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Your post has been removed because we have a Weekly Questions Thread for questions just like yours. Please repost there.


Because it’s not in Europe. The amount of resources for riders to ride 1 stage would be a huge waste. And there is nothing exciting about a race in Miami


Travel. There's been rumours that that Giro would start in the US for over a decade, but you would race 3 days, then have to waste one of the 2 rest days per grand tour between the 3rd and 4th stage, rather than one in the 2nd week and the other in the 3rd week. And even if they added an extra rest day, none of the riders are going to want to have to spend that much time travelling during a stage race. Either they get to the US last second and try to ignore the jetlag, or they acclimatize to the timezone of the US, then spend a day travelling and have to deal with jetlag when they get back to europe. Neither is ideal.


This is super silly.


I'll give you three guesses as to what the difference between Italy (or even Denmark or the UK) and the US is relative to France. I'll wait.


Yeah I'm sure they would love the Jetlag on the second stage


The US had the strongest rider in the peloton for about a decade, if that wasn't enough to grow the sport then I don't know what is


Because honestly, European cycling does not need to cater to the US. You guys can sit this one out.


You'd first need to find someone prepared to finance the whole circus, because Amaury sure aren't paying for it.


How's that Tour of California and the Tour de Trump going over there?


Everyone is saying it's impossible but the giro did a Jerusalem start with most of the kit being transported by cargo planes. The extra distance, time difference etc would make it harder for sure, you would almost certainly need two rest days afterwards, but I don't think it is impossible. However I hope it never happens, the tour is doing great and does not need gimmicks like this.


I didn't know Israel was 6 timezones away from Italy, that's crazy. Also, the Israel grand start was a terrible idea.


I'm confused by your comment, I specifically said that the extra time difference would make it difficult.


And yet you consider it a possibility anyway. Wild.