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I watched a small bit of the Lanterne Rouge reaction vid on Unchained and they felt like 7 was filler but surprisingly 7 was one of my favorite episodes. I guess I could recall all the GC drama pretty well but I couldn't exactly remember what happened on Stage 18 or 19. Perhaps, I'm a supreme pragmatist but I found Groupama FDJ's idealism kind of off putting? I did find it kind of funny that Grischa Niermann says "thanks Richard" about the booing through Pinot Corner.


I also really enjoyed episode 7. But might just as well be because both Mohoric and Asgreen are so likeable.


I was thinking the same thing, two nice guys, although I would also have loved for O'Connor to win. Asgreen's performance was incredible. His 2023 season wasn't amazing, then he almost wins back-to-back Tour stages, and two of the toughest in the way they were ridden. Really tremendous.


I totally agree about episode 7. I think it was the best episode of the whole 2 series. It felt like the first time that the show captured the drama and beauty of cycling.


If only they showed more of Mohoric\`s post-race interview instead of butching it....


What worked really well about episode 7 was that we had already met and spent a lot of time with all three of the breakaway riders in stage 19. For it to be O'Connor who was interviewed a ton in the first two stages, Mohoric who was featured predominately in the "For Gino" episode, and Asgreen who we already met as the person who saved SQS's TDF, Netflix either had exceptional luck or did a much better job choosing who to feature.


I'm a sucker for tibo but the Virage Pinot part where the crew was with his brother was so great.


Does anyone really believe Plugge said the beerstuff to drag attention away from Vingegaard? To me, it just came across as an irritated impulsive response to an annoying question. I actually find it silly that they are trying to sell it somewhat here as a thoughtful plan to get their GC team leader out of the wind.


It's the Jose Mourinho method. Say something outrageous in the media, because you're a bit of a dick, then pretend it was some sort of master plan to take pressure off your team.


I know they’re portraying him in a certain way for the narrative of the show, but if you were to create character for the role - cold, arrogant, a little maladroit, the feeling that he has a scheme brewing - you’d spontaneously end up with a Richard Plugge. They frickin love FDJ though. I just realised Madiot is the first person to speak in season 1, and the 3rd last too (before Jonas and Plugge). Then Pinot is the first rider to speak on this season and they end it with Madiot.


100% agree, it is a revisionistic (thats probably not a word) way of telling the story. Just as Madiot isn’t denying the story, but during the tour he did. Plugge has a weird need to act like he is always on the top of things no matter what plays out. If Jonas wins this year, he will probably claim that they planned the break for him after Pays Basque.


My guess is somewhere in the middle--I don't believe he sat down that morning and said to himself, "I better say something about FDJ drinking beers to take the attention away from Jonas," but I think he does believe it's helpful if a silly thing like this catches on and that he leans into this part of his personality a little bit by choice sometimes


While I know it was focused on quickstep and Asgreen, the level of erasure of Campenaerts' insane all out sacrifice in stage 18 was unnecessary.


That's the main problem of this serie. Since it's focused on a few teams they miss a lot. To me Victor dropping from the break to bring in Eenkhorn was a high point of the Tour. So risky, so selfless, and he did it. And it's not even mentioned because Lotto isn't part of the story.


Yeah, dropping back and then later leading out the group, massive


If you want every detail then you have to watch three weeks of cycling. They can’t condense it all into 8 hours and that’s okay.


Man Kasper is so likeable. They should get him on camera more often. Very interesting that FDJ doesn't really deny beergate in the series, maybe Plugge had a point ;)


I thought they did? I thought Madiot at one point says the staff will have beer but the riders wouldn’t while doing the tour.


hmm might have to rewatch because definitely missed/forgot that.


Madiot 4:09: "Je le rassure l'encadrement bois des bières, les coureurs ne boivent pas de bière." The subtitles in English read: "I want to reassure him, the management drinks beer, but the riders don't drink beer"




It seemed a little weird to not have Groupama all season and then the final episode was mostly about them. I would have done less with AG2R and a little more Groupama in the early episodes to build up to Pinot's big finish. Agree with the comments that episode 7 was really good. Asgreen is an odd duck who brought something different to the show.


Anyone know what that heated power washer Asgreen was cleaning his bike with back on in Denmark was?


These Netflix sport shows always paint their own heroes and villians but man they really don't have to try hard w/ Jasper.


Thought Plugge telling everyone he made up the beer story to distract from the “Jonas is doping” rumours was a weird move. Like a bad Bond villain explaining his whole scheme just before he gets killed. Just means even fewer people will believe stuff coming out of the Visma camp in the future On the other hand, the Pinot story was one of the best things about this series. Wish 2019 had gone differently


I don’t think Plugge said that. I’m pretty sure it was Steve Chainel who theorized that being the case. Edit: Since I'm pulling receipts why not... Subtitles for Chainel at 1:24: "That was very clever of Plugge. Instead of wondering whether Jonas is doping, now everyone's going to talk about Groupama's lack of professionalism"


I came into this thread thinking there would be people calling out Jaspers childish behavior after stage 17… Seems I’m the only one who enjoyed it lol Episode 7, the best so far.


Didn’t think Pinot would still be making me cry in 2024.


There was a part after the Pinot stage where they interview some riders about the reaction. I know Jonas was referring to the booing and banging etc, but he says something like "His fans have a lot of ... emotion". It made me realise that this is the biggest difference between their riding styles: eg. Vingegaard seemed to struggle to even find the word "emotion" (yes yes I know he's not a native English speaker and yes yes I know he was being euphemistic in his reference to Pinot's fans implying he's a cheat) whereas Pinot raced with it always, even when he didn't win. I know which rider had me glued to the TV more, and feeling joy and empathy with regardless of the result.


He struggles to say emotion because he would have instinctively said a harsher word.


"His fans have a lot of.... alcohol. They're a bunch of hooligans." Something like that? Lol


I wish someone would make fan edits. There's so much I want to see in this series, but I just can't bring myself to suffer through all the platitudes anymore.


They kind of foreshadowed the winner of the stages in these last episodes, at the beginning of the ep there was a profile of a rider who later would win the stage, they shouldve skipped the buildup to the winner in the actual stage cause you already know who it was.. It felt like a bit of filler indeed as they didnt do this in previous episodes but when they are allowed to follow more teams this season, i dont understand how you can run out of stories so soon... Also this years TdF is also gonna have a really predictable winner (pogi) probably so im curious to see how the are gonna tackle this issue in the next series.


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