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patient: I want X for (symptoms) me: here let me take 5 minutes(away from a pile of scripts) to help you out. I recommend A for you, or B, or C patient: But X is ok too, right? me: Product A is more suitable, even B, C would be better Patient: X would work also? me: Fine, whatevs, X is prob second or third line and doesn't cover everything, just pay and get out.


They aren’t looking for a doctor to advise them, they want you to make them feel good about buying the product they already decided upon purchasing


fatcockpharmD is right. They taught this in school.


I just tell them my suggestion is much better but do whatever u want then walk away


I absolutely agree with you Mr. FatcockpharmD.


That’s DR Fatcock please


Its Dr. apache attack heli fatcock to my fans


Stop opening the videos and responding. You’re giving them clicks and feeding your relatives conspiracy theories. “If you have any questions please visit the office of the content creator, call, or email them”


My sister has been brainwashing my mom with all the same videos. TikTok will be the end of us all lol


At some point you have to make peace with it. People believe what they want to bepieve, not what is logical. My mom, against my recommendation, listened to some quack naturopath online and gargled olive/sesame oil for bleeding gum. It festered of course. She still watches his videos. Adults are responsible for their own well-being. You cannot convince someone if they don't want to be convinced. Leave them be.


A girl I follow on instagram said “My baby doesn’t even get colds why would she need a vaccine for polio” 😭


It’s very hard to fix stupid


Not even with duct tape! Can’t fix stupid!


but you can if you firmly cover both the mouth and nose and leave the tape there for 1 hour. death technically cures stupidity in that person


Are you always this violent? 😂


That poor child 🤦‍♀️


Had a guy call yesterday asking could he take __ with high blood pressure I told him no I recommend __ and he said but I have ___ I said well it is going to increase your blood pressure & he was like ok I’ll just take it because I don’t wanna buy __ SIR WHY DID YOU CALL ME !! Edit to add: your family probably still sees you as a child not a pharmacist… that’s how some of my family members act. They’d rather ask their 100 year old physician that hasn’t read a guideline in decades :)


My brother does the same thing.


My brother-in-law relies on advice from his team of experts; a janitor, garbage collector, and retired sawmill worker.


“Dad this product isn’t the best for this, use this one instead” “but doctor fuckass on insta said this one was better” BRO LISTEN TO ME 😭


I always like it when they ask for the best and you tell the, then they say my sister said to get this


SAME. I have one family member super into all the vaccine conspiracy theories and my parents are starting to follow. It’s mind boggling.


Go on an expensive vacation and make vague comments about big pharma/Bill Gates Foundation/illuminati/Obama/Jewish Space Laser LLC checks clearing.


I think the whole codling behavior to these videos/advice is how we ended up hear. In the future just reject everything that doesn't have sound scientific base.


So a little background on me, I’m Asian and my family uses something called WeChat. Back then and even now, my family has their WeChat degree which undermines my medical knowledge. 🤣 I’ve just learned to block them out ✌🏻


Well, as far as supplements, for most there's no data to support use or avoid for whatever reason. People are getting mixed information, but our information is also only as good as what we can find online.


This is why I think basic pharmacology should be taught in public schools.


Do we have the same family?


Ehh they will learn. Give it time.


It’s been years


Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.