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It usually takes a lot more than just one non payment of taxes before they consider foreclosure. The best thing to do is go down and speak to someone.


Yes. You're not the first person to be in this situation. They've dealt with it many times and they'll help you out. They should anyway. Tax, penalty, interest. Done.


Does the letter you received have a phone number? I think your best bet is to call your county tax office and ask them what your options are. The [Durham County website says:](https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-f-z/tax-administration/foreclosure) > State law provides that any owner, mortgage holder or defendant in a filed tax foreclosure proceeding can stop the foreclosure process at any time by redeeming the property. The redemption price is equal to the taxes, interest, fees and costs of the foreclosure proceeding to the date of the redemption. Parties wishing to redeem property from tax foreclosure and stop the foreclosure process must contact the assigned attorney for a redemption payoff figure. Redemption can even occur after a sale, as long as the sale has not been confirmed by the Court. However, once the foreclosure property sale has been completed with a confirmation order and delivery of deed, all rights of redemption are terminated.


Be careful here. What scammers do is monitor the county websites for homes that are delinquent on their property taxes. They then send out fake flyers/letters asking you to call a number and/or log into a website with payment instructions. They do a good job of making these look real and official. To protect yourself google the phone number for your county and/or log into their website, do not use any link or number on that flier. Take it from there.


Yes. Make sure the website you logged onto is legitimate. Foreclosure is typically a slow process with many legal requirements for notice to the owner. I don't know specifically about NC, but many states will literally require they post a notice on the front door. There will also be notices in newspapers, and certified letters, etc. There will be filings recorded in the official county records. Likely every state has similar rules. It's really uncommon to be surprised by a foreclosure.


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