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Sounds like a combination of bearings and sucking air. Have a look at the o-ring seal under the top cover (the one with the handle on it). Clean the o-ring and the groove in which it sits and then put a SMALL smear of vaseline or grease on the o-ring. You mentioned the suction side in the pool is strong and I assume the outlet is equally healthy in which case, pump bearings.


That's cavitation You got air leaking in somewhere Cavitation usually sounds like there is gravel in the pipes


Yeah I think it's cavitating. The feed to the pump has been lost.


Blocked suction line ? Check the inlet / filter / strainer for clogs maybe try back flushing it . P.s im not a pool guy


First thing I checked. Suction is really strong on the pool side. To me as a mechatronical engineer it sounds like the pump itself has an issue. Maybe bearings going, air trapped somewhere it can't escape etc


Sounds silly to ask as again not a pool guy and don’t know you set up but is the water level In the pool equal to or above the suction ?


Bearings and seals are buggered. Take it in to pump repair shop before it fails in middle of summer when u really need it


100% Pool guy here that is the correct answer


Someone replaced the Hurlcon/Astral pump with a shitty Chinese LX pump. It will cost more to replace the bearings/seals than to buy a new one.


Water level dropped. Below pool overflow and cheap ass pump lost prime. Just add water to pool until overflow (skimmer box) under water.


I will try thanks


Two thing to do. 1. fill the pool up the pool. 2. Turn off the filter and open the filter cap, pour a bucket into it to fill, close cap and run the filter


Prime the pump that cavitating


Geezus how old is that. Update to a new 8 star or whatever they are these days and it will pay for itself in about one summer.


We are selling the house start of next year. Not worth it.


I’d come sort it for you but I’m too far away in South Perth


Clean filter, backwash, rinse


Showed this to my hubby who is a pump technician. He said it’s air so as above add more water to the pool and even put some in the pump to prime. Air can sound similar to bearings but is way easier to fix


Bearings and mechanical seal. If you're north of river take it to foundation pumps balcatta 👍. Pool tech here


Is the water level reaching the intake at the pool? It's not sucking air is it? I'd take the clear cover off and pour water for a while, place the clear cover back on then turn the pump on to prime it back. Mine would do this at times when I lose my water level at the intake.


Ours did the same a couple of times. Once was due to the pump housing inlet being blocked with a piece of wood that somehow got past the basket filter. Had to pull the pump apart to get to it. The second time was due to some other blockage that we cleared using the Karcher pressure jet and poured water into that same filter basket assembly to bring up the water level and clear the air cavitation.


You have air getting in. You should not have bubbles. Find the leak a it’s usually at the skimmer box.


Does the leak have to be before the pump? Or can it be after?






The line before the pump will create a low pressure scenario in the line and therefore pull air into the line system. The line after the pump will create a high pressure scenario in the line and therefore push water out of a leak if there was a leak in the line after the pump.


Looks like you origionally had a decent Hurlcon/Astral setup, but the pump was replaced with a Chinese LX pump. The bearings are stuffed. The rusty floor plate and white pump shows the seals have been leaking too. Fixing these will probably cost more than the pump cost to buy.


A no water so possible air leak B sounds like your burnt seals and bearings out