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Lego store employee here- we’re in this together!


Sprinkle some legos around the floor to deter the shooter


Home Alone in the Mall of America


This would be a dope reboot. Kevin's kid is training at Cinnabon, takes out the trash and sees some shady mob shenanigans in the back access ways. "Only a McCallister can stop whatever they're up to... Bells will be jingled, halls will be decked."


Home alone die hard reboot


This year, in a cinema near you...Die Alone?


Take my upvote. That got me.


You did the groundwork!


These are the wholesome reddit moments I live for, and the only reason I stayed when I did my social media purge!


Winter of 2023 presents: Your never to old to "Die home alone" !


Alternative title "Die at home, alone and hard"


No can do, Die at Home is on Disney's short list for 4th spider-man film titles


Yippee Ki Yay ya filthy animal!


I would watch this every Christmas Eve


Welcome to the party, pal!


I'd pay to see current Macaulay Culkin in something like this - Die Hard but in the style of Home Alone.


Go and watch Violent Night then. Saw it the other day, it is literally this… with Santa.


Santa whooping his ass with a snow shovel from behind


That’s how you get brought before the Hague, my friend.


peace was never an option


This drama isn’t the roller coaster ride most people go there for. Sorry it sucks for you guys.


Are you all ok??


You know it's really gone to shit in this country when people are casually joking about being involved in an active shooter situation


Back in 2020 a guy opened up on a crowd outside the Taco Bell I was in. People just calmly walked inside and were like, impatiently waiting for it to end like it was a minor inconvenience. Definitely a weird experience.


> You know it's really gone to shit in this country when people are ~~casually joking about being invoked~~ in an active shooter situation


Beat me to it. So broken the root cause isn’t seen as a problem.


>‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


“I don’t know why its not working, I’ve tried literally nothing”


We’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas.


Well you see guys, it’s called the Mall of ‘America’ which is why there are so many shootings that happen there.


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


Classic Onion.


In Canada we recently had a shooting and it was referred to as an "American-style" shooting. Let that sink in.


Does that mean that Americans are not aware that the United States is on the amnesty international travel advisory list for gun violence and has been for several years?


Pretty sure that 8 out of 10 Americans wouldn't know what Amnesty International is.


As an American I’d say 9 out of 10 is a fairer estimate


An American here, to prove your point I do not know what that is.


Shit man, I know people who were in one. I was nearly in a different one—thankfully that shooter was reported as he was on his way to where he planned to carry it out (and where I was). This shit is waaaay too fucking common. And yeah, if we don’t find *fucking something meaningful to do about it*, it is further and inexorably normalized.


You're an amazing looking Santa. So realistic. I love it. Hope everyone is safe.


that is santa what do you mean




He's that jolly guy that spoke to me, all those years ago. When was it? '85?


Buddy the Elf! What’s your favourite color?


*Bye, Buddy! Hope you find your dad!*


I used to work in a very Gen Z office, and at one point somebody quit and was half-leaving kinda awkwardly. One of the founding partners then said that, and the guy just sorta walked off. I miss that job.


Santa locked in a closet. I hope he is not Klaustrophobic


Beard like Santa, skin like a baby


Ho ho hope you're okay!


I couldn't stop laughing at this. America has fucked me up.


The fact the OP and other people in this thread are locked down due to a shooter and are on Reddit at the same time shows how normalized this is here.


I mean, lockdowns are quite boring.




Lay that skin regiment on us santa, dayam. Had to zoom in to see if the beard was real.


Thanks for the nice words! My secret is I never smoke, hydration, and I'm actually only 40!


I've got to ask, but surely you must dye your hair and beard white then...


Correct! Lots of bleach, olaplex, and purple shampoo. I have a professional colorist. I visit them 5 times a season


This is surreal, Santa is giving out his hair routine whilst hiding in some room at an active shooting. This might be peak Reddit


Can't even make this shit up. Like if this was a plot line in a book or movie people would be like nah....it's not even believable.


People are like, yeah your hairs nice what’s the secret? And Santa is like yeah well actually… gives a blow by blow, pun intended, account and breaks down his hair routine. As if this guy couldn’t get 2 to the chest and 1 to the head at any second. This post right here should be studied as to just how far we have slipped and desensitised we have become to how crazy our world is right now lol


This is Santa, his whole gig is giving gifts and spreading Christmas cheer. You think taking shelter from an active shooter is gonna stop him from that? It's MFing Santa we're talking about!


A true professional…. To the END


You know, I see people say this all the time, and it’s true but how much longer can it go on. Like, eventually writers are going to adapt and start making crazy ass plot lines. We’re just going to take it in and be like, sure that could be a thing.


Whats surreal is that santa posted a photo during a lockdown because a shooting on the mall he works at, and my girl u/chalky_cupcake was like "yeye the shooting is bad, ok? but, whats your skincare routine? you beautiful looking smoothface santa"


Dude is beautiful, hard not to wonder what his secret is!


Peak Reddit... this is peak America!


Peak Reddit would obviously be if we were to track down the shooter.


Is it tax deductible?


This account has been deleted in protest of Reddit's API changes and their disregard for third party developers. Fuck u/spez


Now that's dedication!


Did you take Santa classes? My husband wants to be Santa but I talked him down from getting a dye job this year to try out the look. How is your skin so flawless with all those dye chemicals on your face and beard?


Good stylists protect the integrity of the skin and hair. A proper cosmetology diploma leaves one with a great base knowledge of practical chemistry.


People underestimate the "hair cutters and hair dressers". They're proper professionals that work with sharp tools and sometimes fairly harsh chemicals around arguably the most delicate portions of our body, and yet they're often treated as if they're a janitor or equivalent. Much respect to you guys. Seriously. I always leave a fairly hefty 20+% tip no matter where I go, and I have about the most basic hair style a guy can have. Lol


Ok this is really weird. I know for a fact I’ve been getting presents from Santa for over 50 years. Are Santa years kinda like dog years or something?


Are you sitting down? Of course you are you’re over 50…


You little shit. When I find my walker I’m gonna shuffle over there and give you what for.


This guy hung an onion from his belt, which was the style at the time.


Back then nickels had pictures of bumblebees on em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter!" we used to say.


They didn't have white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...




[Here you go, little one](https://youtu.be/yujF8AumiQo)


Get catch him and beat him with the belt buckle Hippiebigbuckle. Where's Jumper Cables Dad when you need him.


Geez... apparently it's been 7 years since that guy posted. Today was a bad day to quit sniffing glue


We know he’s sitting down. We heard the big “Aaaahhhhhhh”


> Are Santa years kinda like dog years or something? Santa is only active from December 24-31st, so 40 years for him is actually equivalent to 2080 normal years.


There's a documentary about Santa, it shows how when one Santa "retires" another person will be chosen to ascend and become Santa, with all the powers and responsibilities attached to the name. The documentary actually follows a man who was disillusioned with Christmas and was chosen to become Santa after his predecessor passed away from slipping off a roof. I'm guessing OP recently was chosen and the previous Santa is enjoying retirement someplace. He travels the world, he's probably picked a good spot for a retirement property.


This documentary also acts as a wonderful tutorial on legally (and magically) binding clauses and their distribution ability via fine print on a holiday clothing medium.


They said 40! so somewhere in the neighborhood of 8.159x10^47 years old.


Nothing but time dilation, Winter Soldier programming and chocolate chip cookies.


Dear god, 40. Bless your heart.


yeah, the odds of getting shot decrease as you Santa


I'm feeling a huge amount of empathy towards you for this frightening situation that you are in, and I hope that you come out of it ok. Having said that, hot damn you look good!!!




Magic… duh.


Not just any magic. Christmas magic. TM.


how the elf do you keep your skin so clear?


Elf blood.


So like Adrenochrome, but the Elf version?


Regimen* a regiment is a military unit


:D Send those face soldiers my way.


The fact there’s a shooting isn’t even a big deal anymore. Skin looks great though.


Ooh yes please! Isn't his skin just glorious!


Well that’s a good way to get on the naughty list


Straight to the top of it


Santa can you bring me a potato for Christmas I kinda want one


Potato? I am not familiar with this?


**Let me tell you that I have made a bad mistake this evening**


“Hmmm po-ta-to. Very strange!”


Damn, you want a potato as well


Shooting someone? Believe it or not, straight to jail


On naughty list? You'd better believe, straight to jail!


straight to jail? believe it or not, straight to jail!


I just watched *20,000 leagues under the sea* with my 4 year old daughter. She asked why they called the submarine the "naughty list". I think she's seen too many Christmas movies


For other uncultured redditors like myself: the boat is called The Nautilus.


Took me a moment. But I got there.


Gotta love that mass shootings are so common that jokes like these seem charming and witty.


Nothing new about gallows humor. It serves a purpose. It's just a shame that we still need it.


Gallows humor is genuinely my go-to coping mechanism. I appreciate when people get me and don't think I'm being super offensive. Laugh to keep from crying.


I agree with you. Gallows humor is an important part of dealing with and working out trauma. But usually it is reserved for after the event. As part of the coping mechanism. Not during. Unless everyone has become desensitized to the gallows being made humorous. We make jokes about 9/11, but if anyone did that during, or right after, it would have been universally condemned. We had a shooting in Denmark in a shopping mall. A guy with a rifle killed 3 and injured 4. Noone made jokes during, or just afterwards. It was a national trahedy. 6 months has passed, and I assume that some comedians are starting to bring it up. I wouldn't be surprised. But it would be in the territory of shock comedy. I don't blame Americans, or this Santa, for dealing with the horrors of mass shootings with humor. It is an effective way to cope. But it is pretty scary, that the mass killings of random people is so common, that humor about is PG.


There is no before and after anymore. We are just perpetually having mass shootings.


I was in 8th grade when Columbine happened. Our school instituted a lockdown policy and drills that we had to do every so often as a result of that event. That was scary, it was a horrific event that caused a major change in the way schools worked. I am 37 now, and as far as I can tell, that was the only change that ever really happened as a result of a mass shooting. Some schools got more serious about security. Our politicians, and a good portion of our citizens, have made it clear that they have no interest in doing *anything* beyond the occasional security theater to address the gun violence problem in this country. To many, the very suggestion of some action being taken to try to reduce the number of innocent people killed each year makes you anti-American and someone who should be killed (often said without even a hint of irony). So, this is just part of our culture now. Someone walks into a public place armed to the teeth and murders a bunch of people, and the most anyone is really allowed to do in response is make some jokes, because if you mention any kind of remedy to the issue, suddenly *you* are the villain, and not the person who just murdered a bunch of people. America #1


I was reading this thinking, 'dude, makes America sound like Iraq or something.' Then I realised it only sounds like Iraq, *after* America invaded.


Foreign terrorists flew two planes into the towers and now we can't go on an airplane with scissors or bottled drinks and we have to get our genitals scanned by rent-a-cops in the airport. But domestic terrorists are killing children in schools and nobody at the top cares.


America is like a factory with those signs "its been x days since our last mass shooting". Oop, nevermind, rip it down we're back to zero.


Sometimes, you gotta choose if you're gonna laugh or let it break you.


Hope he gets out safely real soon. He's gotta do Santa shit real soon


Well this is a new way for me to find out about a shooting.


Two groups of young people got in an argument. Someone pulled a gun and killed another person. They all fled, no one was caught. Horrific, certainly, but a more typical murder than a mass shooting. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/19-year-old-killed-shooting-nordstrom-minneapolis-mall-america-rcna63147


Aren't there cameras all over malls now?


The article says the incident was caught on camera but no arrests


If it’s a gang shooting, there won’t be many cooperating witnesses who could ID them anyway.


Wont matter assuming they or the people they shot at showed up in a car registered to them or someone in their circle. Or paid for something with a card that wasn't stolen. Ontop of that my local stores have facial recognition and links you to previous visits and your purchases. Plus they track your Bluetooth/phones IMEI around. So they better not have ever visted before. And that's just the crap we know about. Will be a piss easy investigation. Dystopian malls are not high on the "get away with murder" list.


Woah woah woah what store is that tracking my fucking Bluetooth and imei


The Mall of America certainly has a ton, I want to say in the parking ramps, too.


You can say it. No one here will judge you 💙


Thank you for the details. I was worried to read about another mass shooting.


It's sad that i was relieved


Shame. Right before Christmas too


I saw "us", "shooting" and "mall" and also assumed it was mass shooting thats fucked up


Maybe the media has given up on covering these since they happen so often. 😢


https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/12/23/moa-on-lockdown-shots-fired > Surveillance video showed “some type of altercation” between two groups, with about five to nine people involved. During the fight, one of the people involved pulled out a gun and shot the 19-year-old, said Hodges, adding that he’d spoken already to the victim’s family. This wasn't what everyone thinks of when they hear "there's been a shooting", this is the *other* kind of shooting that happens way more often.


>This wasn't what everyone thinks of when they hear "there's been a shooting", this is the other kind of shooting that happens way more often. Sort of disturbing that it's a *comfort* when someone has a beef in public and pulls out a piece to gun someone to death in a mall in front of others on purpose. We're all like, "oh, phew. Just a lunatic killing someone for a *reason*, not one of those lunatics killing everyone for *no* reason.


It's less scary when someone shoots a specific person because they have a problem with that specific person, because I'm fairly certain no one wants to murder me specifically. When a random passerby gets shot, well, I've frequently been a random passerby, often multiple times a day. This hurts my perception of my personal safety, even though the risk to me is statistically minute.


I stopped passing by randomly years ago.


I mean, context often gives comfort. It's much harder for people to wrap their heads around a person going on a killing spree at random than it is to understand wanting revenge or something similar.


This is true. I honestly had a bit of a sigh of relief. Like “oh, it’s the good kind of shooting.” Where someone is mad at another specific person for a specific thing, so they decided to shoot them. Thank god that’s all it was.


It's like yeah they're crazy but not *that* crazy


how fucking sad is it that when I read what actually happened I did say "phew"😳


I think it’s sad that I read “we had 16 cops in the mall and he still decided to do this” but *then* “we’re going to catch him” So he GOT AWAY WHAT??


16 cops and how many people, exits, cars, confusion. It's a big mall and it's two days before Christmas. The officers in that mall had no chance.


That mall is massive… when I read 16 cops I thought “how were they supposed to cover all of that area?”


This is why no fight is ever worth it in America. Even if you are the baddest badass around. My combatives instructor used to say "Who wins the fight? The big guy or the small guy?" "The guy whose friend shows up with the gun first."


Everyone wins a fight avoided.


It's widely reported by local news. But no reason for national news to be licking it up. One person reported dead in gang violence shooting.


i'd love for someone to do a statistical breakdown of the causes why people snap like that i mean, i have a pretty strong hunch, but its just a hunch


it's a revenge/power fantasy by people who feel they don't have enough power in their own lives. firearms are an easy way to gain perceived power over others, and in their mind, even-out any injustices they feel the world has thrown at them. it's the exact same behavior as road rage. you pass someone, they don't like that you passed them because in their mind you're in the wrong and trying to belittle/dominate/take advantage of them, so they need to "get even" by cutting you off, brake checking you, flipping you off, pulling a gun, etc.


I hope you're safe, and stay safe!


Everyone in my area is safe. The lockdown's over now


Sad none the less. Let their be peace on earth.






That sucks, but man you are an aesthetically perfect looking Santa compared to the imposters at my local malls. So you have that going for you.


Thank you!


Only the best at the Mall of America


Stay safe Santa!


Reports of 1 death, 2 shot


I've heard they're still searching for the responsible party, but preliminary indications are that it was a two sided gun fight.


Well, a two sided gun is just a terrible idea in the first place


I hate that you made me laugh in this situation but lmao


As Supply Side Jesus intended.


It's kind of surreal finding out about a shooting from Santa rather than the news


There are news articles about it, but it was two groups of males that got into a fight. Only one death. If this grabs national headlines I'll be surprised because it wouldn't even be the first gun fight death at a mall this year. There was one at the mall one of my buddies is a security guard at. It made local news but i didn't hear shit about it in the news since i live in a different city.


There's been two or three shootings at the Tacoma Mall this year. I would be shocked to hear that anyone who doesn't live in or know someone in Washington knew about them. I don't even remember if it was two or three, and I live in Tacoma.


Credit to u/The_Wolf_of_Acorns for finding the article. But from reading this I don't even know if anyone got shot. This might've just stayed a more localized story unless it had been a mass shooting, or they were told people had actually died or been injured. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/12/23/moa-on-lockdown-shots-fired


One person killed, another possible injury last I heard. Two suspects fled the scene. Most likely gang violence (this is the third gang-related shooting at the MOA in the last year). It trended on Twitter because it’s two days before Christmas in an incredibly busy mall. The only thing they released at first was reports of a shooting and people being locked down, so everyone assumed that + trending meant it was a mass shooting.


Come to my house, I'll make cookies and we'll drink beer. North Metro.


I almost took you up on this 😂


Do you want to go missing? Because that's how you go missing.


Elf it. He survived a shooting. Kidnapping just isn't as scary. Hell, drinking a beer while shoved in the back of a van sounds downright relaxing by comparison.


I just saw Violent Night and I have high expectations of you. Just joking, that really sucks, stay safe.


“Ho! Ho! Ho-ly shit he has a gun!!” -Santa, probably


Merry crisis


“Violent Night”


On a lighter note, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed looking through your photos and comments on your profile- sounds like you have a pretty wonderful holiday gig! Glad you stayed safe today.


I absolutely love doing this every year


On Dasher On Dancer On Smith and Wesson


Rudolph with the red dot optic Have a very steady hand


Santa Jon! We just saw you last night. You’re great! Stay safe.


News articles are saying this is Santa Sam




They all look the same


Everyone here is talking about mass shootings. From the coverage, this does not seem to be the case. It seems there was an altercation and someone pulled out a gun and shot the other individual.


Exactly. This was good old fashioned gang violence


And often this is the case when it comes to shootings at the MOA.


How much does a top quality Santa make at the mall of America?


I saw you comment in a relevant Minnesota thread and almost shared this story but decided not to comment. Then this pops up on my homepage! Anyways this is kind of random but just wanted to express appreciation. I didn’t grow up with much and hardly had a parent. I remember the first person to show me compassion and kindness was a mall Santa at MOA (obviously not you as this was years ago). I carried the memory to this day and I really believe it helped shape me. Thank you for all you do, you may not ever know or see it but just the effort you put in to your job is making some lives better for sure


Get some rest, you have a long trip to make tomorrow night.


“Whose damn kid asked for an active shooter for Christmas?!”


Damn didn't know Santa was a looker


Just goes to show that you can get anything at the Mall of America, including shot to death.