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I always get a certified check from my credit union. Not actual cash.


Is there a difference between a Certified check and a Cashier's check?


Basically the same thing.




Very interesting. I’ve worked in banking and accounts payable and always used those terms interchangeably and was never corrected. TBH, according to that article, I’ve never actually seen, created, or touched a “Certified check”.


Basically no one is walking around with loads of cash. But you could if you wanted to.


Yeah but there are some dealerships I have heard that won’t accept that much cash. They think it’s sketchy asf and probably dirty money.


Okay, who would you get the Certified or Cashier's check made out to? Can that be to myself and then endorse it over to the dealer or?


Usually you work out the final price. Then the dealer would be able to tell you what exactly to make it out to. It might not necessarily be the name of the dealership. Then you go to your bank and have them draft a check for the specified amount


Ask the dealer. I bought a car 6 months ago and the only took personal checks, not cashiers check. They give the account and routing numbers to a third party to verify then accept the check. I was surprised.


A lot of times the dealer can set you up with an option contract. They’ll run your credit and get you approved for financing and you drive the car away. Then you have a week to come back with a check for the balance, otherwise their financing actually kicks in.


I did that once, drove my new car to the bank, got a cashier's check, and dropped it off.


I have it made out to the dealer. Never had a problem.


I’ve always thought cashiers checks can be faked, does the dealer somehow verify the funds exist before handing over the keys?


I use a well known credit union and have never had an issue. Have you asked the dealership what they prefer?


Checks... I was prepared to pay for a car in cash and ending up financing a portion of it since I got an additional $500 off the price. I paid that balance off with the very first payment. I was also able to put a down payment of $10k on a credit card which got me lots of points (also paid that off in full on the due date).


I heard many dealers don’t like to use credit cards but next time I’m buying a car I will do the same.


Mine limited me to $2000. They pay merchant fees (like 2%), so they don't want to be doing that on the whole price of a car.


you can contact your bank and tell them you are making a purchase of $$ and they will up your limit to the funds in your bank at that time. Lasts 24 hours. I didn't like having to tell them what I was buying though, should have been none of their business.


>you can contact your bank and tell them you are making a purchase of $$ and they will up your limit to the funds in your bank at that time. He means the dealer's limit, what they would allow him to put on the credit card. Not his card's limit.


I bought a Sea-Doo on debit. Got a loan from my credit union and they just put it in my account and upped my card limit. The dealer had to break it into 4 transactions because their machine had a $3000 transaction limit. I believe their merchant fees would have been only 50 cents x 4


The dealership I went to had a similar limitation but it was $7k. So they ran the card twice, once for $7k and then the remaining $3k.


He’s saying that the dealership limited the amount he could put on a credit card, not the bank.


It depends on the state and the individual dealer.


Usually cash means you have the money in a bank account and write a check.


Last time I did it, they just magicked up a loan that would disappear if I came by with a check in a couple of days. Presumably if I didn't it would turn into the worst car loan ever, but...


Yep I did the same on my first car in 2013. Just sign agreeing to paying them in x days or something along the lines of a loan or some sorts.


Have your friend come in wearing a suit and sun glasses with a briefcase handcuffed to their arm.


Ideally with a name badge "Franky"


I have used a bank cashiers check, wire transfer and cash. No issues, other than having to fill out some paperwork.


What sort of paperwork?


Usually paperwork specifying where the cash (literal bills) came from, 10k and over forms have to be filled out declaring where it came from for tax and money laundering purposes


I tried to buy a car outright with cash and they told me there was a huge fee involved with doing that, since we wouldn’t be getting the “discounts” involved with financing. We ended up financing with no early penalty and paying it off the first month.


Never say you intend to pay with cash. Dealerships want you to use their own on-site financing. If they think they can ripe you into a long term loan, they are more likely to lower the asking price. Once they make the sale, and lock you in at a set price. Only after they confirm the price is locked in, then share the fact you intend to satisfy the debt in full.


After this, just go get a cashier's check at the bank, that's what they will want anyway.


Just make sure there are no early repayment penalties


If there isn’t any can’t you just pay it off on the first payment?


You can pay it off *before* the first payment. 👍 I financed with VW Finance to get $750 cash back, the re-fi’d their 3.99% loan to a 1.4% loan within 10 days.


I know you can do it with a cashier’s check.


Credit cards may have limits, but otherwise I'm sure the dealer will happily accept just about anything. When I sold cars, I had someone bring in a $5k down payment in cash. Only "problem" was counting it.


Most dealers will *not* accept actual cash in any amount, at least not for new cars. Too much liability.


When buying a car at a dealership, checks are generally preferred when ‘paying cash’. Going in with greenbacks can be tricky for all involved. They don’t like to deal with that much cash on premises and you don’t want to be followed home by some random person at the dealership. You want the added paper trail of a check for such a large purchase. Then you have to do a CTR at the bank getting the money out and a CTR at the dealership when paying. If you have a CC with a good cash back program, see what the dealership will take using that card, then pay the balance with a check. My experience has been under $5k. If they offer you a discount for using their financing and you can qualify, I’d take that if there’s no early payment penalty.




Purchased every car in cash from a person or Dealership. (1) Choose your car. (2) Leave a deposit with either Bank Check/Certified Check or Personal Check. Sign paperwork. (3) Wait until the car is ready for pick up and the check clears. Title is cleared and insurance is purchased. Usually 3-5 business days. (4) Go to your bank and get a Bank Check/Certified Check made out to the dealership. Go to dealership and do all the paperwork. (5) Drive off into the sunset. Personally the check for the car sale should NOT be a personal check. Some dealerships won't accept a personal check for the actual purchase. A Bank Check/Certified Check is a check make BY THE BANK. So there is NO chance it would bounce. The bank is backing the funds xyz. Usually a Bank Check/Certified Check is for $1,000 or more while a Money Order is for $0.01-999.99. ​ Enjoy and Have Fun!


A Mercedes dealer I had never done business with before took a personal check from me last month for $31,000 towards a new car. My wife accidently wrote it from wrong bank account and it bounced 🤦‍♂️. Let's just say I got a slightly worried manager calling me a few weeks later when it bounced


>Personally the check for the car sale should NOT be a personal check. Some dealerships won't accept a personal check for the actual purchase. There is actually a lot of fraud in cashiers checks and money orders. Wire is really the preferred method.


They will take a personal check.


I wrote personal checks for the last five cars we purchased. Go during banking hours so they can verify and reserve the funds and you should be fine.


You put the suitcase with cash on the dealer's desk and slowly slide it over, obviously. :)


Ask the dealer what they prefer. It might be a check, might be a card. Depending on the car and your credit, if you can get a good rate (probably < 4% or so), you're probably better off putting that money in some investments and taking a loan for the car.


Checks. Although I have actually paid for a $24k car in cad (literally handed her the bills). The girl thought it was the best thing ever.


I got my car on a 0% financing deal, but when I offered (and I proved) I could pay cash that day I got a few freebies thrown in, too, but that was last summer before the car market went weird. It never hurts to ask though. Edit: To pay cash I could set up an ACH transfer.


When I bought my truck last year they were very resistant to me paying cash. I told them I wasn't financing. They mentioned it again. I left. I went to their competitor and told them what happened. I left that second dealership with a better deal and paid cash.


Cold hard cash will raise some eyebrows, but most dealerships will accept all with the proper vetting. Don’t tell them upfront you’re not taking out a loan though, since you’ll lose the advantage to negotiate the terms (price).


I put it on my credit card, then paid it off immediately for them points.


If you show up at a dealer with cash in hand for a new car (today's money), that would be suspicious. You would have to jump through hoops to prove it wasn't from ill gotten gains. Even worse, if you get pulled over on the way it would likely be lost to civil asset forfeiture... A cashiers check is the way to go here.


I know someone who bought a Mazda 2 with a credit card. obviously you need a limit that can handle tje charge.


I recently did this. I brought $2000 in cash, and they let me put $3000 on a credit card. The rest I put on a personal check.


I bought with a personal check. I think they did a credit check/loan agreement anyway just in case the check bounced. If I had a certified check they probably wouldn’t have done that but it worked out. The guy really didn’t want me to pay cash though, it was wild


My wife one time swiped her debit card to pay for the new car. She had to call the bank to get them to allow that much money on a single transaction.


I wrote a personal check for a $10000 down payment once. Finance guy ‘ran it thru’ or whatever happens and there was no prob. Tho’ I always thought it would be great to walk in with a case of cash for a car. Maybe dressed like the monopoly man!


Around here, businesses won’t accept a suitcase of greenbacks. They want something traceable because in case they get investigated for money laundering. Apparently depositing $10k or more in bills in bank account is a red flag, so businesses prefer to avoid the hassle. The fast food place that deposits thousands in crumpled bills every day gets ignored long as the amounts deposited fall within typical range, but unusually large deposits are risky.


>Apparently depositing $10k or more in bills in bank account is a red flag, Any cash equivalent single transaction over $10k has to be reported to the IRS regardless of payment method (cash, personal checks, cashier's check, money orders, bank drafts). https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/understand-how-to-report-large-cash-transactions


Thanks! Looks like every landlord I’ve had in the last five years is in violation of that notice requirement if not the actual report to IRS. Fascinating.


Going through the same process with a vehicle I had on order, dealer said they accept wire transfers and cashiers checks


It probably depends on what the dealer is okay with. Some don’t want to take a credit card payment because they have high transaction fees, some are willing to take them and eat the cost to make a sale. Most should take a personal check, or they may want a cashiers check. It’s probably dealer dependent I couldn’t see a dealer not taking cash, but who knows, some may not want to deal with it and may prefer a check


>EDIT: to clarify, I meant a new car at a dealer. FkinA. I was writing a good essay on the basics of buying a car from a private seller with cash, and the edit drops. Just ask the Fking dealer how they would like to receive payment. EDIT: After negotiating the price.


They take/prefer debit cards. Just put enough in your checking.


>prefer debit cards Prefer they do not. They get hit with a processing fee, and would prefer checks over a card transaction. They would prefer financing over everything else Financing > Checks > Debit/Credit > Cash.


I paid with personal check - the dealer said that’s what they preferred so… They asked to see my credit score upon heading over the check and was surprised how low it is. I showed them my balance which was more than enough to pay for the car and they are fine with it


If I'm paying cash, there's no way I'm letting them do a credit check. They do hard pulls.


I don’t know what’s hard pull. They asked to see so.. and they saw I hardly have any credit history


A hard pull of your credit, which car dealers do instead of the non credit affecting soft pull, drops your score and stays for two years. If you pay cash, there is absolutely no need for them to see your credit. If they insist, you leave and find another dealer.


Someone else said they weren’t asked for anything probably because they had driver’s license and registration history. I had nothing but a recent temporary driver’s license so I imagine for most people checking credit score is not necessary.


Last time I bought a car from a used car dealership, I paid with a personal check (~13k) and they didn’t ask to verify anything. I figured it was because they had my drivers license & all my information on file for the registration & title.


My situation was different since I only had a temporary driver’s license (just passed the test) and no prior registration whatsoever (been living in different countries before the pandemic). It was a new car at $26.5k, but I think it must be because the lack of history


I bought my last two cars new and I believe I paid partly with a check and credit card (to get the travel points).


Yes to all those at most dealers.


I bought my car with cash. I made the deal and had to have the funds ready on another day, not the same day as making the deal. I went to the bank and had a bank check made out to the dealership for what I owed them.


I bought my last car cash because I agreed to pay a dealer cash and they backed out like a bunch of sleazy dickbags. (fuck Koeppel Hyundai in Queens) Went to another with said cash and bought a car for ~13,500. Took a while to count and check for counterfits, but everything went as expected.


I wrote a personal check at the dealership


They aren’t going to accept a suitcase full of money. You simply go to the bank and have the bank issue certified funds (a bank check where they take money from your account and issue a check guaranteed by the bank). You present them the finance person the check, and that’s it. I did this with the last two cars we had bought. Easy peasy.


You run the risk of having to explain the source of the cash if you bring 100k into a dealership. As long as you can prove it isn't drug money or something it should be fine. There could be some out there that won't deal with it but where I am I expect all of them to take it. More common is you agree on a price and go get a cashiers check written out to the dealership from your bank for the total and pay them with that.


I foolishly walked into a dealership with 5,000$ cash to buy my first motorcycle, the look on the guys face was priceless, he thought i was some sort of criminal


I always put the maximum they will accept on a credit card. The balance is paid by bank or certified check.


USA is weird. My family bought all of our cars for cash as long as I remember (all of them were used ones though ).


Last year I bought a car from a dealer with cash. I just wrote them a personal check to the dealership for the agreed upon amount after signing all the paperwork and drove off in my car. It was really easy, no credit check or anything like that.


I bought a new car in early 2020: $5k on credit card The remainder on a personal check It felt weird but they were fine with it and I certainly didn’t need an extra trip to the bank.


Last time we bought a used car with cash from a dealer, we paid with a personal check. They wanted our phone numbers & DL numbers on the check, & that was it.


I bought my car cash via caravana and they had me do a three way call with my bank to verify the funds before wiring.


How was your experience with Carvana? Did you have a hard time getting the title in a timely manner?


I bought my car in cash. I used a bank draft.


I put as much as they would let me on a rewards CC and had my credit union send over a certified check for the rest.


You can use a debit card. You can also use a credit card, but a lot of dealerships will only let you put up to a certain amount on a credit card. If you can use a credit card for any portion, find one with rewards and do that (and then pay it off). Source: have done it. Note: Make sure you’ve double and triple checked with your bank to let them know to release the funds. Do it early on a business day, in case there’s any issues.


Once I bought a car with cash. Around 10k in $20 bills. It worked.


Depends on the price of the car. For those under $7000, I just withdraw cash. Otherwise, you get a certified check. It’s usually pretty sketchy to show up with $30,000 in bills, you kinda look like a drug dealer


Actually yes. It took a while for the plates and title. I bought my car during the pandemic quarantine. Late March 2020. At the time, I believe all the government offices they needed to go to were closed. I think my process was atypical.


I paid with a debit card once. I thought 14k would trigger some warning or that I'd have to call the bank, but went through without a hitch


We did three years ago. We had them put the max allowed on our credit card (for the rewards points. Make sure they don’t charge a fee to do it) and then brought in a cashiers check the next day. They let us leave with the car that day. They kept our trade ($2500) and had the charge on the card. The car we bought was $17,500.