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I remember your post last year! Good job mom


I was just thinking the same thing. I am glad that she is still out there making people's lives a little better. Who doesn't love a nice blanket?


My kid missed her first week of middle school this year after her appendix burst. Receiving a donated blanket was one of the only times she had a smile on her face. Hospitals are scary. These people are angels ❤️


This, a lot of people underestimate how appreciated something as simple as a nice blanket can be for some people.


48 blankets.. this year???! That is impressive af.. my 11yo daughter just started crocheting and she’s made kindve a half sock in 3 weeks lmao


Haha, actually 56 in a year, 48 of which were donated :) Everyone needs to start somewhere!


My kid was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2018, it took 2.5 years but she kicked cancers booty.. she received several of these types of blankets over the long treatment time.. they're worth every second of time the knitter/crocheter puts into them, plus some.. Thank your mom for us! She's an angel


My son was diagnosed with leukemia 2 months ago and we already got 2 blankets. They are definitely useful!! 😊😊


Omg.. good luck with treatment.. and don't forget to take a breather every once in a while.. remember, you can't keep pouring from an empty cup... nourish yourself sometimes too (us parents of cancer kids know this fact well) Ask for help from your village, expect to lose some friends (they suck anyways) and try to keep your son motivated as possible for the fight.. aka celebrate the small stuff 🧡


Thank you for your words. Fortunately, I’ve gain more friends than lost, my village it’s definitely bigger than I thought. 😉❤️


You have been through some things... That is such a beautiful reply. There's worlds like yours that a lot of us don't know. Harsh worlds.


Sending good vibes you way. Hoping for all the best for your son. Stay strong.


All the best for your son! Health and blanketwise


God will prevail; Sending Prayers and great vibes your way! My 6 month son was diagnosed 2 months ago as well; not leukemia but Rhabdomyosarcoma stage 4. Spent 48 days in PICU and finally stable and discharged on Friday. We have gotten a bunch of blankets in that time and we keep saying we've got too many but they just keep bringing them!! All from different organizations but mostly the project Linus. A couple of them has the person who made its information on the tag so we are going to send a few pictures with him and the blanket saying thank you.


My teenager was hospitalized and received a handmade quilt from a church, it’s one of her prized possessions


That is more than one per week! That’s an insane rate. How many hours per day does she put into each one? BTW I just finished a blanket that took me 2 yrs lol


She crochets watching TV at night...so maybe 4-5 hours a night? She just loves crocheting!


I need to watch more TV, got it.


Wow your mom is a crochet master.. it’s crazy how I never respected the skill until recently.. I guess due to being a guy and that’s ’girly’


> I guess due to being a guy and that’s ’girly’ It's pretty clear it isn't your current view, but to those that feel this way... Stigmas that associate skills with gender can hinder knowledge sharing and skill acquisition, irrespective of gender. It's a great way to phase out skills over generations, which is really lame. I taught myself how to crochet this year and immediately saw the benefit to learning (all the cool/useful things I can now make). On top of that, seeing a piece come together is really rewarding. I highly recommend picking up new skills/teaching yourself something new. You may be surprised how simple things can be with the right resources.


I recently found out that all of my grandmother's brothers were very seriously into fiber arts. They were ranchers in North Dakota, so about as "manly" as they come. One of them made hundreds of latch hook rugs and cross stitch thingies. Another apparently had a massive loom and was regionally well known for his tapestries. The third was a big knitter, fair isle stuff especially. They're deceased now, and I'm disappointed that I never got to talk to them about it. In my 20's I got into fair isle knitting without ever knowing it was a family thing. My mom's side quilts, only the women though. They do machine pieceing and hand quilting. I just realized that my mom's the only one left. I better get on with learning from her before it's lost :/


That's awesome about your great uncles. I hope your family still has some of their work, or at least some pictures! I find it surprising how little is known from just a few generations ago within families. We are now spoiled with information; both with sharing, and saving in various forms. For what it's worth, I also know so little of my deceased family, such a bummer. > I just realized that my mom's the only one left. I better get on with learning from her before it's lost :/ It's awesome you still have the opportunity to! Don't take things for granted. Cheers!


Mom > YouTube for certain 😁


They sound awesome! My great grandfather worked in shipping (stone/ construction supplies) and apparently used to knit on the train into work. I'd have loved to talk with him properly!


Wasn't there a male Olympic athlete that crocheted or knitted?


Ah yes - British diver Tom Daley knit between events. I didn't follow much from the Tokyo Olympics, but I vaguely recall seeing/hearing about this. Good call!


Damn, son. I crochet for charity too, but I'm nowhere near that prolific. I have... maybe a dozen or so hats and scarves of various sizes I mean to donate to a local homeless shelter? That's the accumulation from the past six months or so, anyway. Oh, and a shitload of washcloths I'm going to donate to the nearest cat rescue, but still. Absolutely nowhere near 56 blankets, even if they're smaller blankets. Maybe I should start making more blankets. I usually don't make a lot of them because all that yarn is expensive, but I guess it probably isn't that much more expensive than making an equivalent number of scarves and hats. May even be less expensive, who knows.


That's awesome! Every donation helps so thank *you* as well :)


My first thought is "she must have taken a month off from crocheting". I suppose this isn't the case.


Better than me. When I was 12, I knew how to crochet but didn’t know how to make anything so I just made a very very long 6” wide… thing


Using one of those tube things with the hooks around it where you crochet around in a circle and it extrudes a rope at the bottom? I had a smaller one and made like a 200 foot long, 1 inch wide rope that was meant to be stitched into a thick blanket... But I think it's just stored away deep in my parents basement now, and I feel like it would only make a baby blanket sized blanket.. lol




And the cats helped


The one laying down looks like it pulled a double shift


Lmao, that's just how [Max lays most days](https://i.imgur.com/3JMeGuU.jpg).


I LOVE MAX E: also your mom is an amazing person


Max would love you too (seriously, he loves strangers, it's uhh, weird...) [More photos for the reddit cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/ha0UQBB).


The vacuuming of the kitten gif is too much


A trio of lovely chunks :3


Woah there, looks like our gray furball knows how to control himself. Two chonks*


Lmaooo, you are correct. The gray one, Henry, is the active one of the bunch and is definitely not as food motivated as the other two.


Best payment of cat tax ever. This is the level of cat tax everyone should aspire to. I love Max. :3


They live the life I strive for


They're beautiful 😭


Is max deaf or is he just chill like that lol


Max is just the chillest cat you can imagine; he is not deaf.


We need more Seacogen’s mums and Maxs in our planet <3


I see generosity runs in the family; was really pleased to see so many photos provided for the cat tax. Such personality, too. I don't know them but I love them.


Thank you for the cat tax! And it's awesome what your mom does.


Omg these photos are so good. What a trio of characters.


There is just too dang much cuteness to handle in those pics. You better believe I looked at every single one.


Max is my spirit animal


That right there is the pinnacle of cat happiness


I have been laughing at this picture for so long that someone came in the room to check on me


Your mom rocks!


Almost industrial production, almost 1a week - by hand? Good cause.


*me, looking sheepishly at the blanket I’ve been crocheting since February*


My sister spent about a year on a jacket. Don't think she ever actually finished it.


Those cats have a lovely house and it is very kind of them to let her live with them.




What an absolute heroic effort from her. That is just incredible! You guys must be so proud of what she has done for so many.


I’m certainly proud and I don’t even know her!


Serious question. Does your mom have a room she specifically crochets in to lessen the amount of pet hair that gets in the stitches? I only ask because ive been wanting to crochet and donate to hospitals but I worry about pet hair and allergies. I’ve been thinking about just calling local hospitals and asking. If anyone else has any advice or info please share! Thank you and happy holidays!


Separate room for yarn storage and finished blankets, yes. Yarn is kept in sterilite containers and finished blankets are put into plastic bags and sealed. Separate room she crochets in, no. *However*, when making a blanket she keeps all her yarn in a canvas bag and it only comes out once she's actively crocheting with it. The cats also stay away from her when she is crocheting. After she makes each blanket she washes them before packaging them for donation. Each hospital has different donation requirements so she donates where she can meet their guidelines. I will also say she’s been donating to this particular hospital for 9 years, and donating to other hospitals long before that, and she has never received any complaints.


I'm picturing your mom like Jeanie in the movie Fargo, sitting on the couch crocheting and enjoying the local morning talk show. ....except without the part that comes after that.


Does your mom purchase her own yarn? Would she accept donations of yarn or other materials to help with her work?


My twins received blankets from [Project Linus](https://www.projectlinus.org) when they were hospitalized as babies. You may be able to find a local chapter and more info on their site.


In Germany there is www.oktopusfuerfruehchen.de which translates to "octopus for premature infants". There are studies that show, that these infants are less likely to pull out their cables and tubes if they cuddle with an octopus.


Aww that’s too cute


My guess would be that a good wash would mostly eliminate that risk. If a patient has a severe allergy, they probably just wouldn't risk give them one. If it is an unknown allergy, being the hospital is the best place to discover you have a severe allergy I guess.


Our hospitals won't even take donations like this because of the "risk". Only brand new still in packaging gifts.


Mom skills 12/10. What a wonderful woman.


This is absolutely lovely. These are gifts the children will cherish and be comforted by. This makes my heart happy.


See your mom chooses to do something great with her time. Mine just watches Newsmax and tried to tell me democrats are working on body switching technology to replace people with cyborgs. Sigh.


You have my sympathies 😔. Maybe you can um…re-direct her attention by showing her stuff like this so she’d at least be doing something helpful. She might like it (or not). A sense of accomplishment can be a positive thing for her.


My son got one like these when he was an infant in the NICU. He just turned 19. He still has it. Thank your mom for us!


That is impressive! All the best to your mom! I love crocheting but ONE whole blanket already seems to be too much. And then 48 blankets.......maybe get her wrists massages for Christmas? :D


The cat resting like he did all the work


Dude that cat is CHONKERS lololol


My mum was in ICU this year and sadly passed there, but the hospital she was at has volunteers who also crochet blankets. They walk around and give them to patients. We treasure it. Your mum is an angel and I bet doesn't even know just how much her blankets mean to the people she gives them to. It was so nice to walk in one morning and see a pop of colour on her bed and like...a piece of "home" in such a sterile environment. I say home as in, that warm & caring feeling homes bring. Also, love the cats.


What's with all the couches


We need them to go with all the blankets and rugs.


Amazing job, mom! Also, that is one fat and relaxed cat on the left.


I remember you posting your Mum's work in the last years too, OP. (And I checked if this is not a repost bot using stolen content). Your Mum is great!


🤖: Beep boop...


I thought the same thing! The picture is so similar!


I’m not sick but I’ll buy one for 3X the price so she has more supplies for actual sick folks.


WOW!!! She’s amazing! And these are all so cute. I love how she wraps them 💕


Why do cats make every picture worth it


All I can focus on is the cat lol


If angels were real your mother is definitely one of them


Mom/grandmother blankets just feel different and they don't have be your own!


i was always kid 49




I like the plopped chonk basking in his accomplishments.


Well that’s fabulous. Hi and thanks u/seacogen ’s mum


Your mom and her cats are the best part of this photo.


I remember reading a post by a nurse saying that any donations they get that are hand made have to be washed and sanitized at an industrial facility, and that can cause serious shrinkage with the heat they have to use to sanitize things. Curious if she pre washes them before donating or how that works? Was thinking about getting into crochet again and donating but that always gave me pause because I worry it could get ruined by their sanitation practices.


OP responded in one of the top comments :)


Amazing! Your mom is one of the good people! And she even took in a baby hippo disguised as a cat.


Bless her ❤️. Very kind of her.


Good on her! Beautiful fireplace, too!


Her cat is tired like he did all the work.


Your mom is a wonderful person! My wife is a NICU nurse (and former NICU parents). These types of donations make a huge difference. Not just to the child, but to the family too. Tell your mom she rocks!


Does she sell any to subsidize the efforts?


Are her hands ok? I love crocheting but I've had to start slowing down with it because my hands get sore, does she have any tips to help with hand pain??


Well done to your Mom! A lovely thing to do!


Okay, stop bragging. You mom is a badass and we get it jeeeez. Tell her we all love her and give her a hug for us. This is super kind of her. 🤘🏽


I swear to god I saw this picture last year


#Oh my god, can she donate me that Chonk lying nearby?


Max is not available for donation at this time.


**cough** I am a sick child.


Does she send them all at once somewhere at the end of the year? As opposed to giving each one out when completed.


My mom just chooses to make a large holiday donation every year; she’s done it for as long as I can remember and I’m 31. The hospital she donates to is also roughly an hour away from us so it is a bit of a hike to get to. Plenty of other people also donate to this particular hospital so no need to worry about the kids during the rest of the year :)


That makes sense and that's a lot of years of dedication. She's a treasure


She rocks 👍✌️


Your mom is amazing.


Impressive. That's almost a blanket a week. She must be super fast!


Some people just rock at life and your mom is one of them. Go mom!


I love the kitty helpers


That’s one chonky kitty laying there


Your mom is what ppl think angels are. Hug and kiss her lots! ❤️


That house is goddam enormous!


Goals. And you’re mother is one kick ass lady.


I remember your post about your mom from previous years. What an awesome lady. I mainly recognize the awesome fireplace


Does she sell them?


What a amazing woman she is!!! 🥹❤️❤️


Oh how wonderful!!! I love this!!!


Your mother is a Saint


Love your mom. Well done!


I’m just here for the cats :-)


Please hug your mom tight and remind her you how much you love her, for all of us who no longer can do that.


Thats so kind!


That is absolutely amazing! What a generous person!!


Faith in humanity restored. God bless her!


Saint momma. God bless her.


That is so sweet, what a lovely woman. :)


I'm a adult would love just 1 to prevent getting sick!!


God bless her, that's awesome!


Look how cute your Mom is with her cats❤️ this is freakin adorable


I bet the kitty tested them for comfort level.


What a lovely woman!!


They look so cozy!!!


That is awesome! Your mom must have a knitdiction.


That cat looks so proud of her ♥️


She’s a saint.


I've had to use some bad blankets in trying times so I've had the experience of going from that to a hand stitch crochet blanket. It's world changing. You go from being frozen and uncomfortable all night to having this nice, warm weight on you. A possession like this can quickly become someone's most important thing. Your mom is amazing.


I am also sick


I'm just impressed she actually took her four weeks of vacation days.


My Mom does quilting. She got involved with a group that would all do specialized tasks to a bunch or quilts the pass them along to the next step. She always had a stack of quilts she was doing something to. Apparently the group was spread all up and down the east coast of the US. I swear she had a hand in hundreds of quilts while they were doing it.


A+ mom you got there! Nice job!


Your mom is a beast! Clearly, her supervisors (the cats) kept her on task. 😂


😭😭😭 love her!!! ❤️🔥


As someone whose Grandma used to crochet him blankets, make him flannel shirts, passed away years ago and is missed very much, these children will cherish these blankets, either now, or later in their lives.


Amazing work. I need a close up picture of that chonk though.


Is she from the uk? Are they for sale


Silk children


Bless your mom


Your mom is a hero


How does this woman not have carpal tunnel




I love your mom! God bless her!!!


what a gift


Your Mom is an absolute angel!


Your mum is the best! You already know that sharing this. Cherish her. Trying to learn as my daughter wants make Christmas tree decorations. Anyone recommend some tutorials, struggling.


[95 Unique Homemade Christmas Ornaments to Easily Make for the Holidays](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/christmas-ideas/g393/homemade-christmas-ornaments/) [69 DIY Christmas Ornaments Your Family Will Treasure for Years](https://www.countryliving.com/diy-crafts/how-to/g1070/easy-to-make-christmas-ornament-crafts/) Are these of any help? If not I'll find some more, would have loved to have a parent doing this for me when I was small.


Will take a look, thank you!


If you need more just ask and don't forget we need pictures 🙃


I can see some of those turning into family heirlooms. This is the blanket some kind soul donated to me when I was sick - and now it'll protect you my son.


She is amazing! 🤩❤️🫶🏻


Your Mom is freaking awesome. My record is 9 in a year, for family. I am humbled by her awesomeness.


your mom is a saint


That is one chonky cat


Bless the moms like yours, I have one of my own! 🧡🧡


Awww! That warms my heart!! That's impressive output too


Your mom is an amazing person.


My mother in law does this also! She also makes hats for newborns and those who are homeless. My gram used to crochet the most beautiful blankets. I wish I still had one but when she passed everyone snagged them up. Thank your mom for being amazing!


She’s a magnificent human being…


Go Mom. Blessing and good wishes to you! 🌺


I know that cat did everything in his power to get in the way.


W mum


Does it have to be a serious illness or just sick in general?


Mom is a great person, we need more people like her in this world


This is adorable as hell.


Wow. Your mom is awesome!


Your mom is a beast that is seriously impressive!! What an amazing accomplishment and gorgeous idea


wow...if someone who isn't sick(not cancer, anyhow) might want to purchase one...is there a site or something you have? I haven't read the entire comment thread, forgive me if this has been asked/answered.




Your mom is pure salt of the Earth good people.


She’s a machine. Thats so much knitting.


Tell your mom I love her, she's wonderful.


What an idol. I see patterns and everrything.


Your mom ROCKS!


I've always wanted to learn how to crochet, but it seems so daunting to me. Even with youtube videos, it looks so complicated Dx


Soo cool


So awesome! Ur mum is amazing! ❤️


Your mom is an angel!

