 5 years, and it still has great battery life and functions perfect. very small mouse, but it's for travel, so it's justified.


Razer Deathadder Elite, it has been 5 years and i feel like eveything else is not comfortable for me.


The OG Logitec G Pro was the best one imo. Still using it today.


Do you remember that one with the three mouse buttons, roller ball, and no scroll wheel? I think it was called the Logitech Wingman. That was an awesome quake, TF classic, counter strike beta 3.1 era mouse. 😆


Mx master 2s is the goat!


What do you think of the Mx 2s vs 3s?


Hmm... no G502 ?


Literally spilled coffee 2 seperate times on my 6 year old wired g203 (basically the same as the g305, just older and wired) and it still works without any issues. Best 25€/$ purchase ive ever made. In fact, i bought another one for my laptop and spilled coffee once over that one too... i shouldnt drink coffee at my desk perhaps. But they work fine, so props to Logitech!


Jesus Christ. We get it, you’re rich


No 2 from the top and no 2 from bottom are what my hand is most comfy with. The slight left hand lip is very kind for my thumb to rest on. Corsair is particularly kind for this to my experience


I'll take the MX Master. Super comfortable for my big hands Should put in my one from college (16 years old) still works flawless and used daily still. Have a new one for my desk but kids can't complain about free


Bottom middle is my go to


Whatever you do do not get her one with a thumb button. The reason I am saying this is because when I play games specifically I have a tendency to grip my mouse a little bit harder and stressful situations and I accidentally clicked this button button changing my tab every time. It was a nightmare!!!


MX Master is the best for work, dunno about gaming.


Got a G502 for $30 and it's been cool


Its crazy how long some of these last. I did the same with my kid years ago...and dunno what era that gaming mouse was even from.


I hate Logitech. I'm so glad there are other choices.


G305 is the best gaming mouse I could find for smaller hands.


G903 Lightspeed, no competition for this one here.


Where did you find the G604....I NEED SPARES


Also you: limits the choice to a single company


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) This you ?


Logitech mx2s (second upper left)


Man I really miss my G400S. It lasted me a really long time before giving up the ghost. I had been running Logitech peripherals for a long time but went through 4 headsets in less than a year where mic would die and Logitech wouldn’t warranty them. So I got a steel series headset. Then my Logitech keyboard started registering double key presses on several keys at the same time. I use my gear to develop software and double key presses gets super annoying very quickly. So I got a steel series keyboard. Was still rocking the G400s until earlier this year. It was 11 ish years old I think. Now I’m steelseries all the way through. Sonar pisses me off but other than that I really like the usability of the keyboard mouse and headphones.


This guy logitechs


My vote goes to G502


no g502 is blasphemy. induct her into our ranks


If you actually like the G604, I recommend trying the Naga V2 Hyperspeed. I don't think I could use anything else for work now.


I have the g903 and love it. It goes really nice with the Logitech charging mouse pad.


I have gone through so many Logitech mice… yet I keep buying them 🤔


I love G604, to bad they dont make them anymore :( Was lucky to grab one a few months before Amazon stopped selling them


They are all wireless, mmh... Anyway, https://preview.redd.it/tcjcxw62n76d1.png?width=249&format=png&auto=webp&s=508de29efc8c5d6a7e81ca7652b9b5f4a592ce5b What model is this?


If itsfor gaming you can do much better than logitech now.


As someone who had a G700 for 8 years, and loved it absolutely dearly, the G604 is a fantastic spiritual successor, and no other mouse has a feel that’s even close. Sadly the newer Logitech mice have cheap switches and start double clicking after a year or two. I’m on my 3rd G604, and I’ve tried several others - even the ASUS Chakram X with hotswap switches, but I just keep going back. It’s just the perfect layout with just the right amount of side buttons


hope logitech gave you a fat check for that chill.


Consoom mouse. Get excited for next mouse.


Wheres the Logitech track ball? The white one with the green ball. From the 90s-2000s.


MX is my jam...


I wish Logitech made another MMO mouse. I don't even play them, but having 12 buttons at my thumb is so convenient.


random chinese mouses ftw, pay less for the same product lmao


G602 is my favorite. Buttons…


lets take all cant equal to one superlight lol


Me, but because every mouse I have from any manufacturer starts to double click or have scroll wheel issues after a few months.  Getting really tired of manufacturers selling us garbage that doesn't even last more than 120 days of about 4-8 hours of usage per day.


This is a safe space but I think we need to talk about your “problem”. Hoarding mice.


That 602 is a straight up legend. I still wish they sold it but with an infinite scroll and HERO sensor. The 603 ain't it.


Anything that has a thumb rest.


G604 > all


mf is logitech CEO


I’m definitely a big mouse guy, and it must be a high DPI one, recently had to use an office mouse, was so uncomfortable because my hand was dragging on the table and it took so bloody long to move the cursor


Why the fuck would you have all this shit, you only need one or two tops. Straight east coast fucking around


G604 gang where you at! Having six thumb buttons and two index buttons is a life changer.


**MX Master 3** for me, everything else can fuck right off the Table - *In particular* if it doesn't have USB-C 😑


I gave my fiance my G602 so I could justify getting the G604.


Are you a breeder?


My wife tells me every time i buy another mouse: why do you need another you have like 6, me: you wouldn’t understand babe


No 502? I have both wired and wireless. Live them both equally


I'd recommend the Logitech


You’re missing one