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It was my least painful piercing, 0/10, literally didn't even feel it. Healing has been a bitch though, I'm six months in and it still gets crusty and sore, but I'm a slow healer in general so ymmv


Exactly the same experience for me. After a year it’s still getting irritated


This makes me feel better. I’m at exactly a year and it’s fine for a week or two, then it’s mad for a week or two. I just wish it’d be done!!


Over two years here and same. It takes almost nothing to irritate it.


Team 2 years here. Exact same. This little thing takes close to nothing to irritate it. I still have my original piece in (so heads up op- make sure you like what you are pierced with initially)


Mine's three years and still not fully healed. Still gets crusty and sore. I just wish it would fully heal once and for all.


God same. Got it almost exactly 6 months ago. Was healing sooo nice for 2-3 months, and then I accidentally smacked it while scratching somewhere in my ear one day lol and it’s been nasty since. I’m also a slow healer, so I feel u.


I had big ass lumps on both holes for over a year. It's now 3 years old and hasn't been an issue since.


I’ve had mine for 7 years and it still gets crusty and sore sometimes when I wear headphones lol


I disagree with the healing. For me it pierced easy and healed easy. There was a few days immediately post piercing where it got VERY swollen and painful. Like unusually swollen. But after that, it was amazing. I feel like it's because it was a bit protected from my side sleeping.


I got mine done about a month ago and my experience was fairly tolerable. The pressure was the worst part, and it pinched a lot, but then the jewelry was put in and it felt much less intense. Once some saline solution was put on it cooled it down and felt waaay better. My piercer did it from the bottom up with the receiving tube on the top of my daith so I didn’t hear the crunch I have read others have experienced. I think that also can depend on your anatomy but I’m not educated in that at all. But as a heads up you may hear a crunch. Healing it has been pretty easy so far, it’s really nice how it’s in a location that doesn’t protrude out of your ear so it won’t get caught on things easily or bumped. I do have a pillow with an ear hole in it and that has helped with sleeping, I was told that travel pillows work too. Overall I LOVE my daith piercing, the pain was temporary and worth it.


My daith was my most painful of my 16 piercings. xD I have an industrial, 5 facial piercings, tragus, rook, conch, lobes, and they have ranged from “actually painless” to “spicy”. My daith took the cake. |: My vision actually whited out when he pierced it, lmao, and I got shaky and lightheaded. HOWEVER it was super fast! Like, the pain was INTENSE but it was over as quickly as it began. It took about 2 years to heal. It was fussy, but now it’s healed and I’ve had it for over 8 years now and absolutely love it! I’d easily do it all over again and have been debating getting my other daith done. xD Just not sure it would work with my set up on my other ear but we shall see! Pain tolerances vary so much though. I’ve talked to other people who felt zero pain when getting their daith done. For example you said your rook was your most painful, but I barely felt my rook. So don’t let the idea of pain hold you back from getting a piercing you want! The pain is temporary. <3


2 years? 😩🫠 I’m at a yr and it’s so finicky. I was hoping it’d be done soon. Im such a slow healer.


Yyyyeeeeah, so far all my cartilage piercings have had a minimum heal time of like 2 years, ahahaha. x__x Tbh after around a bit over a year I kinda forgot to regularly spray my daith. But totally leaving it alone except when showering made it heal up pretty rapidly after, or maybe that was just coincidence! Anyway, it was super fussy and angry for a long time until I sort of forgot about it for a while, and then one day I touched and was like “uh, wait…it’s healed??” I will also warn you that so far I can’t change it on my own because it’s difficult to reach, lol. I’ve had to have my piercer change it for me because not even my husband could help me, and she had to use pliers. xD But, again, 100% worth it imo!


Yeah, sorry to say mine took about 2 years too 😭😭 I had horrible irritation bumps and it would get angry if I even looked at it the wrong way. Hang in there!!


Agreed, I almost passed out from my daith, rook took second for most painful for me.


It will be two years for me in August. I had wanted to pierce the other one, but after all this very long annoyance I think I won't anymore. 🫠


It was amazing! Completely pain free and was one of my easiest to heal! /s


Honestly, my best piercing! I didn't find it painful and it healed really quickly! My lobes are terrible for piercings but I'd rather get my daith pierced 100 times over than have my lobes done again 😅


Took me a lot of scrolling to find someone else who felt this way about their daith, lol. It's just so buried in the ear that for me it was super easy to LITHA, unlike the outer ear piercings. Mine healed super fast, no issues at all.




So glad I'm not alone. When I've said this in the past I get looked at as if I'm lying 😅


It's crunchy but not too painful! Healing isn't too bad compared to other ear cartilage besides the impact on wearing earbuds. It was one of my easiest healers on my ears :)


So is wearing earbuds impossible with a daith? I think I want one but I also want to be able to listen to audiobooks at the gym.


Solid no-no while healing. Mine are fully healed now and I wear earbuds occasionally. It'll depend on your jewelry, though. Keep in mind that they take a *long* time to heal.


Oooooof, good to know. Thanks!


I think that depends on both your anatomy and the jewelry you have in. I personally use AirPods in my daith ear just fine! It’s got a quite thin captive bead ring. I know some people have to flip the jewelry forward to get a headphone in though. Edit to add: I wouldn’t recommend using earphones during the healing, at least the initial healing stage. You don’t want to move/touch the piercing and you don’t want the germs and stuff from the earphone getting in there


Gotcha. It's sounding like I really need to think about whether it's a piercing I should get.


Over the ear headphones would probably be better for when it’s healing, as it won’t really touch your daith. As long as you keep the ear pads clean of course


not impossible! i'm healed and depending on the jewelry I can either put the earbud on top, or lift the jewelry and put the earbud in underneath it lol. either way it does slowly start to fall out but it works


Please don’t! I wore earbuds as normal while healing and I got hit with irritation bumps on both ends of my piercing - it was such a pain to heal. I wear them just fine now that it’s all completely healed though


That's super helpful to know. So what I'm gathering from all of these comments is that during the months of healing, over the ear is necessary, and after healing, it depends on your jewelry and anatomy. I'll have to do some thinking for sure!


I have really small ear canals, and I was never able to comfortably go back to ear buds in that ear. I just wear over ear headphones for everything.


I wear my AirPod pros just fine.


I've got one on each ear. They were the most painful piercings I've had probably 7/10 (18 piercings total). The second time she used the receiver and it was less crunchy but more painful without the pressure of the clamp. Putting the jewellery in was more painful than the piercing itself. Healing was the easiest bit. Definitely recommend it, great resilience and character building lol.


Definitely teaches you patience 😫


Wasn't painful for me, but uncomfortable. I was also very stressed for whatever reason, I was relieved when pierced but felt meh about inserting the jewelry.


Have both a rook and daith, for the actual act of the piercing the pain was about equal, but the daith did not hurt as much or as long afterwards. And was also much easier to heal for me.


I'd agree with that. They're both a solid chunk of cartilage, but the rook ached for a lot longer.


I got mine a week ago and I was so nervous. It turned out to be my least painful piercing out of 12, only about a 3/10. It took the piercer a minute to get the jewelry in so it took longer but minimal pain. By the time I left I already couldn't feel it. I usually sleep with a donut pillow but I fell asleep on the couch without it and had no issues. I get irritation bumps easily but so far this has been my easiest by far


For me, the healing process was very painless. Honestly, getting the second lobe piercings hurt more than my daith. Good luck 👍 and I'm sure you'll be fine


I've had my daith done twice. The first time it was super simple, unfortunately the ring fell out and I didn't get into a piercer in time before it closed up. I then had to build the courage to go back in because I was worried about the scar tissue. The second time, it didn't hurt bad either just a pinch but I bled quite a bit because of the previous piercing. You will want to wear over the ear headphones for quite awhile. They can take a long time to heal and don't sleep on that side if you can help it. They can be finicky and while I don't think it hurts that bad, care for a daith is a bit more complicated than other piercings. It's also a piercing that I have my piercer change. I don't even attempt to do it myself 🤣


My least painful piercing by far but it hates to heal! I also have had my nose (most painful), double helix, tragus, conch (easiest heal) and triple lobes.


the piercing itself was barely a pinch, I thought they were clamping my ear or something first! but healing took over 18 months and I had GNARLY bumps. don't give up hope though- I've been healed over 6 years, it just took a fight to get there


I love my daith! First piercing I ever got and it was painless, just some pressure and a quick pinch. Healed in about 5 to 6 months and the jewelry for it can be really pretty, since it’s a center piece you can customize around it to make you ear cohesive with other jewelry or make you daith you main look piece when designing, it’s pretty adaptable to what you may want on your ear. The downsides I’ve had with it are that the first few days might be difficult to clean up since it’s deeper into the ear so it can be hard to spot anything that may cause concern right away, but as long as you do proper cleaning and keep it dry everything should be fine. Also earbuds, I can’t use my airpods anymore since my daith makes one of them constantly slip out, so opt for earbuds that have better grip on the ear or resort to headphones since they don’t touch that part of the ear, just be careful on how you place them so you don’t accidentally press on the piercing


my daith pain was a 10/10 it felt like it took 5 years and i thought i was going to pass out from the pain.


Mine hurt like hell and my piercer did it backwards (on autopilot for a right ear and mine was the left) so she had to call the apprentice for an extra bar? tube? to reverse the bar so my hoop wouldn’t be backwards. It sucked so much and took probably 3 years to fully heal but I adore it.


I have 16 piercings in my ears and 2 in my nose (some retired), got my daith done, super painless and quick to heal. Until the ring suddenly fell into my ear canal lmao it was pierced too shallow and i have the scar to prove but got it done again by a different piercer on the other ear. Almsot fainted. Worst part was getting the ring in and I had a lot of bumps during healing but now its healed and soooo pretty!! Most painful piercing imo - the others dont even come close


super easy for me, i’ve described it as it felt like your ears needing to pop but in that little section of the ear instead of inside. once jewelry was in it was totally fine. rook was also my most painful, totally different feeling between the two personally even though they’re so close in terms of anatomy


the initial pain of getting it pierced wasn't bad. would probably say 4/10. just keep in mind you will hear a CRUNCH now the healing process is another story. i would not say it has been horrible to heal but it definitely has not been easy. maybe it's just me, but the healing process is very similar to a rook aka a lot of crusties. and sometimes the crusties make it hurt a bit to clean. i have had my daith since january (which obviously isn't a long time) but i still find it randomly bleeding despite this, i would say GET IT!! super cute piercing and it is a staple in my stack


I have a pretty similar setup minus a rook and plus a daith (RIP my industrial, it rejected). Daith was one of the more painful ones, but not awful by any means. Healing was very easy. I'm not gonna say "don't be nervous", because that's dismissive and I remember being nervous too, but given your current piercings I think this one will be easier than you think. I also have more painful piercing experiences on my left side than my right, and did my daith on the left, so I kinda knew it would be a bit more painful going in. Edit: forgot the word “similar”


Have had 20+ piercings in my life, and daith was by far and away the most painful. My piercer went DEEP into my ear, so it was very thick & painful to pierce. It wasn’t over in one fell swoop, if that makes sense. The pain afterwards was also horrible. Took a few days to even take the edge off, and healing was rough because the little crusties get stuck in there and it’s so hard to clean entirely. I tell people that if I had known how much it was going to hurt, I wouldn’t have done it. But I have heard overwhelmingly that most people don’t have horrible pain associated with this piercing. And I also got mine done probably 12-13 years ago. Sorry I don’t have better news for you, OP!


Mine hurt but it was really quick. Maybe like 6/10? I’ve had it for 3 weeks now. It still hurts if I forget it’s there and scratch my ear or something.


i got mine about 6 weeks ago, it’s had (and still has) a irritation bump above but the bottom bump has completely disappeared. the actually piercing part isn’t the worst, it’s the healing! my piercer had to pierce it twice, and even that wasn’t too painful, just a very strong pinch. overall, i’d say get it! it looks great and as long as you’re patient regarding healing time, it should be okay. the only major issue i have is the fact i can’t wear my airpods in that ear, i have to go with just one😭


Mine honestly wasn’t too bad! My double helix was notably worse than my daith. I was really nervous too, but it wasn’t bad, it was over quick, and while I got a small irritation bump near the beginning and quite a bit of initial swelling, it’s been completely pain free after the first month of healing. (Even when I absentmindedly messed with it during an extremely stressful final 1.5 months into healing, not the slightest bit of irritation.) 3 months into healing now, my only regret is that I can’t wear earbuds in that ear for another few months at least! It’s been healing so much better than my double helix. You’ll be fine, OP, it really isn’t as scary as some stories on here make it seem. (Also, my double helix throbbed for awhile after getting pierced; my daith didn’t do that at ALL, it was honestly super easy aside from when my ear canal itched and I went to try to scratch and bumped the hoop.)


mine wasn’t that bad at all. it hurt but it wasn’t the worst i’ve ever had (rook was worse). i went to a really experienced guy so he was quick and precise. the healing was annoying because i got lazy and didn’t clean it enough (oops)


Compared to my rook, my daith was a much more positive experience overall. Less painful and healing was smoother (I ended up taking my rook out after trying to heal it for 2 years). Everyone's different but getting my daith done was so much easier


Mine was great! Easiest piercing I’ve had (I have an industrial, double conch, tragus, double lobes, double helix, bellybutton, faux rook, nostril and septum) by far and “healed” in like.. two months. I put healed in inverted commas because I know that healing takes longer than that, but in terms of any external signs/discharge/crusties/pain all of that was gone by the 8 week mark. Quite enjoyed the crunch noise


Definitely one of my most painful piercings, but I also found my Rook to be one of the easiest. The worst part of the daith is it takes longer to put the jewelry in, so it’s a prolonged experience. The healing took well over a year too, and even now I still get crusties sometimes. But, overall it was definitely worth it.


Pain is like a helix just two seconds instead of 1. It was the easiest to heal since it’s out of the way of being caught in anything. Just stay away from in ear headphones for a while. I love mine.


The pain was comparable to the other ones you have, but the healing was a bitch.


Mine was 100% painless, honestly. Just the tugging when he put the jewelry in. I got one irritation bump during healing but it resolved quickly. I have 4 on each lobe, 4 total helix, 2 conch (one at 8g), and I just got my rook last Saturday. The rook was most painful just due to the tight work area, the jewelry insertion sucked. Considering what you've already gotten, you will be just fine. Fingers crossed for you that yours is painless too!


It definitely hurt, but I would do it again for sure. Barely had any bleeding. I had to sit down a little bit after I got it though. I’m not someone that usually passes out, but I felt kind of heavy. The most painful part about having this Piercing is having to listen to music in one ear. I am six months into my Piercing and I think I am close to healing. Fingers crossed.


I got mine done in January and it really wasn’t bad! It was really more of a pressure sensation than a pain feeling. Healing has been okay but it still gets irritated if I look at it the wrong way. One thing I didn’t consider was my AirPods. I really can’t wear the one for that ear any more because it will hit that piercing and make it extra annoyed. With my ear size/shape I haven’t found a way to get my AirPod in without upsetting it. others can wear them no problem but it is something I wish I’d thought about!


Honestly my daith was one of the easiest experiences for me piercing wise. Didn’t hurt much at all getting it done and it healed like a dream, no irritation bumps . I even had to take it out at 6 months for an unexpected brain MRI and thought that would be the end for it , but the jewellery went back in fine and it kept on healing well. It’s been completely healed for about 4 years now no issues at all. One of my fav piercings!


Mine was horrible - but no fault of my piercer. He is amazing and has done 20+ of my piercings (starting when I was 16) and I would always go back to him almost 20 years later. I went in with some friends and they were a bit rowdy, but piercer rolled with it - he’s a super chill guy. When it came to my turn he had backed up and knocked over his tip jar, and it shattered. Got me a little jumpy. So he gets it cleaned up and by then my nerves/adrenaline was a bit shot. He got the needle through and then went to put the barbell in and the threader slipped. So he had to basically re-pierce it to get the jewelry in. Finally we were done. Overall super easy piercing - I would suspect that it wouldn’t have hurt as much had I not been on the down from the adrenaline.


I had it pierced twice in one sitting. The piercer didn’t like where the needle exited the first time and wanted it to heal correctly. First time it didn’t hurt at all just felt weird. Second time I would say the pain was pretty intense because my adrenaline rush was all used up with the first time. But the pain was temporary and I love my daith.


It wasn't too bad! The piercing was like a 6/10 pain wise for me. I know it aches all throught the healing process and that hurt worse than the actual piercing. I got my 2 years ago and it's pretty much healed now. But the healing process took a really long time and still feels like it's healing here and there.


I'm kind of a wimp and the pain level was not bad at all, kind of a rough pinch. What really got me was the sound of the needle going through the cartilage. I will never forget it, it was so weird.


The actual piercing pain was not bad at all—my conch hurt way worse. I had food poisoning the day I had it done, but didn’t know until later in the evening. Mine bled a lot for a few hours, so that combined with throwing up made for a miserable time. It felt like I had an earache. That being said, pick larger jewelry that leaves room for swelling. I just have a plain seamless hoop. I’m a year out and still working on healing, but this one is easier because it’s inside the ear so it’s protected some.


The pain of the actual piercing was probably 7/10 for me. Easier than the rook but more painful than a helix or other straight through cartilage. I had a lot of weird referred pain in the surrounding ear and almost an ear infection type of ache afterwards too. That lasted about 2 weeks, but improved every day. After that it gave me absolutely no trouble. I just rinsed it good in the shower, then wiped away crust and blow dried it well. It never got bumps or anything and was healed in a little over a year and a half. Make sure your piercer is experienced and uses a titanium CBR ( or similar) in an appropriately large diameter.


I have both daiths pierced. Painful, but not memorably so. Just takes a good long while for that needle to go through. Pretty easy heal for me on both sides, a little sore for a bit and then totally fine. AirPods will be out of the question for many months, so just keep that in mind. Now that they’re both healed, I’m happy as a clam and back to wearing my AirPods comfortably. Of my 31 piercings, the pain wasn’t anything to write home about.


Honestly, I was SOOO anxious going into my daith having not gotten a piercing in almost 20 years. The pain wasn’t too bad, mostly just a weird pressure that released as soon as the piercing was complete. As for healing, there were some irritation bumps here and there, but I think that was mostly my over-zealous cleaning efforts. Since I let it do its thing, it’s been my least problematic piercing with the exception of my septum.


Mine was not bad at all! The piercer literally said to me, "you have so many cartilage piercings, this will be nothing for you." Don't be nervous! Maybe don't look at the needle though if that kind of thing can freak you out. I didn't really look because I just didn't bother but the friends who were with me said it was a huge, scary looking fish hook needle so that might be scary to see.


my most painful piercing yet, comparable to me getting teeth pulled for cosmetic ortho, but since it was so deep and in a protected position, protected by the rest of my ear, it healed suuper fast with no bumps no irritation nothing. it was painless by the three weeks mark i believe


The piercing itself didn't really hurt. When they inserted the jewelry, it felt more interesting than anything. Healing wise you are almost guaranteed to have an irritation bump at some point. Just make sure you have a titanium (or other proper metal) CBR that's properly sized and you'll be golden!


Getting my daith in my left ear was a strange kinda pain. More a pressure and prick than any real pain. The healing was pretty painless unless touched. I had to sleep on my right side for about 6 months before the daith quit hurting with pressure. The touching it pain stopped after about 3 months. Exchange of question: How was your tragus experience? Also, it is legit that they help with migraines.


It was my first piercing, I was 14. It hurt, but nowhere near the horror stories I heard online. It was sore sometimes, but healed well and now I hardly notice it


Mine’s about three years old now. The actual piercing itself was vaguely uncomfortable but not really painful. It healed more or less fine for the first six months until I accidentally slept on it once then I was dealing with irritation bumps until a few months ago. If it gets angry it stays angry, so just don’t make it angry.


My Daith healed much more easily than my rook. I got them in different ears about a month apart, in 2021. I was comfy with my daith about 3 months later and my rook took 6, and still gets more irritated than the daith (though not badly irritated, in general). Ihave a friend who also had an easy time with her daith and she got it twoish months ago


my daith was so easy. my helix hurt worse than it. it felt like a lot of pressure but no pain. healing was also a breeze, never got any bumps or anything and very minimal crusties. it’s my favorite piercing and I would get it again in a heartbeat.


Worst initial pain, worse than my failed epidural, and healing has been difficult at times, but I LOVE it! Got mine last August


Getting pierced I felt almost nothing. I was really surprised by that, because I expected it to be painful. Afterward it was sore but not bad. About 2 to 3 days later I got an earache that I still feel on and off almost a week later. It’s probably from blood and cleaning solution getting into my ear canal, which I understand is somewhat common. Swimmer’s ear drops have helped a lot. My entire ear is a little swollen but mostly not bothering me at all; and I frequently forget it’s there. If you want the piercing, I definitely recommend it! It’s been worth it for me so far :)


They all hurt the same. The healing is what is different. My daith was quite easy… depends what ear you sleep on,how you position yourself when you sleep and if you follow instructions or not, etc … Same as all the others. Since you have so many others, you should be fine, but do be aware some heal better than others and some never do. My daith was sooo easy but my rook said I don't think so.


It was a lot easier than I expected. Like most of my piercings, I felt the initial prick of the needle (which was a bitch but only lasted a nanosecond) and then it was just a lot of pressure. I didn’t here the crunch people talk about. The jewelry being put in was a big pinch at first and then nothing. You’ll be alright!


Both of mine barely hurt c:


I have all the piercings you have plus my daith and honestly the daith was entirely painless for me, I didn’t even know he’d pierced it lmao. I got my daith and rook done at the same time though, rook hurt pretty bad and it’s a tie between that and my tragus for worst for sure! Healing was also super easy! It’s hard to bump because it’s so tucked in the ear, although I developed piercing bumps but they went away eventually. I’ve had it for 3 years now and it looks great. I totally recommend, it’s such a cool piercing.


my daith was my easiest piercing and I have 13. obviously the piercing itself hurt but because it was inside my ear it never got snagged or rubbed against. I was able to sleep on it within 2-3 months and by 6-7 months it was basically healed! I love my daith and we've been together for over 8 years <3


Actually not as bad as I thought it would be!! I definitely recommend a simple ring to start with and then you can get a fancier ring once it’s healed


My rook was worse than my daith


Least painful for me and healing is so easy as it’s tucked away. I make sure to spray saline after showering to clean the crusties while it’s still wet. It’s been 12 weeks and it’s healing great. Still won’t wear my airpods tho just to be safe. My piercer was amazing and she is super experienced so it did not hurt for me when she pierced it.


Not nearly as intimidating as I thought! One of the least painful for me. Two months in and no issues, *so far*....


I got mine a little over 2 years ago now. No pain other than insertion of jewerly. I was unknowingly pregnant at the time, I nor my piercer would have risked it. But with the changing of hormones and body - I “healed” quicker than I normally do. Still 2 years later she can get pissy if jostled too much- and I’ve never changed my original jewerly even though I got my dream piece ready to swap. Everytime I go for a checkup- she’s not ready and I’m unwilling to go backwards. Eh. Still like her though. 8 piercings 1 bodymod


I screamed, LOL. It was a pretty bad pain, but I survived it, and despite the unattractive jewelry I was given to heal in, it’s going great and I’m glad I did it. I can’t wait til I can put something cuter in it.


I’ve had mine for about 10 days now, so can’t answer too much about healing time or issues. But it was recently enough that I can describe the piercing. I was REALLY nervous and almost backed out, but it truly was not as bad as I had feared. I would say it was maybe 4-5/10 but over quickly. There was a lot of pressure, and putting the jewelry in was probably worse than the piercing. My ear had some achiness and throbbing later that day, so I took 2 Tylenol, and I have not felt anything since then. Knock on wood! So far I love it! I do not have a rook to compare pain level, but would say it was slightly more painful than my conch piercings, but less painful than I expected.


I got my daith and industrial done in the same day on opposite ears. Out of all my piercings, the daith has been my easiest and most low maintenance. Pain level in piercing was more of a "soreness" rather than and "stinging." The industrial was too tender to sleep on and I'm a side sleeper, so I slept on the daith for awhile and it still healed really quickly. It's been a few years since and still entirely unproblematic. My helix gave me more trouble lol


I just got mine done 2 weeks ago and I love it! I got my 3rd lobe piercing at the same time and that felt worse than the daith. My piercer was awesome and had me do deep breaths. It is also healing quite nicely so far


Pain was a 2/10 and it’s been the easiest to heal, no issues with it at all!


My daith definitely hurt less than my rook, but it still stung. The healing process has been rough, though. I got my daith in February and now I got irritation bumps on both sides of my piercing 🥲 but I love how it looks!


If you want me to lie…then I feel like I can’t answer this! I will say, I don’t regret it. I also said “I’m never getting pierced again” while they were doing it and I got another piercing a week later. If that makes you feel better.


I got mine done in May and it was one of my most painful piercings. I have septum, rook, both conches, have previously had nipples and nostril done, and a few others. It was the first time I heard the crunch. I wasn’t expecting it to be as painful as it was but it’s healing nicely and I think it was worth it.


I think I met god when I got mine, but the pain was gone instantly and it was just sore for a few hours. I’d say the buildup is worse than the actual piercing.


I’ve only had mine for 2 weeks and think I may have an infection (lymph nodes are swollen in the left side of my throat, which is the side I got it pierced on…they weren’t swollen before), but the APP-recommended piercer recently re-examined it and said it was fine? We’ll see how it goes. The crudities and swelling went down a bit after a week.


My daith actively bled daily for about 6 months 😭 big nasty bumps and thrombin pain. Then one day..... it was fine.


Piercing wise.. easy 10. I have both of my daith's pierced and wow.. that hurt so bad. Healing wise was great, and no issues. I even sleep on mine.


I got both my rook and daith at the same time almost 2 years ago. The daith was nothing compared to the rook, but the healing process was much worse.


i barely felt my daith but it bled a TON, like my ear kept bleeding after i left and i had to clean it like every hour for the first day but after that it healed amazing and like i don’t feel anything now and it’s been a year, sometimes it gets itchy that’s all. i think the worst part was the blood for me lol. oh also i was stupid and used airpods after a week and it still healed fine! edit: autocorrect made it faith lol


Apparently I'm in the minority here, but 1 have 19 piercings and my daith ranks at the lowest pain, it was nothing. And it healed super fast. I was able to change the jewelry out after only 2 months. *Highly* recommend sleeping on a pillow with a cutout for your ear tho (for anyone with cartilage piercings) There are fancy ones you can buy but I use a memory foam neck pillow and I love it.


Mine hurt because the piercer for some god forsaken reason hesitated pushing it all the way through quickly. That’s being said it wasn’t the most painful. That prize goes to my forward helix. That was a biiiiiiiitch. My daith is still healing but tbh it’s been easier to heal than any of my other piercings. Don’t mess with it and keep it clean and you’ll be fine.


A bit of pressure with zero pain. Honestly, even the healing process was pretty tame as well.


It was the most painful piercing I have, and I have a lot lol. My best friend had 0/10 pain the first time, 10/10 the next. I would go into it expecting pain, but not fearing it (you don’t wanna be caught off guard). I love my piercing! Well worth it!


It didn't hurt too badly. You can just tell it's thick cartilage so it's worse than say conch or helix which are others I've gotten but not awful. The crunch was gross but it's so momentary. Be super on top of cleaning and be patient with healing. They're really finicky and do not like to be touched. I got so many crusties. Don't change it until you're 100% sure you can because I changed mine when I should have been able to and there was blood (I'm fine it's fine I cleaned it and I've left it to heal with the new jewelry since I didn't want to irritate it by switching again) Uh say goodbye to earbuds for a while. But also it's super cute and it's my second favorite piercing (after my conch)


Average pain and kept it in for two years, it never healed. I got annoyed that it was always sore and irritated so I took it out. Beautiful piercing but it is too much for me. Thinking back on it, I wore a ring the entire time and I should have tried to heal with more stationary jewelry. Still I wouldn’t attempt to heal a daith again lol


My daith was my most painful. (I have 6 lobes and 2 helix’s) I could hear the crunching as the needle went through. Took almost 9 months to heal and was it was fussy for another 3 months; had to sleep on an airplane pillow the whole time and take pain meds once in a while. I love it but I am unsure if I would do the other ear.


If you have a rook, you will be fine! It just feels like a lot of pressure.


I thought it was similar to my tragus, just a slight pinch but not a big deal so maybe 2/10. It healed quickly too.


Mine wasn't super painful, maybe a 4/10 but it did take awhile to heal and then I couldnt use my earbuds and they don't recommend you use headphones because of bacteria so it was a PIA sometimes and I ran around with like only one earbud in for the longest time.


Everyone is different! I see so many posts talking about how easy it was and I envy them lol mine sucked. Make sure you go to a reputable piercer!


Mine was 0.5/10 and I have a low pain threshold. Felt a very minor, dull sensation for about an hour after being pierced and then forgot all about it! Got a couple of little bumps but otherwise it's been very well behaved. Hope your experience is like this OP. Good luck!


As some others have said, super easy peasy piercing experience. Over in a blink. But the healing portion had me questioning my entire existence. I remember thinking how the pain wouldn’t end, it took about a week to stop feeling the initial throbbing and then the rest wasn’t as big a deal. I’ve had mine for almost 10yrs now and still love it!


I HATES the actual procedure because I could hear my cartilage popping but after that no pain!! Plus sleeping was no problem since it’s internal ish!!! It did get infected a couple times because I’m the laziest pierced person ever and it does not take away migraines fyi (chronic migraine girly here) but it’s super cute and 0/10 pain and I’m 2 years out and it hasn’t been sore or irritated…. Just be careful with AirPods/earbuds/stethoscopes for a while😜


i got mine done in august of last year and it hurt a ton for just a moment, the pressure on the side of my head where my piercer was pressing down to get the right angle was honestly the worst part for me. the pain is Bad but it's fast and then it doesnt really hurt too bad unless you lay on it. i had nasty bumps for a few months but they cleared up with regular saline soaks.


If you’ve done a rook and conch you’ll be fine. It’s been one of my easiest heals.


I didn’t feel it much. I felt the tragus and the conch wayyyy more. Not even the crunch sound that I got from the other two I mentioned. You’ll be g


It tickled.


My daith (which is a couple of years old) was, by far, the most painful of all my piercings. I had a headache for a couple of days from getting it. And the healing was a bitch. It was super fussy and ended up getting infected between all the never ending piercing bumps. But then I got the infection treated after about 6 months of “OMG Daith, why do you hate me?”. It changed completely overnight and I never had a problem with it since. So basically a 6 months nightmare and now we’re best friends. 🤷‍♀️😆 It was worth it in the end and it’s definitely the piercing I get the most comments on.


It was less painful than getting my tongue pierced, but the process is pretty long per ear bc it's a pretty chunky piece of cartilage. They're a big pain in the butt to change the jewellery at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's rather quick. Only took a bit over 4mo to get them nice and healed with no irritation bumps. Pain: 4/10 more uncomfortable than anything. Comfort: 2/10 while healing. I had so much earwax accumulated. 9/10 when healed. I get a bit freaked out when I move my head too fast and the jewellery moves bc I think it's a bug. One day, I fear a bug will get in, and I'll have dropped my guard by then. Coolness: 100/10. Only pieces of jewellery you'll never be asked to remove for a passport/ID pic.


My daith was my first non lobe piercing and was totally the least painful I’ve gotten. The sound of the piercing was the most cringy part for me. Hearing the crunchy sound of the needle going through my cartilage will haunt me forever. Mine wouldn’t heal at first. After like 8 months of it just being crusty and painful I went to a different shop and they put a titanium ring in and it made allll the difference. It healed right away and I didn’t have any issues with it for a year and half. Not related to my daith, I got an inner infection and sinus infection while having the flu and my ears hurt so bad and I felt so sick I took out all my piercings to try and get any relief. I was sick for over a week and when I felt well enough and my ear was fine I tried to put my daith back in and it was totally closed. :( I lost 3 other upper cartilage piercings too. They healed closed so fast. I miss my daith!


my daith was definitely the LOUDEST piercing i've ever gotten, because it's so close to your ear canal. i didn't find it that painful to get pierced, but honestly it was pretty freaky because they have to use so much pressure, it's very unnerving. but if you're going to a reputable piercer, just trust that they know what they're doing because the end result is so worth it! not much pain, the healing was fine and it's easier to clean than a rook imo. just say goodbye to earbuds for a longggg time


My Daith was maybe 3/10, but mostly pressure not pain. Less pressure than a tragus.


I only have a couple of upper lobes, a tragus and a daith. The pain was maybe a 2-3/10? It was my first piercing and other than the first day (had issues with the jewelry not going on right because of my anatomy) it most definitely has been my easiest heal as it’s almost impossible to snag it/bump it. The one issue is not wearing earbuds for at least a year but now it’s 3 years old and I usually even forget about it.


My daith was my first piercing without numbing cream so it was definitely more painful than my others. Maybe a 6/10. However it was one of my easiest ones to heal!


I would say it’s no more painful than any other cartilage although I felt a bit vulnerable laying in the foetal position getting it done lol. Was my easiest healer as it never gets touched, just keep it dry after cleaning.


It was my first piercing, didn’t hurt a lot, it was easy to heal and it looks great now. My industrial on the other hand is an absolute pain to heal lmao


If they pierce it in the right place it is just pressure and not very painful at all. Mine is 10 months old and I was able to change the initial jewellery at 6 months. It’s healed really well as it’s nicely tucked in. Once you figure the best way to clean it then it should be fine. I had a few small bumps at one point but just continued with my usual aftercare. I found soaking a cotton round in saline and putting it over the piercing helped soften crusties enough to remove them easily with a bit more saline and a cotton swab. The trick is to keep it clean without irritating it when you clean it. If it’s pierced correctly with good quality jewellery then it can be a really simple healing process. Perhaps ask your piercer to talk you through the placement of it. Mine was done by an apprentice and she talked her supervisor through her placement- it was really reassuring as she really took her time finding the spongier bit of cartilage. There is a sweet spot like a septum piercing.


I’ve had both daiths done. The one done with a seam ring (designed so the seam couldn’t pass through the fistula) was the most painless and beautifully healing piercing I’ve ever had. The one with a clicker was extraordinarily painful to get the jewellery in. so, ymmv depending on what you wear in it.


Pain level for conch???


I barely felt anything! And it was easy to heal as no accidentally sleeping on it.


pain 1-10 apart from nipples (9.5) being pierced while i was on my period (the worst pain ever oml), my rook (7) was definitely second place on the pain meter. so with that being said i’ll put daith at a 5 for me personally. wasn’t bad at all. if anything i think the healing process is what you should be more “worried” about. i RARELY have to retire a piercing but unfortunately that one just wouldn’t heal for me


It was a little painful to get done, particularly because they have to pull and twist it to get it in, but it was quick and didn't have any problems healing


My daith piercing was painful as expected but not off the charts painful. The piercer struggled to get the jewelry in and that was brutal, but the piercing itself was quick and definitely tolerable. Mine healed well thankfully, and I've had the jewelry changed (with a different piercer!) and that was no trouble at all. Good luck next week!


Not too painful, probably similar to your other cartilage piercings. It’s been pesky to heal though, still not quite right 2 years on and I struggle to put a stethoscope in that ear which is not ideal for work. But I haven’t retired it and I love the way it looks. I reckon go for it!


I decided to get my daith for my birthday along with my second lobe and helix last year. Honestly the worst piercing for me 8/10 pain. The noise was unbearable and it didn’t help that my guy pierced through a blood vessel and it wouldn’t stop bleeding. I also didn’t eat that morning(which was stupid on my part) and I almost fainted after getting it done. The healing process was both a hit and miss was scabbing so much and hurt almost every time i cleaned it. I think about 7-8 months of having it got a bit better the scabbing went away and it started not to hurt as much. Now i sometimes forget i have it because it doesn’t hurt anymore. Def can be a painful experience depending on your pain tolerance but honestly one of my favorite piercings i have. It’s so cute


Least painful of all of mine (multiple lobes/lower auricle/helix/conch/rook/tragus) and a breeze to heal. LITHA method and avoided/was super careful with headphones at the beginning.


daith was my first non-lobe piercing, but in my opinion, it wasnt bad at all. It did take 2 1/2 years to fully heal for me, but my piercings usually take long in general!


Daith was the worst for me. Hurts like a bitch and because it's so far in you can hear the flesh ripping as the needle goes through. You also probably won't be able to wear an earphone on that side


I got my daith about 6 years ago but at the same time as my snug on the same ear. I had to lie down afterwards as I was a little lightheaded but I don't remember the actual piercing being overly painful, other than a pinch. Healing was an absolute dream tho, I barely noticed it. Maybe coz the snug was a nightmare but I think as the daith is so far in, it was impossible to hit or catch. As I couldn't see it, I asked friends to take photos so I could judge the healing. For reference I have: 4 lobes, snug, daith, rook, conch, triple flat, helix, high lobe & 1 nip. I think the daith was easiest to heal :) Good luck!


Daith was by far my most painful - Have had pierced: daith, faux rook, rook, lobes, high lobes, tragus, nostril, septum and navel.


Easy being pierced but healing was horrendous. I retired mine after three years of inflammation and pain. Absolutely gutted because it was my favourite piercing!


I just got my daith today, along with double flat. I barely felt it, the flats hurt more. Hoping for a smooth healing journey


hey! I got my daith pierced literally yesterday and it wasn't bad at all. piercing pain was like 6/10 max but by the time I got home it was down to 0 lmao. so far really easy healing I had a way worse time with my conch and flat. definitely go for it it's cute asf and not as bad as other piercings. my piercer did say daiths take longer to heal tho


my rook was WAY worse than my daith, daith was a bit spicy but not too painful. my healing went super well but it did get madddd crusty. honestly you have nothing to fear! a bit of pain for like 5 seconds is nothing compared to how gorgeous your daith is gonna be. get it


Never felt pain when I got my daith, just pressure. And this was the easiest piercing I got. Crust was minimal and healed for like 6months. I can wear my earbuds already after that. My lobe took more than 12months to heal. I just made sure I don't sleep on the side where my daith is during this time, used neck pillow as well..


Mine was super easy! Didn't hurt at all.


Easiest piercing for healing too, at least for me!


I watched a few daith piercing experience vids on YouTube first and found that helpful. It was a slower piercing than my others but I expected that. Pain was 4/10 but the quick factor hearing the crunch as we passed the cartilage layers was high. I got BAD swelling the first few days and had to flip the ring out so it stopped pressing into my conch. Instant pain relief! I was able to put it back in another 2 days as swelling went down. It was very sensitive and fiddly to heal. It got bumps off an on the whole year it took to heal. I don’t wear earbuds often now because they press on the piercing and make it uncomfortable but I do have very sensitive ears in general. I love it and would 100% get it again!


A little over a year still crusty and painful sometimes. Still can’t really wear headphones in that ear. I’m so over it. Going to try to downsize if that doesn’t work its coming out. Pain wise it was fine but imo healing time not really worth it.


I got my daith done about 7 years ago. I barely felt any pain (it was comparable to my lobes tbh) and mine healed really nicely. Haven't had any problems with it whatsoever.


My mum got hers done not long after me and she said hers was really painful. One side got infected somehow and had to be taken out so she got the otherside done, and that was really painful for her two, but she also hasn't had any problems with that side. We both were able to get them changed after 6 weeks, no swelling or pain or irritation since the initial piercing. After 6 weeks and getting mine changed I was able to sleep on that side and everything. Only complaint is that I can't get an ear phone in on that side haha


when i got mine done, pain was a 3/10 (putting in jewellery always hurts me more), and the least tolerable part about it all was the healing. it took me 2.5 years in total, but with minimal pain and only small irritation bumps along the way, but this is also because mine was pierced with not the best material and a year and a half in i had to get it swapped out for an mri. it healed better with bioflex plastic, despite being advised to switch it back as soon as possible. now it's fully healed and i experience no pain with it, and recently changed my jewellery to some proper metal 


I got mine done when I was 13. Didn’t really hurt going in, just felt like pressure. The worst part was HEARING it go through the cartilage. Then it mostly just felt warm the rest of the day, and like pressure. It only hurt when somebody would bump into it at school.


The daith for me was a doddle compared to the rook, the rook has actually caused me anxiety over future piercings. I got my second helix done yesterday even though I’ve wanted my conch, anti tragus and snug done for ages and it was all because of what I went through after having the rook pierced. I’d say the daith for me was probably 3/10 and healed really well even though I had it done with a barbell when I was told after that the daith is one of the only piercings you should have done with a hoop! Enjoy your new piercing


The pain was definitely the worst of all mine (I also have a rook and conch), but it actually healed quite easily. I think because it's protected by the rest of the ear so it didn't get accidentally knocked around and my hair wasn't catching on it. I love it and am am glad I got it.


I have all piercings you mentioned. Daith was my most painful ear piercing I think. But you got this! 🥰 its so pretty. Love mine! And the healing was alright. Some irritation bumps in the beginning but then absolutely fine. I have more struggles with my conch and helixes


I had mine done years ago, and genuinely it was the least painful piercing I’ve ever had. The noise as the needle went through was the worst bit, the crunch was awful! But healing was also a breeze and I’ve had no issues at all with it


I had mine done and it didn’t hurt at all. Surprised me actually 😂 I had my thirds done at the same time and they stung a lot but the daith was just a bit of pressure and done


one of my easiest piercings, tbh. healed up with z e r o issues and i don't recall pain during the placement


I found it pretty painful, I am a chronic fainter and I did pass out. Only one that was worse was my snug! That was the only one where I cussed out the piercer. I was very apologetic for that! Edit to add that both of them healed pretty well in about 7-8 months. They were a very rough and painful 7-8 months though


My most painfully piercing 😭 and I have an industrial too


I just got my daith done in both ears about 3 hours ago. They were my easiest and least painful piercings so far. A little pain while the jewelry was going in. No after pain so far. I didn't get a disturbing crunch sound that people report. My wife got her tragus done this morning as well. Hers was loud and crunchy, but also not painful. I can't speak to the healing for daith. But it was an easy and mostly pain free process going in. My other piercings are both nipples and my septum, btw.


It didn’t hurt but mine did end up rejecting despite babying the shit out of it.


I was toying around with the idea for awhile… and got it two weeks ago (check my post history, I have a photo there)… I got it and a second helix pretty much on impulse and while I wanted to chicken out, I got it and was very surprised that it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would… that’s like my main take 😅, I thought it was going to be impossibly painful but not really… when my piercer told me “it’s through” I was like, really?! lol, I compare it to my tragus, annoying but not as painful as something else. So far is going great although I could take better care of it but until now no issues. I would say get it!


Mine healed after 6 months. At 5 months I changed jewelry to solid gold and all 4 piercing bumps on my faiths went away. The same day I got my second nostril and it also got a bump. I put a 14k gold stud and the bump went away. So far my problem piercings got better when I put gold jewelry. I now have a bump on my industrial that seems to finally be drying out. I’ve only had it 2 1/2 months though. I will be changing to gold also. I don’t know if that’s the case but after switch it always gets better. The actual piercing was bad for me because it felt like it got stuck half ways on one ear and he pushed it harder. The second was smoother. Even with a piercing pillow and sleeping on my back I end up on my side with travel pillow on the floor. I’ve gotten better with it though thanks to my industrial. It doesn’t hurt anymore it just has two bumps in the top through the outside and inside.


My daith was of medium pain but it healed pretty fast, it’s in a more protected area. Just make sure to sleep on the opposite side and don’t touch it. It’s one of my favorite piercings


i had to take my daith piercing out. i *thought* id be able to sleep on it since it’s in your ear and not on the outside but i was wrong 🤡 so i really don’t know how it would’ve healed if i hadn’t slept on it!! lol


My least painful piercing by far, but the one I was most worried about. I don’t even feel it’s there and it’s been pierced just over a month now. For context I have triple lobes, two helix, a conch, and a faux rook.


Tbh don’t even remember it being done. So couldn’t have been that bad. I know what I’m about to say is NOT true, but it genuinely seemed to heal in a week or so. It just was angry and then healed and it was (and still is) so strange to me. Never had it happen before or again.


Bloody painful one, pain was like 11/10. But so worth it beacuse it's the cutest. 🥰✨️


If a lobe was a 0, a helix was a 1, then my daith compared to the two was maybe a 3, but I blame the clamp. The needle did not hurt at all.


Honestly, just felt a lot of pressure when I got it done. Right now it's still healing, I got it back in January. I havnt has any issues up untill recently where it has developed some irritation bumps although it isn't painful!


Was pierced maybe 2ish months ago, done with a curved barbell THAT WAS TOO SHORT. i changed to a hoop as soon as i physically could and now the piercing is basically healing all over again from the start. love it though lol


Mine's only a month old and I have an irritation bump the size of a pinhead on the underside. As for pain level, I'd rate it maybe a 7/10, it hurt about as much as my nipples did. But pain level is entirely dependent on the person. Considering my helix took a year and a half to heal I'm fully expecting my daith to take just as long.