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Black Watch didn't wear a Glengarry


Do they wear Glenross?


Caps are for closers.


A-B-C, Always Be Capping


No cap.


ALL CAPS when you spell the men name


What this party needs is more... booze


Looks like The Highland Regiment cap and device. Definitely Scottish




This guy is a Queens Own Highlander. They were all recruited exclusively from *mainland* (fucking hell) Scotland and Orkney Islands until their amalgamation with other Highlander regiments in 1994.


Orkney is part of Scotland. Not disagreeing with the statement, just weird to divide Orkney from Scotland. Edit: they edited their statement from 'Scotland and Orkney' to 'mainland Scotland and Orkney', hence the '(fucking hell)'.


Orkeny locals do refer to Scotland as "The Mainland" and Amazon doesn't consider the islands as part of the UK for deliveries.


I don't think we should outsource border definitions to Amazon.


Alexa I need diapers


>Alexa I need ~~diapers~~ nappies /FTFY 😉


That's true but islanders do consider themselves different from mainlanders and at that western Isles and North Eastern Isles are very different. Much of highlands are in a Perth Post code which also doesn't make much sense but there you go


It's probably not directly Amazon though, Highlands and Islands take longer to deliver to, even when they're only a few miles further away than places that don't. If we (where I work) have to send something to northern Aberdeenshire (Peterhead area for instance) it's an automatic 2 day delivery rather than the 1 day for Aberdeen itself. (As mandated by APC, DPD, etc.)


A lot of delivery services don’t consider parts of MAINLAND Scotland mainland :( Source: I live in such an area and have to pay through the nose in delivery charges. I thank Amazon every day that they deliver here at least with no extra charges! I do feel sorry for the islands; one island used to get their takeaway orders put on the last ferry of the day...they stopped that a few years ago.


Amazon don't recognise Inverness to part of the UK so the bar is pretty low.


>Amazon doesn't consider the islands as part of the UK for deliveries Terrible metric to go by. If there are difficulties with delivering, Amazon just gives up on delivering there.


True, even Inverness is classified as non-UK for deliveries.


I thought soldiers from Ulster weren't allowed to serve in NI during the troubles.


Locals were absolutely allowed to ‘serve’. The ulster defence regiment sticks out as an obvious example, whom had a 97% northern Irish loyalist composition (even if younger catholic men had wanted to get in, many were in jail without charge under internment). Their members were involved in countless murders of catholic civilians, and many were also members of loyalist paramilitaries. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304063806/http://www.patfinucanecentre.org/cases/miami/InfiltrationUDR.pdf




All units up until recently had very particular recruiting areas


They did , they served in local regiments of the UDR


So THAT'S where the whitewalkers are from?


North of Hadrians wall


True fact: when some pals and I were about to embark on a trip to the north of England, my goddaughter was asking some questions about the area, and so I pulled up some info about the wall and whatnot and was describing why it existed. Then her dad came in the room and asked why I was explaining Game of Thrones to an 8 year old.


R.R. Martin has said that Hadrian’s Wall was part of the inspiration. And the War of the Roses was part of the inspiration for the rivalry between the Starks and Lannisters (Lancasters). The scene where the slave-holding nobles were crucified in Mereen (I think) is super evocative of the punishment dolled out to Spartacus and his followers. No way that wasn’t the inspiration for that one, though it obviously flipped the script.


Oh, yeah, that's abundantly clear. I mean, Westeros even resembles the Isles.


OMG I never realized. Now I’m staring at the map looking for other similarities to real geography.


Just take Ireland, rotate 180 degrees, smash it to the bottom of Britain, and Bam! Westeros.




In addition to your point about the Lannisters and Lancasters, Yorks = Starks.


How were the Lancasters with their debt ? Were they on the shorter side ?


Oh no. He probably thinks Carlisle is either in Wales or Scotland




North of Hadrian's Wall is still England.


Argylls, going by the glengarry. Not lads to fuck about.


Those boys got into some heavy shit during WWII. Awful lot of them buried in Netherlands cemeteries.




*That's a' paddlin'*


Seems like womens hate of short guys preceded the internet.




Never assume that your counterpart will follow the same rules as you do.


particularly if your counterpart has a hammer in their hand


then you suddenly look like a nail


Nailed it.


Never bring a smart mouth to a fistfight.


Big brave boys! Let's remember that the 13 dead (26 shot) on Bloody Sunday were peacefully protesting and the autopsies showed they were shot in their backs while running away.


14 John Johnston was also murdered


Yeah, I looked at the picture and thought he just backhanded her. Then I was like “is he holding a goddamn hammer?” Why the fuck does he have a hammer?


Because the British government motivated their forces to antagonize and harass the Irish population.


Especially a Scotsman. (Looks like he’s wearing a glengarry cap of The Highland Regiment).


Scots and the Irish are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


“The problem with Scotland…is it’s full of Scots!” - Longshanks


"Ah don't hate the English. They're just wankers. We are colonised by wankers. We can't even pick a decent, vibrant, healthy culture to be colonised by. No. We're ruled by effete arseholes. What does that make us?" Mark Renton.


You scots sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!


Can't forget the Dutch as one wise man said, "There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


Coffee is for closers?


He was sent from Mitch & Murray on a mission of mercy


Hah. I totally realize and understand my down votes but..I couldn't help it.




Or to follow their own rules. Pretty sure he wasn't allowed to do that.


Yes heaven forefend a country’s armed forces don’t assault its own people because they hurt their feelings.


They aren't its own people really. This was occupation.


Except it is a government's responsibility to train their soldiers better, though. If this was the situation that OP makes it out to be, the men that are supposed to serve and protect ought to be - and really should be - held to higher standards of conduct. (Edit: for the record - this is implying a moralistic '*should*' statement, not the reality of British occupation and suppression of the Irish)


The government in this case encouraged troops to abuse the Irish. He probably got a medal & a promotion


1 PARA type beat.


For those who won't get the reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_(1972)#:~:text=It%20concluded%2C%20%22The%20firing%20by,tried%20to%20help%20the%20wounded.


That doesn’t actually happen in practice. 


Well of course not, especially in that tinderbox at that time. The army had already carried out indiscriminate killings of innocent people by 1972. By the way, this isn't about 'what about what **** did?'. Republican and loyalist paramilitaries also murdered innocents as well, before I get accused of on sidedness and I condemn them as powerfully as I can. All of these were abhorrent and should never have happened. Not one life should have been lost in that conflict. However, things like this could quickly escalate.


You are correct, both side were killing each other. The British Army lost 107 soldiers in 1972 alone. No surprise that the army were on high alert all the time. For completeness, the British Army killed 81 in 1972. A total of 480 died.


Again though I want to point out, my comment was just highlighting how fast things can get out of control. I don't think stats are really necessary but if numbers is your thing, have at it The suffering on all sides was tragic. And I hope I don't live through anything similar again.


I'm honestly not sure if you're joking but British army does not give two shits about the Irish nor any other country they've colonized.


> the men that are supposed to serve and protect They are not there to serve and protect. They are there to enforce the rules of an occupier. This thread is ... very interesting - lmao


They were there to protect Ulster from the IRA.


A good lesson for life and any conflict you get in


Arhhh The Troubles… very interesting period with absolutely no controversies or tense feelings involved, by either sides actions.


Can we please discuss it here like it was the Middle East Conflict? Posts in all big subs every day, everyone excachnging the exact same arguments under each and every post, endlessly listing what who did when against who and how and why that is the worst? Pleeeeeaaaaaase! Edit: Scrolled one comment down and realised people had already started doing that. NICE!


> everyone excachnging the exact same arguments you mean there's actual conversational debate on that topic on reddit and not just oversimplified propaganda spewing? how can I enable that? is it a paid feature?


The smaller and more focused the sub, generally the better the discussion. 


We all know that with just one more , will finally bend to the will of . And hopefully with a little more combat, annihilation, terrorism, displacement, or starvation, there will be no room left for nuance or middle ground, only total destruction.


In both cases we can clearly blame the British.


Sarcasm is wasted on some people here though 😂


I'm not entirely sure about the rules of engagement, but I think a soldier isn't supposed to strike an unarmed girl who's verbally abusing them.


LOL what a polite way to say that there's nothing "controversial" about the morality of an occupying soldier assaulting an occupied civilian on camera, giving little doubt as to what happened behind camera.


Well, it's a bit worse really. Northern Ireland was then, and still is British. Therefore she was a British citizen, and he was a British soldier. So a British soldier attacked an unarmed British girl for mocking him. And he did so when deployed as part of a campaign whose strategic goal was to ensure people like that girl would remain loyal to Britain. The Ulster civil-rights movement had been inspired by MLK in the south: in the USA the arrival of federal troops brought law, order and fairness to southern states infected by bigotry and corruption. The people of Ulster agitating in the civil rights protests in the last sixties and early seventies thought the British army would bring the same. Instead they brought thuggery, torture, and mass murder on Bloody Sunday and elsewhere. Inevitably, this convinced many Catholics in Ulster that it was impossible to achieve equal rights through political action in the UK, and thus the only viable way forward was to separate Northern Ireland from the UK through the same of greater degree of violence.


Yeah why don't countries face oppression and forced starvation in total neutrality??? Don't they know they may have biases?


the troubles were 120 years after the famine


You mean the British theft of food that could have alleviated the mass famine that they induced through their occupation of Ireland, imposing a landlord system that meant that all the food the Irish grew was exported and the only way they had enough to eat was potatoes? Can’t imagine why the Irish might have held a grudge that long, it’s like being subjected to a brutal occupation for decades or centuries causes hard feelings.


Basically the Troubles were the Irish saying they’d had enough & weren’t going to take it anymore.


And who could blame them?


That would probably fit the whole Irish War of Independence thing better... The Troubles were far more complicated than your synopsis, which usually fits the American view of the period rather than the reality.


And Ireland still hasn't recovered from the famine


Same issues caused both


Population still hasn’t recovered


Title is misleading, she clearly has arms in these photos


And it appears she got hammered not a salted. Thought we had standards around here..


I do not see any ham


I'm so confused. Is this supposed to be a "Fuck around and find out" or a "Fuck the facist police" post?


It’s supposed to be hate bait, look at his post history.


All boils down to fake internet points.


Title points out that she is unarmed and then assaulted. Pretty clear the intent is the latter without looking at the post history. It's also absolutely psychotic to look at this and say "Fuck around and find out" but there are literally people in this thread saying that so I guess it needs to be clarified.


Tons of people are riding on "norms" so hard that "expected result" becomes "morally justified and supportable result". The "what did she expect" response morphs into actual defense of the behavior. The motivation I think is half "status quo is ok" and half "I need to feel smug about this"


I’ve noticed that somewhat lately..it’s pretty unfortunate that the status quo just becomes the moraly correct thing for many people


Fuck the occupying army post.


Depends on where you keep your toaster and how you pronounce the letter H really.


These soldiers murdered civilians and got away with it for decades. They weren't the good guys.


Probably fuck the facist police. Seriously being arrested because you mocked someone is fucking absurd. I hate that we treat army or police differently then other jobs. Are you going to assault someone for mocking a accountant too? Anyone who thinks that this is fuck around and find out is a complete psychopath in my opinion.


Watched a film called ‘71 about The Troubles, very gripping and tense. I definitely recommend it to anyone.


Also recommend 50 dead men walking


That movie is such a wild fucking ride start to finish. Does a good job of humanizing the poor folks who got dragged into things on either side, while also touching on the actual engine of the prolonged conflict. For a much lighter and comedic illustration of the later stages of things, I can’t recommend Derry Girls enough lol.


Derry Girls is an absolute gem. Rock the Boat.


Watching the last episode now


The Troubles were one of the most unique theatres of war to take place within the past 20th century. Urban landscapes occupied by uniformed and heavily armed soldiers while children and civilians simply go about their business behind them. Clandestine abductions where people vanished, never to be seen again. Lots and lots of bombs on both sides. Both the the Milltown cemetery attack and the subsequent corporal killings (Look them up on youtube. Both videos are harrowing.) I think illustrate succinctly how either side viewed one another. It was a war which killed a lot of people simply because they lived in the area. There's a ton of books out there on the subject. One of my favorite is Killing Rage by Eamon Collins. Also, if you wanna get real weird with it hop on youtube and check out Danny Boyles short film Elephant which he helped produce. I consider it his first horror film. I also own a pocket sized edition of Bobby Sand's diary which he wrote while he was on his hunger strike. I found it at a flea market in upstate NY for a $1. It has it's original owners address written in it over in England. I have no idea how it ended up over here. I've been fascinated with the subject for a long time.


Elephant is great short film. It’s a stretch to say it’s Danny Boyle’s first horror film though since it’s directed by Alan Clarke and done very much in his style. His filmography is really worth checking out.


I regret not crediting Alan Clarke as the director - I thought more people would be familiar with Boyles work. What films would you recommend? I've seen The Firm (and loved it).


Very good call on Elephant.


Killing Rage happens to be next on my list to get into, right now I’m reading Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe. Coincidentally I’m not far beyond the parts regarding Milltown and the corporal killings. For the most part it’s a fairly linear recollection mainly about the Price sisters, Adams and Hughes but also with a large focus on the disappearance of Jean McConville intertwined throughout. Highly recommended for anyone that hasn’t read it.


The comments are fuckin filled with ghouls.


When it’s someone or something they don’t like, people show who they really are.


(and they’re anon behind a keyboard)




Woman? She looks like a girl of 15 at best.


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) Uh yeah this is clearly bait by a troll account.


[Looking at OP's post history](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb3ppOGRpNTVhOWJnNGUwYjEwcTZrNGdtOHppZ3ZrbDByM25ja3UzbyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/RILsqUte1MME7TzQJ9/giphy.webp)


OP is *really* not a fan of the british lol


No, they're just an Irish Socialist.


From their history it seems like OP is from a particular Irish political background as opposed to being a troll account


I'm seeing consistent messaging on the submissions so no, they're not baiting or trolling.


I used to work with a fella from Belfast, while he didn't like the English soldiers , he said some soldiers in the Scottish regiments were absolute scum due to their hatred of Catholics


I was looking for more of the story about this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/7GA3GNjwzV](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/7GA3GNjwzV) Why you might ask? I'm based in the US, and where I'm from, the word assault generally implies actual physical violence. The picture did not look to me like a girl had been hit with a hammer. It seems she wasn't, and that the usage of "assault" here is the legal definition of assault, which is the threat of physical violence. Though that is not a universal legal definition, just one that seems to be the most defended by commentors here. ~~I dont think it's assault. It seems the soldier "threatened" her with the hammer. And this is more likely her flinching?~~ ~~EDIT: there seems to be a cultural difference here regarding the usage of the word assault. It would seem that the common understanding of the word assault in Ireland equals threat of physical violence.~~ ~~In the United States at least, for most people the common understanding of the word assault means physical violence.~~ ~~There's perhaps also a pedantic difference being highlighted. I understand that legally assault might be defined as something different, but the way people generally talk in common usage, assault equals physical violence.~~ ~~EDIT 2 : can all the legal scholars please chill. It seems that in both countries, there are people strongly affirming that assault is the threat of violence. It seems most of them are referring to legal definitions. OK. But once again, in common usage, at least in the US, assault generally means physically violence. Feel free to look up dictionary definitions of you need some evidence. Also here... It shows both. Chill please.~~ [~~https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault~~](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault) *EDIT 3 : rewrote comment entirely cause people just wont stop!*


OP has an obvious agenda, check his earlier posts.


Of course he does. He posted a political picture on r/pics


Ah whoops! Well I hadn't seen any other comments showing this so I'm glad to have added some context to this.


Just a quick look at OP’s posts quickly leads to the “comrades in the USSR” line… I wonder who would be interested in stirring shit up on reddit with 40k posts these days.


Those are some LONG titles


That's grim, I thought G&P was banned already


To revive The Troubles? Good thing you’ve foiled their plot!


the legal definition of assault in the US is a threat of violence. The actually carrying out of the violence is battery. But typically Battery carries with it assault and vice versa, so in colloquial usage, assault has just come to imply actual violence.


The legal definition of assault in the United states changes from state to state.


> the legal definition of assault in the US is a threat of violence The legal definition of assault in the US isn't one definition; it varies from state to state. The legal definition of assault in the US also has nothing to do with this thread, which is about the UK.


>the legal definition of assault in the US is a threat of violence. Not quite. It varies by state. ~~There is no Federal crime called "assault"~~ each state defines their own version of assault. In some states, assault is threat of violence and battery is actual violence. In some states, there is only assault (threat of violence or actual violence) and actual violence ups the degree of the assault or the type of the assault. Both require intent. Edit: Indiana has no crime called "assault" but does define "battery". There are various other crimes that make what cover what would be assault in other states, the most obvious being "intimidation". Edit2: Updated since there is a Federal definition of assault for crimes that occur in Federal jurisdiction or directed at Federal officers.


The federal gov't does have definition of assault. [https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1610-assault-18-usc-351e](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1610-assault-18-usc-351e) # 1610. Assault -- 18 U.S.C. 351(e) #


Hello. Am commoner. Assault in casual conversation implies physical violence. Nobody says “I was batteried” in casual conversation. Like with what? AA or AAA? Hope it wasn’t a D-cell, that’d really hurt!


Those were the days. Remember those stories when regiments of the army posted to Ulster were from the Midlands or Home Counties....greeted with lemon cake & tea in Derry and West Belfast. Turned sour when the Scots (mainly Presbyterian) arrived. Stupid decision making. During the Troubles it was usual to tell everyone in Republican areas to not attack troops from England. People really considered those soldiers their protectors. Wonder who made the decision to change the regiments accordingly and to what intent... Lots and lots of things should have been handled very differently 😞


They’re just static images that don’t in any way convey the claim in the title. I don’t have a reason to believe otherwise but people should be careful what they believe.


Bots are out today.  They Keep trying to stir up trouble by fanning old flames.


“The British are the real victims here.”


Looks like a scot


And then they wonder why McClean didn't want to wear a poppy.


Least aggressive scot


Weird number of colonial enthusiasts in the comment section lol


As a south Asian person, Reddit has a disgusting amount of colonial apologists. Seriously fuck those people.


Interesting that they are "Scottish not british" when celebrating but British when doing something wrong.


The land in the North of Ireland were mainly given to loyal Scottish settlers


Well it isn't called the Scottish Army..


In Scotland: Scottish person does good thing = Scottish. Scottish person does bad thing = British. In England: Scottish person does good thing = British. Scottish person does bad thing = Scottish.


There are plenty of people in Glasgow who are practically northern Irish.




I think that's called a wee hammer


That will knock the piss out of you


He has his wee hammer for the wee lassies. Considerate.


So she is a Derry Girl


She's an OG Derry Girl Like the episode we see the mothers go to the dance and tattoo themselves as girls!




Where did he strike her with the hammer? Why isn’t she on the deck? Did he strike her or just lift his hand in a feigned attempt at striking her to have her move away? Pictures tell us nothing about the before or after.


He didn't. He threatened her. Someone else posted a link to a different post about it.


Are you saying OP may have deliberately misinterpreted the photo to generate free internet points and follow their own agenda....unacceptable...Nd quite frankly not cricket...not cricket at all.!


Click on OPs profile and that’s all you need to know


Thank you for providing credit and context. [Here](https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/northern-ireland-troubles-capturing-the-conflict/) is the source of these images.


There is no evidence of her being struck Wouldn’t expect anything truthful though, given your entire profile is socialist propaganda


English photographer https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/northern-ireland-troubles-capturing-the-conflict/


Edit: Welsh photographer who worked for Magnum


Except of course there is, and you look like a complete twit. https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/northern-ireland-troubles-capturing-the-conflict/


Get a life


How hard did he hit her? And where?


He didn't.


Looks like she was making fun of his height and then little man syndrome kicked in.


Ohhh a young girl was mean and big boy had to get physical


Man, there is so much bootlicking in this comment. Yall just want that boot on your neck so bad, don't ya?! What Britain did to Ireland over the years is atrocious.


Every argument defending the British implies that British imperialism over Ireland was legitimate and permissible, and therefore goes straight into the trash.


What the hell is going on in these comments??? Why are people so upset at this post???


In fairness he is short for a Stormtrooper.


First picture, woman fucks around. Second picture, woman finds out.




>he could be a Russian troll trying to cause decent among the West unfortunately they are more likely trying to cause dissent


Scrolling through these comments and most people arguing for either side have not the slightest idea of what the troubles was about or what it consisted of. Yet again its a very complicated matter that has been simplified to the point it’s basically just wrong EDIT comments under this largely just prove my point


First pic a woman is turned one direction. Second pic she is now facing a different direction. Lmao you would think people would stop taking the internet at face value by now.


Different title: occupied citizen makes use of right to free speech against military occupant, latter uses excessive violence in return


People seem to be very unaware of the troubles. There are extreme parallels to our current world affairs that we should all recognize. History repeats itself, constantly. Seems to be a lot of bots in here pushing actual discussion down.


r/pics and fake, misinformation titles. Name a more iconic duo.


Triggered him


Standard terrorists in Ireland moment. Fuck the British army


Active in r/greenandpleasant r/socialism and r/palestine Definitely no agenda on this post


I remember joing greanandpleasent thinking it was a Brirish countryside thing without reading beforehand. What a cess pool, did not stay long at all!