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The jeebus freaks are better than the Covid Cranks, but just barely.


They frequently combine to make a super cooker.


I know one of these, he's actually a mega cooker. He's got the pro Trump, pro guns, pro Russia, anti abortion and anti LGBTIQRS#+ stuff going down as well. Covid has bypassed him to date unfortunately.


Imagine if Covid was deadly only to people with a feeble intellect, it would definitely make some changes to society. I'm Agnostic, but I do remember a few Florida pastors ignoring lockdowns and general warnings about social distancing. Many of said pastors (presuming they were somewhat elderly) had said "social isolation is for wimps" and still continued church services. I have a mental image of God saying "I've had quite enough of this stupidity!" Some of them did in fact die of Covid due to ignoring all of the health warnings


There was a great Herman Cain Award style website that was hilarious. It documented all these morons facebook posts as the spiralled downward. It went; what virus ===> its only the flu ===> Toxic vaccines made from babies eyeballs ===> the lord does not want me to be vaccinated ===> my natural immunity will protect me ===> give me some horse medicine ===> lord please save me ===> go fund me to cover the funeral costs. gOd certainly did smite a few morons.


I know it's mental gymnastics, but you do have to wonder if recreational drugs were involved the thought process




The irony is that some people with learning difficulties are technically smarter than some of these morons


That's very true. Common sense isn't so common.


Turns out that difficulty learning is not nearly as detrimental as a refusal to learn.


I cut someone uneducated some slack, but have zero sympathy for the wilfully ignorant


Well I guess you need to look into what’s happening with ppl that has been Jabbed lately then!


Either he got it and won’t own up to it. Or the meth just cooks Covid out of the system.


I was hoping he'd be a Herman Cain awardee.


An educated man with a well reasoned, healthy outlook. A leader! A person of high standards, morals and ethics! A person of piety! A mentor! Any of this sound familiar, or have you all succumbed/fallen into the dark side and lost sight of what is good and righteous???/


Hopefully nobody is silly enough to breed with them. 😳


The covid conspiracy theorists and religious zealots are no worse than racists with "Fuck off we're full", "Fit in or fuck off", southern cross etc. stickers and misogynists with Blokes Advice stickers but sadly most people here and in Perth in general aren't bothered by those. They almost always have kids, too so sadly people are breeding with them.


Scientific theory: Smart people have figured out that having kids is expensive, so if they want them, they usually stop at about 2, maybe three occasionally. The dim witted seem to breed like rabbits. Unfortunately what this means for society is that for every relatively intelligent person, there may be up to three morons out there


On the subject of covid conspiracy theories, now that Astra zeneca has been removed from the market, do you think some of them maybe had a point and that it wasn’t as safe as we were told?


"My child car seat made in the 90s was removed from the market. There is now a newer version. Maybe it wasn’t as safe as we were told and I should have just thrown the kids in the back seat. "


Bad analogy


Then give a better one. Anti-vaxers don't understand that perfect is the enemy of good.


I’ve had the vaccines but I don’t believe they were as safe as advertised. It’s ok to question it brother. Question everything.


Sadly they have bred and the offspring appear in their yoga videos on facebook complete with crystals.


I need this account to add to my weekly stalks on people that make me feel better about myself


You got it.


So much crystals and yoga to nazi cooker transition these days


It has been wild seeing this unfold in recent years, who would have guessed that hippies would end up turning into fascists.


there's a lot of pagan/witch uptake nowadays in the LGBTQ+ and feminist community, which has some crossover with the crystals and yoga crowd, but VERY different politics


He must wake up each morning like "how can I be an obnoxious contrarian cunt today?"


Super Cooker sounds like some kind of really lame superhero, with a lame super power that never fails to bore onlookers.


And sometimes they're also sovereign citizens for the trifecta.


The Branch Covidians.


Except they’re only at siege with themselves. And the sooner they take themselves out, the better.


Mental illness shows up in many forms


Wrong. Jeebus freaks have been murdering/molesting people with the protection of their doctrine allowing most of them to get away with their crimes, whereas COVID nutjobs are just that, nutjobs.


Not when they knock on my door


some parallels there... believers in alternate facts.


This has Potters House vibes


a LOT of people are mentally ill, some just display it like this


at least this way, you are warned in advance.


Could have spent the photocopying money on some new hub caps


The minds of fundamentalists are very similar to that of conspiracy theorists. Often they're one and the same. And the more traction they get, the more danger they bring to our democratic institutions.


Prepare to meet thy god, sounds like a threat


oh this guy has had his car like this for YEARS. so funny he still has it


My mum is a born again Christian and went in to get "REPENT" as personalised plates. The dude was like, your gunna get a lot of people scratching your car so she changed her mind.


Lol very committed I see


Crazy and a coward. Good combo.


I'm baffled as to why the number plate is blocked out? It would be the least identifiable part of the car and I actually don't go round paying rego for random cars.


It's just incase of some good Samaritan paying his rego in advance on DoTs website.


It's hardly baffling. Some people mistakenly think number plates can be used to find out other identifying information about the person the car is registered to, so they block them out. It doesn't negatively impact anyone or anything. Pretty odd to get hung up on something that has no effect on anything either way and stems from good intentions. And believe it or not, you and whether or not you pay random people's rego is not something they care about.


Classic word bearer


Erebus would like a word


Emperor protect us


That’s a way to cover dings and dents on old bomb..


I think the implication that atheists are foolish because it says so in the bible is hilarious.


It’s when everyone in your life leaves you because they’re sick of listening to your crazy.


The car has no airbags. Some people carry a St. Christopher medallion.


I'm baffled people are not reading the stuff I stick to my car!


I, too, loved putting random stickers on all my stuff. Then I turned 8.


clearly not a proper Christian or it would be a Honda: https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/comments/8v6x2v/jesus_drove_a_honda_it_says_in_the_bible/


That's just mental illness, peace be upon them for their inner demons speak loudly.


Poor little Barina / Swift. It deserved better.


Spreading the gospel at 35 miles per gallon


There is a similar dude that commutes down Scarborough Beach Road most mornings. His car is a little nicer than this one and it focuses on creationism making more sense than evolution.


Scoring ‘brownie points’ for God


they want a reaction. Best to ignore them - as funny as it would be to pour a bunch of paint thinner on there, it'll only come back to bite you


I witnessed a car with all the Qanon stickers on it yesterday in Osborne Park. Crazy people everywhere.


Is that still a thing? Is Trump still secretly running the USA, whilst he gets fined $5M for rape?


Tracks for Osborne park though


Yeah these people are all potential terrorists like the Train family.


Working at a local med centre , I happily accept brochures on anti Vax , just thank them and let them leave. Bl


Bet you have never been so busy with sick people....you ever wonder why? Prob just need one more Booster.


Late 80s Barina, so he's not likely to be concerned with resale


Welp, I'm convinced.


I’ve covered my car in Mark McGowan quotes. People are always waving to me.


And please lord, watch over the resale value of thy humble servant's shitbox.


One of the worst fandoms.


mental illness is a hell of a thing


Religion is a hellova drug.


"Religion is the opium of the people." is what Marx said. But in this instance it seems more comparable to meth.


Hubcaps are really cool though.


I know where that car lives...Beep Beep barina


Same. So they obviously had a decent amount of money a few decades ago.


Well they nicked OUR IP animal ,they can have their fucking Wabbits


I bet that old suzook sounds like a giant tic tac box when it's running.


It is an interesting mental deficit isn't it?


Welcome to morley


Baffles me how I’m going to hell a place that I don’t even believe exists


I'd rather they do it this way than yell about it and harass people on the street


When you meet the driver I think you’ll be less baffled


Far happier with this than the sov cit anti vax idiots


They have to work hard, some churces have 8M members but only 144,000 can escape the horror (according to their books), thats very tough odds!


As much as I disagree with what they are on about. I pose a different question. At least they believe in something. What do you feel strongly about?


So what? Since when did believing in something become a virtue. There's no inherent value in a having a strong conviction about something. Based on the shit they've got stuck to their car, I'd bet this person does a lot of telling people they're living their lives wrong.


Interesting comment history you have there. I didn't have to scroll far before I got to the classic vegan comparing animal farming to the Holocaust argument.


It's not so much the fact that they believe in something it is more the fact the look like a complete nut job while doing it. I see your point although


I believe kidnapping little kids is ok. I believe foreigners shouldn't be allowed into the country. I believe the king should have more power over Australia. ^^^I'm ^^^obviously ^^^not ^^^being ^^^serious Do I get a biscuit? /s


No. But you get a sticker. 😄


Each to their own we still are a free country just


They want attention, and you taking a photo and putting it online provides that attention


Years ago I listened a interview with a former evangelical Christian who had left the church. He talked about what a relief it was, the first time he got on an airplane and wasn't thinking "I have one hour to save this person from eternal damnation. If i say one thing wrong, they will be doomed to the fires of hell" I don't like or agree with them. But I can feel empathy for the pressure that their beliefs put on them.


Is it that different from someone who plasters rainbow flags everywhere? (and the rainbow flag with all the other stuff on it)




Yes. Gay people have been proven to exist.


The concept of the “gendered soul” has not


I think it’s called schizophrenia


Delusion people who believe in magic sky man.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I think anyone that does this to their car should be committed to a mental asylum.


Some of these people don't know any better. Indoctrinated by the church and parents at a young age and genuinely think they know best and doing gods work. To say they are mentally ill is probably a bit unfair. I despise all religion but it exists and is very meaningful to alot of people. Centuries from now it will be thought of in the same light as Thor and Zeus etc but until then it is here and we should accept this is a way for some to explain the meaning of life. A car covered in crazy gospel shit doesn't do much harm, who cares let's worry about bigger things like the abysmal state of hospitals etc.


Not surprised it’s a shitbox car




I mean, it’s in the title lol.


Lol 😅


That's just waiting for someone to spray "I'm a cunt on it"




Almost as bad as a cOeXiSt sticker.


Hi! I'm from Perth and anyone with different beliefs to me is a drongo, no-hoper, worthless and ignorant piece of poo. Don't question my brilliant taste or attitude, just shut up and accept it! Oh! I mean. remain free and do as we do in my street. We are going for the best street award this year


The guy is right. We'll all face judgement day. Only followers of Jesus Christ will be saved


And the lord didst change his cane to that of pain cane.


One crash and they wont be around anymore. Super dangerous car.


I baffled this car is still running


Well, you can't say you weren't warned now.


The fact there’s another car like this is the scary part


Not surprised at all have you seen the people around that shopping centre, this person would fit in perfectly. Galleria really has gone downhill and definitely in need of a renovation.


They could spend a billion dollars on it and they will still get the same clientel. Is anyone prepared to travel ten suburbs to get to a shopping center with the same thirty chain stores they have elsewhere?


His Cult or never ending jabs.....tough choice!


Committed to the crazy there.


It's mental illness on display, pure and simple. They need help before they hurt themselves or others, but it's so difficult to reach out the echo chamber.


Because they are absolute fuckwits.


Of course it's fucking Morley Galleria.


I'm sure the stickers are doing wonders for the resale value of that car.


It's a mental illness. Leave it alone


There tends to be a lot of preachers whenever I shop at Galla, especially from the Potters House cuz ive been given a shitton of potters house pamphlets


Lol that’s my grandmas neighbour, he’s a bit Cooke


I'm impressed, you don't see many of those early 90's Holden barinas around. The lord definitely works in mysterious ways.


gotta love galleria


I was born in Tennessee. This is nothing. By comparison.


I love it. That's cool. thank Jesus we can express ourselves like that. It's really brought out the bigots though.