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I ask people, does it have teeth? Then it *can* bite and hurt you. People act like a pit bull is gonna steal your ATM card and do donuts in your car, shout out to the lady who gasped and *pulled her purse close to her body* when my pit bull walked by. Literally what? You think my dog wants your knock off Kate Spade shit? šŸ¤£


I know were having a serious discussion but the mental image of a pitty stealing someones atm car and driving a car is too good. Genuinely thank you that made me smile. šŸ˜Š


https://preview.redd.it/jl2xt7479k7d1.jpeg?width=2680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1540fb4b50751a049b51e59e05528ec259073980 Is this the image?




What is this fancy driver wearing? Is that the PBeau 2025 pullover? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ Pretty baby.


Unicorn hoodie from petsmart


You think your dog would mind picking up my dog and taking him to daycare? I'll pay for some gas and treats.


Sure she get him some lattes too


Awesome. His usual order is a med frap with almond milk, no whip with extra caramel drizzle. Shaken, not stirred.


thats not a dog thats a dawg.


https://preview.redd.it/6381s9roiq7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e76b99d1359ad7df88af1c7784d7fb1685cb66 Not this baby


Yes, officers, this dog right here!


I would request this Uber!


and best way to tip -- Milk Bones!!


If they were a tiny bit smarter, it wouldn't surprise me. I'd find my car in a ditch by the park while the whole army of dogs runs free, playing dominoes and freestyling with the homies.


This is great just imagining a big group of doggos in the cypher


Have you ever seen a dog sitting perfectly in the drivers seat while waiting for its owner? They look like they are actually driving. This cracks me up each time. This is exactly the scene I picture in my head with this specific scenario. LOL.


It's funny to imagine the human coming out & getting in the passenger seat




There is no doubt in my mind that my dogs would steal my car if they could reach the keys. šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/q8wyw0aljp7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92dc2bb5f94309f20d38436380f825cdf5952080 Letā€™s roll! Says Chloe and Goose.


You forgot the Kate Spade knock off. Sorry, no you didn't. Because big dawg would only "borrow" the real deal. Yoink šŸ‘›


All powerful animals have to be treated with the proper respect and care, just like you do a gun or the damned ocean. They all can kill you in certain circumstances; why be an idiot? A GSD or a mastiff or a St. Bernard all should be treated with respect of their strength.


Small dogs too- a bite will hurt and get infected no matter the size of the dog


Here is an honorable mention for cat bites! Plus letā€™s not forget scratches, from all mammals.


I remember finding out the hard way that ā€œCat Scratch Feverā€ was more than just a song


A guy I used to work for almost lost his hand because his cat scratched him and he shrugged it off. 3 days later he woke up and his fingers were starting to turn black. Cats claws are filthy and *will* cause an infection if you don't clean the cut ASAP. Other domesticated animals *can* cause similar problems, but cats *will*, apparently its a hunting feature šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Best practice is to just clean any cut as soon as you can


Just cleaning a cut is not always enough when it comes to cats. Both teeth and claws go into you and then retract, which leaves any bacteria or dirt that was on them or under them in your skin deep down. The only thing that can treat that is antibiotics. I cleaned my wounds with hydrogen peroxide and the very next morning I was in the hospital with my face bloated looking like I had been stung by a 100 bees. I needed to go back to the hospital for IV antibiotics once a day for 3 days


Damn, that doesn't sound like a good time at all. I guess I've been lucky the couple times I've been bitten and scratched, I flinched enough that the wound got dragged a little, and I could get right to the bottom. I thought the flinch was a bad thing because it made the bite wound like 4 times as big. I won't claim to be a medical professional, though, so probably best to talk to one of them lol


Thatā€™s why a lot of dog groomers wonā€™t do cats. Cat teeth are like hypodermic needles. Cat bites aaalways get infected.


Ok but to be fair this asshole stole my atm card, bought $300 of random shit at TJ Maxx AND THEN did spin outs in their parking lot in some strangerā€™s Hyundai sonata before I could even realize it. This was all after punching a baby in the face. Unbelievable. https://preview.redd.it/drjm1y6x0m7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=07ceca5cb2d36c87acdfc572ddd98c1e260381e3


Omfg lmfao I just hurt my back laughing at the knock off kate spade shit!! ā€¦. WORTH IT! Lmao šŸ¤£


I mean my pit stole my steak all the time but really it was me eating her steak if Iā€™m being honest


Ooh, good point, maybe that lady was afraid of losing her emergency purse steak.


Common sense is not so common these days. Lmao, clutched her purse when your pitty walked bye. Jesus!!!! Lmao, thatā€™s literally fucking insane.


I would love to see a Pitbull steal someoneā€™s bank card to be fair šŸ˜‚


My old Staffy managed to knock a bag of weed out of some guys pocket at the atm. Fair she wasn't truly a pitty, but still robbed someone at an ATM šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


My GSD stole a guys keys out of his pants pocket once. He had one of those fuzzy keychains that looks like a raccoonā€™s tail...


I know this is a serious topic but maaate im fucking dyyying at what you said about people clasping their bag closer!!x


My dog had class thank you, he only wears gucci


Next time you see her tell her, "don't worry, you're safe, my dog doesn't like knock-off Kate Spade!"


One time when my husband and I took our pittie out on an errand run, he hopped out of our car (leashed!) and some lady screamed,ā€pitbull!!ā€ before aggressively scooping up her tiny dog and running into a Homegoods store. Literally our elderly pug is more aggressive than he is and bullies him! šŸ˜­


Lolol imagining my pit bull driving my car is cracking me up. Sheā€™d love using it to chase squirrels


I would pay real money to see OP's pibble swipe the ahole boomer's ATM card and car, then do donuts in it.


People donā€™t realize that even toy breeds can cause serious harm and/or death to a young child. Hell, Iā€™ve had to get stitches after being bit by a chihuahua, and Iā€™m a grown ass adult. When I was training, I would stress to my clients, regardless of breed, to NEVER leave their dog unsupervised with anyone younger than 12. By 12 most kids are old enough to understand that their dogs are not toys and to be able to defend themselves from a bite if an incident should happen. Most, not all, but most kids 12 and up also have an understanding of how to properly interact with their dog, and how to prevent an incident that may lead to a bite. There are always exceptions, but that was my rule and 90% of my clients would at least pretend to be on the same page.


Right? You are putting so much pressure on a dog ans that is totally unnecessary


Chihuahuas are the most aggressive dog in my opinion they just canā€™t do as much damage as a big dog.


In my experience, the most aggressive dog is the one whose humans wonā€™t teach it rules, boundaries and manners. I used to work specifically with aggressive dogs. Out of the hundreds of dogs I worked with, I can count the number of bully breeds on one hand. 99.99% of my bully breed clients were on top of making sure their dogs did not live up to the media hystereotype and were well behaved.




Yep, thatā€™s what ya gotta do when u have a pitty in the fam.


Can confirm!


Theyā€™re small and kids donā€™t know how to respect their space. If I was that small and fragile Iā€™d be jumpy too


People are great at assuming that because something hasn't happened to them yet, that it never will. I was bitten by a dachshund as a child because the adults around me weren't vigilant enough and I was too young to take "leave the dog alone" to heart. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yes! This especially can be true if you have multiple small dogs, which many people tend to do with smaller breeds. A few years ago, a woman in my state was mauled by a pack of dachshunds. She passed due to it. Any animal with a mouth is capable of biting, and can be deadly. Children should not be left alone with pets, period.


Thank you. Common sense is a breath of fresh air.


This! I even had to talk to my niece about how to act around a dog. One time, she got mad at our Italian greyhound and kicked her and I scolded her for about 30 minutes on why that was wrong. She knows she canā€™t do that to my pittie because he will protect himself.


Yeah, I didn't realize how nasty people were towards pits until I got mine. And it wasn't until then that I realized how AWESOME they are! Every animal regardless of breed can have mental wellness issues especially if they have been abused all their life. If your dog is anything like mine, they would give their life for that baby. My big boy gives my kids and I a night night kiss every night before he crawls into his bed and has literally NEVER shown aggression - they aren't the monsters the media makes them out to be. Now Chihuahuas on the other hand... šŸ˜‚




Chonk-o. Look at this babyā€™s chest! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Yep! Hims is 110 lbs šŸ˜


I would be broke if he asked for treats. Heā€™s a doll.


Oh oh, heā€™s got his prisoner orange on!šŸ¤­ Is he in timeout for asking for just one more treat?šŸ¶ For the twelfth time??šŸ’• Looks like a major sweetie!


He's out on good behavior šŸ˜‚


I thought he was in a prison jump suit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Precious pupper!! I agree 100% with everything you said!


Chihuahuas were bred to hunt and kill rats, they have a high prey drive. When you combine that with an irresponsible owner who reinforces aggressive behavior as "cute" or "funny", you get a nightmare of tiny teeth on four legs. Is that the chihuahuas' fault? Nope. They're just doing what their instinct, reinforced by terrible training, tells them to do. Sometimes I feel like people should have to go through a rigorous training program to earn the right to get a dog.


Haha yeah, that was really just a joke to take some of the heat off of pitties šŸ˜‚. Any dog can be an asshole if the conditions are right (or wrong I guess you'd say)


As well you should, cuz pitties are wonderful dogs. Just spreading some knowledge that some folks might not already have, and trying to encourage people who may be considering getting a dog to do the damn research first.


Chis get a bad rep too unfortunately, both these babies are just misunderstood


Yeah, that was really just a joke - all dogs can be an asshole if the conditions are right haha


Down with chihuahua slander! They can be great dogs if they're trained and socialized appropriately šŸ˜­


Haha yeah, that was really just a joke to take some of the heat off of pitties šŸ˜‚. Any dog can be an asshole if the conditions are right


For real. I adopted a pit bull recently and letā€™s just say she gets a very different reaction to any of my golden retrievers. Some people are happy to say hiā€¦ others give a rude look. Itā€™s funny how sheā€™s friendlier than my other dog who is lab mix, a breed thatā€™s always commented on how friendly they are. She doesnā€™t like other dogs and I donā€™t let her interact with kids since sheā€™s never been around any and Iā€™m afraid sheā€™d try to boss them around. Though as op said I wouldnā€™t leave any kid alone around a dog since at the end of the day their animals and unpredictable and kids can just as easily make an animal mad in a way youā€™ve never seen before.


My god, that man needs to educate himself. My pittie hung out with my toddler nephew , even my high energy dog was like woah. This human is a lot. Too much energy for me. šŸ˜‚ And she fell asleep after like 20 min. with him šŸ˜‚Poor thing drained the vicious high energy pitpullšŸ˜‚


Omg the same thing happened to mine at Christmas. "I'm gonna go hang out with Grandma; she's a lot more chill"


I was gonna say, it's meaner for the dog lol.


Humans are far more unpredictable than dogs in my experience.


This is always my argument and the pitbull haters don't like it. Humans are way more violent, aggressive and responsible for more deaths than pitbulls ever were.


The Cheat, what are you doing? Browsing Reddit again?




The Cheat is **grounded**.




The system... Is down.


The system system systemā€¦the systemā€¦is down


The cheat, we installed this light switch to turn the lights on and off, not so you could throw light switching raves.


My Amstaff is the best dog I have ever had.




Exactly. Dog give us warning sings 99% of the time. Some just ignore them/donā€™t understand them


This should be at the top!


How are you feeling now? I am sorry you experienced this. Sounds like you did the best you could given the situation. This picture is precious btw.


I'm really sorry you had to deal with that. I feel you wholeheartedly. My aunt called Adult Protective Services on me while my mom was on hospice. When they got to the house, they called to confirm that the vicious dogs were secured. Mind you, I only have one dog as our other one was put down due to age and health. She doesn't know because she's not ever around or involved. The one dog I have grandma told me to get. Specifically, this breed. Her request. Now my aunt says I'm forcing grandma to live in unsafe conditions. šŸ™„ my nurse hippo helped mom pass in the most peaceful easy death I have ever been witness to. šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/mj29xo8pzj7d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4283a7c2893ff9d271f092ca1a696b518d7956


1) I'm very sorry for your loss. 2) That pup looks sweet, and like all she wanted to do was give love. 3) Your aunt is an asshole.


1) Thank you. It was honestly the most peaceful and easy death I have been privileged to be part of. 2) šŸ˜‰ He is an absolute nuggle puppy. My mom was known for not touching dogs or wanting them to touch her. I have pictures and videos of her playing with him. Petting him. Laughing and smiling with him. 3) I think you put that nicely. šŸ¤­


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. As an APS investigator and pittie owner myself, we have to be as cautious as possible going into peopleā€™s homes unannounced. I do apologize for how they phrased it though :( I hope you were treated kindly.


APS has been amazing. The first abuse allegations I actually reported myself. It was the third time I had police at the house to get her to leave the property. She told the officers that she and my siblings question the care I give and believe I'm using their assets at solely my discretion. I told her to call APS then. She deflected. I told the officers they were legally obligated to report me. They said, "I'm not doing this with you." So, I reported myself. They pulled financials back to 2019. All allegations were UNSUBSTANTIATED. My mom practically yelled,"I want you to let me die!" at her PA during a follow-up Thursday morning. By the time we got home, she aspirated every time she tried to take a drink. By Fri, she wasn't able to eat or drink. She had stopped helping roll herself for changes and wound care. She was near non-verbal. Saturday, we started hospice. I requested to hold back on the meds as long as she was comfortable so my brother could have time to get here. Sunday, about 2 pm, she joined Daddy for Father's Day. šŸ„°šŸ’œšŸ„°


šŸ˜­oh my gosh, you are really doing a number on me this morning! ā¤ļøiā€™m glad they are together again. thank you again for your story.


šŸ˜°nurse hippoā¤ļø thank you for the story and pic. what a sweetie!


He has been our family's perfect puppy. šŸ„°


https://preview.redd.it/wn8olpdhfk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af14ede482ba8c7d5ca99bd9cbf1b0b669b70e87 Just had our first baby and the fur girls were excited at first because he was new. Now at a month old they patiently lay next to him as he screams getting his diaper changed and love to lick his toes. All dogs need to be supervised and can learn that babies are small to be gentle when near them.


https://preview.redd.it/fpuok17yjk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f012c6939f096afe386e05f59f273ea0a525138 They are best friends. I would NEVER leave them alone together!


If ppl would take care of and mind their own business, our world would be a nicer place. But that's too much to ask.


https://preview.redd.it/4xnh98up7m7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd68570b612a9bf3615bc9925f69f847e1873ec My kids are in real danger, aren't they. šŸ˜‚


All I can say is typical boomer behavior. Take deep breaths and don't take it personally. That generation has issues. You did a great job and I would probably be shaking with anxiety, as well. I hate confrontation. And you're right--no child should be left alone with any dog, 5 lbs or 100 lbs. It's moronic. P.S. I loved your comeback about why his kids don't call. Bc you were probably right. šŸ¤£ They can be *so* insufferable.


Itā€™s legit exhausting.


https://preview.redd.it/fmofgwhwal7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356cc6c3ce4cba1b6f03ba373b0bede9900c7150 This dog, Mr. Scout Trousers, tolerates my kid better than I do. My son bear hugs that dog and he takes it with stride. (My son has special needs and doesn't know his own strength) When my son has a seizure, Scouty lays with him and kisses him until he feels better. But yes, please keep telling me how vicious my pittie is.


Pit Bulls have averaged an 83.4% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society. That's a better score than Golden Retrievers and the popular Border Collie (both known for being family dogs), which scored between 79.6% to 82%, respectively. According to the American Temperament Test Society, pit-bull type dogs score in the top 23% of all dogs tested. On average they score above the Golden Retriever and typically have an excellent temperament. These results appear in line with studies published in ā€œJournal of Applied Animal Behaviour Scienceā€‹ā€ and ā€œJournal of Veterinary Behaviorā€‹ā€ that conclude that breed does not determine aggression.


A [2022 study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?cookieSet=1) of breeds and traits concluded that breed is almost uninformative when determining a dog's reactivity, or its sociability. Furthermore, [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. If you did not comprehend that, what this tells us is that pitbulls bite more because there are more pitbulls than other breeds, but they don't bite anymore than their share of the dog population. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes. I was saying what you are saying, just not as well. I 100% agree with you. I love Pitts.




Wow. Fuck that man. Making chaos and anxiety for others for no reason. Jesus. Kudos to you having the bravery to stand up to him in a firm way! ā¤ļø


Better tip. Donā€™t leave toddlers alone. Also, my cat was way more of an asshole to my son than doggo ever was.


What I see on Reddit, people cares too much on other's oppinion. Try to learn don't give a shit, in any topic, including dogs. Live for yourself, live as you like, and don't get bothered by anybody else. I mean literally anybody.


The problem is people like this man *vote* and make pit bulls illegal causing them to be euthanized. My dog cannot vote or speak up for herself. I'll pepper spray a motherfucker for her.


also, county banning that prevents people from owning them.


100%. literally fuck everyone online and in person that gives you shit, they donā€™t know you so why would it everrrr matter what they think!


Because there are entire cities where pit bulls are legally euthanized en masse because of people who think like this. It does matter.


Not to mention entire Country's where Pit bull breeds are literally banned from ownership!


Fight, when the time comes for that. No reason for daily fight, to stress up ourselves. People will slowly understand that coca cola is unhealthy. Takes time. Be patient, and do your job. Educate them..


**Proud of you!!!** I would be shaking too, thatā€™s your baby and you defended them. There will always be horrible people like this, I have to remember too to not let them get to me. Your response was *perfect.*


I really hate those kind of people.. ā€¦my 11 month old kitten bites harder and more viciously than my 13 year old nanny pitbullā€¦.


Kittens between 4-18mo are basically little land sharks.


Iā€™m so sorry you experienced this :( people need to learn to keep their mouth shut. If you donā€™t have anything nice to say then donā€™t say anything at all. Both of your babies are beautiful šŸ’š


I just want to add that all Boomers are not super busy bodies. I missed being one by a year (Iā€™m Gen X) and Iā€™m married to one. We both adore animals. I can promise you that if we had come upon your lovely family, I would have asked nicely if I could pet your doggie. No unsolicited advice would ever leave either of our lips.


With just about any animal, you're either risking the child hurting the pet, the pet hurting the child, or both.


I donā€™t leave kids around my dog alone because I donā€™t know what the kids are capable of. My kids are grown. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be different with the grandkids. I also have 4 dogs and the ankle biter can be a feisty lil Ahole sometimes. šŸ¤£


"You're entitled to parent your own child, and I'm entitled to parent mine. I don't know you, I didn't ask you for advice, and I don't value your opinion. Leave now, please and thank you."




No you get in the back


https://preview.redd.it/kv94qwweml7d1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72753a671324320ea917919ce6d68eee40c06537 Best friends!


Had a mastiff bite my big toe and it only be black and blue. Had a little yorkie bite and leave a scar on my pinky. My sister has a mastiff/pitbull mix and sure he plays rough, but heā€™s just a rotund boy. Any dog can be trained to be bad.


A Pomeranian has killed a baby before, a dog is ultimately an animal. Nobody should ever leave a kid unattended with a dog big enough to kill. That being said, my pit never showed any aggressive behavior towards any human ever. As big of a sweetheart he was, he killed two feral cats and a dog that dug to get into our yard. https://preview.redd.it/1vujqhht2l7d1.jpeg?width=5312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89530370653acf40852d12096fb5ca840263d50d


Sheā€™s a good girl


Sheā€™s a good girl


Our last guy was the most gentle friendly and well behaved dog. There was a woman who would walk her little dog on same route and would pick up her dog and act like I had no business being on same block with my dog. Dirty looks and all. Honestly don't know why but it really bothered me and I know it shouldn't have. One day we are walking and she had stopped on path to talk on phone. Her little angel got loose and took a chunk out of a 6 year old riding by on his bike. Blood and everything. Thank God child was fine but I could not resist telling this woman it's not the breed its the owner.


You did a fantastic job shutting that prick down, bravo!! You sound like a great kid parent & doggy parent. Hats off to you!!


That is an absolutely brilliant response.


Excellent response OP. Iā€™m so sorry you experienced this. Makes me angry and sad for you.


I LOVE dogs with my whole heart including pitties. However I would never leave small children alone with them or any other dog. Itā€™s not the dogs fault but I am super cautious. . You just never know. Why take the chance?


Well no. Kids can be completely horrible and nasty to dogs.


And yet, even with bad anxiety AND your child with you, you were more than strong enough to put this piece of wrinkly old sh*t in his place ...so proud of you !!! You're an amazing example for your baby !! So very well done, you


Especially, a Chihuahua!


My pit will bite me if I rough house too much with my child. I will leave them with the pit before I leave them with a priest.


This is a beautiful picture


okay i have to applaud this tho cause the way you defended all aspects of the situation while also calling out a stranger is just.. man youre amazing. thats everything i wish i could say to people who hate on any breed. of course its got potential to be dangerous, its an ANIMAL. nobody who actually owns animals is expecting them to be teddy bears. thats what teddy bears are for.


You know whatā€™s more unpredictable than a pitbull? A kid.


Cocker spaniels bite more people than pit bulls each year


Further to this note, do not buy your child squeaky shoes. They will become walking squeaky toys.


Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Many dogs have been sent to the pound or worse because people didn't watch them around small children. Children may innocently hurt dogs by sticking their fingers into a dog's eyes or ears or even sit on them.


Not just pitties, many a dog has lost its home ( dumped in the pound, or euthanized) because adults didn't watch their small children interacting with them. Children innocently may hurt a dog by sticking fingers into their eyes or ears, sometimes even sitting on them.


And I love you all!!!ā¤ļøgreat stance Zenaā€¦!!! (ANDā€¦great picture!!!)


Exactly! I honestly dont see why ppl don't get that.


He was an asshole. You were right to stand your ground The emotional attack makes my lonely boomer heart sad. I really deal with these things (without approaching strangers) , and that was just distressing. My pitbull and I are hoping you stay safe, and unaccousted


The pepper spray was a nice touch


Sorry can't relate, my pit raised my children. /s


If you've got kids and want to get a dog, research the breed you're interested in. Learn about their drives, behaviors, and needs to be sure you can handle them and that they will be able to handle your kids. Same if you've got a dog and want to have kids. Research the breed of kid you're interested in having to be sure it'll interact well with the dog you already have. Leaving your small children alone with any pet is a stupid, irresponsible choice. Small children are (relatively) stupid about how to interact with animals. Even the most loving and gentle dog might snap if they're getting their ass spanked with a wiffle-ball bat or their ears/tail yanked. And if you don't know how to supervise and train your kids and pets how to interact with each other, you really shouldn't have either.


Nicely done!!


Kids need to be supervised around animals, period. Any animal. All animals.


Say it louder for the people in the back.


Sorry, OP that you had to deal with an ignorant assh@le, but your response was epic. Thanks for standing up for your pibble. šŸ„¹


My girl LOVES the children in the family. She will standby and watch them all chase each other and scream, she wonā€™t join in but sheā€™ll attentively watch. She doesnā€™t flinch when they run near or passed her. She sits near and watches the girls play dolls together. My 2 year old nephew was feeding her pretzels and she just knew to be gentle and was taking the food so gently šŸ˜« I adore her!


Iā€™m a boomer. Tail end. Gen Jones really. My point? Iā€™m a huge pitbull advocate in my area and rescued one in Miami-Dade when there was still a breed ban. Please donā€™t lump me in with these cunts.


I do it all the time.


Any animalā€¦and many humans!




Kids do fucked up things to dogs period.


Wait, I'm not supposed to feed my pitty unsupervised children? What is Bella Rose supposed to eat?*


Thank you OP for the absolute perfect and best response to any other ignorant pittie comments about kids. That's genuinely the perfect way to respond, and major props for holding your ground and keeping yourself calm and your response classy and informative. Keep on keeping on, you amazing mama šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Rule 1:


a taser wouldā€™ve quickly solved this issue.


What a good nanny dog šŸ˜šŸ˜ Also, youā€™re correct. Donā€™t leave a dog alone with a child. Buttt if I had to leave the room for a minute, Iā€™d rather my kid be with a pittie than a chihuahua.


That's it exactly.


If i had kids, i wouldn't leave them alone with my dogs!!!


That is the most beautiful picture and says so many beautiful things about people and dogs, especially pitties. Thanks so much for posting this pic.


my moms dog is a shih tzu pekingnese mix and we also have a pitbull. The shih tzu will bully my pitbull bc he has a treat and he doesnā€™t(shih tzu) and the shih tzu(not to put him down or anything bc heā€™s nice and will defend us or himself if need be & he doesnā€™t have behavioral issues or anything) bit my moms friend twin daughter on two occasions bc on one occasion (I wasnā€™t around but everyone else was) she hurt him or did something to him bc he doesnā€™t bite unprovoked and obviously toddlers are unpredictable as well so my dad got mad at the shih tzu bc he bit the child when in reality that wasnā€™t his fault and he was protecting himself bc he was scared of her and they werenā€™t watching the child. The pit bull on the other hand is the sweetest creature alive and he loves everyone and everything(not the vacuum though). The other occasion was him trying to get some and he encountered her and he growled and bit her(I also wasnā€™t around). Now Iā€™ve seen him growl and go wide eyed when she touched him and since I was there I guided the kid somewhere else. BUT I say all that to say this. The shih tzu not longer bites the toddler bc I worked with him and the toddler to teach them both that hurting an animal isnā€™t okay and hurting a kid isnā€™t okay. So it is all well but my dad was really upset at the dog bc he just heard the dog bit the baby without knowing why and my dad doesnā€™t care for animals but he loves his family so I explained that he didnā€™t bite unprovoked bc he never does but she hurt him so heā€™s gonna protect himself. Supervision is important with kids AND dogs. TLDR; my dog bit a kid bc she hurt him and had to be taught how to not to that and a mother had to be taught to watch her child around dogs and how to treat animals correctly. Also my pitbull is a sweetie with a heart of goldšŸ„¹


Someone tried to do this with me and my pit lab mix, except I was the kid, I was 17 but still they said my parents should not leave me alone with a dog like that, I said it's my dog for one for two you need to mind your own business and three I'm 17 years old I don't need to be supervised 24/7, the dog was also 6 months old


I don't even leave my dogs alone together. I would NEVER leave a KID alone with them! You put that maroon in his place.


"I'd never leave my kids alone with a pitbull" he said... as you're standing there... WITH your kid and dog... Seriously, what possesses people to dump their ignorant opinions on literal strangers just walking down the street? I'll never get it.


Great job! You did well my friend.


YOU DID GREAT! I know you didn't feel great right after that happened, but I think you did the right thing by that guy. He was an extreme a**h***, and desperate times call for desperate measures. You struck a major blow to your anxiety; you are winning, it isn't!šŸ˜€šŸ’ŖšŸ¦¾




My babies are little, they don't understand personal space or that they can cause pain. It's just best not to put a dog in the situation


I trust my dogs with my life but my youngest age 3 does not respect their personal space, pulls on them, pets their hair backwards etc. I correct him or don't allow him to touch the dog. I do not leave them alone unattended I've seen how badly it can go with a previous dog I've had.


I know exactly what you felt. Confrontation is really hard with anxiety but you did really good. I typically freeze up too much to find the right words. Im glad you were able to stand up for yourself and your dog! That shaking feeling lasts waaay too long after something like thatšŸ˜­


My girl is wonderful with kids. Sheā€™s a big powerful girl at 85lbs and a big lover. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t watch her like a hawk when kids are around her though.


Animals act on instinct they dont have the concept of right or wrong like we do so you should always consider them dangerous and be in control of them. Better safe than sorry


You can easily train dogs. Training parents is much more difficult.


Kids should be supervised with any animal. The kids could be hurt, but the animal could be hurt too. Kids donā€™t really understand how to be gentle with animals. I once had to yell at an unsupervised kid for dragging a rabbit around by its back legs. I was just a random bystander but the parents were awol and I didnā€™t want to see an animal hurt.




My pit has literally saved myself from seizures. He has attacked a stray dog from attacking my 4 year old so people need to learn how to train dogs they are not humans. It's important to teach your dog dos and don'ts to children as it is important to teach children to treat your dog right too.


Donā€™t let anyone tell you how to take care of your self, your pet and their snacks. Life is too short to let other people dictate itā¤ļø


Im SO proud of you and what you said is dead on!




You are an awesome pet parent and of course a child parent!! Much love from one mom to another!!šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‰šŸ˜