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Make sure you have an adequate emergency fund and that you're on track for retirement. After that: * Whatever you need in <10 years: HYSA, T-Bills, CDs * Over 10 years: Index-based ETF/Fund. (No individual stocks)


Check out this wiki page: [Windfalls $$$ (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/windfall)


Look man, 10k will pay for a great wedding but I’d recommend putting more of that $ into your honeymoon. If kids are in your future seeing the world will become prohibitively expensive to impossible after you have them. The wedding industry is extortionate and not a good return on value.


$10k for a wedding is insane. Is your fiance splitting this wedding cost with you? If yes, I suppose it’s fine, but I’d rather put that money to work for me in an index fund and allow compound interest to do its job.


10k is like half of the national average cost of a wedding in the US. It is insane, but unfortunately totally on par with wedding costs nowadays.


My wife and I spent 2k on a backyard wedding so I'm not the kind of person to advocate for huge weddings, but 10k really isn't a whole lot for a wedding.


Wow, I understand it is alot of money but the AVERAGE cost of a wedding in california is 25k. I am wayyy under the average. Getting my closest friends together for a weekend to celebrate the next chapter of my life is important to me. I understand that it isnt to others but it is to me.


Maybe it could be better utilized. I am not optimistic about real estate and most stocks now. The risks are too great.


if i need the money in ten years and can't afford a loss, a bond or t-bill. i wouldn't go in on individual stocks, of the dozen stock purchases i've made, 2 have been a loss for me. the stocks have beaten the market but that's only because of incredibly dumb luck and timing.


Dont listen to these tbill/cd people. You are young, you need to be in growth stuff. VUG, VOO for at least 60% of it. The other 40% put in solid stocks like Apple, Amazon, Costco, Google and let it ride…


I disagree on the individual stocks, but yes you have to invest in the stock market if you want it to grow. For the 10yr growth portion, set up a Vanguard brokerage account online and put it all into VOO (S&P 500 index)