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It’s got to be tough being white in Montana


I love the picture on the sign, like whoa, so that's what white people look like. Thanks for clarifying.


That’s not what those white people look like I bet.


Hard to tell since they're hiding behind a mask Snowflakes


I thought they didn't like masks


They prefer hoods, to be fair.


You have a problem with my hood? /s


Or maga hats in their off time


Same, shits crazy lol.you can’t believe in your stance that much if you have to hide your face in a situation where no tear gas will be hurled ( you’re white in Montana ) & covid isn’t really big anymore ( not that they believe it existed)


In North Carolina they are making this illegal, but we already know these guys would be getting high-fives from the police while Grandma gets body checked for wearing one due to her compromised immune system. We're just having a normal one over here.


I was amused by all the J6 insurrectionists, who hated all the COVID mandates, suddenly wearing face masks when their dumb asses got hauled into court. I don't think it was even required anymore because they'd be the only ones wearing them.


You mean “face diapers”? Maybe in light of some current trends they’re in vogue among a certain shitting set.


They like hypocrisy more.


Why the masks? Are they ashamed of their opinion? Odd.


Isn't that image from a certain period of German political history?


Exactly. That's facist imagery. We still have a bunch of that in Spain from Franco's time


How do people generally feel about Franco’s tomb being an active tourist site?


Is he still dead? (SNL reference)


I fucking hope so that last thing spain needs is a Zombie dictator come back from the dead religions are made from that type of shit


ALL HAIL! He's back, and this time, he means BUSINESS.


Franco 2: Oppressive Bugaloo


Italy too.


White Lives Matter is a Neo-Nazi group. In Michigan, they put up some Hitler pictures and propaganda on billboards to celebrate his birthday.


Ah good ole American capitalism. You can be a nazi as long as you pay us to put it on our sign.




The overemphasized Chad jaw gave it away for me


Holy shit it is


Looks like the true Aryan race from the nazi propaganda posters to me


[Several of whom were actually Jews!](https://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/weird-nazi-things/)


Keep in mind that Helena is 93.3% white, with roughly half of the remainder being native american. How can you even be racist somewhere like that? There damned near isn't anyone to be racist against in the first place.


Because they never see someone different. They just hear about how bad they are on the tv or whatever.


I grew up in a very rural part of a midwestern state. Before my senior year of high school, I had never seen a Jewish person. I *think* we had one Jewish family in town, but I couldn't swear to it. NGL, we were straight-up anti-Jewish in that school. Like, "Jews have horns and tails" racist little fucks. If you got a good deal on something, you "jewed them down to a better price." Swasticas on our trapper keepers. That kind of idiocy. But the point to this story is that yes- if you never see anyone different, then all you have to go on is what you hear from the racists around you and see on the (at that time in US history, just a *wee bit* racist /s) television. If you don't have others to correct you, and if your inner moral compass is too compromised, you'll carry that shit around with you for life. Note: By the time I got to college, I had mostly lost all that baggage. And thankfully, I had roommates and made friends with all sorts of different people to help me put the last of it in the bin.


Wow, I'm really proud of your growth! ❤️


It's why diversity and community are key for any growing child


And why college is so toxic to conservatism


Lol I grew up in New England, and dated a girl in college from the rural midwest. Meeting her parents one time, it somehow came up that two of my best friends were Jewish. Her mom literally said, "oh wow, how *exotic...*" I was absolutely shocked, didn't even know at the time that this was a thing... probably 10-15% of my school was Jewish.


Most of the Jewish folks I knew growing up were just plain boring white people, so it would be easy to not realize that you might see a Jewish person everyday unless you specifically knew their name.


lol I grew up in New England and went to college in the Midwest. Started dating a girl and she said "wait you're catholic? I thought you said you were christian?" That said, pro tip for guys in college: join the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. You want freaky....


lol. I grew up in one of the most diverse areas in the US in the city. When people would shit on someone, they would just make fun of their nationality. It’s ironic because people here were so in tuned with other cultures, people shit on them based on their country or culture. Like you wouldn’t be made fun of or insulted because you were Hispanic, you would be mocked because you were El Salvadorean. Like look at this Silver tooth, gold chain wearing, civil war fleeing…… Or if you were Peruvian, they would call you a short, Inca looking, coca leaves chewing….. Or if you were Nigerian, you would hear people say, look at this tall overgrown, dark, midnight black , Igbo looking, mfer. Or if you were Ethiopian, it would be look at this cab driving, night owl, yeast bread eating, kitfo smelling mfer. Literally everyone gets roasted or shitted on but it was never some generalized lame insult. It had to be targeted and cut deep. If you just insulted people based on color, people would just label you as some ignorant backwood, hillbilly ignorant dipshit, which is even worse imo.


Yooo yall had some crazy azz insults for each other


Yup. You know you’re part of the group when you get insulted based on your culture. It’s honestly awesome.


I hope you’re not too hard on your past self. High schoolers are universally idiots.


There's also neo-Nazis actively moving to places like this to try to turn latent ignorant racism into active full-on Nazi hate. It's like a big subcultural project for them.


Shithole towns is where they can have some visibility, it's a logical move.


I know, I'm in rural Oregon albeit in a city with 25% more black people per capita than Helena (0.5 vs 0.4%) and people here have said some racist as fuck stuff to me (very white man). I know a guy who lives in an outlying small town, that I know for a fact has literally zero black people, who said something so disgustingly racist against black people to me that I couldn't even formulate a response. This wasn't even some dumb boomer silliness, the guy is more than a decade my junior and is in Gen Z.


Some of Gen Z would have been born into households that listen to Fox “news” and right wing radio propaganda. They’ve been subjected to that shit their whole lives.


I'm an elder millennial and that type of stuff happened in my generation too. Radio in the kitchen was always on (except over night) with conservative talk radio on. Same channel in the car. The mainstream news was way too liberal, and the times we did have cable or satellite (got rid of it at times due to it being "worldly" or not Christian enough), the main news thing on was Fox News. Took me a long while to escape that train of thought.


Wasn't Oregon started as a white haven? https://www.oregonlive.com/history/2020/06/oregons-founders-sought-a-white-utopia-a-stain-of-racism-that-lives-on-even-as-state-celebrates-its-progressivism.html


I went to college with a kid from Helena. The first day of orientation he as staring at every PoC we passed. Eventually the rest of us asked what was up, and he said he had never seen a black person outside of tv. He was confused why they didn’t all look like they were from the ghetto. The same thing happens with people from 99% white suburbs EVERYWHERE in the US. People don’t realize how easy it is for kids to not even realize they are racist. If your only exposure comes from tv, then the channels you watch will shape your views. If their parents watch Fox News you are in for a ride.


I mean I would assume that the majority of racism against people is rooted in a simple lack of personal contact and familiarity with said people. I'm sure it's really easy to be racist against black people or mexicans or whatever when you grow up in a completely homogenous area and you've literally never met one, versus when you personally interact with them in your life and can see with your own two eyes that they're just people.


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain


I’m from a fairly homogenous place and I got used to hearing things like, “Most black people are lazy, by you’re such a good student,” or “I don’t like the way most black people talk, but the way you talk is classy.” Even if their experiences don’t line up with the caricature they’ve been presented, a lot of these people will just write the people they meet off as exceptions. Bottom line: I think there’s more to it than lack of exposure.


I stayed in Helena for about a month and it's honestly beautiful. But it struck me as so odd that politics were seemingly split down the middle 50/50 liberal/conservative. You get a lot of crunchy, outdoorsy liberal types and then you have the gun nut fishing dudes and teen moms who are all conservative.


A major component of racism is ignorance. Source: grew up in a rural place even whiter than that.


These idiots probably think that "the blacks" get "special treatment" for their "black lives matters", and they're being left out. "Where's my privilege guys!" the ignorance from these pictures is almost physical.


As someone raised in Montana, yes, but even moreso their problem is with Native Americans. I rarely met anyone outwardly racist against Black people, but oh boy, almost everyone had something to say about "prairie n******s."


I grew up in rural Colorado near the Ute and Navajo Nations. Same thing there. Sine real 1860s attitudes there.


This is what makes it easy to fall into hate. Others aren't people, they are an abstract concept. It's hard to hate people that you know, who are just living a life, but easy to hate an idea of what someone is. They don't often hate people, they hate the abstract concept that person represents. It's what makes "one of the good ones." Such a terrible and powerful phrase. When exposed to a person that proves their ideas wrong, they lean on this to allow them to continue to hate. Integration is the solution to all of those, but it's not an easy road. You're not going to hate gay people if the gay guy next door helped fix your mower. It turns out he's just a guy that fancies other guys! He's got no agenda. You are going to find it a lot harder to black people if the black girl that lives above you made a bunch of cupcakes and gave one to you. Hell... Maybe you'll invite them over for memorial Day?


Because it used to be 95% white a decade ago. Can't you see how their race is being systemically wiped out? /s


Yeah you only ever see this kind of stuff in the whitest parts of the country. Real brave men, they must have it so hard


And SO brave they can't even show their faces.


So odd that they wear masks now. Couldn't do it during active pandemic times, but now, now it's okay.


That is the most pathetic aspect to me: if you believe in what you say, then take ownership.  If you are hiding like that, then you know you are wrong.  Makes me wonder how sincerely bigoted those people are. Are they dyed in the wool shitbags or just LARPers (with apologies to the benign nerdy LARPers for using the term)?


It got to be tough be both ignorant and dumb.


Now I want to see them show that in Atlanta or New York City to really get their message across.


Send them to Detroit or Flint.




True. Only 85% white 😭 Those poor snowflakes.


Nothing says I'm proud of the sign I'm holding up like hiding your face.


Yeah, a few years ago those same clowns would have been up in arms about wearing masks.


they still are, fuckwits in NC just ETA passed the senate and house votes to make a law that wearing a mask in public is illegal: with no exemption for medical masks, not even for cancer patients. https://www.newsweek.com/north-carolina-senate-vote-masks-anti-health-1901894 boggles the mind how these morons manage to dress themselves each morning. edit. yes everyone, it's not law yet. it has passed the senate and house votes, it now goes to the Governor, who will veto it. The Goppers will then use their supermajority to force it through, and then no doubt someone will take it to the State Supreme Court.


My wife has cancer and if during chemo I need to run to pick up a prescription or go to the store to buy her ice cream or something, I wouldn’t be able to wear a mask to protect her and myself while her immune system is compromised? What the fuck is wrong with people?


If that becomes law a scenario like that is exactly how to start the legal challenge. Go somewhere you know will absolutely call the cops on you, let them then get arrested, and go from there


Hmmm. I think I'm too black for that. They'll see half my face and unironically state "He matches the description.", before accosting me.


Or worse. Then they'll coincidentally have their cams turned off and it will only be their word on what happened.


![gif](giphy|l1yA7Vl6juVsk|downsized) Me down here in Appalachia soon


You see that? You see the violence inherent in the system?


Sounds like a great way to support his wife


No, you will. The first time they try to enforce the law it'll be challenged and deemed unconstitutional. Even this supreme court wouldn't uphold it, and NC wouldn't really defend it, because precedent has consequences. This law is just virtue signaling. The right doesn't want to govern. The goal here is to virtue signal to the base, knowing the law will be tossed, which then allows you to blame the deep state etc etc. They can use it to convince enlightened centrists that the supreme court is unbiased since they also rule against the right sometimes. It's win win win for the right.


While I hope you’re right, precedent doesn’t seem to mean much to this Supreme Court.


law is only as good as its' enforcers and we all know who the cops side with


If you wear a maga balaclava or klan hood, you'd be fine.


I'm really sorry or your situation and your wife's health. Best wishes. It frustrates me to no end that civil rights and liberties are being demolished to take place for other people's feelings. It's hateful and I wish I could change the system. I try to Vote and put the money where my mouth is but people whom lack values yell louder and are arrogantly proud of their stupidity in these matters (until It affects them), it seems 😬


Nothing is wrong with most people, it's conservatives. They've fought so hard to devalue and predate upon others that they've clearly shown us they don't want to be part of a peaceful society. How do you compromise with people obsessed with ill intent? How do you compromise with an actual cult?


They made their politics their entire identity.


I thought it was only illegal if you wore the mask for medical reasons. So they made it illegal to protect yourself and others...


Nah, it's actually weirdly kind of the opposite. The original law was written in the 1950s to prevent groups like the KKK from hiding their faces and would apply to the people in the picture. They repealed the law during Covid to allow people to mask up if they felt it was necessary. They've now brought it back in light of pro-Palestine protests to again make it illegal to wear a mask in public. The NC Dems asked them to carve out a space for people who wear a mask for health reasons but the Republicans refused. So basically it's a performative bullshit law, but in fairness it would definitely apply to the people in the picture.


They made it illegal to wear it for medical reasons. They made it legal to wear it if you're part of an organization or group that requires face coverings. You know, like the KKK. Literally carved out exceptions for the klan in the ban.


I recall the wording stating medical masks, so your right, they let nazi masks still legal




Yeah, but the NCGOP has a supermajority, because we live in a political hellscape.


Weird- in a statewide race a democrat was elected, but the GOP has a super majority when carved into districts. I'm starting to think theres some fuckery with the district lines


LOL - Yeah, it’s almost as if that’s been their *raison d’etre* for the past several years, and almost as if they’ve been locked in court battles over this very issue.


Which will be enforced heavily against the left and ignored when it’s the right.


I still can't believe how they managed to connect wearing a mask to political ideology. Being asked if I'm a Democrat because I was wearing a mask was a highlight of the pandemic. "No man, I'm registered Republican. I'm just not an asshole."


whats even worse is that if Trump had been pro mask, he would have saved about a million odd lives and if he had made trump branded face masks, he would have made millions. AND romped in that 2020 election. damn idiot couldn't help himself but be contrarian, his worshipers are even worse and killed themselves in their droves refused to mask up or get vaccinated.


I've said it a million times. The man is such a contrarian bufoon that he missed a golden opportunity to kill THREE birds with one stone by not selling the absolute shit out of MAGA masks. Would have 1. Actually saved lives, 2. Made millions of dollars, and 3. Waltzed into a second term.


When COVID started off, it was killing people in Blue areas, therefore it was a good thing, so masks are bad. Also, masks would smudge and show his fake tan, so masks are bad.


You mean chin diapers? Diapers are cool now, do some research.


What kind of research? Your own research?


Oh goodness no. The news TV gives me all of the facts I need to know. They wouldn't lie, they're on the TV!


Would they be banned in NC? They are pushing a law to ban masks 😷.


It’s pretty trendy to hide your identity when protesting these days


Take THAT Panda Express!


White Rice Matters


No, Brown rice matters...with orange chicken. Damnit, now I want orange chicken.


"Hey Jim Bob, when we go do our White Lives Matter thing, can we do it out on Route 42 by the Interstate?" "That sounds great, lots of traffic, folks will see our message." "Yeah. And let's do it on the north side of the road." "...okay? Why?" "I just think it'll be a good spot for, you know, the message." "...goddammit Casey, you just want to go to Panda Express afterward, don't you?"


Panda is black, white and Asian. Also carnivore veganist. Panda doesn't give a sh*t.


Clearly Montana is going to...wait for it... Helena hand basket. I'll see myself out


No need to make them the Butte of your joke.


this thread should get top Billings


Hopefully that group has some Great Falls along their way.


Alder puns in this thread are losing their Lustre. It must have been some Sweet Grass or Heron you guys been smoking to Turner into the Four Buttes show. Shelby a cold day in Helena when Olive you Highwood earn my respect. All the people there just want to be Whitefish, and drink, and you act like they Kila Busby. I Otter York your license Arlee.


I honestly could give Three Forks about your Montana knowledge


Three forks? You can Havre!




Bro I just woke my wife up laughing at this comment


Here all week.


Good work, I was really hoping for a Two Dot or Belt reference.


Your username... your icon... your bad joke. Love it all.


Can someone explain the joke? I feel like I'm missing some knowledge, though


Non-native speaker here (had to do some googling): "Helena hand basket" alludes to "hell in a hand basket" which roughly means something is heading to disaster. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_hell_in_a_handbasket


No you stay


As part of the 1% of blacks in Montana, I find this hilarious


I know right? White people, the most oppressed in Montana - signed, a mixed race person who grew up there.


I drove past the same spot a couple of minutes later and they were gone. There were "scraps" in the spot they were standing and the hat of one of the guys in the road.


Saw them on my way to work at noonish. There was a string of cars flipping them off in front of me. Of course I had to join in on the fun too. I'm pretty sure I saw nazi salutes on r/helena too


In case anybody missed it, the white characters on the sign in the first pic are cut from a famous pre-WWII Nazi recruitment poster.


I’m glad that so many people were not having it


It so obvious their intention is to piss people off. Can't stand for that shit


My car was maybe in front of you as well. I also slung a good "cowards" at them because that's what they are. They know people hate them and they revel in it, that's why they don't get flustered.


i love that helena, MT is such a specific place in the vast US, but when there is a post like this, there’s always a few people who were in the EXACT same spot seeing the same thing. the internet is so cool like that




yikes i know its beautiful out there but YIKES. Shame that some of the most beautiful country left in the US has these peckerjeans living there. I would absolutely flip them off when driving by


People have apparently been flooding there because of that tv show and the housing market is skyrocketing. Montana’s getting a little more popular with out-of-staters. In 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that there were 48,165 new residents that moved here from other places, an 8.1% increase from the 44,531 new residents that came in 2021. Source: https://missoulian.com/news/local/montana-population-trends/article_f47e5338-742e-11ee-b577-33b1af9fade7.html ( https://12ft.io )


I have an aunt moved out there because she always complain about the Californians that moved up to our state. She can’t see she’s doing the exact same thing by going to Montana. She also has the gall to complain about all the people moving there too like she hadn’t moved back there only recently.


I think we're all guilty of that to some extent. I can't count how many times I've caught myself complaining about all the people out driving when I try to take a vacation - and I'm one of them. I think what more bums me out is that I try to do it when I think it's an off-season with things like terrible weather going on, but still


Hopefully some blood and teeth as well.


Guarantee they couldn't wear a mask during COVID for...reasons.


Because white lies matter.


"religious exemption" 🙄


Because they were proud of their willful ignorance then. Now they’re too scared to show their identity (except for the whole “being white” thing)


Imagine having nothing else to do with your Saturday.


They got banned for racial slurs in a Counterstrike lobby so there was nothing else left to do all day....


"You can't say *anything* anymore!"


As everyone knows, the place white people are truly repressed, Helena, MT. So brave.


It's so tough for straight white men these days, especially in Montana, a state with such a rich history of diversity, inclusion, empathy and equality. /S just in casesies


They feel left behind. Idk, the job market demands skills, or the older kids used to not let them ride the bike trails.


Excellent point. They're definitely cops then, hence the proud boy public demo in which they don't have the guts to stand by their "opinion"


Oh NOW they like masks


I wonder if these guys ever do anything about issues that, by the nature of sheer numbers, tend to have major impact on (especially impoverished) white folks, like - - Volunteering for suicide hotlines - Sponsoring or campaigning for free breakfast and lunch for k-12 students - Funding/running any kind of public food pantry or homeless shelter - Supporting any LGBTQ+ charities to help prevent negative outcomes for youth rejected by their families/communities - Running after school programs to help alleviate the compound issues of childcare costs and youth needing mentorship and enrichment - Working/funding clean needle exchanges and distributing narcan in at-risk communities etc - or if 'white lives matter' to them *only* when it's an angry, empty, performative response to BLM.


because they don't actually care about white people, they're just racist


Is their logo Dwight and Angela?


It’s Hannah Montana


Life is too short to be a person like this.


They are from IDAHO


Likely from the Klanhandle portion of the state.


These dumb asses have been sending bomb threats into a tea shop near me trying to stop a drag story hour, but they keep getting the dates wrong.


I honestly love this. Natural deterrent to stupidity is their own stupidity.




Montana is almost 90% white. Being racist when you don't have to see any other race just seems like a waste of time.


No lives matter. The universe is an uncaring void with occasional clusters of spinning mass. The lives and deaths of people on this speck of dust the size of a rounding error have no bearing on anything except the insides of our heads.


Let's put that on a sign and stand on the corner!


Geez man. You didn’t, like, have to say it


What are they fighting for? Are white people oppressed in Montana, USA?


I live in and grew up in Montana, and didn't actually see a black person in the flesh until I was in college. I'm still living there, and the only obviously non-european ancestry people I run into on a regular basis is Hispanic people, although we are getting more and more diverse as the population increases. There aren't even that many Native Americans in my part of the state. It's probably offset by all of the people moving to the state because they think that it's some sort of last bastion of racist Republican values.


I’m from Atlanta and that’s absolutely wild to me.


Nah, Florida exists. DeSantis is a fucking republican wetdream. It's legitimately disgusting


Huh, I thought wearing a mask was tyranny, and an assault against the personal freedom of choice


Imagine still doing this crap in 2024. When was the last BLM march? What’s even happening to white people right now that’s comparable?


Why does the super brave "superior race" need to hide behind masks?


Because white hoods and robes are too incendiary.


Best part of RDR2 is just how incendiary they are.


These mfs wanna be oppressed SO BAD


Ok. I’m a white guy in my 50s. I’m so lost with these kids man, what the hell. Besides all the shit of all/white lives crap they do, I do t understand this. I understand racism and I know that there are very racist people. What I don’t get is how 4 dudes think this goofy shit is a god way to pass the weekend. If one of my friends was like “hey let’s hang out this weekend, I got an idea” I’d be all “yeah cool whatever we doin?” If my buddy said “well, I got Skyler, Tanner and Braxleigh and we’re going to go down to the little grass patch by a drive thru and hold up a WHITE LIVES MATTER sign. We’re gonna wear masks and if sleeves shirts tho so nobody will be able to tell who we are.” Like what dude is saying “ooo sounds fun!” To that sales pitch? Like all hatred and bigotry aside, that’s some dorky ass shit right there. Like go to medieval times if you wanna dress up. 🙄


Why are they hiding their faces?


They're covering their faces because they're cowards. I'm not a gambling man, but I bet these same guys were anti-mask during the pandemic.


They love their whiteness so much, yet won’t show off their faces. Interesting.


You're right. Cops ALSO kill white people without cause, all the more reason to join BLM in calling for defunding of the police and removal of qualified immunity.


As we say in Bozeman, Helena is the home of the crystal methodist church…


Jeez, so this is what it takes to make these jerks wear a mask…


Those banners are well made, I'll give them that. Although the picture looks like it belongs on an oatmeal container.


It looks exactly like nazi propaganda. In fact i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where they got that picture from.


I think you're right, it's probably from some old poster of the ideal nazi man and woman.


From 1931.


Weird that this is what they'll wear masks for. If they are so proud, why hide?


I guess it’s maybe a good thing these cowards are even afraid to show their faces in Montana?


In addition, being bigots, they're cowardly.


They always hide their faces.


They could have just used the fabric as hoods and sent the same message.


Now normally I don't condone throwing a bottle of piss out the window into someone's face with the cap off, but of course there are always exceptions to everything.


Love how this movement amassed a whole 4 people


The whites are being replaced! In Helena, Montana! A city that is 93% white! In a state that is 89% white! There is no hope for caucasians in Montana 😞😞😞


That's such a brave thing to do in a place full of white people


I went to a therapeutic boarding school in Montana near Marion/Whitefish for 2 years and I only met one black person who lived in the state. I’m willing to bet he was the only black person who lived in 100 miles of there (admittedly barely anyone else did) but that state is so unbelievably empty that I’m sure most of the people there have never met a black person native to the state


Low-life cowards.


Why do the white people of Montana imagine they are besieged?


These guys covering their face all the time.