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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For toys, I definitely recommend Kong brand. My girl destroys any soft toy within minutes lol but Kong rubber toys work wonderfully. They have some that are like little puzzles that you can put treats in.


Mine loves the bobble one that's plastic and you load with treats for them to bap or nudge around to get the treats.


All the toys All the bones Nothing less is acceptable.


yep šŸ˜ Nothing less is acceptable.


If your bud is aggressive chewer, stay away from antlers. A broken tooth isnt cheap or fun for either of you.


Antlers or anything harder! Which is pretty much all big bones, especially weight baring. We use turky necks, chicken cages, kangaroo tails (all raw great for their teath) and occasionally goat horns if need something not-meaty to keep his attention (similar to antlers but a bit softer so less likely to chip tooth)


Wobble Kong, diff than regular, flirt pole to wear out between walks. Tons of excercise. A tired pup is a happy pup.


highly recommend the bark super chewer box. itā€™s been saving me money because the other super chewer toys or kong extreme are about 16-20 a piece anyway. they can still destroy some so definitely monitor and take away if they are looking like theyā€™re eating it. it does include nylabone type toys which many vets donā€™t recommend (worked for a vet dentist and the general rule is donā€™t give them anything so hard that you canā€™t push it in with a thumbnail) but i take my chances with my girl zora bc iā€™m pretty sure her teeth are stronger than nylabones. the ones i really avoid due to seeing lots of tooth fractures are deer antlers and larger bones. not worth it in my opinion. besides bark box: kong extreme, the yak cheese chews are the best chews and toys. avoid rope, avoid bully sticks (just my opinion and experience guys- we see A LOT of pets in the ER with upset stomachs or foreign bodies bc they swallowed a piece too large- just the other week a puppy had one stuck all the way from its stomach to its esophagus.)


Stay away from bones/antlers, etc. they will cause teeth damage ($$$). Bully sticks are better alternatives. Also avoid rawhide.


He's stunning šŸ˜


Toy wise. Either buy cheap at a place like Ross or Marshallā€™s. They usually run $6-8. Cheap compared to a pet store. If he is anything like my girl they are only going to last like 10-15 minutes anyway so save some money. Petsmart does have 1 type of toy that lasts and thatā€™s the Joy Hound Rip Roaring. Theyā€™re arenā€™t cheap but while no other toy has lasted longer than 30 minutes, some of these have lasted months.


[https://ruffdawg.com/](https://ruffdawg.com/) https://preview.redd.it/m9w6lajai33d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb71ed546125bc82e71d0bd58ce99de1bda6fea8


No cooked bones. Seriously, none. Raw bones are fine but keep them in the freezer before giving them out.


Post more pictures!!! Heā€™s adorable šŸ˜Š


Buy raw marrow bones from your local butcher or market


Not too many, they are really rich.


True. My dog either gets the shits or pukes after eating a raw or even leftover cooked bone. Every single time šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚




"Jawz" is the frisbee company


so weird. but my pibble is OBSESSSEDD with the spikey colored balls at tractor supply.


My boy loves to chew so I get him nylabones. They last a while and I usually throw them out once he whittles it down to a prison shank. I also subscribe to the Bark Box super chewer box for him. Both of my dogs love the new monthly toys and they can destuff as many of them as they want.


dawg-nut makes a very tough donut shaped chew toy. they last us a while. benebones are also pretty solid bones. just gotta make sure to throw them away when they get small and pointy.


My dog loves pig ears, and I hear they're a lot safer than bones or rawhide. Gives him something crunchy to chew on for a while.


KONG Brand is great. Beds, harnesses, interactive toys etc &they last


petstages super dogwood. Tricky trainers for crunchy, buddies or zukes for soft


Mammoth tirebiter was the only toy my girl Peach didnā€™t destroy, and kong with peanut butter as others have said


[Benebones from Chewy](https://www.chewy.com/brands/benebone-6513) or Amazon Kong products


Chuckit balls seem to last the longest with my destroyers. Also deer antlers are good.


Big raw meaty bones that will keep him occupied. If you get marrow bones, ask them to saw them up so he can get at the marrow


Honestly my pup can chew through Kong too, but his favorite toy in the world is this thing made of recycled fire hose. We have a figure 8 thing he loves, but it looks like they donā€™t sell that anymore. Regardless Iā€™ll add the link: [https://tugandgo.com/](https://tugandgo.com/) https://preview.redd.it/xuqg3mkxg53d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca4d0028638aae366102d3d42739f3ca13dee6e




Himalayan pet anything ! My dog loves the yum and the peanut butter cheese original chew


nylabones!! pretty affordable and keeps my pit busy for hours. also very gentle on her teeth too.




Bully sticks for sure. Theyā€™re pretty long lasting, ~15 min or so. Bestbullysticks.com has the best price and quality. For some serious firepower get the marrow bones from Jack and pup. Those things are fucking beefy. Knee caps are great but my pup has swallowed a pretty big piece whole when it get small so careful with that.


Elk antlers are the best bones


just no cooked bones! I buy beef ribs (not real meaty!) and separate them, freeze them and give one to be eaten outside! An easy healthy treat to make is canned pumpkin, egg, flour, peanut butter....mix into a stiff dough and bake in small shapes in a slow oven till crisp. Store covered and can last a long time.