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Give them something more distinctly Phineas and Ferb-y to build. It can tie into the love story but I felt the whimsy was lacking, and even if that's purposeful since they're growing up, acknowledging that would be an interesting added emotional angle. Also cut the Ferb and Vanessa thing, it felt tacked on and a total swerve from the arc Vanessa already had.


Ferb's always been a wild card, always pulling out random skills or items as needed. Personally, I felt that him ending up with Vanessa stayed true to his character/arc.


It is funny for that reason, I just get a bit icked out by the age gap (even if he is an adult, it's just a bit weird for me on a Disney Channel show) and frustrated at the complete abandonment of the Monty thing.


I’m surprised Disney allowed that do to the age gap. You think that’d be a no no.


Yeah outside of the doofenshmirtz stuff, it felt like it was really lacking that meta comedy and just came off as trying to be “serious and dramatic” when that’s never been what phineas and ferb is. Even in the second dimension film they didn’t try and be “okay lets be more serious” , they still stuck to the comedy


I have two big issues with it: - Ferbnessa is weird and I will die on that hill. - I don't like the idea Isabella wasn't able to gather the courage to confess in *10 years*.


Same here.


I personally loved it you can't change my mind


Well, if you really want Phineas and Isabella, a moment that's up to you, but the rest of us want something different because we need to know what Ferb's secret was. It could be that he might be an alien, as Candace thought, that he and Phineas were werewolves from Twilight, or maybe that him and Phineas were in a platonic relationship, which by the way there were 2 fanfictions just released earlier last week.


>him and Phineas were in a platonic relationship Well, they are in a platonic relationship in the sense they're best friends. If you're suggesting you wold rather have them be in some sort of romantic situation.... they would not do that on the Disney Channel, dude.


Of course, they would not do that, but it's something that we have never seen in 17 years. That's why it's some of the footage was locked up in a safe or not aired due to the FCC's rules and regulations.


1: No Ferbnessa. It was cute when it was just a crush Ferb had on a cool older girl, but it's weird for it to actually be canon. For the same reason it'd be weird if Dipper started dating Wendy in Gravity Falls or if Spike started dating Rarity in My Little Pony. 2: The episode isn't about Phinabella anymore. Sure, it could canonize Phinabella, but it shouldn't be the main point of the story for the last regular-length episode of the series, and the penultimate story of the original run. One idea I've seen before that I really liked is that it could be Phineas, Ferb and their friends building one last Big Idea invention before heading off to college.


Personally, I would: 1. Cut Ferbnessa, Ferb having a crush on her is cute, but I'd rather not have them be in an actual relationship 2. Retcon Phinabella so they start dating sometime in High School, I don't really like the idea of them not getting together until they are about to leave for college


Eh, I'll be real I liked the episode, it was a nice conclusion arc, I just don't really like aged-up episodes in general much CAUSE THEY MAKE ME FEEL OLDDDDDD QWQ


I remember being obsessed with it as a kid! It was my favorite episode


It felt nice for that one thing to finally happen :')


Lots of things but mostly Phineas lack of action. He's oblivious but in Happy Birthday Isabella he did so much for her, I wish he'd done something more than just moping around. If Isabella wasn't at his house he wouldn't even confessed lmao I'd just give him some more personality, something big to build, anything


I’d have Phinabella to happen in its high school years, I mean come on college? Do you know how long us shippers have been waiting for this to happen?


There's many changes that come with growing older, only a tiny portion of them have anything to do with relationships. As it stands, the episode is just a standard fanfic focusing solely on pushing its "ships".


It's simple. Just switch the roles. Ferb can go to college with Phineas and tell him how he feels because we need to see what his secret was.


Am I the only person here who actually likes Ferbnessa?? The age gap isn’t weird now that he’s grown up. I actually wish the episode had spent a little more time on their interactions.


im 65/35 about Ferbnessa


That’s 110


i was up late last night 😂 thanks


retcon it


I think it should’ve had them return to their old ways of life. They should’ve had something to build! Maybe a montage of things to remind them of their best builds. Also it would’ve been need If they discovered Perry was a secret agent.


I like Vanessa and ferb but liked Monty and Vanessa better


Isabella’s face💀 nightmarish


?? it looks exactly the same bro


Isabella's face looks fine but her head's too big for her adult body. Candace's face is the one that really looks off to me.


Adult Candace looked better in Quantum Boogaloo. Why didn’t they just use THAT design?


She was ten years older in that one, so I'm okay with them not using that specific design, but they probably could have still used it as a reference for better proportions.