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Hello there! Your post/comment has been removed for violating our subreddit rule on respecting the privacy of others. Speculation about Phoebe’s private life is not allowed, unless she addresses certain aspects of it publicly. This rule exists to protect the privacy and safety of our community members and the artist. If you think this decision is incorrect, please reach out to us via modmail. Thank you for understanding.


Remember that people have individual lives, separate from what their friends, coworkers, and bandmates do. It doesn’t matter and there’s no drama to speculate about just because people aren’t in the same place at the same time. These are all entertainers with differing schedules in differing locations who are all working on their own careers


what did the comment say it was taken down


Julien and Lucy live closer to each other. Phoebe is in California.


didn’t they move to california? at least part time


Yeah, they both moved together to LA. It was mentioned in one of the Apple Music interviews, as well as at least one other interview.


Yeah they were both in LA for a bit not sure if still. I would see Julien out on runs in my neighborhood (LA) and Julien and Lucy were hitting up the coffee shop nearby a lot too.


Wait, how do you even know that?


JB and Lucy live together…


they were roommates!




Hello there! Your post/comment has been removed for violating our subreddit rule on respecting the privacy of others. Speculation about Phoebe’s private life is not allowed, unless she addresses certain aspects of it publicly. This rule exists to protect the privacy and safety of our community members and the artist. If you think this decision is incorrect, please reach out to us via modmail. Thank you for understanding.




oh got it. they seemed pretty open about it so i didn't realize it wasn't for sure. 


Yeah I thought the Halloween Pete / Ariana costume post was basically a confirmation, but then again I’m not that parasocially invested.


Excited about this!