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I'd have constant migraines with that in my peripheral vision


Plain black case with solid side panel on the floor gang!


I've come to appreciate glass sidepanels for allowing me to easily diagnose my PC when shit doesn't wanna work. Mainly because you'll know if a fan is not working and the ez debug LEDs on most motherboards


Exactly this. Plus, it keeps me accountable with cable management.


My man


same. no idea why people present their rgb fishtank on the desk. i don't need to see it.


It's an early hype thing for sure. When I first built mine I was changing the led colors every day. Now, I haven't changed them in 3 years and my next pc won't have leds because I'm bored of them and the products cost more with leds. I also plan on putting my pc under my desk, I had my fun with a desk top pc and I'm ready to go back to normal at this point. I will say everytime someone new walks into my house and sees my pc light up. You can see the awe in there eyes. With time I have just grown out of it as alot of other people have.


It is a lot but I'm probably just gonna turn the brightness down tbh


then its awesome in its current state you will go blind after a few weeks... look awesome tho HAVE FUN!


I turned mine to all white with lower brightness, ez fix if u had enough of the carnival show


New gaming PCs sponsored by excedrine, headache medicine.


Wait is that why I have eyestrain…


yep, these rgb fishtanks look all the same and all boring.


Congrats you deserve it man 🫡


1080Ti craze? 50 series (?) sounds terrible? What?


When the 1080 ti came out it was looked at as the greatest thing ever when I was first getting into learning about gaming PCs and hardware and then the crypto wave hit and miners happened, also from the leaks are saying the 50 series is gonna be very bad price to performance just like the 40 series except the 5090 and I won't be paying 2k for another gpu anytime soon unless I get a full refund for this one lol


There was never a craze though, it was just an affordable Titan X Pascal that was already on the market for almost a full year. There weren’t even shortages and it dropped in price rather quickly. And for Blackwell, all leaks are just spec rumors, performance per watt is a massive questionmark without a real unit being tested. And thus performance/price ratio is a total unknown, as it is extremely unlikely Nvidia has already determend the prices this far prior to the launch.


There was some shortages and price hikes around the mining boom at that time. [Here is the first article](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/graphics-cards-prices-mining-cryptocurrency,34879.html) I found about it from back then.


That article states even the GTX 1080 was unaffected by miners price rise. The cards with the best hashrates for their price were the RX470, 480, 570 and 580, simply because these cards were so much better in integer calculations. This bumped the price of the 1060 a bit as this was the direct competitor of the cards above. Pascal Nvidia cards simply weren’t desirable for mining. That’s why the 1080Ti never really saw shortages, it was a pure gaming card, and the market wasn’t as big as it is today.


The article was only one example of their being a shortage at the time, that one being from the start of the shortage. [Here](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/ethereum-effect-graphics-card-prices,34928.html) is a later one that speaks of a more general shortage affecting all card prices.


Considering they already said that these prices are the new normal in a quote when the 40 series came out I don't have my hopes up for how this price is gonna be plus with how the ai cards are carrying there financials rn they probably don't even gaf about us anymore tbh


Huge congrats! It must have felt amazing to finally get your dream PC


Congrazts but also, the gpu looks to me like it's sagging. You should use something to hold it up. Could be a prespective issue too tho. You should check.


https://preview.redd.it/y4dngyswte9d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=438b6f9dc8f4c20c9b5c16e2e9be6c0ae1a71435 Got you


It's better this way, otherwise your gpu starts to sag with time, I am doing the same.


Congrats! Might motivate me to start my own grind


All it takes is one piece the hardest part is starting(and inflation lol)


Looking good. This build looks like it has Synthwave vibes. Hope it serves you well.


Which boss? And what's the drop rate?


grats! cool looking PC!


Congrats on the setup, it looks dope. I like the way the lighting moves.


Worth it! Good job, it looks fantastic. What are those cables?


Liam li strimmer cables


Looks awesome, I just don't understand why so many people leave the NZXT warning sticker on, really clean build though!


Sick build! Can you tell me which fans are input/output?


Right side 3 and bottom 3 are reverse blade Infinity fans so intake and the top 3 and left one are regular infinity exhaust fans


Something weird here, op’s first post ever.


I actually posted something about my gpu not showing up in armory crate and it was really frustrating but I don't think it got posted


Yeah fur shure bro


I built my first pc about 3 weeks ago and the stock rainbow rbg is the best. Its slow and chill and static colours just don't hit the same. I was going for all black and white RGB but the chill RGB rainbow is just nice.


Where is you intake fans?


I got 6 reverse blade fans so bottom 3 and right 3


There are intakes with the rgb on the inside so you can see them


So happy for you man Maybe this will be me in December not 4090 level but a good rig


https://preview.redd.it/w0v4dnr0rg9d1.jpeg?width=1917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4799dfd9c2bb6c4a3d5a86ae647b5e001730d68f When you want to break necks and records..!!!!


Welp. Hope you are ready to get back to the grind. Tech moves fast.


everything reminds me of him




You're very creative


6 years !?!?!!??


I was 18 and broke took me a while to get set up lol


Congrats!! It’s beautiful :)


Thanks 🙏


I got mesmerized by the fans. The system looks really nice.


if it took you 6 years to grind for that you probably shouldn't have bought it. i would just save for a year and buy whatever i could afford. im not waiting 6 years to buy a computer.


My brother, give the guy his W


Some one in this sub always has to try to fuck up the vibe, no matter what


A high end PC like this will easily still be good for at least six years. That’s honestly the way to go in my opinion, only ever build high end computers so they last longer, and use the time between builds to save for the next one, and then you can sell your current one for extra funds. If I just assume a TOTL PC is $3500, that’s only about $60/month for five years, and that’s ignoring the money you get from selling the current system. If you can get $1000 for the current system then it drops down to $42/month since you’d only need to save $2500.


Didn't really take me 6 years save for it btw I had a pc for sometime it's just that it took piece by piece to upgrade it to this that's what took 6 years