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My ssd: https://preview.redd.it/lc55dqwte0ad1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828c3bbaed211ca1ab9d9d1b78cefa8d5efc896f


Everything I see reminds me of her




She had a big clit? Hehehe


No she had a big dick


i’m sorry but the only thing i’m noticing is the large ass bottleneck your cpu has on your gpu


Crazy right? Can't afford to change the cpu, ram, and mobo right now. Still, I can train models way faster than google colab T4 or a RTX4080 with a brand new cpu anyway.


That was my thought too. Sure you can download fast but we're still limited by the write speed.


At that speed what's the point of writing it anyway? Can't you just move it on ram when you need it? You can have a 10mb save file you write on SSD.


Every time I see this picture I always Crack


The network speed is around 52500 GBps, a gen 5 SSD reaches 12 GBs seq. write at its best. That's 4500 times slower than the network speed. It's more like you're shoving the trunk of banana tree in your hamster's mouth.


Fuck off. It's 4am and I laughed loud enough that my cat thinks it is awake time. Take my goddamn up vote.


I should call her.


Need a raid 0 of... too many ssds


Yea, I love mine. Web pages load before I can type them too




This is how modern games work...


"Was it beta tested?" - "You don't understand. You ARE the beta tester. Now give us 60 bucks."


"Early Access"


Very... Very! Early... Like 20 years before the game is never released.


>"Now give us ~~60~~ **70** bucks for the **standard edition**" FTFY.


Prepare to fast forward!


Preparing to fast forward!


Prepared to fast forward!


Instruction unclear, now im in future, please help me!


Bro that's how I describe it to people who never experienced it. It's like you hit enter and it time travels and sends it before you hit enter, and delivers it *as* you hit enter. I miss my fiber so bad


>>I miss my fiber so bad Metamucil helps for that


I prefer shredded mini wheats


One of my past apartments had access to fiber, a very cheap 1000/50 connection (I never cared about upload speed, so no - didn't bother me). That's when RDR 2 released for PC, downloading it took like what, was it 10–15 minutes, or even less. A few months later, I had to move due to changing offices rather quickly, and the new town lacked fiber where apartments were available for renting. Yay. From that fiber to an extremely unstable 4G connection - the deepest sigh ever known to mankind. Now, with a 100/25 connection in my current apartment, it would take forever to download a RDR2 sized game. Modern games being so large and this being the fastest non-5G connection available here.... Sigh. It's still much better and reliable, never slows down. But I already know that this copper wiring will be "taken down" from this building sometime in the near future, so 5G it'll be then. These thick walls mean that I probably will have to get an external antenna, too. I miss that fiber, so bad. Whenever I move next time, the apartment will need to have access to fiber.


\*Starts typing url\* \*Suggestion pops up\* \*The entire page is displayed\* \*Add a letter\* \*New suggestion is shown\* \*New page is displayed instantly\* Welcome to the future.


Do you ever get ping spikes? Like *ever*?


spikes? what's that


Almost fast enough to download the new CoD in a reasonable amount of time


Would still take like 4 hours to download edit: haha no way, usually it's me who gets r/woosh -ed.


Try downloading anything on Xbox app. 500 internet. Downloads slow as a snail


Yeah but by the time you DL it. A new skin pack will have come out which needs another 50gb DL.


but them blizzard downloads will still be slow as fugg


Not blizzard but every download for me on Ubisoft Connect takes SOOO long for no reason. I normally have 140+ MB/s on most of anything else that I play normally but in classic Ubisoft fashion ![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE)


Fuck Ubisoft, I don’t play their games cuz they make all the account shit so confusing.


I think the dumbest thing they do is only allow ONE account to ever be linked to a Ubisoft. So say I want to change the Xbox account linked to my Ubisoft account. Nope, can’t do that. You have to contact support, which mind you NEVER answers, and ask them to unlink the Xbox account and if by some absolute miracle they do answer more than likely it’s going to be someone that’s too lazy to do anything so they’ll tell you they can’t do it and tell you to fuck off in the nicest way possible. Those French-Canadian bastards.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about bro. I literally do not fuck with Ubisoft games. They could release the most badass popular game and I wouldn’t even look at that shit.


Yeah, I made my Ubi account *years* ago, purely for Splinter Cell multiplayer on my Xbox360, Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory MP were fucking incredible... Anyway, back then on the Xbox, it was fine, my name displayed as my Xbox gamertag, good times *were* had. Unfortunately over the years, while taking a hard-earned break from unleashing always online DRM, they did some sort of Account Migration bullshit with all those Legacy accounts and now instead of my old GT, I show up in Ubi lobbies for these older games as *firstnamelastname* (edit-on pc too btw) I hadn't even noticed until the dude I was *demolishing* in Splinter Cell: Conviction's PvP gamemodes called me by my name and started threatening me and stuff, etc etc.. I contacted Ubi Support about it and apparently nothing could be done about it, was just how the Legacy bullshit was coded or something. As for the dude, nothing came of it, I basically just got annoyed and went *slightly* nuclear, started calling him a coward bitch and every other name in the book for not freely sharing *his* name to put us on an even footing and hiding behind anonymity to say shit that would get him knocked tf out for, etc..he vanished pretty quickly


From my understanding they write the game/install at the same time it downloads. So at some point you’re being bottlenecked by your drive more then your download speed


Not just that, but pretty sure they're decompressing it as well. So you're being limited by your CPU as well.


Could also just be their servers won’t upload fast enough for you to use full bandwidth.


Epic has entered the chat


I can download at 900 megs a second in steam. 50 max on epic....


Fiber is virtually unlimited in its capacity. It's only held back by the speed of the connected equipment.


And server management that only allow certain speeds/bandwidth, I've got Gigabit Fiber 1Gb download 800-1GB upload, but majority of western world services don't even have the capacity or allowance to actually utilize it, funnily enough, when downloading stuff from the not so liked Eastern counterparts like Russia/Romania etc shit is lightning fast and actually uses the entire speed. I guess all the 3 letter agencies and data corporations really slow shit down.


As someone who is funly enough very qualified to speak on this issue. Without getting in trouble, In short it's fucking expensive to transfer data at gigabit rates to customers while also very few customers actually have the ability to fully utilize gigabit downloads. However for packet snooping purposes, I don't really care about raw bandwidth but rather packets per second to perform app id and log packet metadata. The truth is frankly you are not actually all that special and while I could redirect your network traffic and perform app ID. Like unless you are actually attacking my network or you are paying me to do so. It's just not Worth it.


Yeah I get what you mean, just found it funny that the more developed and capable western world sucks balls compared to the Eastern counterparts that everyone deems as shit hole 3rd world countries but yet, they have better services in some regards.


The simple reason is that since 3rd world countries adopted the Internet fairly late, when fiber optics were already reasonably cheap for new installation, virtually all of their data infrastructure are fiber optics. Meanwhile you have to rip out the entire existing network of copper wiring underground and replace it with fiber optics, which is prohibitively expensive.


They don't rip it out, especially because some people who get fibre think their connection is worse (because off terrible configuration) they just put the fiber ontop of it. And it's mostly new ISPs doing it (at least here in NL)


We are slowly getting to the point where the majority of people in first-world countries have fibre connections and most of them start at a symmetrical 1 gigabit. But even then you are right, most don't have the ability to download at gigabit because of some other bottlenecks. Would suspect that different services are gonna be allowing for that gigabit connection, things like Steam. Ill just take my gigabit connection once I move. My entire network in house is gonna be upgraded to 2.5gigabit anyway and more than gigabit is not needed


the fiber cable is limited by "noise" in the signal after a certain distance as well- the light can take an inconsistent amount of time to reach the end, and hard sharp signals sent can blur over the length of the cable iirc. somebody correct me if i'm wrong please


Noise is more than just that and coherent signals are also affected by chromatic dispersion (the signal blurring across the spectrum rather than just in time) and polarization mode dispersion (relevant to polarization-dependent modulation techniques)


I think there are limits of the CPU's ability to read and write. IIRC LTT did a video on this


And drives speed to write/read. We are still years behind in achieving those speeds on a hard drive.


They mean the fibre cable. The limitations are largely the laser transceiver on each end, and then the various other kit beyond that. Where as copper cables hit their ceiling pretty quick.


You’re talking about decompression


*damn the bottleneck, give me the best!*


Here I am stuck with shit ass Comcast Xfinity


Same, att isn’t available in my area, really wish it was.


Yea, I had att fiber prior to buying this new home and I miss it. Att is capped here at 50mpbs on adsl, it’s just not even close to what I need or else I’d just stick with att, but adsl, sadly is worse than Comcast.


I have xfinity and it’s been great


Me with 4 mbps download speed on a good day


Bro took me back to 2008... Then I remembered that my place finally got access to 100mbps and 200mbps connections a few weeks ago. I am too lazy to go to the store and sign a new contract...


4mbps? try my 700kbs for the past 24 years cuz poland is heck of a village


That’s what I get on a not so good day


Why does internet like this still exist nowadays? My phone has 20Mb/s (2,4MB/s) unlimited data for relatively cheap. You would assume internet for a home would be much faster than that nowadays.


Why do I relate to this…


Because you also have slow download speeds ?


Absolutely. I hate it a lot


For the low price of a newborn child/month


Guess I finally have a reason to become a heram anime protagonist...


At 4 ms, you're more limited by latency than throughput, honestly.


Depends on the use case. For file transfer, latency hardly matters. For gaming, latency has been the limiting factor for a long time.


When there is more of a wait for a GET request to reach the server than for the transfer itself to finish, I beg to differ. You're right for most cases, but this thing flips the script.


and people will still scream "fucking lag"


yeah probably, that's just raw throughput. you can download massive amounts of data much faster than the fastest commerically avaialble internet connections by just putting a guy in a car van having him drive a bunch of SSD's down hte highway, after all. the ping's gonna be godawful, it can take DAYS to get a response, but that's how you get exobyte download speeds in practical terms.


because lag has nothing to do with bandwidth but with latency, a lot of which is literally physics that cannot be fixed.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVmZwJl7fnigeAg) My NVMe drive trying to keep up with those speeds


That's 52.5 TBps


Meanwhile the infrastructure around me probably hasn't been updated since 1994 and a bajillion people are moving in. It takes at least a week to download anything.


Can you write so fast?


I mean these are the kinds of speeds you want connecting entire data centre cloud regions or nations. So yes you can across thousands of devices.


The next revolution will be to never read/write anything and let everything in the signal.


That would be impossible without some sort of physics-defying breakthrough.


Quantum entanglement!


I can... To /dev/null


I think the bottleneck would be how fast ur cpu could unpack the game files from steam.


And im here downloading 600k/s.....


And the ISP will still insist on a data cap.


https://preview.redd.it/yv4hbrj5o1ad1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=094319135f76300b7888ba0b33c057f92947dc3a Pathetic, I raise you my 9 year old ubuntu laptop running an update on my school's network


Now I can download a car.


10 mega bits per second for me on a normal day. Took about 16 hours to download rdr2.


Do you mean 420000000000000 bps?


How long will it take to download the new patch of Call of Duty? 5 days?


Yeah you just get limited by your drive's write speed at that point


My SSD: My time has come


Does this mean that the next time they have one of those black hole image thingies where they need to collect petabytes of data, and they had to fly the drives since that's faster than downloading them, they don't have to do that?


And here I am in Australia with 20mps


Can already see the sales pitch ..” play tomorrows game today”


cries in *375Kb/s*


And I still am happy for 2mb/s...


So faster than my SSD can write the data, like a lot faster.


And also a lot more work for the cpu to ever handle 1:1 One needs Datacenter equipment to handle that.


That's like 420,000,000,000 Kbps!


BG3 per second is my new favorite metric


I have a gigabit fibre line. That's great. But no one. No. One. Feeds it. Servers and websites just don't provide that much bandwidth to you.


If I remember correctly this is based on a way of getting more data though existing cables by adding or changing what wavelengths the data is transmitted, As far as I know this will make it awesome for things like infrastructure undersea cables etc to increase the bandwidth of countries and regions for minimal cost


Why is the title 420,000,000 Mbps instead of 420 Tbps? I know Americans aren't used to it, but you can easily interchange between units (and it's more readable too).


I'd expect it to get hot with the amount of data processing the specilized NIC would need to push / pull.


Sorry for my bad aim, it’s a bit laggy here.


Damn, if you play the game at 250fps, you could download the whole game again for every frame


Shit the best I can do is 2.4 gigs upload and download smh I thought I was doing big things smh


But can it run Crysi.... nvm.


Kind of misleading calling it internet speed.




4 milliseconds?! pssh.. so they say.. i bet this day and age its more like 6 to 8...


but what strange can write that fast?


but what storage can write that fast?


Nice 420




fuck, I only have 1gig Fiber. That is 50x faster internet speed than me😐


Yet GTA Online will still take 10 minutes to load in


...but the pc that received BG3 would exploded into dust.


So here comes THE day when internet is faster than fastest RAM.


We will use anything as a unit of measurement. My internet connection is 250 Baldur’s Gate 3s per second fast. 😂


Meanwhile me on 25mbps still in 2024.


Screw the bottle neck I need it


Bro could kill the whole lobby before the game started


I have spend the last FIVE days downloading RDR2 because I’m over here rocking 3mbps internet. I didn’t know I could have internet 140,000,000x faster than that! My ping is also bad, like 100ms is good bad


I'll be excited when this is widely available. Which is never lmao suck my dick comcast


Talk about blazing fast.


that one friend that says his internet is on the slow side


Misleading conclusion. While the fiber optic cable may be capable of those speeds, it still is as fast as your slowest link. Be that your drive speed, your IO bus speed, your LAN speed, your router's speed, or your ISP throttling you.


Now we just need a disc that can write that fast and we'll be good.


Me with an actual upload speed 3kbps and a download of —theoretically since it is actually around 1 to 7 mbps when good— 12mbps


Hey does anyone know if Verizon 1G internet is worth it? I currently have Xfinity and it’s been really shitty (less than 20mb download speeds), so I’m looking for a noticeable upgrade


Awwwwh, but I want it now :(


And we don't even have optic fibre available here


And here i am... living in germany with a 6mb/s download speed. It's truely one of the countries of all time


> there's no chance you could use this at home Fuck you! I would try!


I love how if you actually tried that your CPU would explode since it can't handle that much data


Mean while my isp be like 5mb/s for $120 best offer


I used to be excited about things like this. Now I think it's going to be used to turn every computer into a modern day dumb terminal. You will own nothing and be happy.


Funny number


And people would still blame lag for sucking in an online game


Meanwhile my place doesn't even have full fibre yet and 35mbps download speed... And it's a new build.


Now put the BG3 on an USB stick and strap it to a pigeon to see how fast that is.


"StEaM sErVeRs CaN HaNdLe It" It's a 420TB/s connection. No.


Finally, I will be able to update Ark, in about 7 hours!!


whats the use case when internet exceeds the write speed of your storage device


Was this done using NetBSD


Guesses as to when it might be a thing to get terabit internet? 2035?


This technology will be limited by the speed of ssds, which are not even close to being this blazing fast.


Trillion bits per second? Trilobits per second?


citing pc specs as obstacle as if ISPs weren't the ones capping shiet


Sorry bro my download pink is too high, I got like 4ms man, sorry you had to wait for so long


The delay in network switch for that download with exeed the download time.


What device would I need to be able to that fast speed


Wow. When will have access to at least a hundredth of that kind of speed.


You can load it to ram though, right


quantum entanglement adsl connection is a thing?


Germany: All i can do is 40 Mbit/s


I would have chosen the latest Call of duty as a speedmark


To steal an old joke: *installs BG3* *boss comes in* *uninstalls BG3* *boss leaves* *reinstall BG3*


I mean bottleneck or not it would still be the fastest internet, gimmie




Wow, with that speed you could download the internet, all of it….


That's really insane speed. I wonder how did they even achieve that. But it's of no use to regular people.


Fiber optic cabling has nothing to do with it. It will carry any speed that light photons can travel. It's all in the optics and hardware on each side of that fiber optic cable that sends and receives photons of light. This is done by sending multiple wavelengths of light (these days on ultra high speed SFPs) through the same fiber optic line, effectively multiplying the speed of the connection, so if you have a 10gig internal optic that has the ability to bend the light and receive between 10 different spectrums, you have a 100gig connection. They don't all work like that, but some do in different ways. Also yes.. 420gb speeds are possible today and beyond. 100gig SFPs (Small Formfactor Pluggable module or fiber optic transceiver if you will) have been around for a while, and grouping them together to form a single super fast connection has always been a thing, so technically terabyte connections are absolutely possible today if you took 10x 100gig SFPs, in two different 100gig capable switches, grouped the SFPs on each side (called etherchannel) and fibered them together you would have a terabit point to point connection. This is also absolutely absurd for any single person even a power user or even a group of power users. I have a 1gig up/down connection and for my purposes honestly it's not much different from having 500mb. For probably 90 percent of users, 100mb is more than enough. Gamers, 300-500mb is perfect for most (mainly due to downloading, not latency). Also FYI, latency has nothing to do with speed, but the quality of the connection and the routing path itself. If you had a 50mb connection with 4ms of latency, you would have a serious advantage over someone with a 1gig connection that had 16ms of latency. Yes they can download much faster, but real time info relies solely on latency vs speed (at least after 10-50mb).


if you bend over op i can upload my custom character into you at much faster data rates.


I have 5Gbps fiber and yeah.. my PC is the bottle neck. That and my NIC limited to 2.5 Gbps.


52.5 TB/s


ah yes this bs news... every few months. but hey got to get the karma farming in. right?


Meanwhile i still have 4mb wifi in fucking 2024(curse of africa)


I get 16mbps 🙂🥲


If only ISPs offer such speeds


Soon, storage will be cheap and fast enough to download 100gb games in 5 minutes.


Explain why I'm on 0.1mb then SKY!!!!


Four milliseconds? But I want it now!


what did you download 🫥😡🤬🤯


Wait, never mind


Holy shit, that can download the new cod in just a few hours


The future arguments of you don't need 800Tbps 420Tbps is enough for anyone.


Meanwhile the image loading nearly 1 minute on my wifi


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Nvme trying ready to write everything:


Bet Nvidia downloads still dragggh


“there’s no way you could use it at home” is that a challenge?


r/DataHoarder: ![gif](giphy|KEBW02O1XelLS7op77|downsized) Probably


God the amount of porn I could download I’d need racks and racks full of ssds