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I mean, I imagine your family wants to have a long and love-filled life with you. I know that I would rather live a more humble life with the people I love than one filled with money and the absence of my husband or father. Can I ask what this dangerous job is? Just curious.


My guess is welding from another of OP’s post.


…underwater welding? 😥


Also interested!


What trade? How did they die? Is it avoidable? 3 dead friends in two years seems REALLY dangerous, and I would not continue working a job like that. Certainly not when I’m getting 15k/mo without that job. Quit tomorrow.


You have the luxury of choice! Do it and dont look back. Those children need their daddy worse than you need $.


So if you quit right now you’ll have $15k/mo? I’m curious how, but yes quit the dangerous job and retire early and enjoy life.


Thanks. And va disability plus profit after rentals I bought pre covid. I just got lucky and pulled all retirement savings in 2018 and 2019 to invest in those and the market went crazy up until now. But yeah I feel like the extra money is nice but I love hanging with my wife and kids and don't want to be the dad that doesn't spend time with them because of work


I recently had a similar discussion with myself and the trick I used was to assign a dollar amount to the time. My situation didn’t sound quite as perverse but it might work for you. How much would it take for you to spend 1 less hour a day from your family? Maybe keep that number to yourself :) Nobody on their death bed wishes they’d have spent more time at the office.