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Soooo, not an American how long will he get?


Hard to predict. In theory he can get up to 25 years and as little as nothing more than the gun being taken. The issue is while this is a felony it’s never charged in isolation. DAs use this as an additional charge for drug dealers to turn a 5 year charge into 25 years and get them off the streets. We will see what the judge decides but the charge on paper is supposed to be supplemental for another crime rather than the sole charge.


> the charge on paper is supposed to be supplemental for another crime rather than the sole charge. It's a War on Drugs era crime. It was absolutely intended to be weaponized from the start.


I feel like this is the age old: - letter of - intent of - interpretation of "the law".


In theory for the charges it could cap at 25 years. However with him being a first-time offender and there not really being any particular circumstances around the case that would justify a longer sentence, it's more likely it will be a very light sentence which could even mean avoiding jail time.


He owned the gun for 11 days 6 years ago, I'd be surprised if he gets anything more than light probation.


I'm all for gun laws. But it's equally stupid because the party who wants to send him to jail also wants to get rid of those gun laws.


James Reeves is a lawyer and gun YouTuber who did a video on this exact topic the other day. Reeves talked about how yes Hunter Biden did lie on his 4473 federal background check regarding his drug abuse and that’s a felony. But that virtually no one is prosecuted simply for lying on a 4473 background check, it’s almost always tacked on when someone does something else, generally something more serious.  yes Hunter Biden is a catastrophic moron for publicly talking about his drug abuse both in the book and sharing it with lotta people he knew before and after he bought the gun. But there’s over 20 million gun owners that regularly consume pot, and that’s just the ones that are no, the number is almost certainly much higher. This case sets precedents for the government to pursue criminal charges against tens of millions of people. So yeah, like you said, the people that are screaming the loudest for him to get life in prison are the people that oppose gun laws. Millions of them would go to prison if they were put under the same microscope. 








It's also illegal even in states where pot is legal. Oh, and if you're a heavy drinker it's also illegal.


also illegal if you’re a medical MJ patient


At what point one should give up his gun when the booze starts to go down easily?


There’s currently a circuit split with the fifth circuit court of appeals iirc which means if you’re in a state covered by the fifth circuit, the law is considered unconstitutional. That’s Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. If you’re in any other state, 🤫


In addition to the Fifth Circuit declaring the law unconstitutional, the recent trend of the Supreme Court in gun cases tends to show that the Supreme Court is likely to affirm the Fifth Circuit decision.


I’ve reported you to the authoritah ![gif](giphy|uQHtUvva9Qljy)


*ATF has entered the chat


Yeah that's what Hunter is being charged with. He owned a gun for 11 days, and was also a drug user. The maximum sentence is up to 25 years, but obviously that's absurd, and in something like 97% of similar cases they would get zero jail time at all, but up to a $10,000 fine, and a stern warning to not fuck up again. In a further like 2.5% of similar cases, they would get a short sentence of months, which can also be served as house arrest. The main purpose for the up to 25 years cases, is when you get like, a serial killer who was barred from owning a gun, but then lied on their forms sufficiently to get a gun anyways, so you can send them back to jail, viewing the gun as proof of intent to kill again. Or, if someone were to repeatedly lie on their forms after having previously lied in their forms under a light sentence, then you could ratchet up the sentence. But yeah, Hunter is none of the above. As big a fuckup as he is, probably most gun users in America have done an illicit drug before, he just has the misfortune of being targeted to hurt his dad.


To be clear your percentages are of those that go to trial. 100% of people in hunter's situation would never have a ~~DA~~ AUSA vindictive enough to go after them.


Or a judge who rejected his plea agreement


Wait, what? Why did they reject the plea deal?


And then there's US v Daniels in the 5th circuit, which ruled the question unconstitutional using the analysis required by SCOTUS in Bruen.


This was the bit that got me. Its estimated that 20 million Americans smoke marijuana and also buy and posses firearms. Of those, 13 were prosecuted for that top line crime the last year they have statistics for. Either Hunter won the prosecution Powerball, or his name had something to do with it...


Nah they just don’t like the crack part. He should have stuck to cocaine like a proper rich kid. Not joking that this is part of it


Also up to a $750k fine


I’m not American and I don’t know much about Biden as a president but goddamn I feel sorry for him on a human level. Wife and baby daughter dying in a car crash, one son dying from brain cancer, the other going to jail. The most unfortunate family since the Kennedys


Not an American either, but TIL all of this and just pulled myself back up from the wiki hole. I didn't realize Dr Jill is Hunter's stepmom. And also, the addiction pieces makes sense given the horrifying way he lost his mom and sister.


He was in that car accident, too. Him and his brother, I believe.


Yep, and he relapsed into drug use after his brother died from brain cancer


I lost an uncle this year who relapsed after his 3 week old grandson died of SIDS. Just heartbroken and drank himself to death. I didn’t know much about the Biden tragedies. That is rough.


I'm sorry for your loss. My dad did something similar after my mom died. Spent 10 years drinking himself to death. She died of cancer and I'm pretty sure she made him promise not to take himself out while we were still kids. So he took a slower route


That's gotta be one hell of a case of survivor's guilt.


I think he told others at a family gathering, "I know you all think the wrong son died."


God damn dude...


You would prefer that I had died... And that Boromir had lived.but it's his real fucking life.


Getting a massive TBI as a toddler in the crash that killed your mom and sister will mess anyone up, no matter what.


There is alcoholism and addiction in the Biden’s family. It’s why Joe has never himself even attempted normal drinking—he knew he probably couldn’t. Hunter has strong genetics for addiction and plenty of trauma, not to mention now being a target of the right wing media. Joe loves Hunter and wants him to stay sober. A lot of addicts catch charges over the course of a relapse. He has to take responsibility and just move forward. I think Joe Biden is a really good dad.


My dad is a hard Trumper and he calls me gloating about the conviction. "Good. He fucked up. He broke the law, now he has to pay his dues." Completely baffled him.


My grandmother did the same. I pointed out that she has broken the exact same law that Hunter did and by her own words, deserves to be in jail.


What did she say


She deflected and talked about how my college education brainwashed me into being a liberal. I pointed out both of my advisors were very conservative and she deflected and started bitching about something else.


ah yes the, "i don't want to talk about politics anymore" route


"Oh nonono... you brought it up, so let's talk about it..." "I'm not gonna argue..." "You have no argument, that's why you don't want to argue!" Ugh...


I always say “we don’t have to argue, but I listened to what you had to say, so you’ll listen to what I have to say and we can drop it after that if you’d like” doesn’t go over too well but I refuse to be preached at by anyone who will not even listen to an opposing view (regardless of if it’s politics or not).




Yup, my dad is very anti-immigration but guess who he employs for landscaping? And every time I bring it up he tells me how my university brainwashed me.


Funny thing is if you were to change the setting snd subject to something different but same hypocrisy they would act like a normal human being and have a rationale response Then you tell them the hypocrite in the story is them their brain just breaks and go full lizard


If higher education and personal knowledge improvement is the antithesis of their political party / religion / belief system / etc. Then that says a lot more about them as a person then it does about anything else....


Makes sense if you consider critical thinking to be brainwashing.


Yet they insist everyone should be personally responsible for everything (guns, business, finances, schools) and nobody else should tell them what to do or how to do it and they don't want to participate in anything (governments, taxes, social security, healthcare, environmental protection).


Conservatives are the best argument against conservatism.


"Education made you a liberal!" I don't think there's a more accurate statement.


Great work going to college. Fuck the haters. I’m in the same boat as you, my family is too far gone


Yeah a huge number of people have broken this, and similar, laws yet they are more than happy to call for his execution over it. It's so weird that the NRA isn't decrying the clear violation of his 2nd amendment rights!


The NRA has a long history of not caring when liberals and POC have their 2nd amendment rights questioned.


They don’t care when anybody has their rights violated, they literally exist to generate profit, anybody that actually cares about the 2nd amendment knows the NRA has been a husk of an organization for decades


Your grandmother is a felon?


Let’s just say she uses marijuana to help her with back pain (as she should) and is a strong believer in the second amendment.


That's probably the funniest part.. they are all cheering for Biden getting convicted... they aren't even paying attention tk what the charges are, or the fact that they are against them lmao.


"Capone got imprisoned for tax evasion, he was a bad guy who got what he deserved, so who cares about the specifics?" "Alphonse Capone? The guy your guy keeps on lauding?"


I take it to mean she bought a gun while knowingly using/having used marijuana and technically committed “light felony” 😂


Reminds me of the Arrested Development line where the dad says, ![gif](giphy|TijL9TieqPfLq)


Trump’s comment of “if they can come after me, they can come after anybody” completely showed their hand. It’s like: yes, that’s the point.


> “if they can come after me, they can come after anybody” Its a funny way of saying the law should apply equally to everybody.


In other words “A nation of laws, not men”.


That's what they don't understand. We don't worship these people. We just want good leadership and for the laws to apply to everyone. Fuck we got rid of Franken for basically nothing.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition—there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. —[Frank Wilhoit, composer](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html)


Sadly quite accurate. And the greatest irony is that the average Republican voter has delusions that they are in the in-group, but they are in the out-group.


Look at all the people indicted over things they did with/ for Trump and now cant believe he's hanging them out to dry


When they follow a con man and then wonder why he conned them.


I often wonder how things would’ve changed if Franken hadn’t resigned. The standards have changed so wildly since.


I had a MAGA text me "oh by the way FJB", and I had to look it up to see that it meant Fuck Joe Biden. I'm not even a Dem, I'm registered as Green. I guess they think that everyone else has the same affinity for the "other guy" as they do for theirs. Makes sense given that they see any semblance of empathy as being feminine and weak.


I had a guy at work find out I'm a Democrat, not that I was intentionally hiding it. I just generally avoid politics while working. After finding out, his first and only question was why I thought Biden was so amazing and the best that the dems had to offer. I told him I didn't think that and that I dont feel like anyone is giving any voter good options. He was absolutely shocked that I wasn't 1000% backing Biden and everything he does and just walked away without saying anything else.


Most people that I know, who have voted Dem in the past two elections didn't even like or vote for the winning Democratic Candidate in primary. Just in the general elections against Trump.


They are so delusional, they think we are simping for Biden as hard as they are for trump. Theu are too delusional to even grasp the fact rhar weeeeee dooooonnttt caaaarrreeeee.


Someone said trump did win in 2020 because “where’s all the Biden flags and stickers” and I’m just baffled. Do they think that’s how you support the person you vote for? No you vote for them and that’s about it. But because we’re not painting our faces or spending money to lower the value of our vehicles must mean it was stolen lololol


Yeah, I think there isn’t an understanding that you should see yourself as a member of the electorate and not as fanatics. Personally, I don’t see the Presidency as putting someone on a pedestal or giving someone the first place prize, it’s a fucking job. I’m the employer and they are the employee. They better do a good job or I won’t renew their contract.


Coworker said something very similar to me. I responded with "Well most democrats and leftists don't worship politicians" immediate crawfishing with a lovely surprised Pikachu face.


Honestly, the political discourse in the last 8 years or so make most former controversies look like fucking nothing. Trump single handedly outdid both Nixon with watergate and Clinton with Lewinsky and people are shocked that maybe we think there should be some justice here. You have to go back to the fucking 1800s to find anything even remotely as controversial as what has happened within our lifetimes domestically.


One side is in a cult, the other side wants every American to be treated equally.


If someone breaks the law they are a law breaker. I don't care if it's my brother it's the law. I don't blindly follow people because they are on a certain side. I support them but if they fuck up I'll condemn them.


You could also reply “what? Wasn’t paying attention. This case has nothing to do with politics so I really don’t give a shit about the outcome”


Or “well fuck, I guess I’m not going to vote for hunter biden then”


The conservative subs were drawing comparisons between Trump and George Floyd yesterday. And, yeah, neither of those guys deserves to be President and neither one deserves the death penalty for their crimes. But George is dead and Trump may still win the presidency. Just because I don’t think a guy deserved to die doesn’t mean I think he’s a great person worthy of admiration.


given the intelligence leaks Trump has given out re: CIA informants, not to mention all the other shit he's done to America, I would say he definitely deserves the death penalty.


I have no problem with Hunter being convicted. I have a problem with the media equating this to what Trump did and is doing.


The Media was brazen today. Every segment or show was about how Hunter's conviction affects the Biden Campaign. Hunter isn't running for President, however a guy with 34 felonies is.


Better to phrase it as, Hunter has nothing to do with Joe Biden's presidency or candidacy. Because there are several people tied to Trump's presidency/candidacy that are now convicted felons and that absolutely should be a factor in evaluating candidate Trump (along with his own conviction).


Should have told him this was a bad thing because the government is enforcing unconstitutional gun laws that are a violation of people's second amendment rights. Really screw with his loyalties


Almost like no one’s above the law or something


So crazy that it only works in one direction for them. They are law and order - IF it’s a dem or Biden. But trump gets unlimited passes and they will do Olympic Level mental gymnastics and start listing off conspiracy theories to compare. It’s literal cult behavior. Warren Jeffs is in jail now and he still has tons of followers, guy can do no wrong


Nah go to r/conservative and they're convinced that Hunter was found guilty in order to make Trump's conviction look more legitimate. That's a real thought they have.


1 min of critical thinking and internet searches would tell the truth l, but they don’t want the truth


“Accountability” is generally not a word used to describe MAGA. Its truly foreign to them


They also think we admire the "left" politicians like they do theirs. Which we don't. Most everyone I know voted for Biden purely to vote against Trump. No one cares about him like the right idolizes Trump.


No one hates left wing politicians more than the left. Lol


There are some of us that actually like Biden's policies. Of course I still don't idolize any politician either way. I do think he's too old, but I'm more than happy to vote for him. The too-old Biden is still better than any other candidates I've seen in a long time.


I'm an American, and honestly the saddest thing about us now is we longer hold much empathy. That's what makes humans "human", and we're losing that. People will see this picture and laugh at it, yell at it, demean it, meme it, just be venoumous - all unironically. It's a simple picture of a father and his son in a vulnerable moment, yet we're no longer capable of understanding that nuance. We cant do anything anymore without making it political. I mean anything. The weather is politicized, sports is politicized, shopping is politicized. I saw someone the other day going on about "liberal math" when the jobs numbers came out. You know we are too far gone when even *math* becomes a partisan issue. Science and history, yeah I can see why there'd be debates...but math? 2+2 will never not equal 4. It's a shame, and its so exhausting. edit: to clarify since it keeps being missed...I was not saying you "must" feel empathy for Joe and Hunter. You dont "have" to look at this picture and shed a tear...


Covid and social media was not a great combination for our populace that can't critically think. I've noticed it within my family. They hear things or see them then just take them as fact. In one ear and then just fact. They don't question, they don't try to think, they just hear and repeat what others have said. It doesn't help when they have fox news on for hours a day just absorbing and regurgitating what they hear without a second deeper thought about it. Maybe, just maybe, news is a for profit media with one sole goal to keep you engrossed so you keep watching so they can keep making more money. So maybe they, you know, feed on your emotions, especially ones such as anger and outrage, to make sure you keep listening and watching. And no matter how many times you try to bring logic or thought into a conversation they love to immediately attempt to drag you down to a different level of idiot talk. How are you supposed to supplant or supply logic to individuals who have completely lost their ability to think logically? And when challenged with it will always project or avoid or create a new narrative in their head. It's very annoying but also fascinating the levels and loops they will do to avoid logic.


> In one ear and then just fact. Growing up in the sixties and seventies and eighties, that's the way it was. You watch the 5:30 Evening News with Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw. You read the weekly issue of Time or USN&WR. You watched 60 Minutes on Sundays and Meet the Press and Nightline. And that was the news. Those were the facts. There wasn't a reason to doubt their accuracy. No need to vet the news sources. As Walter Cronkite said, "And that's the way it is."


-Lost his late wife and daughter to a car Accident. -Lost his other son to brain cancer. Guy gone through a lot of grief, he has no time for petty politics, only there to support his son.


Important to note, he lost his wife and daughters while they were Christmas shopping just after winning his election to become senator. He actually contemplated resigning office because both his sons were still like in full body casts in the hospitals. Like the Democratic whip convinced him to stay even though they had more than enough votes.


It was actually a similar situation with the son that died of cancer. Joe didn't enter the 2016 presidential race because he thought it wasn't right to be away that long not taking care of/being with his son. But Bo made him promise not to give up on politics after he was gone.


He would have won in 2016 (IMO). Imagine a world, where Trump didn't win ... and just disappeared (mostly) off into the distance. All because one cell in Beau Biden ... mutated one day, many years ago ... our planet ended up on this path.


He was really popular back in 2016. People forget all the memes that year about how VP Biden was the chill uncle in the White House hanging out with Obama.


There was a whole subreddit for that. /r/bidenbro


And to add to the butterfly effect, he *most likely* had brain cancer from burn pits in Iraq. Thanks Bush


I'm not sure he wins the primary if he runs in 16. It would have been interesting. It was relatively close between clinton and sanders. None of sanders' voters would have left him for Biden. Biden would have split clinton's voters. Honestly, Biden running was prob the best chance for Sanders to win the nomination.




A porn star you said reminds you of your daughter.


Oh shit, right, how had I forgotten this. More and more I think it's horseshit that people think the main good thing about Biden is that he's not Trump. Given the state of the World and constant opposition his entire career, Biden has honestly done so much for this country.


He's good. He's not ideal. And that's a terrible thing for a party full of idealists.


I think he’s better than good. He’s achieved a lot under perhaps the worst government dysfunction ever.


His infrastructure bill has brought so much money to my state. A lot of that money is going to expand broadband internet access in rural areas, which is a massive need and will boost local economies and create jobs. I was on a call with a colleague when she got the notification that her student debt had been erased, transforming her financial future. I got to see Biden speak in person at an event for healthcare and public health workers and community groups that had been involved in the COVID vaccination effort. He was genuinely kind and generous with us. The US Post Office is no longer facing financial ruin because of Biden’s administration. In so many ways, his administration has personally helped me and people I care about. I’m no major Biden fan and am an unaffiliated voter, but it would be absurd to ignore the good work he and his team have accomplished.


Hunter also suffered brain trauma during that crash that likely led to some of his more erratic behavior later on in life.


Joe's statement alone is enough to give me father-envy. https://i.imgur.com/sQikBCY.png


Incredible. What's fucked up is he bought the gun to off himself. Like jeez. And to build yourself back up from that point? And your family is still there with you while you deal with the consequences years later? Fuckin blessed all around.


He survived the car crash that killed his mother and sister, and outlived his beloved brother who died of an incredibly painful and aggressive cancer. Beau's death is what led to him spiraling. It is honestly amazing to come back from that, Hunter did what so many others could not. But to many Christian conservatives, drug abuse is a moral failing, because they are judgmental, moralistic bigots who do not understand the world and contribute nothing to progress and the humanities.


Damn. I didn't know that's why he bought the gun. Makes this prosecution all the more fucked up. I'm glad he's still here


Well he wasn't going to do a drive by on his rival gang lol. Or rob a drug dealer. He's not exactly broke. He was in the middle of a drug problem, was ashamed about it, and was so guilt ridden he bought a gun to blow his brains out. I've been there. Shit's embarrassing. Especially when your family knows your potential. You feel disgustingly guilty and horrible. That's why his ex threw it in the garbage. She knew he was going through some shit, and got it away from him.


I was lucky i didn't have a gun when i tried. And that the pills didn't work


I'm happy you're still here. [Please enjoy this adopted dog video.](https://youtu.be/FHRUJ0vS4tE?si=QfFsKUeL9k7okiV8)


I did not know I needed that but I’m happier for seeing that, thank you


Happy to help! Would you like [247 more](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs9RLdA-_yyTMz6WqTYHUIH05FchtW65I&si=fzXlNTI7PP1KLlcj)? Lol, I started this playlist to share with my family and I just kept adding to it over the years. At least watch the first one -- it's probably my very favorite! I promise it won't make you cry. (That's the second one.)


Who gave you the right to be such an amazing person. Bless you, I hope you find money on every walk you ever go on.


Thanks, I needed that. 👍


This is the same family that lost a mother and a sister in a car accident. Just really fucked up.


Don’t forget about Beau :(


Oh right! And the two boys did get heavily injured in the accident that killed their mother and sister. So Hunter and Joe are the only survivors of their family with pain both physical and mental to boot.




>Like, this is why your kids don’t answer your calls, Brenda. So many folks have an [authoritarian follower personality](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/summary.html#authoritarian). They love being a dictator in their little sphere of influence and love simping for other dictators.


They let the most minuscule amount of power go directly to their heads and are baffled when they see others not do that. "OH, I'm in charge of handing out coffee cups? that means I get to decide who DESERVES to have coffee today." That sort of stupid shit. but they vote.


They praise a man who has a habit of cheating, who wants to fuck his daughters, hates his son, is hated by his father… Obviously they’re going to hate a decent caring father, it checks out.


Yeah, when I heard the voicemail he left his son, I cried.. me and my dad don't even speak because he's been an abusive piece of shit my whole life and I finally snapped a few years ago. Especially when he said "I don't know what to do... and I know you don't either.. but I love you.." Several years ago I would've given anything to hear those words from my dad..


I think about that voice mail everytime I hear MTG or some other Republican attention whore running their fucking mouths about the Hunter situation. Joe is well within his means to fix the situation if he could and he's tried everything, he's a man who loves his child and has to watch him suffer through all this. None of these pieces of garbage talking about the situation have any sort of love in their heart.


And it’s not even a relevant issue. Hunter Biden purchasing a firearm 6 years ago doesn’t hurt a single person. But homelessness does, inflation does, climate change is beginning to, wars are hurting people, and the list goes on.


It's also a bullshit charge. Even if he wasn't a privileged white man, many people don't get hit with felony charges for this. My two uncles-both lawyers, on opposite sides of the political spectrum (although the center-right one is a never Trumper)-were both going off on this being politically motivated. And they *never* agree on anything lol. One loves Bernie, the other one wants Mitt Romney to run.


Ironically none of the so called Christians on the right and supporting Trump would actually lift a finger to be there for those suffering. They are so deluded that they think the guy who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant is the more righteous choice to lead the country


I'll never forget the debate where Biden shouted "my son is an addict and I love my son!" Or something to that effect. Such a class act. I'm sure a lot of American parents related to that sentiment.


I gained a lot of respect for him that day the way he responded to trump talking about hunters addiction. As someone with many family members with addictions, this resonated so hard with me the way he humanized his son and showed endless support and acknowledged that many families in the US have this experience


I agree. Biden's always put his family first. If a remember correctly, he was a Senator-elect when his wife and daughter died. People around him told him he could step down. He ended up taking the train from Delaware to DC daily for years so he could be a father and a Senator.


Its even worse coming from Trump because his brother was an alcoholic and Trump has even talked about his brother's early death being why he doesn't touch alcohol. Of course, Fred Sr. and Donald bullying Fred Jr. for choosing to be an airline pilot also didn't help his addiction.


And like Trump isn’t an addict. That dude has done so many uppers, it put him in a diaper.


Don Jr and Eric would be so jealous of that statement if they could read.


What an incredible statement.


The problem is that the voting morons of the population will equate this conviction with that of Trump’s, and then say “oh well both sides have convictions now so that’s not a point of difference”. The Bidens can follow the rules and be as righteous as can be but it’s not going to make a difference to the idiot crowd sadly. Hopefully enough of the middle-ground voting block can tell the difference between a Presidential candidate with fraud convictions vs a Presidential candidate’s son with a conviction on a decades old drug/ gun offence.


Honestly, save yourself the headache. Anyone that worships Trump is lost and will never be found. They don't want to be found, they think being found will kill them. Just don't think of the idiot crowd, they will never see eye to eye even though they have more in common with you than they ever would someone like Trump or even Biden.


I remember when his voicemail to Hunter got leaked, and there were Republicans mocking them both for… paternal tenderness, I guess. Like. Jesus. (This does not constitute an endorsement of either.)


Can you imagine Trump ever saying anything close to that about one of his kids? Have we ever seen a photo of him hugging one of his kids... other than Ivanka?


No matter how you feel about Biden, his outright refusal to get involved in any way with this case is very admirable. Not many world leaders or presidents would do the same


I will say, IF Hunter is sentenced to more than 6 months in prison and IF Biden loses the election, I would not blame him one bit for commuting Hunter’s sentence during his lame duck months. I would be a bit nervous to have Joe Biden’s son locked in a federal prison beholden to the Trump administration.




He pardoned Kushners dad as soon as he could


He pardoned random rappers and DEMOCRAT figureheads convicted for some sort of corruption. Why would he do that I wonder? Probably for the same reason he does anything - money. Donald Trump most likely sold pardons on his way out.


He was selling them for 200k a pop pretty blatantly in 2020 lol


Manafort and Stone destroyed any moral high ground


The conspiracy theory *du jour* in r/conservative is that this outcome was rigged to create the false perception that the DOJ is fairly applying the law. Of course, if it was a not-guilty verdict, they would be howling from the rooftops about how unfairly the DOJ applies the law. Every possible outcome proves the conspiracy to these people. 


Sounds like a cult.


Unfavorable outcome: "SEE! ITS A RIGGED SYSTEM! *THIS FURTHER PROVES MY POINT!*" Favorable outcome: "ITS A RIGGED SYSTEM PRETENDING TO BE FAIR BUT ITS SECRETLY JUST OUT TO GET MY GUY. *THIS FURTHER PROVES MY POINT!*" No matter what happens they go further down the rabbit hole.


Trump would have been holding rallies daily talking about how fast he would get his son out of prison


Trump had a zoom meeting with his parole officer, unheard of, WITH his lawyer.. and keeps saying how the system is rigged. Unreal.


The judge should take that as a clue that he has no remorse for what he's done and is likely to offend again. And he should factor it into sentencing


A father hugging his son.


What a monster!


You joke but when a voicemail came out of Biden telling Hunter he loves him and would do anything to get him help, Hannity did an entire segment about how that somehow looked bad on Biden.


That was so weird, it was publicized as being something damaging to Biden, but when you actually listened to it it was just Biden sounding like a great dad. >“It’s Dad. I called to tell you I love you. I love you more than the whole world, pal. You gotta get some help. I don’t know what to do, I know you don’t either. But I am here no matter what you need. No matter what you need, I love you.” That's actually really moving, capturing what it's like to love someone with an addiction


What excuse do MAGAs use to say this is bad? All parents should love their kids even when they fuck up


A lot of conservative parents disown their kids over the dumbest stuff. I shit you not, one of my sister's friends from college in the Midwest was disowned by her parents because she was dating a guy who shaved his head.


I have a conservative friend and a conservative family member (two totally separate cases). Each AGONIZED when their kid told their parents they were gay and the parents 'didn't know what to do.' I was like "Da fuck? It's your kid! You continue to love them because literally NOTHING has changed in YOUR life.


Conservative parents when Joe Biden shows unrequited love to his son (they think this is a sign of the Anti Christ)


I think you mean "unconditional". Unrequited means it's not returned.


Pretty confident that the word "unrequited" means something different than you think it does.


Unconditional love\*


Don’t you know? You’re supposed to admire how sexy your children are, out loud, in public, repeatedly… not support them when they screw up.


Jim Jordan looking into a impeachment inquiry for this picture. 


Gym Jordan? The former wrestling coach who let his students get molested and said nothing?


Makes me realize, I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Trump hugging any of his children.


Except his "favorite". He has said he'd date her if she wasn't his daughter. 🤮 ![gif](giphy|gk3pDXdxn1JjmfcSi7)


He very publicly and very often told anyone who would listen how "hot" and "sexy" his own daughter is. But Biden sniffs hair so...both sides. /r


That's creepy af


I mean... he was asked "What do you have in common with your daughter?" while she was sitting next to him, on live TV, and he literally said "I'd like to say 'sex', but..."


Wdym? He hugs the one with double Ds all the time. Even said he’d date her once. Father of the year type shit.


If we're starting to lock people up for lying on federal forms, can Clarence Thomas be next please? He's got a pretty big stack of bullshit federal financial disclosures that are piling up.


Biden has seen a lot of grief in his life.


That's a dad holding his son. Regardless of politics. I'd do the same for my boy...


Soooooo gun charges he can get up to 25 years, but taking classified documents is just a light slap on the wrist? This country has gone to shit.


Trump will never see any penalty for taking/sharing classified docs. Never. That is how it works in USA.


That is a hug that looks full of love.


I bet Don jnr wishes it was him.


One of the most memorable things from the last election cycle was Trump and Biden debating and Trump making fun of Hunter. And Biden stopped him and said something like my son has made mistakes but he’s my son and I love him and I’m proud of him. Made me teary.


It's honestly fucking crazy how, in the spawn of less than a decade, our politics has entirely devolved into mudslinging. This was shit we learned about in American history, where politicians back then just fucking shat on each other. You'd think after 200 years, we'd be past that. But nope. It's not about who has better policy or who is a better leader, it's just who's the better shit slinger.


Where is the NRA and the 2nd Amendment people?


They are busy promoting a candidate for president that said "take the guns first, go through due process second". https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/01/trump-nra-gun-control-response-members-latest


I remember when Republicans tried to use the voicemail Joe left Hunter saying he loves him as a negative thing. That voicemail is part of why I'll happily vote for Joe again. He's too old, he's not handled Israel as I would have liked, but he's done a lot of good for our country in 4 years and he's a decent human. Especially compared to the human sludge on the other side of the ticket.


Or even when he went to visit his son’s grave, they tried to say he was avoiding responsibility 


Joe loves his adult children and there's that answering machine when Hunter was an addict asking what he can do to help him like any loving father would. If Joe Biden could give his own life to resurrect his other son Beau and his daughter who died in a car wreck, he would do that in an instant.


It is notable that Jill flew back early from France to support her stepson in court. Like them or not, they take care of each other.


He should appeal it and the NRA should support him, right? https://www.reuters.com/legal/drug-user-cannot-be-barred-owning-guns-us-court-rules-2023-08-10/