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To be fair, I think Roger REEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYYYY does not like Polly.


They both RRREEEAAALLLYYY don't like each other.


"We bitch and we fight, diss each other on sight..."


But those things we do šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¼šŸŽµ


I really have to wonder about Polly's use of "diss". DAVID: "*'Diss'*? I dunno, dear. I sound like an old school Hip Hopper." POLLY: "Just trust me on this, honey."


It really is a terrible lyric


I know, right?


Nobody will be raising the Polly Roger around here! šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I'll bet this becomes a new "ship/meme", here, "Polly Roger". It'll probably culminate in a Polly-Watermour three-way Lemon Party of hate-sex!


Total Rubbish. They are having a secret affair, very steamy, lots of sex and nudity. The photos will be the Mail/Sun/Star next week. The Dave writes a new album, with co-operation for Phil Collins, about this. Bloody obvious really, only explanation.


LOLOLOLOLOL! She's joined the Watermour Lemon Party!


Just like Roger and David.


I donā€™t think even David cares this much lol


Less interested in their politics than their date of birth.


David liked Pollyā€™s QRT from the first slide, the plot thickens!


He was probably strumming his acoustic at the time


unfortunately he does: https://twitter.com/davidgilmour/status/1622735222562226176


It's obviously known he has this stance, but at least he doesn't continuously go around talking trash any chance he gets. That's not his personality ā€“ Dude just wants to chill out with his family in his old age.


Iā€™ve always hated the phrase ā€œliving rent free in your headā€ but this is a pretty good example lol


Goes both ways considering Roger attacked Polly on stage at the O2 four months after her infamous tweet. And considering her Tweet was the first public "firing back of bullets" since Roger's infamous rant video about not being allowed on the official Floyd channels, in which he also attacked Polly.


Iā€™m done with this drama honestly, letā€™s remember the music and amazing art they made together and nothing else who cares




Yea i got tired of it coming up in every Floyd discussion. Now i just walk away or change rhe subject to Grateful Dead (which no one wants to talk about lol) if ppl bring it up


Roger said he wouldnt be suing...guess that put some pep in her step...


He should at this point. Sheā€™s unhinged.


he has probably spent the equivalent of a small country's gdp on PF related legal fees...probably not interested any more


Yeah, youā€™re right. Heā€™s best off just ignoring her and continuing to do his own thing. Pisses me right off though.


The guy spent his 40s suing david's ass, i bet he cares anymore


He's spent a lot of social media output and interviews since 2018 dissing Polly and David, beginning with his infamous rant about not being allowed on the official Floyd channels in 2018, I think. 2023 is when she finally hit back publicly. He hasn't let it go since, and she hasn't quite either. If you call Polly unhinged, Roger qualifies as well.


None of us need to give this drama any oxygen.


Iā€™m sorry but Polly needs to stfu and stay out of her husbandā€™s bad blood and stop speaking for him. David may have a few choice words for Roger in his head, but out of respect, he would never say as such unless it was straight to him or Polly privately. Thatā€™s the way it should be. Public drama is stupid.


Every word demonstrably true.


She is probably still pissed with roger saying ā€œgetting your fucking wife to write for youā€ or something the same. But that was a long time ago and she should move on.


Sometimes I think Roger has it coming but she really should let this shit go, itā€™s a little embarrassing


I canā€™t figure out whatā€™s going on in the exchange with Louise Mensch; but sheā€™s also a trash person who has promoted so much misinformation (that ā€œdeath penalty for Bannonā€ tweet is probably the funniest example)


So what Iā€™ve gathered; The middle two photos come first, with there being something missing in between them as Louise is replying to Polly but thereā€™s no tweet above it for context. Then thereā€™s someone (Ander) who replied to Pollyā€™s affirmation of Louise. To which, Polly quoted the tweet in a reply. The last photo was affirming Pollyā€™s statement of ā€œwe did not wish him a happy birthdayā€


Ahh ok that makes a tiny bit more sense. Whether or not that last tweet constitutes a happy birthday is soooooo splitting hairs lol


I don't think the happy birthday tweet was real at all. I went looking for it when I saw it a few days ago, I couldn't find it on official accounts.


Maybe Iā€™m just a little dumb but trying to make sense of what they were talking about made me feel like I was trying to name one thing in this picture https://preview.redd.it/mfxd12xhj4nb1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780985d6559780dc4f6973dc33f97d9d73e4e639


I lowkey miss when AI images were just this. (like, a year and a half ago)


I didnā€™t know this was AI I thought someone just went to some surreal nightmare land and took some pics


Lmao might be that. I think it was an early output from Deep Dream, the AI image generator that takes a normal image and finds faces and other patterns in it. Theyā€™re still pretty nightmarish. This one makes me smell burning plastic.


You're actually on the right track. I see a couple plastic display cards for costume jewelry - one for earrings and another for rings - set with faux gemstones.. i.e.plastic. Covering with cling wrap (plastic) to reduce theft is odd...if showing interest let the poor sot have a free pick. That stuff will become un-sellable, irreparably tarnished well before the glue stops working. That faux fur stole - also plastic - has seen better days with the wearer's sweat eating away at the neck. Now I await other's viewing experiences!( My curiosity has me heading into "Deep Dream" in the very near future, and I shall appreciate or condemn it's existence.)


Yeah, people need to avoid Louise Mensch. Not clever at all of Polly to react to that.


Shame sheā€™s making both herself and David Gilmour look bad


Only if you care that much. It's all about perspective. I don't give a shit about any of their personal opinions on anything but the music they make. Polly contributed some lyrics so good for her. Dave is one of the greatest guitarists ever so good for us. Rog is one of the greatest lyricists ever so, again, good for us. If you are going deeper than that, it's on you for caring so much what people you will never have any meaningful connection with think. Nothing Polly, Dave, or Roger says in their bitter feud makes any difference, the music stands on it's own.


I truly wonder what the hell went on behind those closed doors all those years ago. What was it all about really? Roger or David must have sent some harsh words directly down the pipeline or it's a way for them both to keep selling tickets at this point. You know, "keep the beef alive". That way we can keep selling out stadiums and touring the world. But I doubt so. The water is so muddied on this situation, it's actually getting increasingly annoying and isn't great for their legacy at this point. You would think they would be able to rise above it and draw the curtains. Roger Waters ain't a fucking anti semite, nor will he ever be. If that man is an anti-semite then I'm the fucking pope, and so are you. Resorting to public tweets is beyond pathetic and demonstrates cowardice. The amount of times I've heard that Roger Waters has reached out and offered his hand in a futile attempt to resolve all of this, is crazy. The man tried to resolve it and David is still holding grudges.


.... what does this stuff have to do with music


She just decided to call him out on his birthday


Sad to see a day that if you now disagree with someone's opinion you just smear them by accusing them of being antisemitic and some Putin puppet. Making accusations like that used to mean something. Now they don't mean shit anymore cause we've got people like Polly that just throw it on anything they don't like or agree with. Not the biggest fan of Rogers politics personally but now I'm starting to dislike her even more.


Yeah I don't understand where the antisemitism thing comes in, did he actually say some wack shit? Or was he against Palestine being completely and utterly fucked?


For years the ADL labeled Waters as anti-Israel but not necessarily antisemitic but they've changed that over time over some comments by Roger about the Israel lobby or something. IDK, to me it seems like occasionally something that borders on antisemitism but it's hyped up because he's probably the most prominent anti-Isrsel musician.


He's never said anything that shows that he is antisemitic. He's anti Israeli policy. He is right about the Israeli lobby. They did the same thing with Jeremy Corbyn; green lighting the way for others to join in the attack because he gave a shit about the obscene oppression of the Palestinians


Agreed. She's got no class. Same with Gilmour for backing her up and putting the boot in.




No, Putin wanted a rapid conquest so that he could immediately start exploiting the territory. He absolutely does not want a protracted engagement, and was misinformed about how difficult the task would be. He nor his cronies are enjoying the sanctions of this drawn-out affair. That's why you've seen all this dissension, all these "accidents," and such.


What Putin desperately wants now is to freeze the war for a couple of years to give him time to rebuild fortifications, swell the military and re-arm.


Telling a country that is been invading to give up half of its territory is not being ā€œanti warā€ answer this: what do you think Ukraine should give up in peace talks? Do you think they should give more than half of their territory? Gave up their autonomy to make economic deals that they want? Give Russia the power to decided their elected leaders considering Russia has demanded Zelenskyy to step down? The reason people call waters pro putin is because all of you like to virtue signal of how much ā€œanti warā€ you are but you really are supporting the terrorist actions of a fascist state. If the United States was doing something remotely similar you all would be crying about how evil the usa is but because is Russia you want to paint this as an anti imperialist bullshit


> It is in everyoneā€™s best interest for this war to be decided with diplomacy If that were a possibility it would have happened. Diplomacy benefits Russia. Putin will not give up, ever. The only choice is to kill... or be killed.




We're not choosing between Biden and Putin, we're supporting a nation that is being invaded.


Very easy to say from the comfort of your home when you don't have a gun in your face.




Whereā€™d you buy that history degree bro. Iā€™ve been meaning to pick one up Iā€™d really love to hear your explanation on why nato has no moral authority. And while weā€™re at it the west. As a historian you know the USSR was just as imperialist as the rest of the west and the modern Russian government is a acid trip level revanchists. There is a clear distinction between the morally correct and the morally wrong and any country backing Ukraine is morally correct. Think about what would have happened if the world didnā€™t put up with hitlers bullshit and stomped them in the late 30ā€™s. This take is so weird man. And I get we did fucked up shit. As well as the west. This is a totally tankie take man.


Itā€™s refreshing to see people who use their brains


https://twitter.com/davidgilmour/status/1622735222562226176?lang=en. Sheā€™s not the only one


She's a clown šŸ¤”. It's not a good look for her personally IMO. If you're gonna make accusations at least have something to back what you believe. Typical behavior sadly.


I'm in the "I don't give a shit" camp. They really should just argue about this stuff in private.


Canā€™t they just text each other this shit


I thought rich people had better ways to expend their time, you know. I mean, I saw an interview the other day where Gilmour said he exchanged emails with Roger. Even him seems to have gotten over it...


Do you have a source for the interview?


Roger brings a lot of it on himself, heā€™s not innocent.. but you can tell Polly loves the drama and wonā€™t just leave things alone. I think sheā€™s the one holding a big grudge.


She probably didnā€™t like that he called her songwriting for Pink Floyd ā€œatrociousā€ and has had it out for him ever since


She is a fucking dreadful lyricist he's not wrong at all.


He could have been more diplomatic but he wasnā€™t wrong. Sheā€™s taken it way too far and sheā€™s embarrassing herself (and David) now.


well it is atrocious, mundane, really basic lyric writing. ​ And I don't hate TDB or AMLOR but the lyrics are pretty terrible.


I mean he's not wrong on that particular point


All this is missing is a "Every word demonstrably true"


Every word demonstratably true


I love Roger more than any other artist as an artist. I hate his stance on russia-ukraine situation. But this Polly person gives me huge Yoko Ono vibes... Edit: I never thought this comment would get so many mixed reactions. Where I'm from, noone ever talks about the Beatles or Yoko Ono and I genuinely thought everyone agreed she was to blame on the situation. I feel ignorant and stupid now. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Promise I will search more about it and be more careful next time.


Yoko was NEVER this obnoxious.


I don't mean to be that guy but I mean seriously? Yoko Ono is nothing like Polly and she did not break up the beatles.


Roger left the band before Gilmour met Polly. Also their daughter in law is Ukrainian so they are naturally sensitive.


Donā€™t trash Yoko. Sheā€™s a capable artist, and has some fine LPā€™s. May I recommend ā€œFeeling The Spaceā€?


I personally wouldn't agree that her art is anything worth spending one's time on (everything's subjective of course), but I completely agree that she shouldn't be trashed or blamed for what happened with The Beatles. It's crazy to me that even with all the information we've had at our disposal for the last 30+ years of widespread internet usage, people still cling to that misogynistic tabloid nonsense from the 60s and 70s.


Donā€™t even waste your time, people will trash Yoko for breathing. Sheā€™s a talented artist and her albums *Fly* and *Approximately Infinite Universe* are some of the best albums Iā€™ve ever heard, I would even go as far as to say that her songs on Sometime in NYC are better then Johns


Well, now I'm interested. Was not expecting this subject to blow up so much because I genuinely didnt ever see "the other side" and thought everyone agreed she was to blame. Will check those out! And probably read more about the subject.


Trust me fr *Fly* is a genuinely fantastic album. Put aside your preconceived notions of her and you will realize that she was a true visionary, a lot of people forget that she was doing work years before meeting up with John. Yes some of her work takes a lot of getting used to and the avant garde stuff can come off as ridiculous and dumb at times but there truly are many layers to her work.


People are determined to hate that woman for reasons I can't fathom. Good luck getting them to actually listen to anything she's made with an open mind. I think deep rooted mysoginy and racism certainly plays a big part.


It without a doubt does, plus the idea that she broke up The Beatles is still being pushed down peopleā€™s throats all these years later itā€™s ridiculous. Are there some things that sheā€™s done or said that I donā€™t agree with or dislike? Yes absolutely. Is she the devil that people make her out to be? Hell no.


Not to mention her kick-ass stuff on Double Fantasy. Though itā€™s pretty clear throughout her catalog that John is largely responsible for the music. For me, itā€™s just good stuff.


I don't know if you're joking with me or serious because I never heard anything she did and don't really have much interest. šŸ˜… I just meant her role on the Beatles situation. If she is or isn't a good artist is not relevant


You're absolutely missing nothing. She's the musical equivalent of the Excrement as Art movement of the 1990s.


I take it you've never actually listened to any of her LP's? She's an accomplished and respected artist. Approximately Infinite Universe is a great album that was very influential for New Wave acts that followed later. But I suppose that one time she screamed into a microphone invalidates all that does it? I don't think anyone in the last 100 years has had more unfair shit hurled at them than Yoko Ono.


nah she did some pretty okay new wave songs in the 80s like Walking On Thin Ice


Iā€™m dead serious. But go on with your disinterest. Itā€™s a great way to go through life.


? Enough with the Yoko Ono hate jfc, she's such an overused cliched butt-of-a-joke made by sexists who have never bothered to read up on the history of The Beatles enough to know John always planned to leave the band first and probably would have, Yoko or no Yoko. Besides, her first album (Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band) is genuinely really solid and I'd argue a precursor to punk (esp riot girl punk). I mean sure alot of her music is genuinely trash, but the way rock history has always shat on her for 'breaking up The Beatles' is extremely unfair IMO. I will say tho she was an awful guardian to Julian Lennon so she ain't no angel.


Yeah the problem isnt about breaking the beatles up its about the absolutely shit way she treated lennon's kid.


There's this political problem where if you sympathize with the plight of the Palestanian people you end up being unsympathetic to Jewish people and if you oppose American brinkmanship and NATO expansion you are unsympathetic to Ukrainian people. It seems stupid to call someone a bad person because a certain issue tugs at their heart string more than another issue but I guess Polly is entitled to her opinion. She should tell David to go back on tour.


There's also this problem where NATO expansion is a bullshit excuse to attack and destroy a neighbor. Fortunately ruskie dogs are corrupt, unorganized and just utterly stupid and are failing miserably :)


The Russian people did not make that decision. Their dictator did. And now the Americans get the war with Russia they always wanted. Not a good thing happening from any angle, western, Russian, or otherwise


On one hand you say that the Russian people didn't want this war while claiming the Americans did. Interesting.


I live in America. Our military has been obsessed with fighting Russia for 80 years, maybe longer. As soon as they killed the czar, all the right wingers over here got a boner for killing Russians. On the contrary, I donā€™t think any Russians really want to kill Ukrainians. Hence why the Putin machine had to exaggerate Ukraines Nazi problem dramatically, to get older Russians who saw Ukraine as cultural siblings onside


You should watch some videos of interviewing the common people of Russia. The vast majority of them are very supportive of this war and in fact think it should go further. I think you would have to be purposefully ignorant to believe otherwise at this point in the war.


Nato only expanded after putin invaded.


Uh. NATO was created in like the 40s and has been expanding since. It ballooned through the 90ā€™s after the fall of the USSRā€¦


NATO doesn't _expand_, sovereign countries ask for membership - guess why they pick one side and not the other.


It expanded further after putin invaded so any argument that his invasion somehow wards off nato expansion is as stupid as you.


Well, no. They expanded in 90, 99, 04, 09, 17 and 20. Edit to say NATO guaranteed to not enlarge towards Russia in 1990. I should also say I support NATO, but they did enlarge well prior to the invasion


I kind of agree, I sympathize with the plight of the Palestinian people and am not the biggest fan of the Israeli government. I'm not anti-Semitic either... The problem is that Roger has done more than just support/sympathize with Palestinians, he's has actively perpetuated harmful stereotypes across the media: " Waters claimed that Israel thinks Jews are superior to everybody else on the planet, saying: ā€œ...religious supremacy, the idea that the Jewish people are somehow superior to everybody else on the planet but particularly the Arabs, the Palestinian Arabs...the Israeli state who believe that the Jewish people are superior, more important than any of those people, those peopleā€™s lives are worthless. " " he accused the ā€œextraordinary powerfulā€ American ā€œJewish lobbyā€ in the music industry of silencing critics of Israel.Ā  " These are small samplings, it would be 100% possible to support the Palestinians without giving voice to outdate and harmful stereotypes. Roger gives in to his anger and indulges casually into anti-Semitism while in the next breath will say something reasonable. It's like he's saying "If you point out any of my ideas as being harmful you are pointing them ALL out to be harmful"


Exactly the point Iā€™ve been trying to make. Heā€™s not antisemitic for openly criticizing Israel. Iā€™m highly critical of Israel as well and their treatment of Palestinians is beyond abhorrent. The main problem with Roger is how he goes about expressing it, by exacerbating all of these ridiculous stereotypes. I have never heard one person say that the Jewish lobby silences Israelā€™s critics, so that really does not help his case. I donā€™t think he has any credibility in saying that.


Well, it is part of the Judaism that Jews are God's Chosen People. But to be fair, many religious people feel that they are God's Chosen. But Israeli's and Palestinians do seem to view each other as dogs. Ultimately, Israel is essential to the American economic machine which is driven by oil from the Middle East. The ADL kind of does exist to silence the critics of Israel and there is a whole Wikipedia page devoted to Anti-BDS Laws in the US that seem like they go against the first amendment. I'm not sure what the evidence would be that there isn't a powerful pro-Israeli lobby. On the other hand, I also get upset when the price of gasoline goes up.


The US gets oil from Saudi Arabia. Israel doesn't produce oil. The US didn't even support Israel until after the 1973 Yom Kippur war. The lynchpin of American foreign polciy in the Middle East until the 80s was Saudi Arabia and Iran. Also, "Jewish lobby" conspiracy theories aren't a denial of the role of the ADL in foreign policy, what they do thats antisemitic is claim that the ADL controls American foreign policy, which would be pure and unimperialist without them


This is only coming from One side in American politics


Roger isn't an antisemite bc he's an antizionist, it's that he believes in "Jewish lobby" conspiracy theories, thinks Israel is uniquely evil, compares it to Nazi Germany, and is fine defending equally heinous (and arguably more fascist) arab nationalist ideologies like Ba'athism


Anyone who doesn't understand this by now is willfully denying reality.


The ander guy is right,Polly would validate anyone being negative about Roger in this case an ex tory.


Roger lives rent free in Pollyā€™s head


I'm in the ever expanding opinion of "fuck everyone"


Holy crap, sorry but what an absolute cunt. They all need to get over themselves and eachother. Wishing Polly peace and enlightenment on this fine day.


The guy just turned 80 and she's still stirring up drama. Roger didn't even start any of this she started it with that one tweet a few months back. Plus why is this her concern anyway, she wasn't in the band at all and she contributed after Roger left the group.


Roger didn't start this? He has been saying disparaging things about Polly and David for decades. He called her involvement with PF "Spinal Tap" all the way back in 1998, Called TDB "nonsense from beginning to end" in 1998, called David a liar in 2021 and a non-artist in 2023, called Hey Hey Rise Up "lacking in humanity" in 2023. After years of putting up with this BS, she is finally speaking out. Yeah, but now we are supposed to pretend that poor Roger is the victim, and she is attacking him for no reason.


Yes but Roger has only ever insulted her work not her as a person if polly was to just insult rogers press tours or his new dark side cover we'd prob all be on her side But she's taken it too far and has made the situation kind of pathetic


God Iā€™m so tired of the whole Roger Waters ā€œanti-semitismā€ controversy. Like Iā€™m literally Ashkenazi and Iā€™ve said way harsher things than Roger about Israel because itā€™s a white supremacist genocidal state that uses us as human shields for their criticism. Every fucking loser who cries over someone famous saying ā€œhey maybe Israel is pretty badā€ is also just totally fine when right wingers classify Jews as demons and rats, bc they support Israel. Israel defenders at this point need to know that theyā€™re not doing it for the good of Jewish people, theyā€™re doing it because they see imperialism and genocide as good.


Hi everyone, I didnā€™t expect this to blow up past Twitter, but hi, Iā€™m Ander, the guy Polly decided to quote tweet. Itā€™s been a hectic day, and Iā€™m genuinely fascinated by the situation. Itā€™s wonderful seeing all your responses to this; some are thought out, and itā€™s refreshing to see people who are done with the drama, think that Polly is still holding on to it, and disagree with Roger politically but still respect him. Iā€™m glad this brought a civil conversation on this situation. I canā€™t say the same about Twitter! I havenā€™t used Reddit in ages, but I dusted it off to comment. If you have any questions or want to know what happened to get to this place, Iā€™m happy to answer. :) Peace and love, everyone! ( also my twitter profile if you donā€™t believe itā€™s me) https://preview.redd.it/fmhqwq55d5nb1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fee7af176016b54e48700364f744f0928f9356




I was speaking my mind, and itā€™s still my sentiment to this day. I didnā€™t engage further than subtweets about it. She genuinely wasnā€™t worth the energy to argue properly with.


Sounds like Polly REALLY wishes she had dated Roger instead LOL. In all seriousness, I can understand disagreeing with Roger politically (I do as well), but this has crossed the line of political disagreement into borderline obsession. Having said that, as long as sheā€™s not physically threatening Roger Iā€™m any way, I think the best strategy is to just let her complain to her heartsā€™ content and ignore her, as trying to fight back would just give her more attention. At the end of the day, Rogerā€™s contributions to Pink Floyd are greater than hers, and thatā€™s ultimately what matters.


Does anyone actually thing roger is being unironic in In The Flesh? Nobody could possibly be that hollow minded


Welcome to a world where people ignore actual fascism and point fingers at people trying to educate them on it instead


I don't know the drama that well other than generic band argues bs, but I was there at his show, I believe june 7, and he basically said along the lines of "oh who wants to wake up next to her anyways" I was the only one who laughed that I could tell. Truthfully, I had no idea who the woman was at the time. Both parties are probably a little crazy from what I can gather LOL


He said ā€˜ Imagine waking up to that every morning ā€˜ Probably a comment on her personality than looks.


Fun fact: guess who told putin to fuck off and called him a bandit? Waters. Not Gilmour




I feel like Pink does at the end of the wall ...just yell STOPPPPPP! ENJOY THE MUSIC


Roger is one of the only celebrities that stands up to Israel. He isnā€™t perfect but he is righteous and wrote Dark Side of The Moon so I love him


Sounds like fucking Sharon Osbourne!


At this point I think its clear that the reason there is discourse between david and roger comes down to how much polly hates roger lol.


I think most of this subreddit is obsessed with Roger


i finally understand what the "watersheep" meme is about.


Polly is such a stain on Floyd's legacy. If David was smart, he wouldn't allow her to post that kind of stuff.


She's a fucking piece of shit. Roger is done deliberately attacking them and she's still at it.


Roger wants to settle the copyrights sale and his mouthing off fouled negotiations. Thatā€™s why he raised the white flag and stopped slagging on DG.


Itā€™s pretty cringe


Lay off the wine Polly


"That roger waters used to be cool" roger has been saying that countries that don't want invading should lie down, let themselves be invaded and be ruled by pseudo military governments they don't want for decades. it's exactly what he was saying in 1983 and exactly what he's saying in 2023. roger's politics have always been very shaky


When'd he say, "that countries that don't want invading should lie down, let themselves be invaded and be ruled by pseudo military governments they don't want for decades?" Did I miss a new interview or something? I've never heard him say that before.


i was more meaning he said "countries that don't want invading should lie down, let themselves be invaded and be ruled by pseudo military governments they don't want" and has been saying such for decades which he has. his views on the ukraine are largely in the name of peace at all cost and his rose tinted glasses for the nation that was previously the soviet union. now the people of ukraine are having a pretty undemocratic neighbouring nation invade them when they don't want to be part of russia but rather an independent western nation. roger has said that to stop people dying ukraine should effectively lie down and let themselves be steamrollered to stop any further fighting and deaths. which i think is plainly stupid. it's the same thing that the final cut slagged off in parts. the unelected undemocratic millitary junta government of argentina was failing for support so invaded the falklands. the people of the falklands do not and have never wanted to be governed or associated with the argentine government so western powers stepped in to stop argentina from taking over. roger complained about that too claiming they should have also let the unelected thugs steamroller a country in the name of peace.


>roger has said that to stop people dying ukraine should effectively lie down and let themselves be steamrollered to stop any further fighting and deaths.   Again, maybe I missed a new interview or something, but I've only seen him call for a ceasefire, peace negotiations, and for the **leaders** to talk to each other rather than sending their citizens to kill each other. Something he's been calling for ever since Us & Them on Dark Side of the Moon.   I haven't seen him asking Ukraine to just lie down and die as you claim though. Do you have a quote or interview that I could check out where he says that?   **EDIT**: So, the downvotes are fine, especially if I missed him saying that, but I'd really prefer if someone would just show me where he says that instead of *just* downvoting and moving on, please.


Iā€™m not a fan of seeing this stuff, but in the grand scheme of things, Polly has been around almost as long as Rogerā€™s been out of the band, which is now longer than he was in the band for and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s been long enough to develop her own opinions of him separate from Davidā€™s. Itā€™s just internet scrapping thatā€™s pointless and doesnā€™t really do much for the fanbase. Actually, Jon Carin has been up to this as well. He just made another post taking a swipe at post-Waters Floyd over using his music to promote the anniversary of MTLOR because they were using ā€œLearning To Flyā€, heā€™s been at it for a while now, essentially claiming he wrote the bulk of material for MTLOR and TDB and hasnā€™t received credit for it. This is where that ā€œYet Another Movieā€ demo popped up from, he claimed he wrote it and nothing pertaining to the song existed before he showed up, a day or two later the demo Gilmour worked on originally was posted. Itā€™s just a disservice to the fans, while some people donā€™t give a shit and just listen to the music, others want to pick a side and itā€™s so fucking silly.


Was she in the band? Then why give a shit about her?


She wrote some songs for The Division Bell and is David's wife, but that's about it.


Yoko needs to shut the fuck up


I was thinking the exact same thing. Yoko's screeching is practically more tolerable than Pollys two cents


No. https://youtu.be/oI64M_L6Uik?si=dhbLPCZvBLwzvCqq Check out Clapton's expression. He's thinking, "what the fuck is John thinking?"


What a fucking bitch lol. Pink Floyd's Yoko Ono. Will never forget that moment in the gilmour covid live streams where David is telling the story of when Syd left the band (or rather, when they decided not to pick him up), and Polly kept prodding him "who made the decision? come on, tell us! come on" and david eventually told her to stop trying to stir shit up, the answer didn't matter.


Interesting.Can you tell me the name of the exact covid stream?


It's the von trapped series I believe it's called. They did a bunch of them. Most of it is playing Cohen songs but Gilmour answers a bunch of chat questions once in a while. If I find it I'll post the link


That's so unfair on Yoko Ono. What the fuck did she ever actually do?


Can't stand that woman


I am beginning to think Polly is an ultra right wing nutjob.


You think the David runs the PF account? Tsk tsk.


ridiculous that there's such feud between elderly people, one would think they would grow somewhat in the last couple of years but no.


Oh stfu already


Why does polly Samson talk like a 16 y/o who just discovered gender studies


Her daughter in law, Janina (Charlie's wife), is from Kharkiv, one of the most heavily, indiscriminately shelled cities in the first wave of the invasion; the Gilmours went to great lengths to ensure her immediate family could escape to safety. Dave+Nick released a single to raise funds under the name Pink Floyd, a first since 2014, and it charted in UK, a first since 1994, I think. Meanwhile, Roger went to speak to the United Nations, invited by the russian ambassador, and has repeatedly spoken in public echoing russian prograganda points, such as that the invasion had been "provoked", that the fault lies with ukrainian nationalism, that the west is fueling the war sending weapons to Ukraine, that he refuses to see it through the lens of the mainstream "russophobic" sentiment, etc. So, no, while airing the dirty laundry on Twitter is rarely pretty, this is not "obsessed", this is *personal* \- big difference. Oh and she's fucking *right*, by the way.


I agree with large parts of this, but there's also the saying that the cleverer give in. And in this case this is what Polly should have done. Her use of social media to announce The Endless River was cutting edge, now it's giving off different vibes. Whatever political crap Roger is spewing doesn't erase the fact that he was a crucial part of the Pink Floyd albums that have entered cultural canon. Short of himself committing crimes, I don't see what would justify the band not at least acknowledging his 80th birthday.


And Roger's daughter in law (and by extension, his grandchildren) are Jewish. Not to mention the *little known* fact that his daddy died in the war fighting against the Nazis.   Those antisemitism accusations are probably pretty fucking *personal* for him as well.


Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to his UN speech where he openly condemned Russiaā€™s invasion?


yeahhh... no. I took the time to reread the transcript; >The invasion of Ukraine by The Russian Federation was illegal. **I condemn it in the strongest possible terms**. Also, The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not ā€œunprovokedā€, **so I also condemn the provokateurs in the strongest possible terms**. There, thatā€™s got that out of the way. As you can probably guess, this is a zero-sum condemnation. Doesn't say anything.


You think that condemning political leaders for allowing a war to happen in the first place ā€œdoesnā€™t say anythingā€? The people in that room werenā€™t the ones being killed.


He took back his condemnation of Putin in that interview with Berliner Zeitung earlier this year.


Agree. Rog used to be my fav artist. Now he is a complete moron.


I try and keep separate the art from the artist. And, Rog, *you're not helping me here*.


Don't mistake the genious for the person. We're all humans, no one is perfect. Not you, not me, not Roger, not David. Only Seamus is.


It's crazy how any sort of opposition to the ongoing war makes you a "russian shill" lol, our society has been brainwashed by the military-industrial complex


Roger has not spoken up in favour of Russia. He has simply identified areas that have contributed to the conflict that are the fault of the west. Its fair and valid and always caveats what he's saying with condemnation of any attacks on Ukraine. It boils my blood when I see such ignorance spouted with clickbait out of context bullshit articles that people like Polly Samson eat up.


>Its fair and valid and always caveats what he's saying with condemnation of any attacks on Ukraine. No. He outright *denied* the atrocities that happened in Bucha. Let's not overlook that.


Polly has always been Yoko this is nothing new. David would make up with Rog and do another album with ITTLWRW type lyrics and grunginess with Davidā€™s timeless guitar and Nickā€™s drums. But he canā€™t, wife always comes first.


Yoko Samson


ā€œI think war is bad generally and the west should make greater efforts towards diplomacy.ā€ ā€œYOURE A DIRTY PUTIN LOVING RUSSIAN SHILL AND DESERVE NOTHING BUT HATEā€ How does this woman think?


Iā€™m shocked with the comments here. Russia is waging a war of aggression that is killing innocent people, men, women, and children. There are war crimes being committed. We should all be condemning that and anyone who stands in its defense (including Roger).


Pretty sure his stance is that he doesn't want more people to die


Sheā€™s Dave silver medal and she knows it.


This really makes me dislike her a whole lot.


coordinated onerous pen compare whistle sloppy selective squealing school capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk why everyone is acting like sheā€™s in the wrong here, he said unbelievably disgusting misogynistic things about her to millions of people - almost anyone would hate him forever after that


What did he say that was misogynistic?


How much hate must someone be filled with to exhibit so much continuous vile against anyone?


polly is going crazy, over the rainbow


Hereā€™s my thing, Louise Mensch is the exact type of politician that all of Pink Floyd spoke against for YEARS. Sheā€™s the British Alex Jones and is a cyber bullying conservative monster. By simping for this monster Polly is destroying the bandā€™s legacy far more than the ā€œantisemiticā€ former member who has Jewish grandkids. And Iā€™m still waiting for those receipts, Polly! No proof of him really being antisemitic has been offered be either her or David. Maybe Dave has seen something back in the day? Why not give an account if they are so sure?


I love roger!


Another partner of an extremely talented and wealthy rock star who acts like a control freak, see Sharon Osbourne for example


I don't have any problem with Polly :)


Polly's take is either medically retarded, or insanely biased by pure hatred. The leap you have to make to think Roger is pro Putin is a huge flaky one.


Wow. It says more about than about Roger. Maybe we all need to look at her past comments about Roger. She just canā€™t let him live his life ffs.


Hasn't he been harassing her for years?