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Planting it deaper or not watering untill it's flat are both wrong approaches, you need to use limestone in your substrate, less organic matter, no fertilizers, give it proper hot and cold temperatures, give it winterdormancy.


👆better than a text book!!


desert sip illegal kiss long start depend lavish smile silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This method has worked for me, it also requires lots of patience. They look worrisome as they flatten.


Thanks! Already potted in mostly grit with crushed oyster shells and marble chips on top. It’s still rooting so I think I’ll skip dormancy this winter but next year it’ll get a proper sleep…


https://preview.redd.it/tzwkwv9x2a8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4524a265553ef5f7b3016116614c740e1d3ebce6 Been working on this guy


That will plump up big with water. What's the idea are you stressing it


Hábitat look, no harm done. I have others I have that are super plump. I just choose not to water this one as much


Stop watering until it’s as flat as you want.


It could also be planted deeper, it looks pretty high. Check out some pics of habitat plants.


I would but there are a few pups at the base right now…it’s already deep-ish!


How long is the process to grow, cultivate peyote for ceremony?


1 day long


Only took me 24 hours to boof mine


Can I get in done in 45mins?


I ment the full cycle to include growth of the plant? I hear peyote takes several years to mature and grow. I'm curious how many years before you can cultivate the plant medicine or button of the plant. I took ayahuasca to treat a mental health issue. Ayahuasca is the best mental health medicine I've ever came across. I have heard a lot of interesting things about peyote too and interest me. Someday I hope to attend a peyote ceremony.


We’ll your out of luck buddy because thanks to the destruction of this plant caused by ignorant hippies not even Native people can do this ceremonies anymore unless they’re literally on their deathbed and only with permission of an elder. I was raised by my Grandpa a Native man from Jalisco who had deep respect for all plants specially Holy plants and he would’ve lost it if I told him I wanted to do a peyote ceremony because there’s no point for me to do it. There’s a lot of misinformation and misinterpretation on what a peyote trip is like and let me tell you unless you’re just a junky for psychedelics is not something most people find “fun” is a lot of noise and inside head visuals because it’s meant Native people to talk to their ancestors not for hippies to “fix” their mental health.


I hear ya and agree with on your perspective and respect for sacred plants and ceremonies. I have never drank or had a ceremony with hippies. I found a South American Indian that provided ceremonies and I've only seen him for 18 months to treat combat PTSD from the military. In his culture in his village in South Columbia ayahuasca is a sacred plant used in ceremony to treat mental health issues and other reasons too I am sure but I was only there for the healing properties. His tribe has been taking Ayahuasca for thousands of years for that purpose. I don't know anything about peyote and I would never disrespect it and that's why I stated I only "hope" God works a mysterious ways you'll never know where you might find yourself in the future. I plan to spend a lot of time down in the southwest especially around the Colorado River over the next several summers you never know who I'll meet, what they know and what may happen. But I do like your attitude and respect to the ancestors and sacred plants and is extremely important. But don't exclude some of these plants as medicine because they are Ezekiel chapter 42:12.


Yeah It kinda annoying that random people that have no ties to natives claim they are doing a ceremony.


The amount of Non-Native people that have told they’ve attended or participated in a Ceremony when they’re closed practices and only tribe members can participate. And like I said the plant has been poached so badly that even Native people restrict themselves from doing ceremonies now days so it’s kinda crazy that non-native people still have the audacity to say “someday I hope to attend a peyote ceremony”


Yeah I totally agree. People usually get super defensive on this and even more so on the San Pedro sub when I point out boiling tea in your kitchen and drinking it by yourself or with your buddy is not "ceremony". I stopped referring to mesc as a drug or getting high on these subs because people get really upset, but there's been half a dozen times different people have told me "i don't care about getting high im just doing ceremony". I have no idea what that even means except as some sort of personal cope when it's perfectly fine to do psychedelics. It all seems super sugar coated to me. It's just a complete different thing all together for ritual native use and westerners that are like opening their mind, man. It's a giant LARP


It is super sugar coated because all this dudes want to do is trip with the excuse of a bigger purpose just to make themselves feel better. Like this dude trying to find a way to justify eating this plant just because his friend died as if we don’t all have people that have died specially in those Native communities. I’ve learned that no matter what you say they’ll still find a way to justify to themselves. No matter tho they’ll find what they’re looking for. Their weak minds are just not ready for it. For them is not medicine just a way to escape reality and that’s how people end up addicted and loosing their minds.


If it fixed your mental health why do you need to do it again?


Haven't done it in a over a year and don't feel the need to again for now but I would not rule out going again someday. Also I'm not saying it is a cure but it can help alot.


Well let me tell you this in the shortest way possible as it was explained to me by my grandpa and I hope you respect it as you had said respect is a big thing. This plant was given to My people by Their Gods as a doorway or a way to communicate with them. When you consume the plant you are supposed to hear their Voices and they will help you see them not in this word but in theirs that’s why you see the hallucinations inside your head. So you as a non-native if you can’t understand their tongue and the Gods won’t speak to you because they don’t recognize you as one of their children then what do you hope to gain from this plant besides a trip?? This plant is not for healing minds it’s for already strong ones that are ready to question things only the Gods can answer.


Thanks its an awesome gift to your people. I'm am fascinated by the sacred plants and the cultures behind them the ones that understand what these plants are and how to use them properly. In South America they use Ayahuasca for both purpose to heal the sick but the strong can use it for much higher purpose. I have heard they can visit ancestry, talk to love one past and many more amazing things. I don't trip not in that hippie since but they/i have seen and learned things in ceremony with Ayahuasca I can't explain that where very impactful. I had a good friend killed in Afghanistan on a mountain ridge over 10,000' in elevation. One night in ceremony near Mt. Shasta I got to go to where he is and sit with his spirit it was so powerful to me and helped with my closure of him being gone. I am so grateful to this plant and all those that brought it to me cuz I needed it back then.


Go with some tbm instead.. probably your best option if you want fast growing alkaloids.. or some other bulk cutting of a pedro species


I'm not growing just asking.