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FESA became DFES in 2012, so about 10 years out of date


Yeah no idea how long this sign has been up...


Someone have the backstory behind this one?


So yeah apparently they are sovereign citizens. I don't reckon the sign is to council standards! Worth being a dobber to the council IMO! [email protected]


That’s not sovereign citizen stuff. Thats “same person keeps making complaints about my property over and over again” Given the sign is over ten years old- long term neighbour dispute.


Is it over 10 years old? No doubt a neighbour dispute but they strike me as a bully either way you look at it


DFES replaced FESA years ago


Yes, someone else has pointed that out, doesn't mean that the sovereign citizen knows that or chooses to refer to them by their new name. My old man still calls Western Power the SEC and I'm pretty sure they changed names 40 odd years ago


You keep saying sovereign citizen, but this sign has no sovereign citizen statements. SovCits don’t recognise the local council, invoke common law, refer to the Magna Carta and state it’s an offence to enter the premises under threat of Admiralty Law. This is saying bash a serial dobber, intimating that same person keeps dobbing on him, and states that the things they’re dobbing about, the council is aware of. It’s on a small sign, so suggests that the person is close enough to read it. Hence neighbour dispute.


>state it’s an offence to enter the premises under threat of Admiralty Law I saw a SovCiv in court on YouTube referring to it as Admirality law. Funniest shit I have seen


I say they are a sovereign citizen because I was told they are by the mate who sent me the pic. Doesn't matter anyway, they are threatening people and I won't stand for it and the council needs to be made aware of it




You sound like a dobber. Lets get him boys!


I get it. You're a sovereign citizen and are banding together with another one. Hey, I don't care what you guys do, just don't drive on our roads, use our health care system and certainly do not threaten us with violence!


No, I’m a former detective who’s dealt with actual SovCits, like the ones that build bunkers on their property, and stockpile illegal firearms. I’m well aware of what actual SovCits do and say, especially when they’re in handcuffs and their convictions start to fail them. This is a neighbour dispute, and given the context of the sign, I’m sure the council is well aware of it.


Yeah and I'm a former astronaut and I can tell you now, I know exactly what it looks like to fly past the moon and not land on it. It's so frustrating.


The firearms in the high Wycombe bunker were all owned legally. It was lack of council consent, and some ammo for a firearm he didn't own that he got done for.




Near the new Costco


Was sent to me by a mate. Just off Thomas Road in like Oakford or Anketell apparently.




Imagine paying a sign maker to produce this!!! 🤣🤣




Real life example of the "Perth - Have a Whinge" fb group


Man I forgot that group existed, I remember it being incredibly toxic with one of the admins using the group to spout off rude comments towards people and when he was proven wrong or made to look stupid he would delete the post


That group still exists?


As long as there is things for people to complain about yes


Who is this Bash A. and who did they dob on?


Neighbours I guess. But sovereign citizens will do what they gotta do


I dont think that sign is regulation.


No I don't think it is... I think we should get the council to remove it.


Its an eye sore. It needs to go.


Agreed. Can't believe neighbours wouldn't have just pulled it down... Probably a lot of sovereign citizens down there though




No, that would not be fine. I am just saying I can't believe they haven't already done that. Nice try at baiting though. Hope it felt cool trying.




Think you're speaking about yourself there chief. Thanks for reading though. I appreciate your time.


Oh, they're definitely speaking about you, I thought the same.




Oh and dude, this message request you sent me... "Awwwwww the sign made you scared? Baby need his safe space? Poor diddums." That's super lame. Honestly. Are you okay?


Put council contact details up. My mate said it's a sovereign citizens sign. Sounds like a complete twat to me


You got a permit for that sign?


Steal the sign, who is he going to call? The cops?


Haha, yeah but who knows what kind of bear traps they have set up around their property...


Just FYI, I am not a bear, just I fear bear trapping devices as they often don't discriminate between bears and humans prior to inflicting mortal wounding.


Seems like a public threat to me, worth reporting to the police perhaps...


Yeah I reckon! Let's get the council to remove it


Looks like incitement to violence, even.




Have you emailed yet? You really should.


Are you worried he's going to bash all of us? 🤣🤣




The signs are visible from Thomas Rd which is a main road. Stuff them. They have a sign up actively threatening people. Why shouldn't they be made identifiable?




By silly, you mean offensive and threatening to bash people, right? If the GOOD people on here banded together we could get this sign taken down. Who knows what else this alleged sovereign cit is up to.




I know that people who don't get vaccinated don't deserve to go to the grocery shops.


Geez mate calm down. It's just a sign. Starting to think you're who the sign is for.


Yeah nah, I wouldn't be caught dead living in that area




She's cute. Got a name... for research purposes...


What a joke you people are! You have completely missed the point, in your ignorant, quick to get on the bandwagon, mentality. You forgot THE most important fact. The sign is on PRIVATE PROPERTY, so you know what you can all do? Or are you all that thick and removed from reality, that I have to tell you???


Wtf!?!? Private or not, you put a sign, meaning, you want to make sure people know.. and somewhat an understandable statement take a turn and becomes a threat of harm! it’s not like your old grumpy grandpa with a bad mouth sitting on his veranda and having go at literally anything!


NO! NO! You don't get to decide to dismiss this!!! The sign is an announcement that he is broadcasting to ensure his wishes and opinions be followed and respected, because, "in this case", the sign is on HIS property, and he is more than justified in saying what he wants. You, and everyone else, on the other hand, have only one choice, to abide by the sign! You've been told/warned, END OF!!!!!


Hahahaha what else, are u naive or have lost ur mind or maybe just wake up and that should be enough


Okay. Please do share, our little angry man 🤣🤣


All that I have read here, can be categorised under the heading of BS!!!! None of you know anything to do with this sign. Which one of you is prepared to be chastised, reprimanded and embarrassed, when you will stop and realise that the sign is on PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!! So which one or how many of you "experts" are prepared to take a verballing, for running off at the mouth, without ANY facts to back it up with?? No? None? That's what I thought!!!!


Hey everyone. Think we found the signs owner!


HAH!! YOU WISH!!!! Instead "I" think I've found the group of the "best"? minds on reddit!!!!


Been a big week has it? Had a few after work cold ones now jumped online because the missus ain't talking to you because "you bloody well always do this John!!!"


But I have to agree that you shouldn’t be giving a full address like this no matter what.. I can think of a thousand ways of biting you back…




I love that the streetview for this address is currently fire damaged (Thomas Rd seems to be a real home for wayward burnoffs!)


Probably a methlab went up. Looks a pretty shit area TBH


It IS home to the main prison in this state.


Yeah the super Max prison is there right?


There were a spate of fires in the area a few years ago. It was assumed to be teenagers, but in the end they caught a woman in her 40s setting them.


Alright, let him be a sovereign citizen. If he doesn't want to be part of the commonwealth he can kiss healthcare, social services, access to emergency services, power and water rights, superannuation, access to the mail network, disaster relief, internet, telephone, garbage services, and sewerage goodbye. All services that are either controlled by a level of government, or difficult for corporations inside Australia to provide outside it.


Yes of course. I still think he needs to be reported to council for his offensive sign


You forgot the T 'Some Mothers Do Have Them'


Huh? Shaking My Damn Head




Showing my age. Sorry


Sovereign citizens don’t recognise local government’s authority. This sign says they’ve complied with all of Kwinana’s planning regs. How does that make them sovcit?


Umm dude, my mate who sent me the pic said they are sovereign cits. Buggered if I know. Seems everyone here is either a sovereign cit or knows each one by address


They’re not sovereign citizens and your mate is wrong.


Oh, so you know these people do you? Very bold statement to make if not.




My mate doesn't use Reddit but I was talking to him today about sovereign cits after seeing that other thread with the sign and he told me about this clown and sent me the pic. Why such negativity my man. Just email the council like everyone else has been. We'll get these signs removed.


Talk about a bug up some ones arse! It's guys like you lot who are the problem. He obviously has a reason for the sign, and HE believes it to be a GOOD reason, so unless any of you know him or the TRUTH behind the sign, AND, that it's a bad reason, you've got NO REASON to contact anyone, or do anything!!! WOW, talk about making a mountain out of a mole-hill!!!!!


>Hey everyone, just spoke to my mate who sent me this. Ok, we understand now. There is no mate, cos you don't have any. You spend your life complaining to your local council about your neighbours. To the point now that everyone at the Kwinana Council knows who you are and simply ignores you. So now you are trying to get a harassment campaign going against the council


Nice try Sovereign Dazza. Keep dodging those parking fines and council rates payments. Take the bastards to court mate! You'll definitely win!!!!11!!


Best one in heard is the Police are a corporation because they have an ABN out of America, with ABN literally meaning Australian Business Number FML


Mate, there's some good theories out there. Very popcorn worthy.


Obviously someone is such an AH that his/her neighbours are always calling the council in them!


..I feel a council phone call coming up.


Somehow I feel like the council know these folks already.... I assume they don't already know about the sign though!


Maybe the guys had problems with dumb arse problem neighbours making baseless complaints. Some people make complaints just to spite thier neighbour. I can understand how that can piss you off enough to make a sign lol.


Threatening to bash people isn't justified though. If they think they are up to council standard then they shouldn't need to put that sign up.


Yeah agree threats of violence make the guy sound unhinged and are never ok. Your point about being up to council standard then you shouldn't have to worry isnt true though. My old man has had problems with the neighbour constantly calling the fire brigade on his fires. Completely wastes the firies time. And complaining about a neighbour having an illegal garden shed or patio is a cockhead move in my books. Its none of the neighbours bussiness. Obviously it's different if they're damming off a creek or something, but things that don't affect the environment or affect any off the other neighbour's should be legal to build


If a neighbour calls the firies to attend a fire that they didn't need to attend and for a fire that was legal that then person should be charged for the callout. If someone is complaining to council over sheds that are council approved then all they are doing is wasting the councils time and their own. In no way does it justify putting up a threat of violence to passers-by.


OH YES IT DOES!!!! It will make the Karens and the Kevins of the world think twice before they waste everyone's time!!!


You need council permission for your garden shed and patio *because* those things affect the environment and people. If your shed or patio is up to spec, then you should have no problem getting legal approval.


Thats not true, thats how its supposed to work but its not what realistically ends up happening. I feel like the people downvotting me have never had to deal with the shire being dickheads. If you pay a ton of money to get approval and then get rejected with the only answer being sorry no we don't like it, without any reason given why it was rejected, then what else are you supposed to think ?


I will give you that, they can be dickheads. You are being downvoted because of your "it should be legal to build what you want" lines btw. There are many good reasons why that is a bad idea. For example - sometimes people need to enter your property unannounced for legally sound reasons (medics, firies, council tradesmen) and they shouldn't risk dying from your structurally unsound patio collapsing under them. Also eventually you will need to sell or pass on your property and the new occupants should have some confidence the patio isn't going to murder them.


I'm talking about "can I built my shed here in the centre of my 12 acre property? no one can even see it" and the answer comes back as "no you must build it 50 metres west of your proposed spot and rebuild your crushed limestone driveway as a concrete driveway because we say so" that kind of bullshit I'm absolutely not taking about building fences or walls to stop people entering your property, or structurally unsafe renovations


Do you give ANY thought to what you write, before writing it???? So according to you, this structure (patio) has been structurally sound for the whole time you've used it, and as soon as you sell the property, it collapses and or even murders the new occupants!!!! REALLY??? You can't be this thick. Or can you? I can't wear fools and immaturity, You conveniently failed to mention how many people have been injured, maimed or killed by structures that HAVE been approved by council or the appropriate group or govt body. The moral here is; Just let people live their lives and YOU get on with your own!!!! Unless you are being compromised or attacked physically or financially, SHUT UP!!!!!


OP I think we found who put up the sign. Calling me immature and saying I put no thought into what I write is the height of hypocrisy after you delivered that unhinged rant. Sudden collapse was one extreme example of why you need to adhere to building codes when constructing things in Australia. There's also fire safety, sewage and drainage, erosion control, consumer safety. You are are a moron and a lunatic and that's why people like you are being mocked in this thread.


As your rant is based on your inability to accept that laws are NOT always right or necessary, I'll ignore you. The only people who are morons and lunatics, are those who accept everything at face value and question NOTHING!! When you and the law-makers finally realise, and accept the fact that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, and some are more aware and mature than others, and they accept that there is NO SUCH THING AS one size fits all in law, then and only then will the public be truly governed and satisfied!!!! Until then we have to contend or tolerate pions like yourself, who attack the messenger and NOT the message!!!!!




Try again. Violence IS the last resort, but at least it is the act that puts an end to an annoying and time wasting person. Violence is the final word in any situation. Before you bring out your virtue signaling, piss-weak attitudes and excuses, stop and think how much grief could be avoided if the arse-hole got a good hiding. I for one can see how your old man would have lived a much happier and justifiably relaxed life, without the turd who was forever pissing him off!!! Doesn't take much, and once he has been read the riot act (physically), he won't be a problem anymore. Things will be as they should. And don't worry gutless c#nts like the pest your old man has been putting up with, don't have the guts or the mates to retaliate. Therefore end of the problem, and everyone lives happily ever after! END OF!!!


That's your opinion, thankfully. I and millions of others disagree. When you've got a pain in the arse Karen or Kevin, and they have nothing better to do than be "in your face", THE only answer is a good hiding, and make sure you leave a physical mark of some sort, preferably in the face, so when they look in the mirror, they will remember to keep out of peoples lives if they're going to be a nuisance or an unnecessary pain!!! END OF!!!


Well someone got more smacks than cuddles as a child. Get help little fella


I'll take that as a rhetorical question. Thank you!!!


He sounds like he deserves it.


I’m lost. What does it means?


Just sovereign citizen nonsense


Its a witch burn it


It is a written evidence of some sort just as is and should be treated as! If you fancy a cave life go ahead and have it! But threatening and such is completely unacceptable and also unlawful! I’m surprised also not surprised! Yet a teacher can kill cops when he looses his mind and I don’t want to imagine what this guy’s demons can do! I mean these a bit too much maybe and overthinking but that’s how the data used for the preventive measures! Beside feels like no smoke no fire suits a lot! I just want to add that we can be and do better! Meaning, it could be explained wtf is happening and ended up politely asking to not to engage or something! I mean that’s not something far fetched, right¿


I think this cracker needs the council to come visit and take the sign down




As you are advocating a cave lifestyle, we are to assume you are speaking from experience. That being the case, you are completely un-aware and out of your depth commenting on this thread. It might be wise for you to return to your cave before you do yourself harm. AND you should REFRAIN from commenting on matters such as physical violence as you obviously do not condone, nor practice it!!!!


U’re out of ur mind obviously or how else anyone can support a threat of violence!


EASY!!! REALLY EASY!!! When talking does not sway the morons into a level of fairness and understanding, and still insist on pushing a bullshit agenda, all that's left is the physical persuasion. As the saying goes, when people become stubborn and belligerent, it's amazing how quick they see your way and come around with a good swift re-alignment of their priorities. (B@lls that is!!!!)


AND YOU WILL BE TREATED WITH THE TRUE CONTEMPT YOU DESERVE BASH A SERIAL DOBBER, YOU WILL BE FOUND This is a generalise statement targeting public not the ongoing neighbour(s)’s dispute,, if so carry it on a private contact not public! When public then offence, but I guess you can dodge the bullet this way then making it direct which will cause more headache! But whatever u say!


HEY!! AGAIN, IT's "PRIVATE PROPERTY"!!! You must have trouble understanding common sense and reason!!! You display YOUR lack of reason and common sense, when you refuse to see that the sign is aimed at, and warning, what/who is on the other side of the fence, to warn them of the fate that awaits them, should THEY so desire to act against said warnings!! So brainiac, according to you and the rest of your like minded geniuses, it should be facing away from the boundary so as to be completely useless, by warning someone AFTER they have erred!! REALLY????


What ever you say boss whatever u say!!! Good luck!


Well thank you. Glad you have come around to see the sense in what the signage is intended for!




This is the second sovereign citizen thing I’ve seen today from r/Perth, is it really prevalent over there? Asking as an Adelaide girl 😅


Nah not really. But it pays to identify them when you find out about them. They probably haven't even had their vaccines yet. Grrr, it really boils my beans that we can't report people who don't get vaccinated, or at least stop them going outside or whatever.




Yeah that was a weird pivot


Tis a pisstake mate. Sign is shit.


It's a sign.. sure it's inappropriate and the person who put it up is most likely a dickhead... I going to make an educated guess here and assume that has most likely been reported multiple times, if it still there clearly no one really cares... Except for you... You seem to be making a lot of noise over such an insignificant thing... Moving on... Regarding vaccination... Are you saying that all people who are unvaccinated should be removed from society, that their freedom of choice doesn't matter simply because you don't agree with it? What's next? round them up and force it on them? I'm really curious what gives you the right to think that your opinion is so righteous and justified... Serious question.


That's the opinion of a lot of redditors mate


Define "a lot"????




Obviously got sick of dealing with Karens


Hmm sovereign citizen I see?? Send in the SRT plz




Whatever equalivent rapid armored response team u guys got


I think you avoid serial dobbers by not pissing people off.


Spot on mate. They must just be wankers in general


Published intent to harm? ✅ Published intent to ignore due process regarding complaints on the basis of health, safety and environmental concerns? ✅ This numpty doesn't realise how badly they are setting themselves up if they follow through on their threats and/or their burning off goes awry


Yep, hence why I've emailed [email protected] about these muppets


Kevin, get a life!!!


How did you know my name is Kevin? WTF


Apparently you reckon you're pretty smart, so it shouldn't take you long to figure it out!!




Yeah, if the shoe fits


What is a dobber?


A snitch, you'd probably call them.