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It’s pinchy and your eyes water but as soon as the jewelry went in mine stopped hurting. I actually forgot it was there the first night after the piercing and took my glasses off by sliding them down my nose, and yeah THAT hurt haha. But again the pain stops fairly quickly. But overall getting the piercing will not be agonizing or extremely painful, just uncomfortable. Also if you’re nervous before hand that’s actually a good thing because your adrenaline kicking in will reduce the amount of pain/discomfort you feel.


Ooh thanks!!! I'm thinking of getting my nostril pierced this winter. I'm so excited and nervous😭


I would highly recommend you get your nose pierced at a time where you will not need to blow it as often, as this can cause irritation.


But blowing your nose > when you have to swim!


My first nostril piercing was the most painful of any I’ve had, including genital, nipple, and other cartilage. It’s just so much thicker than anything else, through skin I find a lot less painful.


Yep, I won't get my nostril pierced again. It's too much for me. I have my nipples, septum (8g) and vertical labret. And I've had other piercings that I've retired but I'll be getting again. None of them will be a nostril piercing. My next piercing I want is angel fangs. I know it's gonna hurt like hell 😅


I had my septum pierced at 8g as well! That one didn’t really hurt, it was just so strange, feeling so much pressure where I’d never felt it before.


I didn't even feel it bc it was pierced at a 16g. I stretched up to 8g! Eyebrow piercings at 14g felt so weird 😅


Was that your choice or did the piercer recommend that gauge?


My choice, they were happy to do it, and used a glass septum retainer as the initial jewellery.


Ooo angel fangs are so fun! Mine are almost ready to be changed into actual fangs!! Tbh for me they did really hurt a lot but after the piercer is done messing with them you don’t feel them anymore! And my piercer is usually quite fast so imo it’s very worth it


Thanks so much for this! Yes I want them badly I think I'll be making my appointment soon 😈 Is it true the bars you get at first are like, comically large? 😅


Lips swell a lot, so they have to be large at first to accommodate for that. I just got snakebites and my lips swole like a mf.


Oh, I got double spider bites all 4 done in one day. My lip did not go down for a month. 😭 I don't have them anymore just vertical labret. I can't handle a piercing where the backing is in my mouth.


Oh no🙂


To combat their comments (and show that piercings are so different for everyone), I got a double nostril piercing in the same session and I didn't even feel them!


I always think this is where the misconception that piercings must really hurt comes from. Nostril piercings are fairly common, and I reckon they bloody hurt. But plenty of other body piercings are nowhere near as bad.


Agree. I don’t have many piercings but septum was 100% the most painful.


it hurts but just for 30-45 seconds since the nose is thick and ur eyes water, but after that it's chill


Oh thank u My pain tolerance is medium I hope I can handle it


Pain is temporary, cool jewellery is forever.


Omg love that!!


From my experience, expect the worst and somehow it'll barely feel like a pinch.


Just pinches and the involuntary eye watering.


I didn’t find it painful at all, a pinch at most. My eyes did water but pretty much everyone’s will! Go for it, it’s such a nice piercing 😊


I have low pain tolerance but it was just a sharp pinch. I got two done on the same nostril at once and it was only slightly worse on the second one. The worst part was that I got a wicked headache on that side after


Mine didn't hurt at all. It made me blink but it was over in half a second. I was pooping my pants too, had put it off for years, but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Even managed to get a couple of tattoos after that, it gave me courage! 😊 If I had to put a number on it, I would say 2/10.


Nostril is 2/10. Septum is 9/10.


best way to put it. spetum literally felt like i got punched in the nose and my nostrils just felt like a pinch


I'm getting my septum redone for a second time (I had to take it out for surgery in October and didn't have anyone to put it back in) and while I'm excited to have the piercing again, I'm not excited for actually getting it.


hopefully it hurts less this time around


Yeah of course it hurts, it's a piercing. But I have to say I'd put it at 5/10, for comparison the nipples were 9.5/10 and lobe piercings were 1/10


mine hurt a lot tbh, but my pain tolerance is pretty low, so that mightve played a part. nevertheless, it was so worth it! im so glad i did it, i love my nostril piercing<3 wishing you the best of luck!


I'll put it like this: I have my nipples pierced and I won't even get my nose pierced again. For me the pain is just on a different level.


Mine hurt slightly more than I’d expected but wasn’t really bad. Much less painful than my helix!


My nostril hurt 8/10, it was awful especially since it took 3 years to heal. It’s totally worth it though!!


I have had a few piercings that are considered quite painful, nipples, daith, dermals- but my nostrils (pierced 2 x) hurt double all of those put together. That said, pain is fleeting, and over fast. After about 3 mins post piercing it was down to a dull roar :)


It hurts a bit while it’s getting pierced, but it only lasts a few seconds. I’ve gotten mine pierced/repierced 3 different times since it kept falling out and I wouldn’t have done that if it was too painful to handle


a bit but not too bad!!


mine hurt for 1 second when the piercer was putting the jewelry in, that's all


I have nose studs and I’d say my snakebites and tongue hurt more than them. They do hurt, but it’s honestly comparable with getting your blood taken with how small the pain is, but do keep in mind everybody is different so my experience will differ to yours. I also don’t have a very high pain tolerance if it helps


So my second hurt worst than my third. I’d describe it as “spicy” but nothing worse than that. I’ve had 6 piercings so far and they didn’t hurt much :)


Mine felt like a sharp pinch only lasted a few seconds and then my eyes water. The pain only lasts under a minute at most from my experiences having both of my nostrils done.


My nostril piercing barely hurt. My easiest piercing.y vch and nipples hurt more


All piercings hurt. They are jamming a needle through you. BUT has my piercer tells me "Pain is temporary and the drip is forever". To me, hearing the crunch on my forward helix was way worse than any short term pain associated with a piercing.


Nostril was painless. Just go for it


What I told my niece was "get some tweezers and get a hold of a few nose hairs, like 3 at once, and pluck em. If you can tolerate that, congrats. You're tough enough for a nose piercing." I have my nostril and my septum pierced. My nostril took significantly longer to heal and caused me a lot of issues. Definitely try not to touch it or fuss over it and invest in some h2Ocean! Still does cause issues from time to time tbh. But idk if that's just my anatomy or not. My septum on the other hand healed in months and I forget it's there when my jewelry is flipped up into my nose.


Yes it does hurt but it's over very quickly if you have a good piercer. Getting the jewellery in is a bit uncomfortable but again over quick. Also just saying, if I ever got the other nostril pierced I would definitely get it done at 16g instead of the standard 18 or 20, and with a flatback labret instead of the little screw thingy. I had so many problems with that and rings, but the moment I switched to a larger gauge titanium labret it healed up perfectly.


I’ve had it done twice and was surprised by how little it hurt , just a pinch


It was a pinch and then I started laughing. My piercer said the feeling is like picking a nose hair, which I agree lol


Personally my easiest piercing to get done and my eyes didnt even water maybe like a 3/10… it was a little sore afterwards but its so worth it. My 2 lobes were worse


not really. in terms of pain i think they hurt less than lobe piercings


Oh really?? I'm thinking of getting my upper lobes pierced getting my nostril piwrced


the more scared you are, the less it hurts because of adrenaline


Pain tolerance is a big factor. For me, I felt a pinch and my eyes watered. As soon as the jewelry went in I felt the stud in my nose and it was throbbing (Best way I can describe it lol). In my opinion it hurts more in the healing process to be honest. Cleaning and accidentally having it snag on something hurts. Blowing your nose hurts at first. But its a wound essentially and you just got to be patient with it. I have had my nose pierced for about a year now and I love it !


Got mine done about 3 days ago and it just felt like really hard pinch. 0 pain and the area is not sore at all.


Do you mean a septum? Oh no. I would say 4/10. Mine was pretty much painless.


No I'm thinking of getting nostril piercing


Oh I’m sorry! I misread 🥹


My nostril piercing almost didn't hurt at all. My eyes watered for a little bit but that is pretty much it.


Personally it was my second worse piercing....but I got it done twice so can't be too bad haha. Just a pinch and can make your eyes water. Healing was one of my easiest.


From what I remember (it’s been 13 years haha) it hurt when the initial needle went through. But it stopped shortly after. Try not to tense which I know is hard with nerves especially when you see that big needle near your eye. But remember the pain is temporary! I have tattoos also and I’d get my nose pierced 100x before dealing with tattoo pain lol


This question is always difficult to answer since everybody has a different tolerance for pain. Personally, it didn't hurt much at all, just a little bit at first. Once you get over that initial pain, you've got nothing to worry about. My personal mantra is "pain is temporary, slay is forever" 🤣


It’s the most painful one out of my 8


I got my nostril done years and years ago and for whatever reason, it never really healed so I had removed it. I got it repierced years later, same spot.. it definitely hurt a bit more than the initial due to scar tissue. My eyes involuntarily watered but it was over in like 30 seconds. It did burn for about a half hour after but since then, no issues healing and I’ve had it forever. I’m a huge baby with pain but nostril wasn’t bad. I’m going to get my tragus pierced after summer and I’m nervous about that one lol


Same as the above comments said, your eyes might water and it feels like a pinch or sting. Healing was a pain in the ass because the jewelry I got was a corkscrew style. Go to a reputable piercing studio that uses high quality flat back posts so it won’t get ripped out during your healing process


I remember my eyes watering more than I remember any pain. Also it was the first piercing of mine that didn't bleed a whole lot but I've always been a bleeder.


TBH the part where they clean your nose with alcohol bothered me more than the piercing itself. also you will tear up even tho it doesn’t really hurt, it’s just because it’s close to your tear duct.


Yes, but it’s not too bad at all. The pain scale varies for everybody but I’d say mine were like a 3-4/10 , it’s just a strong pinch for about 30 seconds


I was so scared to do it that I put it off for 6 years 😂, I found myself freaking out etc etc but once it came to the piercing I didn't move and it was super quick and not bad at all. I for sure hyped it up to myself a bit much lol!


i had a very good piercer and i asked the same question - ive had other piercings before (ears/nape) and it didnt hurt. he did it so quick and efficient, it was more or a mental process beforehand for me and im so happy i got it done. i love my nose piercing and highly recommend it


No ☺️


My personal experience is that it does pinch and make your eyes water when it’s pierced, and putting the jewelry in is unpleasant - I find with piercings that putting the jewelry in is usually worse than the needle - but it’s not unbearable and doesn’t last long as long as you don’t touch it!


Everyone is different. Personally, both of them I would say were 0 pain.


Mine was basically painless!


my eyes barely even watered it’s like a pinch and after that pinch it’s gone and i got pierced at 16g on both sides


It’s probably one of the more painful peircings but my ear cartilage hurt wayyy more. The pain is super quick and manageable!


Honestly, nahh! It doesn't hurt. I had my nose pierced and it's ig one of the best feeling 😍


Getting a septum didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. My eyes stung but didn't water either, bled a lot too. Overall, 1.5/10, it's more uncomfortable than painful. I imagine that a nostril would hurt less.


only the needle hurts. afterwards it’s no problem


I've heard different things, its usually polar opposites (it either hurts really bad or it doesn't hurt at all). I got mine pierced this Monday and it really didn't hurt as much as you'd think. I got a septum and it took less than 2 minutes, I spent more time talking to my piercer rather than the actual piercing. You'd feel a little pinch right before the actual piercing, your eyes get watery because it's a sensitive area but the pain isn't enough to make you flinch or hold in your breath. If they use clamps, i've heard that hurt more than the actual needle, in my case, they didn't use clamps, just marked inside my nose and went straight with the needle. The healing process has been nice as well, you feel a little crusty around it but it's honestly just the sensation it causes, it doesn't hurt and mine didn't cause any swelling or redness.


Mine didn't hurt at all


All piercings hurt, but nostrils aren’t bad honestly. But pain tolerance is also relevant. If you have a low tolerance it will be more painful. I feel like I have had all the piercings. Nose is mild


As I tell all my clients when I get this question 400x a day. More than you want, less than you think.


ALL piercings hurt, Everyone single one, and your never going to get the same answer from another person. just go for it and prepare your self for pain before, Adrenaline will take over anyways. coming from someone with 17 face piercings, Haven’t counted in a sec in total but im guessing 30-40 so


I disagree with many comments. My nose piercing hurt a bunch. It depends on your pain threshold. I got my septum done later and that hurt way less.


It’s intensely painful


My first one was a momentary pain/pinch/discomfort. My second one was the same. I keep forgetting it's there and have snagged it a few times, and that hurts a lot, but if you can avoid that, it's fairly easy to heal. I do have a high pain tolerance, but you will be fine. It's a momentary pain for a long-term modification.


It pinches. If you’re worried, use topical lidocaine on the outside. The inside will still pinch and make your eyes water a bit but the lidocaine should help. (Zenza or painless tattoo are good) (I’ve had my nostril pierced 2x, nipples, 2x lobe-1stretched, and septum) nostril was 2nd least painful, earlobe being least painful, nipples most painful for sure. I have a “concerningly” high pain tolerance according to my doctor (for other reasons)… lol The worst part is snagging it on a towel when you forget it’s there and dry your face. I’ve ripped mine out like that before. This is why I have a snug hoop now… choosing the least snaggable jewelry is important. Always have your jewelry changed out by a piercer first, and don’t try to do your first jewelry change or estimate the size/diameter of a piece of jewelry you buy to change out yourself. Always use only titanium or surgical stainless steel.


10 being the most painful piercing I have (tongue), 1 being the least painful (lip), my nostril would place on number 3. You can feel it, but it's more of a pressure than pain. You will cry, though, but it's a normal reaction to something happening to your nose, not to pain.


Made my eyes water and felt like pinch (similar to getting a shot). Definitely wasn’t bad for me.


Made me think of getting clawed by a cat. Sharp pain/pinch for a few seconds, then just a bit sore for a few minutes. The worst part of getting it pierced (for me) was the tearing up made my sinuses start running, so I was all sniffly for a while. And when it was healing, I snagged it real good a couple of times, and that made it sore more than getting it done, lol.


Yes, it hurts. there is a needle going through your skin and a piece of jewelry being placed there. however, of all my piercings, the nostrils were one of the least painful, and the worst pain only lasts for like 5 minutes TOPS. then you have a kick ass nose ring for life :))


Initially it hurts, feels like a really hard pinch. Personally I saw only white, but that went away in seconds. Afterwards it didn't hurt, unless I forgot about it and pulled/pushed it.


I’m sorry to say this but in my experience, it’s the one that hurt the most when pierced, it didn’t really hurt after but in the moment, I don’t think I’ve gotten anything hurt more… probably because it’s a sensitive area. But don’t let pain stop you from getting it, it’s momentary


I got both of my nostrils pierced (2 months apart). The first one (left) was a 3/10. The 2nd one (right) was a 4/10. It feels like you pinched your nose really hard but goes away really quick. The healing process was so easy for me as well!


mine didn’t. it feels like a vaccine on your nose


oh for sure, but it only hurts for like 2 mins, my eyes watered like crazy both times. but honestly the healing is super easy as long as you properly clean it :)


I got my nose pierced almost two weeks ago and I found it painful, but it only really hurt for like a couple of seconds and it died down to a dull throb that could ignored easily. I’d say the pain was worth it though, cause the worst of it doesn’t last and they look so beautiful.


All piercings hurt.


It’s very quick but definitely made my eyes water. My septum hurt way less than my nose but the pain is definitely tolerable. Only painful moments was sliding my glasses down and somehow pulling it out in my sleep before it was healed😭.


I got mine done mid-April. It barely hurt for me. It felt like a general pain in that area as he was pushing the needle through and then that was it. There was no sharp, piercing pain like you’d expect. My basic ear lobe piercings hurt more than my nose. Just don’t snag it on anything. That’s when it hurts. Be careful washing your face and putting clothes on so you don’t bump or snag it. Also, what are you waiting for?! Get it done now!!! 😁


A very sharp sting and a very watery eye.


Mine did and it bled a lot when it was done. Afterward it was really sore for 3-4 days and I felt it 100% of the time. Ibuprofen helped. After that it was no big deal. Personally, saline solution irritates my piercings so I just rinse really good with water in the shower before I get out. I love mine so I’m glad I did it. It was worth the pain.


to add on to what others have said. after the initial piercing it doesn’t hurt much. sort of feels like a bruise


I’ve had my nostril pierced twice and my septum and I think they were the two least painful piercings I’ve had. Probably on par with an earlobe piercing


Mine didn't hurt much at all.  I thought it kinda tickled when she had the receiving tube in my nose. I got my 3rd lobe piercing done at the same time and that hurt worse. I got it done around a month ago and it doesn't hurt at all now, and I downsized the stud with zero issues or pain.


Well my septum hurt rlly bad the first time I got it done but that's because it was pierced incorrectly, the 2nd time felt like absolutely nothing maybe the slightest pinch but barely anything. My nostril was like a 6/10 and I bleed alot so much so the piercer thought I lied about being on blood thinners😭😭 I don't mean to scare you btw lol


One and done. It hurts a fair bit but it’s over really fast. Pain doesnt linger or tickle like a septum does (in my experience). Honestly varies from person to person too, esp because the thickness of ur nose skin varies from person to person


Yes, all body piercings cause some pain or discomfort , but everyone has a different pain threshold. What is painful for me might be just a little prick to you. The discomfort you feel will be temporary, and the satisfaction of expressing yourself through your chosen body modification will outweigh any pain or fear you might have. Do what feels right for you and never be afraid to be yourself.


A HARD pinch and a slight burn for a second. Then you might feel like sneezing. Then you get really watery eyes. That's it, though. Not much pain after the pierce in my experience, too.


The nostril is a fairly sensitive area, and it does hurt for a moment. Totally worth it, though. The pain goes away quickly.


All piercings hurt. Just like tattoos. You’re being stabbed through your body with a needle. It’s gonna hurt a bit. It’s about your physical pain tolerance and how bad you want the piercing.


If you're talking about nostril, yes it hurts, it's a very tight pinch, but it goes away and is bearable. Probably my most painful piercing since the pinch was intense, but overall it's really not that bad.


i got both sides of my nose done. pain probably a 1/10. just a slight pinch and your eyes will water. all done. go for it!!!! it’s not a painful piercing at all.


i’ve had plenty piercings including nipples, belly button, tongue etc… this is probably one of the only piercings i would get done again if they were to close. everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but regardless even if it was painful for you it would only be for a split of a second.