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That would be company policy, there is no law against it.


Company policy


If its not in writing then it's not a law or company policy.  I know at Walmart it isn't written down anywhere.   I check my families scripts all the time and I've checked my own on a weekend, who's gonna stop me.  It's my license and I'm doing everything correct so go eat a bag of dicks.


Do you live in a state where the pharmacy practice act allows an RPh to prescribe a bag of dicks? It’s very therapeutic.


Not yet,  or I'd write a script for my DM.  My state is usually behind the times on that stuff. 


They recently reiterated in I believe Insights about checking your family and your own scripts. Be careful on it. You have to message the market director about it. If it's something necessary at that time and no other pharmacists are around, like a blood pressure med or something, they may say okay, but you're not supposed to just go and do it. Will they stop you? No. Will you get to take home what you verified? Yeah. Will they fire you? That's possible.


I normally dont …but recently I checked one of my own rxs ….it was middle of my shift and i was pissing blood due to a bad UTI. My doctor sent it in to the other location so i pulled it in and filled it. Not much of a choice at that point.


Especially since it's probably the shitty retail working conditions that led to the UTI smh


It actually is written in policy what you can and can’t do in regard to scripts for yourself or family members. POM 205.


Actually Lol-ing at the mental image of the other commenter rapidly flipping to that section of the employee handbook and having their pulse suddenly skyrocket


That's only for controlled substances.   Non controls just have the tech input and count. 


There should be somewhere in the policy to certify your own script in an event where no one else would be able. Typically a store manager has to watch you certify it. Not sure how that makes a difference, but that’s what Walgreens says That should say verify, I need a nap


Depends on the state.  In my state, doctors cannot have a bonafide patient-prescriber relationship with themselves, so they cannot prescribe medications to themselves.


is that law in the pharmacy regs or medical regs??


Medical, since it regulates what a physician can and cannot do. But it's referenced in the pharmacy regs.


Company policy + ethics


Can’t do it in Ontario.


That’s weird. I fill and check my own prescriptions all the time. Must be a company policy that you can’t do that. I can tell you that isn’t the case at Kroger.


I’m a PA. I can’t view my own chart per company policy


I just let my supervisor know that I’m doing it, and have the tech fill it, while I just verify. Never had a problem before.


i did it all the time at my old job but i was usually the only rph on duty for days, and nearest location was 30+ miles away. nothing controlled of course, just routine and cheap generic maintenance medications No one ever said a word about it.


I filled my own meds all time when I worked retail. There was absolutely zero chance of me stepping foot in a retail pharmacy on my day off. Besides, if I wanted to steal a drug, I wouldn't go through a convoluted process of doctoring a prescription. That's assanine.


Company policy but smart practice. And doctors writing their own script is actually frowned upon as an ethics violation by the AMA. And as a pharmacist you have a right to not accept them if you don’t wish.


Do you have 24-hr pharmacies in your area? That’s what I usually do, but I realize you might be a floater working out of town or in an area where you would like to get home early without making unnecessary stops.


Maybe based on state law but I imagine unless it's being abused or with a C2 you are probably fine to verify it.


Most of the time, it's written within company policy, and that includes the separate POS policy about ringing up items by yourself. Now, I would never fill and sell my own controls. There are too many eyes with too many questions. But other meds I don't even think twice about it.


I will check my own stat scripts (abx, albuterol mdi, levothyroxine I forgot to take that morning) I leave my maintenance meds for my partner.


I usually assume it's company policy, or at the very least potentially one of those grey areas with the higher ups so I don't get in trouble. I may put in one of my own refills or the data entry or something for example if I know I want it on a discount card or insurance or vice versa, for example, but I won't do the actual verification step on my own Rx, just to avoid that whole question altogether.


If it’s a non narcotic/controlled substance and they fire you then this is probably not the reason!!!


Why would you fill your meds at your own pharmacy? Most physicians still see their own physician because they realize a second opinion or a second set of eyes is beneficial.


Because going to another pharmacy when you're already in one 40 hours a week is annoying, ain't no one got time for that






I have a retired but still licensed doctor who has written scripts for himself and his wife for years before I came on board. I put my foot down, put a note in their files and told him we wouldn't accept any more scripts for his wife as the last two scripts the tech punched in made the supply of her meds over a year.


Depending on the state, you can write non controlled prescriptions for family members as long as there's a record of a medical chart somewhere.




Passed MPJE and never remembered Rph can’t verify their own prescription


like you know every law in the book ? please


The vast majority of them, yeah. And those I hadn’t memorized, I knew where to look for the answer. And I paid attention to changes in the law, so yes, that’s something I’d expect a pharmacist to know.


good for you mate ya wana cookie ? we're here to help


No I don’t want a cookie. But thanks.






As if that’s a justifiable reason for being an asshole


How does expecting someone to know the law pertaining to their profession, when they take an entire course on it and pass a separate licensure exam on it, make *me* an asshole?




Aren’t the laws made to be broken? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Remain civil and interact with the community in good faith


Are you always this way?


What way is that?




Remain civil and interact with the community in good faith


Why only delete some comments?


I haven’t deleted any


The mod post wasn’t there previously, makes sense


If it says (removed) the mods did it. If (deleted) the user did it.