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Some monitors and TVs have an option in the settings to disable the led, might be worth a check.


I have the option to change so the blue LED is on when the monitor is on (instead of standby)...


Very useful then, since there is no other way to tell if the monitor is on xD


I know you're joking but with an OLED this is genuinely the case.




seriously, happened more than once that I was wondering why the effin power isn't working or what could have tripped a breaker again.freakin display being completely black and shit, once it turns on it's like the THXsound effect as a visual, though


The first time a video on my first OLED phone cut to black I immediately thought it had crashed. Took a minute to get used to.


Yeah but at least the blue light isn't on when I "turn off" the monitor :P


well, when you are troubleshooting your monitor and can't tell if the monitor is indeed getting power, this would be a good feature to have.


All monitors and tvs have the option of electrical tape.


Yep, with a bit of metal foil ("a luminum" IIRC, from Latin for light) to make sure that light won't permeate.


The only option I found was electrical tape and I haven’t had an issue since lol


Electrical tape is a godsend I have about 12 blinking lights in my room and zero rgb for a reason.


Yeah, I slapped some of that on my case's disk activity LED because it's so bright that it'd almost light up the entire room by itself lmao


Unplug the header?


You could also just put electric tape on it, its what i did for the hdd light since it bugged me so much


Same here, have an old samsung, the blinking blue led is so bright it lights up the whole room.


For some reason old blue LEDs are always brighter than ten thousand suns.


Blue light has more energy than other colors so yea


Shortest wavelength which strains your eyes the most compared to red light


My Samsung monitors blink a blue led when in standby, but when you touch the power button it turns off. Are you sure the monitor is off and not in standby mode?


When you turn off the PC it goes into standby mode, that's normal and that's when it shouldn't blink. You're not supposed to turn of the monitor everytime you shut the computer off, it's not 1993. CRT's usually had a dim orange light in standby and that was ok. My Dell monitors also do that, but the Samsung? Here's a 200000 LUX blinking blue light because fuck you.


Hahaha I guess I just got used to tapping that power button as I stood up from the desk. I understand that's a press too far for some people. I actually had 3 monitors on before I bought the wide-screen so that's 3 taps. Does standby mode still use power? I could convince myself I did it because I was tight fisted.


It uses neglibile power, a few cents per month maybe. Check the manual it should say.


Yeah I was sort of joking there m'lord. I'm not going to check the manual.


You actually made me check mine :) So my Dell 2522HG consumes in standby 0.3W which if it runs 24hrs in standby is around 3KWh/year. The price of kwh is 0,034508€ where I live so it costs 10c/year to run my monitor in standby. Yeah, it costs more energy to reach to the button.


You could just...unplug the hard drive LED indicator from the motherboard


Nah, the pc is faster with the LED!


Only if it's red... same rule that cars have!


dah red wunz go fastah


Indeed, it is about 7-9%. Trust me, it is fact I read on Internet!


You could but the tape is the easier solution here.


I haven't had a plugged in power or hdd LED for like 12 years now. If we assume 0.1 watts per LED, at 50% on time, that's equal to \~10kWh of power saved, so at €0.3/kWh I've saved like €3 worth of power by not having those annoying useless lights on my rig. Win-Win


Most people dont have the skill to do that & any warranty problem may become pain to deal with, tape is safe and easy. I use tape, works fine.


Theyd...revoke warranty for what exactly? Youre telling me the case or motherboards warranty would be void if they removed a cable? Just because someone doesnt know how, doesnt mean its a difficult thing. A simple look at the manual or a Youtube video and you unplug the cable


It usually even says HDD or something next to the plug on the mobo


I do the same. But my current monitor has a large semicircle clear plastic button the protrudes out the bottom, the whole damn thing lights up.


Black nail polish does wonders for that


I carry electrical tape on business trips because I travel constantly and I tape up all the stupid lights in the hotels


Dude NEEDS to be roasted for not having a small piece of tape in is arsenal.


There is LightDims on Amazon and clones of it on Aliexpress. Some LEDs need the heavier tint than others.


There has been a piece of electrical tape on my Altec Lansing speakers for the last ten years. Just set it and forget it, works like a charm. 


I did this with one of my monitors but its power adapter straight up had coil whine from the blinking LED Drove me crazy until I found out I could update its firmware to have the option of turning off the led indicator entirely through its options menu.


Most monitors I owned had the option to turn it off in the menu. Is that not common?


Most monitors have an on/off button as well. The blinking light only happens if the monitors goes into standby.


Not to be nitpicky, but... that's not "Off", that's "Standby". I'm using a switchable power outlet for the whole setup. Off means Off.


>I'm using a switchable power outlet for the whole setup This should be standard for any setup. Saves a lot of power, stops annoying lights and can protect your PC from overcurrent while it's off and some even do that while on. Realistically most people will never bother with an UPS.


I bothered with an UPS once. After 2 years of service, it nearly burned down my house because the battery swelled up.


Faulty battery, they should last 4 or 5 years.


True, but you are never safe from a defective device.


If you go by that logic then never ever buy something again.


There is a slight difference between "not using devices that you don't really need" and "not using any devices at all"


!!! I have one that keeps on ticking. It has to be over 15 years old. Every 5 years or so when there is a blackout, I hear my old friend kick in. There is the familiar boot up sequence. For some reason the printer always starts first, then the computer. It's like hearing dial up all over again.


Same here, if my PC powers off, my whole power strip turns out, turning off every device including my monitors, other than my Oled sitting on a separate plug


> saves a lot of power Your pc will cost roughly $.70 a $1 to power for an entire year while standby mode. You’re being a tad dramatic


My monitor loses all settings when it loses power, absolutely stupid system


My monitor has a setting where it flashes every color. Like, red, green, blue, white and constantly shifts. I assume its to not lock in colors. Anyways, it does this every time I turn it off. When I change the setting to turn this off, it constantly turns itself on. It was so infuriating how it constantly turns the setting on on an extremely annoying feature. The insane part, I dont remember it doing that when I first got it, they put this in in some sort of update. It seriously pisses me off, somehow I got it to stop. I think I have it ties to PC power. Who thought putting the most annoying feature on a monitor that constantly turns itself on and wasn't there when you first bought it is a good idea? It seriously pissed me off, like did they do this to piss people off? Yes, you know what I want, a monitor to flash every bright ass color constantly when I turned it off, clearly that is what I want, and every person when they turn off their monitor


yeah i thought the same thing, all he has to do is press the power buttom to completely turn it off


How do you switch it on/off? Unless it’s an old-school mechanical switch, the switchable outlet itself is still On.


this is what i do. it also gives me insane peace of mind after i shut off my system


it's not an industry standard though? some monitors keep the light on as a constant orange, others have a solid or blinking orange light, there are those with a constant red light while on, or a constant blue light that is on. however I absolutely agree that blinking lights are just unwanted for the standby state that I always go for turning the monitor off.


My monitor has no light when it's off.


My monitors are dark when off and dim orange (amber) when sleeping. And I have 3 different brands from 10-12 years apart. That's basically what I remember all the way back to CRT days. What brands blink blue?


Ive never had a monitor do this, mine either turn the light off or in standby just turn orange lol


I've never bought a monitor once that does this lol


I think it's a Samsung thing. Out of all the displays I've bought over the years only the two Samsung TVs I bought had the blinking blue LED lights on standby. My three LG TVs are solid red, and the three ASUS monitors I had were solid orange.


Doesnt your monitor have a button to turn it off?


You mean a traditional on/off switch? None of the four monitors in my setup comes with that, it’s just the standby/wake button.


And i thought it was standard on monitors... guess you learn something new every day XD


- Get a power strip with a 'master' and 'slave' sockets. - Plug your PC power cable into the 'master' socket - Plug all power cables for devices you want to turn off when you shut down your pc, into the 'slave' sockets. - Enjoy


I wish my UPS worked like this.


I use this for any indicator lights that are too bright. It still allows me to see if they are on. But now won't be blinding https://preview.redd.it/6nn915kypp8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76bc094f7e1014b555fdcaac0d1ffe4fc1b51790


This. They work great for me and I’m light sensitive. Use them everywhere.


You can buy stickers online that are designed to be placed on these little annoying lights lol so you’re far from alone


It’s called duct tape


Electrical tape would be better, doesnt let light through but also doesnt leave a residue like duct tape would.


At least on LG Monitors, you can switch off the led in the menu plus the lights (red)/track button both are hidden in bottom panel facing downward. Its actually nice they dont hinder the look and very easy to access as well.


I hate these sorts of lights with a passion on all electronics, there's no reason for them to exist.


little squares of electrical tape are a gift from god


I have a Wi-Fi dongle and put two layers of blue painters tape. It only dims it out I never notice it. It allows for you to look over to troubleshoot when internet disconnects to see data transmission.


We have 4 different monitors in our apartment. None of those does that.


Right? What shit-tier Chinese knock-off brand is OP using? I've never experienced this.




Totally, my absolutely "knockoff chinese" philips evnia monitor even has a setting for it to disable the light! Which it promptly ignores when it goes into stand-by, and blinks at maximum brightness 5 secs on 5 secs off. It is enough to light up a small room with a dampening film already on it.


Black felt tip pen. You have to paint it on in layers. Great way to dull it without making it invisible. Alternatively blue tack.


Blue LEDs period should be banned. Red is fine. Red does not disrupt night vision. Red does not light the whole ass room up. Blue LEDs by defsult have a higher energy draw and output due to how that color is produced in the diode. Its why multicolor LEDs will still light up red on a nearly dead bsttery but blue wont show at all.


.....do you have tape?




That's because he doesn't turn off the monitor, he lets it go into standby which causes the blinking light to happen.


I actually sleep with a Wiz light set at ocean blue.


Black electrical tape. Cover light.


Electrical tape is your friend. This really isn’t a serious issue.


My monitor you can set when the light is on to either monitor off or monitor on


I still don't get what maniac needs a light to tell them it's even is on or off.  If it's off, the fact that nothing is displaying should tell you that. If it's on... lol


This is to check the screen is getting power. It might be useful for troubleshooting, but I agree it's almost useless.


Electrical tape over the light.. problem solved


Are you actually turning them off? I know my Samsung will blink blue if you don't


Agreed but tape


Blue? If seen some with red and my current one has green, but I've never seen blue


Black electrical tape over the light might be a more ideal solution.


I've only really seen Dell and Lenovo monitors turned off, but both of these brands (at least from what I've seen) don't have it on unless it's in standby.


When you say off state, do you mean sleep? Because that very much sounds like a sleep state rather than off, and if that’s the case I have a suggestion for you. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKp4rytnSZgGU8w)


Try putting a piece of black electrical tape over it


Just use some electrical tape.


My tn panel being the darkest thing in existence and then it’s LED being brighter than its highest setting will never not be funny ash.


Get some white paper tape used for bandages. It will significantly dull it while still letting you see. Use multiple layers for fine tuning.


Blue or green LEDs should be banned from any standby features, they emit way too much light. Red used to be the norm, and dimmed at that.


Idk if It’s just my monitor or what, but my msi m27q e2 doesn’t have a blue light. After not detecting input for a while it goes into standby and turns off the screen and has a not too bright orange light, after moving the mouse it comes back on in a second or two. And when I turn it off using the button to do so there is no light at all. Do most monitors have blue lights that stay on?


There was a setting for that in my old monitor My new one doesn't have it, so electrical tape it is


When I clicked the little button on my monitor, the light turns off and when it’s on it’s white. Is this some gaming monitor thing? I think mine is technically a gaming monitor but it’s just a 4K IPS 120 (technically 143 point something) hz from Dell. I’m not super happy with it. I probably should’ve sprung for an OLED but at least I don’t have your problem.


my monitor doesn't have any light when it's off. thankful for that


Can’t you just put some black electric tape over it?


Orange has been off on every monitor ive owned in the last ten years, if not longer. Blue has always been the on color.


Vizio, years ago, had a tv with a bright large glowing "VIZIO" logo on the front when on. And no way to disable it.  The folks that tried to disconnect it from the TV''s motherboard were sometimes getting error messages. 


Mine has option to disable standby light.


There are led stickers sold online that will allow you to choose from blacking it out or greatly reducing the light.  While I've never done it, you might experiment with using a black sharpie over it.  I think some light will push through, but it'll maybe be reduced enough for you.  Painters tape to protect surrounding plastic.


My german monitors off state is... Off... and green for on... Neat


I've always used and still use monitors that have either a tactile or a sensitive touch button that turns off the light.


Mine worked fine at first. Light = on, no light = off. Then suddenly it switched so light = off and no light = on. Now it just doesn't work (the led light)


Sometimes there is a setting. Regardless, a non-blue or non-transparent tape or a permanent marker does the trick without any need to deep-dive.


My monitor's orange light is quite good enough


Agreed it is incomprehensibly stupid


Not seen a monitor with one, but in general they need to stop using ultra bright blue LEDs for anything that doesn't specifically need to be blue and bright. My printer has 2 such LEDs that remain on if its on standby (its a Laser printer). They are so bright you can read by them in an otherwise pitch black room. There's no need for this at all.


My AOC has single barely visible white led in on or off state


Blue tack


One of my old monitors (Acer, 27", 144 Hz) had a VERY bright blue LED, when the monitor was on, lit up the whole room. It had to be blocked after a few minutes of having the monitor on, it was very distracting. A piece of tape worked fine.


Hit the power button on the monitor to turn it off fully? If the light is still blinking it’s not off


Bright ass blue blinking light usually means it is still turned on without input. Turn it off.


Just look up light blocking stickers. I put them on all sorts of things in my house. They’re great.


Is it an industry standard? My monitor has an illuminated power button. It's soft green when on, and amber when off.


One word, technically two, electrical tape. Alternatively, light dimming sheet.




Yeah, probably the same cockhead that decided the expensive (at the time) samsung wireless charger have a bight ass blue light on it as well... damn near everyone puts these next to their bed... whyyyyy would you do that?


Same for the LG TVs


I have my pc and monitor plugged into a power strip/protector so every night when im done with the pc I just shut it all down and then turn off the power input instead of unplugging, essentially the same as your context OP but a switch instead of physically unplug


My samsung has an option to have the LED ON while the screen is on, or ON while the monitor is OFF. It always blinks in standby tho 😒


I have had two monitors and none had this. IPS.


Whatever 32” odyssey monitor I got a couple months ago does this and I feel your pain.


smart plug for just the monitors?


I have a slave master type of cablebox or whatever its called that shutts off al slave sockets when there below a certain current going through the master socket. if i shut off my pc my screens power gets cut off. its pretty cheap too lol like 50 eu for a 8 socket with 17.5KA overcurrent protection.


fr I had to run something overnight and the blinking light annoyed me so much I just took off the side panel and the led off with a screwdriver


Is it the standard? My monitors led is static orange in the off state by default


Take my upvote sir.


I have ASUS Gaming Monitor, they have a small white light but that gets shut off or energy save mode whatever 5 mins after i switch off the PC I also have the LG Gaming Montior they too have a white dot blinker, it is not annoying as much as blue one.


I'm colorblind and blue sticks out really well to me. It gets piercing in the dark though, a few appliances (and even a handheld vacuum) have a blue light for standby or charging or whatever. It's pretty bad. At least the blue light on my Dell monitor isn't on when it's in standby. The buttons don't light up unless you move your hand near them, which is kind of cool, but also makes them a bit more finicky to register a 'press'


Every monitor I’ve owned has an amber light and the option to disable when off.


Dell/alienware? I've been running an AW2721D and that shit is so bright in standby. Whatever happened to a proper dimmed amber light?


The setting is the screen's power button.


I have a Dell and when my pc is off or in sleep mode the light is a blinking white, my asus monitor light is blue when on and orange when off.


Not a monitor but I used to have a router in my room and it had to be kept on because it was for the entire apartment. Electric tape was my savior.


Most monitors have settings where you can turn it off. Thouroughly go through your monitor settings. It is usually called "power led", "indicator", "led" or "power status"


which industry? all the monitors ive seen lights are orange when powered on, with no display


Mines white!


Get a smart plug for your monitor?


Two words black tape


My computer case has a bright white blinking light Nothing a black piece of electric tape couldn't solve Not the fanciest solution but since my case is black you can't actually see it unless you pay close attention


I have an HP monitor and it just has a solid orange light when it's in standby. I wouldn't say what you have is the industry standard if one of the largest OEMs does things differently.


Mine has dim orange light in standby mode so it isn't a standard.


Black electric tape is your friend.


There are so many options to remedy this. You can check the settings, some monitors allow you to change the LED behavior. You can cover it up with something like electrical tape, or you can dim it using dimming sheets.


Put a piece of tape over it


Never seen this.


Mines orange? But also like use some tape


black electrical tape my guy


Just put some masking tape over it. Luckily my new monitor has an option to turn off LED in on/sleep mode. 


I use black tape over those leds


I just stuck a bit of black electrical tape over mine. works perfectly., took less time that it would have taken you to write this post, saves you daily annoyance.


Have you tried like .. a tiny piece of electrical tape?


Just put some tape on it you noob.


It's nuts they don't turn off in standby. 


Tf are you talking about? All of the monitors i've seen in my life have had just a dim yellow led (that wasn't blinking) when it was in stadby. The only time it's blinking blue, is when it has no signal, but hasn't decided to turn off yet


I just cover the led with a piece of electrical tape


Lol just a piece of tape my dude


Some monitors have a setting to disable the LED. Or you could put the monitor on something like a smart plug? I've got my print farm on some of Kasa surge protectors that work with Google Home and are addressable per socket, so I can just verbally turn stuff on and off as needed and it's pretty cheap. Might be a good option for your setup?


I can hear the light when it flashes and it drives me nuts.


I use black nail polish to paint over all these frigging way too bright leds. Most of them are completely useless.


tiny piece of duct Tape does the trick ...or a black pen... Nobody needs to see a light to Check that the Monitor ist turned Off .. worlks for all Kind of electronics ;-)


I keep my monitors on a power bar with a switch i can hit with my foot when i sit down to turn them on! Drives me nuts how much power they use to just sit there doing nothing


HELL! PCs too, I gave my wife my new Gateway desktop a number of years due to super bright blinking stand by light.


Shuji Nakamura is saddened by this post


Monitors have an off button. If you power it off, there's no light. There is a blinking light if it goes it standby though. So, just turn the damn thing off.


Ehat monitor?


My monitor doesn't have an led indicator and it's an OLED 👀 it just depends.


I put some black tape on it


Small piece of black electric tape baby.


life struggle of pc master race member


I opened my monitor and cut the power to it.


This is why I wish we'd go back to red LEDs, you can see them without them being too bright for the room.


lol my monitor has a setting in the OSD to change the led behavior


Some black electrical tape works great. But super strange that you can't disable it through some monitor settings


Lol all i can do is laugh. Your not from a city are you? Lol.


I had the same problem with a lot of stuff in my room, I got some light dimming stickers for everything. I can still see when stuff is on but it's dim enough to not keep me up.


Bro has never heard of tape.


Tape over with insulation tape.


Black nail polish. 3 or 4 coats


The solution you are looking for is called gaffer's tape. It's black fabric tape that does leave residue. Put a square over LED and your good to go.