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Shinjiro. His stats are insane by the time you reach the final boss Okay real answer is Mitsuru/Aigis/Koromaru


Yah see this shinji!


My endgame team was Aigis, Koromaru, and Yukari. Yukari healed and concentrated the party to save MP, Koromaru debuffed, buffed speed, and charged the party occasionally, and Aigis buffed attack and defense while dealing massive damage. The MC just charged and used physical attacks.


My 2 favorite team comps are Junpei, Ken, and Mitsuru and Junpei, Aigis, Koromaru


Depends on which point you are in the game. Yukari is an S-tier character so she never left my team. For the 1st half it was mainly Yukari, Mitsuru and Aki. Then Yukari / Mitsuru or Koro / Aki or Aigis. And in the last quarter of the game it was Yukari / Mitsuru or Aki / Aigis or Junpei, which by then has become a crit monster. For the record, I used Yukari / Aki / Aigis against the final boss. Don't underestimate Aki, his trait is really good (I heard it was mistranslated in the english version hence people thought he was kinda meh), as it amplifies the buffs he receives, when you use Yukari's tranquility while his attack is buffed, he deals a shit ton of damages.


I finished the game,and I used the team I mentioned against the final boss,with Aigis being the fourth team member,being really helpful to buff myself and deal a good amount of damage(despite Messiah being my primary dmg dealer since I leveled enough to fuse him thanks to the reaper). I was just wondering about personal choices,both for use or aesthetic (Yukari was the healer as well,while mitsuru acted as a Jolly character,debuffing the enemies in the Tartarus or giving them statues,or just being there for the "charm" of seeing a nice character if I ended the fight before her turn arrived) . I think Akihiko was mistranslated in Italian as well,since his trait basically said "buff yourself and get some charge for the theurgy" without mentioning once a possible buff amplification. Maybe I'll use him during the play through for the platinum,since I didn't manage to get Elizabeth and the maxed social affinities trophies


Junpei and Mitsuru make a very deadly duo if you do their dorm activities. Then I use either Akihiko or Agias


i ran yukari aigis and koromaru for most of the game 1/4th cost of healing is so unbelievably good. yes ken gets 15sp regen but i think yukari has better utility aigis does insane damage and full physical resistance is great late game koromaru increasing crit, lowering stats, and having 2 elements rounds it out nicely. the main issue is having 2 party members weak to electric


My endgame team was Ken, Yukari. And momm- Mitsuru .


Looks like I'm not the only one who has to pay attention to avoid calling Mitsuru that way


What way? I have absolutely no clue what your talking about.


You're right,I probably imagined it


It was mainly MC, Yukari for healing, Aigis for brute force, and Kuromaro for dark/fire damage and revolution


MC, Yukari, Aigis, Koro


I finished the game using Yukari junpei and ken. But I'd routinely swap ken for aki. I knew Yukari would be on my end game team so I basically used all my incense on her.


Ngl I completely forgot the existence of incense, otherwise I would've used it on Mitsuru or her


akihiko, yukari, aigis/mitsuru


I ran Koromaru, Junpei, and Aigis for unga bunga Power Howling hits. Theurgies are absolutely not balanced at all and I never found a problem that couldn't be solved with a 3000+ damage crit from Junpei's Theurgy. Making it so they ignore resistances is straight-up hilarious. When I eventually start my NG+, I'm going for Yukari for her super cheap healing, Mitsuru for big magic damage and Distress spam, and then either Akihiko or Junpei to make use of the enhanced crit chance.


For some kind of reason my brain decided to read "Either Akihiko or Junpei to bonk them"


In my playthrough on Hard I liked Yukari, Aigis, Ken. Really hard to die with that team especially with Ken's 2nd theurgy lol


The general "all of persona" comp is to have one support, one magic DPS, and one physical DPS unless you have a cheese strat. Yukari is turbo busted as support basically throughout the game, so shes a lock as many other comments have. I <3 Mitsuru. That is all there is to see. Physical DPS is where you have some options, as Junpei, Aigis, and Koromaru all have value here depending on what you like most. I mostly used Yukari-Mitsuru-Koro the whole way through but ymmv.


I tried to keep my entire party at roughly the same level, so it's hard for me to say who I used the "most" because I used everybody to largely the same degree. I think it's actually easier to say who I used the least, and that's probably Junpei and Ken. I understand that Junpei is busted because of his personality quirk giving him more and bigger crits, but I really didn't like the character for most of the game. I basically skipped his Linked Episode, and I didn't even hang out with him enough to unlock his special crit boosts. I liked him significantly more after I unlocked his second Theurgy, but by that point, I'd already established my favorites. Ken, I felt, just didn't bring enough to the table in any one category for me to consider him most of the time. Aigis is better for Pierce damage, Yukari is better for healing, and I typically carried Heat Riser on at least one of my own Personas. At that point, all he provides is Light damage, but, I can provide that, too. Lol My endgame party was Yukari, Mitsuru, and Koromaru. Yukari for healing and team-wide Concentrates, Mitsuru to take advantage of those Concentrates for big "fuck off" damage, and Koromaru for Debilitate and team-wide Agility buffs. And because he's best boi. 🥰 I also had Shinjiro in my party for pretty much the entire time he was available, so, if you compare the time a character was usable to the time I actually used them, he's probably at the top or just barely not at the top of the list.


Amazed at the lack of yukari’s in here. She never left my team once and served as permanent healer while everyone else was quite interchangeable


Literally can make all the damage go away for like, 11 SP.


Aigis, Koromaru, and Yukari.


My set up was always Yukari for support, Then Ken and Koromaru with null Dark and light accessories respectively, so I could have the 5 elements rather than 3. Also face koromaru the bone and the passive crit boost, so he was always critting


I swapped them out regularly, they were all the same level.


Aigis and Koromaru


I was consistently with Yukari because I ship them 😂 but jokes aside, she is my main healer and cleanser so I dont have to overly stock my MC with Dia spells. Ken is also a staple especially with his 2nd Theurgy, Heat Riser, Dekaja and magic shield. And then the 3rd is Mitsuru or Aigis (but I mostly went with Mitsuru) for full offense. By the end game, I just had Ken equip Null Dark and Mitsuru with Null Fire 😂 My MC mostly equipped physical dark and fire personas to balance the team. It works great too since Thanatos was Dark and Susano-o is physical.


Koromaru is a main stay in my party followed by Yukari, Sanada, and usually Aigis or Junpei.


Yukari(cleric role) aigis(paladin role) koromaru(assassin/sorcerer role) you got buffs debuffs charge and concentrate and very solid healing and damage


Junpei never leaves. My setup for a while was Junpei, Koromaru and Akihiko, but I recently switched out Koromaru for Yukari


I alternated between Yukari(heals)/Mitsuru(status)/Junpei(crit/phys) and Ken(heals)/Mitsuru(status, again)/Aigis(phys). I usually only took Akihiko and Koromaru along when they were getting too far behind because neither of them felt like they had a particular strength. And I never take Aigis and Yukari on the same team due to their shared weakness. One bad turn and at least half your team is downed, maybe even 3/4ths if you're also weak to electricity


Koromaru gets Debilitate at level 76.


One great debuff does not a good party member make. I think more about synergy than any individual strength


He also can charge the entire party while Yukari can concentrate the party.


I rotate alot so no real mains but for final boss it’s always Aigis mitsuru and Yukari


Da man never left my party


Usually went Aigis, Yukari and Mitsuru Then ran Black Frost with Agidyne, Ziodyne, Kougaon and Eigaon to have all attack types covered


I mainly used MC, Amada, Koromaru and Aragaki >!Till he passed then I replaced him with Aigis!<


I'm pretty sure my most used party members were Shinjiro, Koromaru, and either Yukari or Akihiko


Hard Endgame team was Yukari, Aigis and Mitsuru, everyone at around lv 90+. Mitsuru's damage against >!Ryoji!< was insane (when not outright Null/Res/Dr/Rpl) with Concentrate and that endgame Magic/Ice Amp weapon I forget the name of. I mainly use Yukari for her heals and her Concentrate All Theurgy, and some occasional additional damage if the turn allows. Aigis for her insane damage and occasional buffs through Mataru or items. Makoto is my all rounder, to fill in a turn whenever possible to damage, buff or heal as needed. Fuuka's Theurgy comes in clutch with All Charge/Concentrates and All Buffs. Junpei, Aki and Koro are my Team B. I pair Ken with Aki sometimes for his Heat Riser since Aki's Personality (multiplies his buffs on himself) is pretty damn OP too. I switch these teams up for fun every Dark Hour exploration, everyone was at around 90+ by the end.


Mitsuru, Ken, and Koromaru for me.


I did Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis/Junpei


Endgame comp was: Junpei, Yukari, and Ken. Loved having two supports on my team, I'll never die 🤣


first playthrough I used yukari, ken and aigis, second playthrough it was yukari, junpei and koromaru


Yukari, Mitsuru and Aigis My other choice is: Junpei, Yukari, Aigis Very top both


yukari is the only member i didn’t swap out regularly. only benched her during bosses that used electric attacks


Endgame my squad was aigis, junpei and yukari!


Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis While the MC outclasses everyone in every role except healing (He breaks even with Yukari, which I'll explain) There's never a reason to fly solo Junpei's a one-trick pony that can be easily walled The MC has Thunder Reign from Odin and Wild Thunder from Seiten Taisei for Electricity as well as Electric Driver from Captain Kidd Johanna has Strike Driver Inferno from Surt and Blazing Hell from Hecate for Fire (Surt was the original user of Inferno, which was called Ragnarok back then) as well as Fire Driver from Carmen Arsène has Dark Driver Robin Hood has Light Driver Cendrillion has Slash Driver With Healing Apex, Yukari can fully heal the team and cure status ailments for 17 SP (rounded down, I did the math) she needs 2 turns to do so, and while the MC can do both in one turn with Salvation even with Spell Master it costs 30 MP which is more expensive Mitsuru is outclassed with Ice Driver and Ice Age from Goemon and Kamu-Susanoo, respectively And Aigis is outclassed with Pralaya from Shiva alone (why is Pralaya the only good AoE Pierce attack anyway?) Sorry for the long-winded post but i wanted to be as thorough as possible to also help any new players


ALWAYS Junpei and Akihiko if possible for me. Third member was usually a rotating door until I got to late game and stuck with Yukari. And the only reason they never changed is because they're my fkin homies.


Yukari, Mitsuru and Akihiko. Three debuffs


Yukari mitsuru and aigis Yukari bc I love her Mitsuru bc she’s my second favorite character Aigis bc she’s a fuckin robot I didn’t use Ken bc I really don’t like him due to being the reason of what happens to shinji I don’t use sanada or junpei just bc I don’t feel like it and when it comes to best boy it’s only bc I have the other three I like to use otherwise I would use him


I personally used yukari almost all the time, since she was just solid for support, especially when I put incense box on her, removing any status effects and making her a reliable way to cleanse status effects and heal. After her, it would depend on where I am. If I was in Tartarus climbing floors, I’d use mitsuru and koromaru. If I was fighting any boss, I’d use junpei, then either akihiko or aigis. After unlocking the final block of tartarus, I used mitsuru and junpei for the entire block, as that was the team I intended to use for the final boss. I will mention that I’m not the best at persona, I’ve never defeated the reaper outside of p3r, and I have yet to complete Elizabeth’s final request. I have beaten p3r, p4g, and p5r, but that’s it


The only ones I never really used were ken and shinji. I didn’t use ken because I just didn’t like ken, and I never used shinji because he was too good, especially after he got his second theurgy. He felt too good and I didn’t want to make the game too easy, so I ignored him


My team was Mitsuru/Aigis depending on what I needed (Magic/Physical & Utilities) Koromaru goodest boy Ken with his 2nd theurgy helped me grind the reaper so much


Yukari, Mitsuru, Ken.


My main team was Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis. I used to have Aki as my 4th member but subbed him out with Aigis towards the end.


Yuki, Yukari, Koromaru, and Aegis were my main team


yukari aigis and ken


Yukari, junpei, mitsuru for most of the game


In my heart, Shinji. Yukari never left my party. Junpei, Aki, and Mitsuru were my other mainstays that I rotated between so they didn't fall too far behind.


Mitsuru, Aigis and then swapping between Yukari and Ken