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unfortunately, due to your post being probably fake, it has been removed. If you want to appeal this removal, send us a modmail with tangible evidence supporting your story.


tell me you're 12 without telling me. this makes no sense.


… or some percentage of 12.




50% or nothing






I'll take 50%


nope, 45% *if I'm feeling generous.*


I'm gonna tell your mom on you!


I think that a 12 year old could do much better than this mess of a tale.


I had a look at his profile. Now I'm more confused.


Thats gen z humor 100% it makes no sense because they so badly want to be edgy or niche, i am not one to say cring much but GenZ is a cringe powerbomb into a 3 count. Hes maybe 14 - 16


This is the most nonsensical fake post I have ever read. If it is supposed to be a creative writing assignment I would have to give it a total and complete fail. SMDH.


Which part? The part where OP was playing a game, the part where OP has a friend, or the part where OP sent an email?


stay in school


There is no logic, enought information nor pettyrevenge here at all.


There sort of is, but its written poorly. He had some item Ina video game that cost 55k in the video game. The friend broke it and didn't want to payeboufh so he's opened a ticket to get moderators of the game to force the friend to replace the whole thing. Most likely the moderators won't do anything and OP will get nothing instead of what the friend offered. So the petty revenge will fail. But ya, OP is probably early teens


I came here expecting to read a juicy story with an ending of sweet, sweet petty revenge, but instead it was just a rant? No outcome?


WTF did I just read???


Bro, this didn't make any sense. I couldn't figure out you meant video game until the very end when you said "server" and "PvE" (still don't know what that means, but let's chalk that up to me being old and out of touch). You mention an item valued at 55K... what? Dollars? Rubles? Bitcoin? Oh, in-game currency? Then *say* that... Also, your title is complete rage/clickbait. Your friend DID offer to pay "a percentage" - just not the percentage you wanted. You both sound like entitled assholes (which is not uncommon for ages that start with 1) and if I was your adult, you would not be playing video games this much for a long while.


Don't mind these other people, you're clearly young and this is very common occurrence in video games. Your friend is a bad friend for not helping replace an expensive item that he caused to break, but it is also a digital item which you can always earn back. Take a breather and wait for the response of the moderators. At the end of the day, what they say goes and you can base if what happened was okay on that if you are otherwise unsure. Sometimes these things happen.


This makes zero sense. I'm going to stop wasting my time on Reddit now 😀


Eh? Are you out of pocket somehow, I mean real money?


I think I'm too poor to understand this post.


Real life parachutes are 4-9k for used parachutes. [https://skydivestore.com/in-stock-used-clearance/](https://skydivestore.com/in-stock-used-clearance/)


I know they're used multiple times but the term 'used parachute' still makes me a bit quesy.


But licensed packers inspect before packing the chute. No more pack your own chute. And you usually rent a chute as part of your jump ride, so you have no idea who will use a particular chute.


This reminds me.  40 years (or so) ago we were at a local fete where one of the attractions was going up for a parachute jump. No training, just off you go.   It was £10 per person, but reduced to £5 if you packed your own parachute!     Nope, nope nopity nope. 


If he’s still your friend you don’t have a moral claim on him. But your character might have a claim on his character.


So your friend used a fake helicopter to push a fake you off a fake wall costing you a fake $55K, which you want him to fake pay you back for. Good luck with facing ~actual~ responsibilities one day.


James, this is the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life. It makes absolutely zero sense and is an utter embarrassment of a story.


James, this is the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life. It makes absolutely zero sense and is an utter embarrassment of a story.


I'm not sure if what I did was warranted, but I just want it back, or even a percentage of it.


You need to think about what you've done. The only one that can help you now is yourself.