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https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1dfebkr/is_p4g_good_worth_it/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1d1cxd9/play_p4_now_or_wait_for_remake/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1czyoli/started_p4_golden_seems_wont_be_as_good_as_p5/ just play P4G the only notable differences would be no baton pass and people not texting you


Seeing so many posts about the same thing is kinda tiring ngl. Just play the game.


No baton pass is kinda sad but I'll work around it. Thanks


It's very worth it. The 3d graphics are old, but the story and characters are still great. Coming from the other games the lack of baton pass might be annoying, but that's really the only big change in gameplay.


The game actually holds up really well and feels rather modern. If it got a cosmetic face lift you would not be able to tell it's age. The mechanics, music, character and world designs, story, voice acting, etc. All feel very quality and are on par with modern gaming quality.


Sounds nice. For me the most important things are probably the enjoyability of the Social links and characters in general, and the music probably. So that sounds good so far


Yeah the social links are great in this one just like the other 2 entries. And the main party has amazing chemistry.


Alright, sounds great. I hope for another of those ryuji/junpei character types (da mans fr)


You will love Yosuke


You should absolutely play it, as it’s a fantastic game. Is it going to be outdated? Well…yeah. The game came out originally in 2008, and the Golden version is a bit sharper, but overall not too different from the 2008 version. It’s like the Royal version of Persona 5, still having the same bones as the original game, despite having changes. In terms of gameplay, it’s basically the same when you’re in combat except with no baton pass/shift. That wasn’t in Persona 3 either until Reload. The only thing that might be a bit jarring is that the dungeons, while interesting thematically, are nothing to write home about. Don’t expect anything on the level of a Palace in Persona 5. Each dungeon is like 8-12ish procedurally generated floors, similar to Tartarus or Mementos. Another thing that you may or may not be sensitive to is the humor and cultural attitudes present. Again, the original Persona 4 was released in 2008…16 years ago…and it REALLY shows. There are plenty of unfortunate jokes and scenarios that have aged incredibly poorly over time. This was also the case with 3, though it somehow aged less poorly than 4 humor-wise, despite being older. Most notably the beach scene in Reload having a completely different punchline in the original game. Thankfully when the jokes aren’t incredibly insensitive, the game is downright hilarious, probably the funniest “Neo-Persona” (3/4/5) game. But with those issues aside, pretty similar to the other games. Calendar based system with social links/stats, time management, etc. It has a great story, phenomenal antagonist, and a fantastic main cast. Definitely play it if you’re interested :)


Thanks, I've actually decided to buy it today, just turned on my xbox to buy it. I'm pretty exited because P3R and P5R are amongst the best games I've ever played sooo I hope P4G is keeping up with that. Especially in terms of characters and music I hope its as good as the others. And graphics, I hope I can get used to it fast. One question tho, is it as long as the other games? I spend 120 hours on my first P5R playthrough (which was my first persona game) and 95 hours on P3R. How long youd reckon P4G would be?


I’m a slower gamer than most, so keep that in mind lol. Looking at my completion file, it took me 125 hours and 46 minutes to beat. Though Persona 5 Royal took me like 140ish hours


Alright, so probably a bit shorter than P5R but not by a lot. I expect 70-90 Hours maybe but we'll see


If you liked the half social sim/half dungeon crawl gameplay loop of P3 and P5 you will probably like P4. Gameplay-wise the only major annoyance is a lack of exp for members not in the party.


I went straight from p3r thanks to game pass to p4g and was a bit worried about outdated gameplay and graphics but you will get used to it quick its kinda nostalgic even


I just got into Persona this year. Played P3R first and thought it was really good. Played P4G right after and I can confidently say its one of the best games I ever played. The only thing P3R has over P4G is gameplay and graphics. Characters and plot wise id say P4G is the best as it gets. I am currently playing P5R and although I am enjoying it, I get the feeling that nothing will beat P4G experience for me... It is considered one of the best jrpgs of all time for a reason. A timeless masterpiece that doesnt need a remake cause its perfect as it is.


Having played P4G first I have to agree. I'm also playing Royal too at the moment and while I enjoy the game the cast just doesn't feel as close as 4's. Yu and the gang's friendship felt so real and genuine. Not to mention coming home to Nanako greeting you every evening.




it's worth it, the only recommendation I can make is to put the P4G community enhancement pack, which contains several QoL to make the game more comfortable


Sounds like something that only exists on PC. I'm playing on console


The gameplay isn’t as fun as p3r or p5r but the characters and story are (imo) better than p5r and on par with p3r. I still really love it. I just played all 3 this year after p3r came out


I honestly think that story and characters are a bit more important than gameplay. So basically I like the social sim aspect a litttllee bit better. As long as the gameplay is still good. Btw I chose very hard difficulty. I played P3R on Hard but felt like it couldve been a bit harder but idk if that was the right choice, havent fought anything in P4G so far


I only played them on normal so idk but I found p4g much harder than p3r and p5r. Ik you can adjust the difficulty later tho


Oh damn. Well if its too bad I just change difficulty but thanks for the info