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This one wins


I think I have that shirt. Itā€™s the Einstein/galaxy/smoke shirt right?


Yes it is!






I have it too! Recognized it instantly


Dittoā€¦got one of tjose


You've been through a lot, why not take a break and enjoy some music? https://youtu.be/IWWwM2wwMww?t=70


I swear to god if this is cbat Edit:fucking gold lol


Many of us thought it. You delivered.


https://youtube.com/shorts/X3XYnM13UEQ?feature=share Drink water and watch for waaspeses


So the very first thing I can remember happening when my family moved from Ohio to Idaho when I was in first grade was a Yellowjacket stinging me in the middle of the forehead. The next morning, I woke up looking exactly like OP. So not only did I have to process us packing up my entire life, driving 3.5 days and moving to what was essentially a foreign planet (climate/culture-wise), and having to start at a new school, in the middle of a school year, in a small town where everyone already knew each other while I didnā€™t know a single soul ā€“ I had to show up like thisā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure my 6 and 7 year old classmates literally thought I was an alien for the first few days until the swelling started going away and they could tell at all what I looked like, like my eye color, or the fact that I was actually a person. Today itā€™s pretty hilarious, but at the time it sure fucking sucked lol. Hang in there, OP! It could be worse :P


Okay but why would your parents still send you to school with your face all swelled up? That seems unnecessary. Missing a couple extra days couldn't possibly make that much of a difference.


Idk, they never really were able to justify it to me to this day. But I guess it turned out okay? So thereā€™s that


Kinda fucked up but kinda funny as well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






Itā€™s not really that noticeable


Tis but a scratch.


Gotta sting a little


Bee stings and hornet stings to the face are really weird. Years ago my older brother got stung by a bee right in the forehead between his brows ... just one sting and it completely changed his appearance for a week. He looked like the Navi people from Avatar and it completely freaked us younger brothers out to see how much it changed his face.






​ ![gif](giphy|4sW3J3IUAWSuZmChJ0)


Top comment imo




If an epi pen is not affordable, ask your doctor to prescribe an Auvi Q, itā€™s epinephrine as well but is only $25 cash price before insurance


Thank you for this suggestion, itā€™s very helpful!


just looked up epipen price here in europe, its 38ā‚¬ of wich 36 will be paid by national insurance, what the fuck america


This nation is screwed šŸ™ƒ


Wow thanks


I've seen you in Prometheus!


You shouldn't be rubbing hornets in your eyes anyway


You were fantastic as that teacher/MMA fighter in The Warrior!


Sloth love Chunk




Did you try rice


Yes and it was delicious thank you.


I love reddit.


Only 1. Wasn't very filling.


With these reactions, first one is free, second one is fatal. Make sure you get an epipen.


This was actually my second sting- three weeks ago I got stung by one in my finger and my whole finger swelled up as did my entire hand. I took benedryl and ibuprophin and the swelling went down and I was fine. This time, I got stung directly in my forehead at the top of my hairline and itā€™s stinger was stuck in my skin. The doc said when I came in that the next bee sting will be deadly so I need to carry an epi pen from now on


Our immune systems are so weird.




Aw dammit. I get these huge itchy knots when I get bit by mosquitoes. Now Iā€™m terrified of hornets.


Still trying to get that hornet honey?




Apparently I was sitting a little too close to where they set up camp under the siding of my house. They nailed my poor pit bull 3 times yesterday and again today. Weā€™re going through it


You should have someone come out to remove the nest if youā€™re that allergic and theyā€™re obviously in the way enough for you to regularly interact. Iā€™m all for leaving nests around when theyā€™re an area that I do not frequent, but you should remove it if it something that is close to where you normally are.


Weā€™re going to have to because weā€™ve been spraying them for days and have blocked off access to their nest using rags and they still keep swarming


Blocking access isnā€™t a good idea. They will find another route, and it could be through your house. Spraying doesnā€™t do anything if theyā€™re deep in the siding. Just get Orkin or whatever out there. Theyā€™ll spray it with delta dust, and it will take care of them.


last year had someone come out several times (all covered under original contract). they spray a powder up under siding. finally stopped the problem. I wasted time trying to spray them first and that let them get pretty settled in there. they're really aggressive this time of year.


Ugh. Yellow jackets and hornets become assholes this time of year. Food is starting to get scarce, and they have NO tolerance for anyone's bullshit.


Your doc will probably tell you this, but here's a pro tip from one epipen user to another. Please please please make sure that when you stab yourself with the pen, you're at least halfway up your thigh, 3/4 of the way up if you can remember in the moment. It's so easy to forget when you're panicked but I'm telling you now, stab too low and it will feel like you hit bone for weeks afterwards. Also, without removing the blue top and actually using the epipen, take a moment to "practice" a few times so you know what you're doing. The first time I needed mine I panicked and my mom had to do it. She stabbed me so hard it bounced. Practice!!


You got stung by a honey bee. Hornets do not leave the stinger behind.


How do you get stung so often?


Typically a systemic reaction is when it can get dangerous, like get stung in the back and your armpits and crotch and neck are reacting


I concur. I have a systematic allergy to hornets and wasps. I donā€™t swell. My blood pressure drops and I stop breathing.


Yep. I noticed each time I got bitten by a fire ant, the reaction was worse and worse. Started as an itchy blister like a normal person. Then a huge itchy patch next time. Then half my body the next time. Then it put my ass in the hospital because I was insanely itchy from head to toe and struggled to breathe. Now I keep an EpiPen. That was over the course of probably a year. Then after being REALLY careful, I went about 15 years for the next bite and it was back to just being a blister. Figured that was my freebie and I've been paranoid again. Fire ants suck. Living in the south sucks.


Either that or you just got done fighting Apollo Creed.


I tell you what man, them dang hornets man. That olā€˜ allergic reaction gon come swellinā€™ down on that olā€˜ grid, man.


I was about to comment, but your previous post was deleted, I hope thatā€™s not a big issue. Also, sorry to see youā€™re going through this: looks very uncomfortable but at least youā€™ll be fine in a couple of days. From here, my best wishes for a quick recovery!


I was annoyed that my phone correct allergy to allegedly šŸ˜‚


Your phone is allegedly a jerk. Hope you can rest and get better quickly.




Oh no!


I think you look swell!




You look unrecognisable! But I donā€™t know you so it could be because of that.


Owww. Get well soon


Oof. Congrats on your new EpiPen and two eyeussies.


Hey you've got something in your nose.


Almost ready to be a star trek random flavor race. No actual Purpose or drive. Just background extra. 35 pages fan based wiki on their culture and desert adaptations and why they are the most feared warriors before Klingons joined...m


Wow, hornet kidding!


Damn - how many did you eat?


I was stung by a wasp and I looked like a Vulcan from Star Trek for 4 days. Feel better!


Cool Hand Nuke


How is Jesco White doing anyway?


Turn me on and turn me loose


Yeah I wouldnā€™t eat them either.


And who came out on top? YOU!


Conan O'brien looking kinda thicc tho




Is that the Einstein shirt?


Yes :)


You probably developed it earlier but just didnā€™t know it. šŸ˜


Joel Edgerton?


Sorry to laugh, but ow that looks sore, and hilarious! Nice septum too by the way! *(Seriously though, oh boy, you really donā€™t get on with stingy thingiesā€¦)* Get something to make sure it doesnā€™t end up even worse next time. I run to the hills if any stingy thingies are near me for the exact same reason. ā€œWhat happened to you?ā€ Me: ā€œBeeā€


I have that same shirt, is it Einstein smoking a pipe with the universe coming out?


It is!




Jesus you look like one of the henchmen batman beats the shit out of.


Tell family, friends and co workers. Keep an epi-pen with you at ALL times. I have systemic allergic reactions and I also keep liquid benadryl with we and take a slug along with injecting the epi-pen.


I hope this song starts a craze The kind of song that ignites the airwaves The kind of song that makes people glad To be where they are With whoever they're there with This is war


Every line is about who I donā€™t want to write about anymore


Is this Tyson Fury after a fight?


You remind me of my wife, after she had a reaction to a hair dye job. At one point I thought "whoa, she kinda looks like Margaret Cho" but thought better than to share that thought with my wife. Later on, my wife returned from the washroom somewhat upset and said "I look like Margaret Cho! :-( " When we went to the hospital, they even seemed a bit unconvinced/confused when we showed them her photo ID.




You need to start carrying an epi-pen in case this happens again. Next time could be full-blown anaphylaxis.


Yes, I will be getting an epi pen because the doc said he fully believes next time would be full blown anaphylaxis


Please see an Allergist. I have been working in allergy in 25 years. They can do a blood test or skin testing to see if you are allergic. You have to wait at least 6 weeks before they can do skin testing, so if they can't get you in right away-don't worry. They can prescribe an Epi pen or even venom therapy (allergy shots for stings) to help you out. The shots take about 5-7 years of treatment.


Thank you very much for the helpful information!




Before and after pic?


Go to my profile if you want to see my face not completely hornet obliterated


Derp.. damn... God's speed in your recovery! That looks not super comfortable.


I looked at your previous pics of your pretty self. This is really severe. :/ Hope it goes down soon.


Damn the wasps stung you so bad that they changed your ethnicity from Caucasian to Asian.


Whisk yourself to the nearest casting agency!


What am I applying to play? Lol


Opposite Mickey Rourke in a boxing flick


Where does one run into severe hornets? I assume Australia?


sorry about the pain but on the other front you look cute!


Thereā€™s no need to lie to me and my quasi modo looking self šŸ˜‚


Genghis Khan's origin story!


Ouch you look like one of Genghis Kahn's wives after disrespecting him.


Same thing happened to my Golden Retriever when he was stung


Why post this?


Even hornets in Hawaii go hard. Hope you feel better soon!


Welcome to the club. It hurts like a crazy.


Get well soon. The kind of fruit I had plucked from the tree, which I didn't know what it was, had done the same. But nothing happens when a bee stings.


Cut me Mick!


ouch. Hope you're feeling better soon


I loved you in Sun City!


Thatā€™s scary, I hope youā€™re 100% soon. Iā€™m sure your doc will give you an epipen, but if not, please demand one.


Ouch! Hope your feeling better.


After not getting stung for approximately 20 years, I got hit on 6 different occasions this year by yellow jackets. It's not fun even when you aren't allergic, I couldn't imagine if I was! Hopefully you can keep from getting stung in the future.




I can't tell your nationality.


Lmaooo Iā€™m native and European but if we go based off my dna ancestors, my oldest relative came out of southwest Asia.


*Yo, Adrienne! I did it!*




Been there, done that. Drink lots of water and just stay the fuck in bed. Feel better soon. I know how bad that shit sucks.


Wow...look like the loser of an MMA fight. Wishing you a quick recovery


Ah that sucks! My mom has a deathly allergy to all bee stings too. Fortunately I don't, especially b/c when I was a wee lad my older brother dared me to throw a rock at a nest (didn't know what they looked like at that age), and I got stung 11 times. Ah memories...


I always had an issue with producing antihistamines so when I used to get stung the area would get slightly swollen and turn purple and blue with a white ring around it that I could poke and it would leave the imprint of my finger. Now.. apparently as Iā€™ve aged, my body has decided death is the appropriate response šŸ˜‚


First you stopped working at the pawn shop and now this!


I know this may sting a bit, but eat more honey.


That or you have developed a rare case of face punchitis.


Reminds me of Pinhead without the pins.


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) I was thinking more




You look like Mickey Rourke. šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh, hope you feel better soon




#i Hope you will recover Very Soon šŸ™‚


I unironically thought I was in r/ufc and this was a post fight injury. Iā€™m so sorry that you discovered this allergy btw. Hope your doing good.




If it was a bald faced hornet, those will make nearly anyone puff up.


I bet youā€™ll think twice before eating hornets again.


This my new profile pic


I accept šŸ˜‚


I bet you wonā€™t be eating another one after this.


I thought this post was about Miesha Tate after a fight


What makes you think that..?


Too bad you werenā€™t stung a day earlier before you developed the allergyā€¦ā€¦..


And what were they?


Oh lord, that looks painful.


I built fences when I was in high school and in a Richie rich subdivision I watched a lady sneak out too her mailbox to spray some wasps and her can was pointed at her faceā€¦ she sprayed herself in the eyes panicked ran into her car then wall then door screaming her eyes burned!! me and some like 8 year old kids were just stunned at the chaos.


Every time a yellow jacket stings you the less resistance you have next time hope you feel better soon maybe rub a cut onion on it mite reduce the swelling


Howā€™d you find out? Is there a test for it?


The test went like this: get stung in the forehead, entire face balloons up- go to the ER and have to get stuck with an epi pen because your throat keeps trying to close up lol


Just what the world needs, another Baldwin brother.


Musta been one of them Asian hornets from the news!


So you use to poke yourself with hornets before and this didnā€™t happen?


I got stung a few weeks ago and the hornet was stuck in my skin, when I got it out my entire finger and back of my hand swelled up just like my face. I took benedryl and applied a cool compress and the swelling went down. This is my second severe reaction. I got stung a lot as a kid and nothing like this ever happened


Hey well atleast you still have anonymity lol, face turned into a MF doom mask real quick


Omg, are you ok?? Did they get the swelling down?


Yes, at the time being, but I came home and itā€™s swelled back up again. It keeps going down and re-swelling and my nose is tingling like a mofo. I donā€™t understand it


Awe honey!! Feel better soon!!


How can you tell?


Yo! Does that t-shirt have Albert Einstein smoking a pipe and the smoke is all those stars?!


Yes it does!




That sucks. I hope you get well soon! How many times were you stung?


Just once in my forehead!


I developed one at 29 three months ago. Got stung by ground hornets while doing side work and erupted in hives. Then the swelling started so I went to urgent care and got some steroids. A month and a half later I got stung on the arm and it swelled to twice itā€™s size for two days. Not fun.


Iā€™d hire your local pest control company to come out, locate those little bastards (might be a nest nearby) and eradicate them. Both our neighbors (NC) and my daughter & her husband (Norway) had new hornet nests starting under the eaves of the house which is just the craziest coincidence.


Oh my god that's crazy.....it even made you grow metal through your nosešŸ˜²


My husband is highly allergic to all wasps, hornets, and bees. We go through this a lot. We are at three wasp stings for this year. Our protocol, designed by his pharmacist and doctors, is that he takes diphenhydramine (Benadryl) before he uses his epi pen. We use a marker to draw a circle around the sting site and write the time of the sting on his arm. If he's not being treated in the hospital by a half-hour after using his epi, he will probably need to use a second pen. *This is not medical advice.* This is what *we* do for my husband. OP, check with your own doctors and pharmacists for advice tailored to you. I'm just giving you a look at what *might* be in your future. Best of luck!


What was the clue?


Looks like hornets are off the menu for you


You should see the other guyā€¦


next time try not to eat their honey. make sure to pop a big H on the box to let people know there are Hornets in it


If only you had gotten stung yesterday, before you developed the allergy!


genghis kham


I thought I was browsing MMA UFC 279 results.


There is a simple and effective remedy for hornet stings (also, bees and wasps). Take some meat tenderiser (the grey powder you sprinkle on your steak) and make a moistened paste out of it. Apply directly to the sting site (all the sting sites) and try to gently massage it in. It should destroy the enzymes that are causing the reaction. Pain relief should be almost immediate, and swelling should start to go down in short order.


So no to one up or anythin but my enire life ive been allergic to bees. Like standard 15 minutes till dead type shit. Anyways the last time i was stung was a couple days on my toe. And i barely swelled up at all my toe is pretty swollen and i cant bend it but other than that nothing no swellin up of the throat nothing. I didnt happen an epipen so i couldn do anything about it even if i wanted to. Anyways i got stung about 7 years ago and spent 2 days in the er. Its weird how nothing happened.