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amazon should be able to tell you what the charge was for. might be wise to check before you contact your bank.


>I panicked and found a small $16 Amazon charge on my credit card in that I said I wouldn’t use. I haven’t even bothered to look at it because I thought I had it payed off from the first late fee and didn’t use it anymore. Then I went to look into my Amazon purchases and I can’t even find what I bought. Maybe Prime membership? At any rate, some issuers allow longer times to dispute. It doesn't hurt to try. >I’m assuming I can’t fight this nor do I deserve to. You can call the credit card issuer and ask nicely for them to remove it. It's called a goodwill adjustment.


I tried and it worked! I’m still on the hook for the fees but they will get rid of all of the derogatory stuff saying I was late so my credit should be fixed


Well done! Thanks for the update.


Assemble your story in written form. Lay out your story linearly and chronologically. do not use emotional terms or anger. Just the facts. This is an honest mistake and one your credit card company should correct. Lay out precisely what you propose to remedy the situation. They may not be able to meet all of your proposals, but they know the value of keeping a customer for a long time. The quantity of money they would lose in this dispute is very low compared to the quantity of money required to a acquire a new customer. Think from the credit card companies perspective, they pay ridiculous affiliate commissions to platforms like credit karma. Affiliate commission to sign up a new credit card customer can be in the hundreds of dollars. We are talking about a number smaller than that.


Sounds like now is the time to set up an autopay so this doesn't happen again.


>I save a ton and invest in CDs. I hope that's not where you're keeping your retirement money. [https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/investing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/investing/)


It's where I keep almost all of my retirement money now. But I'm within 2 years of full retirement, so low to no risk now investing only.


Best of luck to you.


I'm fine. Some is in CDs, some in Time deposits and Roth IRA Money market certificates. All have rates locked in between 5% - 7.25%. I can easily live off just the interest without touching the principal or touching Social security.


That's key then. Enjoy! Decided to take an early one myself while I raise my kid.


My youngest child is 32..so Bern done with that years ago


Right on. He's 18 months. I've got my hands full and some! Love it.


I'm sort of semi- retired. Work 7 months then 5 off. Then in 2 years or less I'm done working