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>I am about to text him but I’m just nervous since I already asked back in March? What do y’all think? It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks if you don't have the money. But you *are* starting to establish a pattern of inability to pay, which will make any landlord nervous.


Yes I understand and I mean I do have it it’s just if I send the whole payment at once then I won’t be able to afford groceries 😩 he was cool about it last time but I’m nervous to ask a 2nd time around


Then don't ask, pay in full, and rethink your discretionary spending choices to make your budget.


Are you pursuing food banks, churches, other resources or benefit programs to get food on the table? Food is important. So too is housing. Have you explored short term rental assistance from any local housing commission or charity? Often there are resources for these situations.


Do you have anything to sell that you can put towards paying for food? Can you get any assistance locally?


You need to get yourself on a path towards building up an emergency fund so that this doesn’t keep happening. Ideally what happened in March should have been the kick in the pants to do that, but we are where we are and we can’t change the past. How your landlord reacts is an unknown, that depends on a bunch of factors unknown to anyone else. But that said, let this time be the one where you commit to building your emergency fund. However your landlord reacts to this time, if this happens again in a couple months they are going to take it worse than they take this one.


Does it matter what anyone here thinks? Because what is your alternative? Perhaps that is the discussion you should be having instead?


I mean I have one tenant who owes by the 5th each month and usually pays on the 10th. Does it suck? A bit but whatever she pays every month. Maybe I'm a different type of LL but as long as I get the money in some way around the due date I'm fine. Maybe he's the same.


Honestly he’s always been really cool. He always prompt on repairs and have been above and beyond. I just REALLY hate to have to ask again especially since it was back in March that I asked. He might be totally fine with it it just sucks being in this position.


That was also probably because he viewed you as a good reliable tenant that paid on time. There’s now going to be an established pattern of that not being true.


I'd buy my groceries with a credit card before I would poison my relationship with a landlord I liked.


4years, and u mentioned you've been on time paying your bills, i think you've established enough reputataion for him to asses your request, Id say give it a shot, just mention you respect either way his choices.


Housing is one of the important things. If you can borrow the money, do it. If you can't, that a whole different conversation.