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230 km for the men including 5 laps of a 10 km circuit in the middle of Copenhagen. 160 km for the women including 3 laps of 10 km circuit in the middle of Copenhagen. The name is Copenhagen Sprint, a good candidate for most corporate sounding race name on the WT calendar, without actually including a corporate sponsor in the name. There's around 17 corners of around 90 degrees or more in the 10 km circuit. While this can make chasing back a breakaway hard. It also means it could turn into a gigantic crash fest if it rains. So beware Scheldeprijs, Copenhagen is coming for you!


Rather technical then, nice to see more of such races. I think the length is also good for keeping riders explosive yet also requiring endurance. Overall seems like a worthwhile race to watch.


Better than i feared. The circuit could make for some interesting racing.


Rain? In Denmark? Should be good then, that would be such a rare sight, never rains here!


It rained on the opening stage of the tour last year, forgot already?


A 180 degree turn at Tivoli Gardens and a 135 degree turn at Sankt Hans Torv, 1.3 km before the finish looks spicy. At least the final ~1 km is straight. Street View of the 135 degree turn: [link](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9UGnt7kFQURLjd7PA) (entering from the curved side) I wonder if they plan to move any of the road furniture. There's quite a bit at the 135-degree turn and on the part crossing the lakes in the final 1 km.


Copenhagen Sprint .WT 230km 1. Jasper Phillipsen ALPECIN DECUENICK 2. Tim Merlier SOUDAL QUICK STEP +0 3. Arnaud De Lie LOTTO - DSTNY +0


114. Dylan Groenewegen JAYCO-ALULA +11:36


143. Chris Froome +28:21 "We're getting there"


No spoilers please


Change Arnaud De Lie with Kooij and then you'd have a realistic top 3.


Crit racing but everyone has a bit more fatigue in the legs before they get to the crit part. Good way to show off Copenhagen I guess.


Mom, can we have Schjeldeprijs in Denmark? Quite the expected outcome when it was announced the race was happening. Vejle would have been a better area for it.


> Schjeldeprijs Can you imagine if they called it "Skjeldeprijs", would be the funniest thing ever


I have some questions about the calendar spot honestly. A WT one day race in Denmark just before the Tour when all good riders are preparing that Tour? Most will be doing a stage race. Suisse, Belgium and Slovenia (or will the last 2 have to move?) are at the same time. I doubt a top sprinter will prefer going to Denmark for 1 race day that's possibly filled with crashes when they need to prepare for the Tour. Some Giro sprinters might go tho.


There's always sprinters left behind. This year for example Merlier, Kooij, De Kleijn and probably a lot more. But you're right, it wont be like a massive Philipsen, Milan, Merlier, Kooij battle of the best.


So when will we get the races Oslo Climb and Stockholm Time Trial?


Sounds like a good opportunity to make "Denmark Stage Race"


> Oslo Climb With a special in-race feature called Holmenkollen Jump. ^^^^Who ^^^^said ^^^^Roglic?


Would honestly have been smarter imo! Danes already care about cycling a good part so hosting a race in Stockholm or Oslo - especially the former - could've been a good chance to branch out


No one would show up in Sweden. Just last year they where forced to move their national Championship to a 2km (i think that was the length) race track because of so much complaining from locals who didn’t want the race. It was a shitshow. Edit: it was 2.5 km with something like 60 laps. Yes it was weird.


Yeah road cycling isn't very popular here, and last years NC was truly a shitshow (but in the end it was actually kind of fun to watch the race on the race track even if the on screen product was somewhat dull). Exactly the same happened in 2020, where it was planned and then they ended up on the car race track. I read somewhere they actually changed some guidelines/rules/laws now which should improve it. And this year it's a nice city circuit in a somewhat big city, so I think it will be good this year.


I have to be honest, i did actually watch some of the race, because i wanted so what it was like. Don’t think i have ever done that with the Swedish NC before. Took a good long look in the mirror afterwards though. I hope it will be good this year! I know it can be frustrating when roads are being closed off, but once a year in such a big country it should be possible.


At least we get a crit-like finish. And I didn't expect that level of self-awareness in the name. While I should be happy to see a WT race close to home (and even happier that my dad gets to see a WT race close to his home), I still don't understand why it absolutely had to be Copenhagen.


> I still don't understand why it absolutely had to be Copenhagen. $$$


I'm guessing it's because Copenhagen might attract bigger names than some unknown town in Jutland. Also because the people who wanted it in the first place are probably from Copenhagen, which means they are a little unsure if things can actually exist outside of Copenhagen.


Living nearby, I will definitely go see it live, should be fun! Probably won't be a very exciting race on TV, though, unless you get bad weather and a very strong breakaway. Flat upon flat.


can we just give jasper phillipsen the win to save the stress


The exciting part of the race will be who he takes out/nearly takes out on the way to the win.


Will Philipsen/Alpecin even choose this one day race to prepare the Tour over the Belgium Tour he always uses as preparation (and that seems to work)?


Can't you do both the Tour of Belgium and this race? Or does it take place during the Tour of Belgium?


If Belgium Tour stays on the same spot it's in the same weekend.


That's quite dumb, this will have a very weak sprint field then. The Belgian sprinters will likely still prefer Tour of Belgium over this race (especially since the NC is only a week after Tour of Belgium as well). Tour of Belgium: 3 chances to sprint Denmark: only 1 chance


What a waste of an opportunity to actually host an interesting bike race. Denmark doesnt have many options i know, but a race in the thills around Vejle would have been 100 times better than this...


So it's the Glasgow WC course without hills. Could be interesting


Why is this a WT race? How is race category determined?


I think it's literally just whoever's putting on a race and talks to the UCI for it to be world tour (and hands over a bag of money obviously).




I live in Copenhagen so this is great. But how does one just get a World Tour race like that? I thought you had to start with a smaller race.


sprint seems right. flat, flat flat. There's only one place in denmark worthy of a WT race and that's Vejle but that's not where the money is...