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Wow. That's not just a loose screw, it's the whole hardware store!


Oh...things with her got MUCH worse


I can imagine! I once had a roommate who thought that AOL and MS Windows were fighting each other for dominance of the computer. And that was one of the least weird things she thought...


I had a friend who thought KFC had to legally change their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC because the grew headless chicken torsos for meat on machines ( think life support system) and because of that could not legally be called chicken. I tried to explain explain that 1) no, they changed it for marketing because KFC sounds healthier than “fried” anything and 2) the cost associated with growing millions of chickens on their own individual life support systems would be cost prohibitive. She would not believe me. In the end we are no longer friends because of her crazy.


Wow. Whackadoo!


My friend was on a course with a woman who was genuinely terrified of catching a virus from her computer.


I actually had a "neighbor" who lived below me at the apartment complex I used to live in, she seriously thought I was stealing her satellite TV service and using it.


Not to mention that they actually got sued by the state of Kentucky, because the state trademarked the name for things like Kentucky Whiskey and such. They finally settled, allowing the company to use the name (since they'd been using it longer than the state had it trademarked), but they still tend to go by KFC.


Ask if they met Mike, The Headless Chicken? Just needed dropper for food and water and rubber bulb suction to clear airway. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike\_the\_Headless\_Chicken](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken)


That was a very famous conspiracy theory around early 00's.. It was circulating in email chains etc, plenty believed it my dad included. It makes zero sense, I just think people were very gullible back then


I don’t think it was just “back then”. The internet preys upon gullible people. When did common sense and logic simply take a back seat? It’s rather frightening. *edit* that actually is when this happened so spot on.


I ... want to hear more? In a morbidly curious way?


She thought that the moon landings were a hoax, because the moon is actually a projection (like on a movie screen). And bread should not be bagged, because the bag would prevent mold from escaping so that it would have no choice but to infest the bread. Anyone who has a cat is a witch because all cats are witches' familiars. I can't remember them all, those are just the ones that caused conflict between us. Oh, and food that has been refrigerated is good forever (seriously got mad at me for throwing out solid foods that had become liquid, or the other way around).


I have two cats. I must be a double witch.


Be my roommate and well be triple witches...


Cats are all about science. We know the Earth is not flat, because if it was, they would have knocked everything off the edge by now!


I have 1. But he’s pure black. And we got him on Friday 13th years ago. I must be a super witch 😂


That’s the best kind! You’ve unlocked the secret level!


I’ve got a dog, what am I?


Hmmm. Maybe werewolf? It’s the canine family…


I am pretty hairy…


Well, there you go! Be careful, isn’t there a full moon tonight?


…solid foods that had become liquid..? 😱


Tell your friend about me... I have two housecats in the house that sleep with me. In the barn, 40+ barncats that all take turns climbing me, sitting on my shoulders, across the back of my neck, bumping & rubbing my head. I also have 4 dogs, down from 10 due to age. I am an animal rescuer. Have been since I was a kid - I'm 66yo now. All animals that have shared my life with me have been rescues. I am Wiccan & practice beliefs, rituals, etc. that some people call witchcraft and me a witch. Did I mention the # of cats I live with? Actually, *all* animals are my familiars. I am male. Blessed be! 🤗


Oh, she'd just lose it! Luckily, I haven't seen her in over a decade.


LOL. My bil won’t “allow” my sister to have any Amazon Echo devices, because they “spy on you.” I told him that his cell phone is already “spying” on him, and so is my sister’s cell phone. He said the Echo dots are worse. So I asked how so?, because the Echo dots are mostly just listening in, while the phones listen in and read all your email, see what websites you frequent, what your internet searches are, see your contacts, your GPS location, where you shop and what you buy, etc. He still won’t “let” her get an Echo Dot.


Suggest the wake word of computer and then watch Star Trek episodes / movies. [https://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=21341305011](https://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=21341305011)


I still experience MS and Google fighting for dominance of my laptop. 😆 True story!


I'm invested and I want all the stores of this person.


Same here. MORE, PLEASE!!


Please share!


Don't forget the two wires.... ,;)


She doesn't have issues, she has a whole subscription!


This is a tale from the other side. How my boss saved my ass. My first day of work, fresh out of college. I'm a chemical engineer so I was working at a chemical plant. My boss, Bruce, the manager, came and picked me up from HR and was introducing me to all the folks at the unit. We ran into the main engineer, John. Short, balding, heavy set Caucasian guy. You could tell he's very bright. The pipes had special clamps that I had never seen before and I was intrigued. I asked John about the clamps. My boss, Bruce, goes, "I want to see you in my office in 30 minutes, don't be late!!" and walks off. John, starts explaining how he designed the clamps and then veers off into Bernoulli's equation, metal stress and fatigue, thermal expansion coefficients, and on and on. After about 15 minutes I wanted out. Finally at the 25 minutes mark I was like I got to go see Bruce! When I walked in, Bruce is smirking and goes, I don't really need to see you. I just didn't want you to suffer too much on your first day. Be careful when you ask John questions, he likes to talk. He was an awesome guy to work for.


Awesome and wholesome


More Kay stories, please.


Was a manager at a pizza place for a few years. Had a guy walk in, (21ish) and immediately start begging for a job. Didn’t care what job, I’ll take it. I was impressed with his determination, so I hired him as a cook. Big mistake. He would vanish. When I found him, he would be outside, filming a super-political, irate video for his social media. In his uniform. No matter how I tried to tell him that he couldn’t just vanish, he wouldn’t listen. Apparently, I was trying to stifle his burgeoning fame. But, being the food industry, we were perpetually short handed, so I couldn’t fire him. Not without working his shifts myself. So he stayed, until one of our front end girls (16f) came in, and told me he followed her to her car, asking her out, and refusing to take no for an answer. So, he ended up fired, and trespassed. Should have known he was trouble.


You know what, good for Dan for putting his money where his mouth is, devoting hour after hour to attempting to practice what he preaches, and afterwards, having the guts to admit he was mistaken.


💯. I'm still friends with him too


Every kiss begins with Kay! 😂




Holey shitballs Dude! I’m gonna need more Kay stories! Whackadoo!


Please more stories.


I could sit and read hours of these. I need more Kay stories.


I assume she was really good at what she did?


Wondering this too.


The loose wire reminds me of the prank Jim pulled on Dwight on the office.


Id rather have had Dwight around


So a couple bags short of a bag of chips?


A few anthills short of a picnic?


A tree short of a sharpened pencil


A wrecking yard short of a fender


A few fries short of a Happy Meal. Only one oar in the water. A few watts short of a boombox. A few BTU's short of a room air conditioner. *^((I'm making these up as I go along-it's SOOOOO soothing yet satisfying. Speaking of Chesterfields...))* A few ciggies short of a pack. A few beers short of a 6-pack. A few fleas short of a poodle. (*I'm looking at my gud gurl Molly right now*)


I think you’ve missed the point of the metaphor. You’re using the normal construction, where there’s a smaller part missing from a larger entity. We reversed the idiom, creating a metaphor for a person so lacking in ability that they must be quantified using negative numbers. Notice that each missing component is *larger* than the result it’s supposed to add up to. It’s like a business worth minus a billion dollars.


She sounds like a treat. She must have been the mother of the guy who when we asked for folks to test working from home asked how to block people with listening devices and telescopic lenses from seeing him. Looked at him in the eyes and deadpan said, “same way we do here, keep the windows closed, tint the windows or use curtains and what we do is not that exciting to watch you.”


Sometimes it is so funny to be right.




Oh please, I want to have more!


She doesn't just have a screw loose, she's missing the whole freaking toolbox!


of course, we need more stories about this Kay character! I'd probably like working with her if she never talked to me personally 😭


Sorry, perhaps I’m being a bit thick but I don’t understand why you’re taking revenge on Dan, I thought he was a nice bloke? Or is the revenge on Kay who clearly has a mental health issue?


Just a little on Dan for being a little bit arrogant. He was new and thought he knew what he was getting into.


Oh, thanks for replying 👍


Definitely need more Kay stories now lol




Kay was mentally ill. Did she ever get help with that?


I have no clue.


If you see Kay


I am intrigued. Is Kay single? Or did THEY! have her KILLED?




update me!


There should be no reason for a meeting to go on for that long. Eigher one or the other party is right and this should be easy to figure out by checking the contract or googling etc.


Yeah.. have you ever tried to convince someone who wasn't all with it with facts? It doesn't work


My wife literally every day of the week.


They dont have to be convinced. You tell them how it is, you lay down the facts and then you end the meeting. If they still have a problem they can go talk about it with HR, a lawyer or a union representative.


yes, which is why the new manager conceded and said send her to hr next time. THIS time he was sure that his "reasoning" skills would work and wasn't especially willing to back down.


Lol..union...yeah...there's no Union


Update me. I need more Kay stories with my morning coffee ☕️


You are not very nice, you should have your head checked. This woman obviously has mental health issues. You should be ashamed. You sound like dump truck trump who made fun of a disabled reporter.


Lmfao so I guess we shouldn’t make fun of you then