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They must’ve, uh, y’know 86ed it


I think I love you


So what am i so afraid of? 😎 (Edit: misremembered the line)


Afraid that I'm not sure of


Thank you


I've called PRT but haven't gotten anywhere and don't have time to sit on hold. I wasn't asking people to solve the problem, I was asking if others have experienced this.


You don't need to wait on hold, just file a complaint and leave your name, they will follow up with you. The GPS tracking requires manual input to work, and clearly this operator on this run is doing it wrong, and needs to be trained properly. I know it's annoying but please call and report it to PRT customer service!


Thanks! I think I've just called during busy times, so I will absolutely try it at a less busy time to just file a complaint.


I replied to another comment too, but I've noticed that the 6:58 inbound always displays Wilkinsburg instead of downtown, so it won't show up on the tracker. It's been getting cancelled on average one day a week by my guess, so for that I have the [PRT Transit Alerts](https://twitter.com/PghTransitAlert) twitter bookmarked so I know to take the 87 instead


Do you want an answer to your question or do you just want others who can vent with you? I'd rather just call PRT or visit their offices downtown and get an answer than trying to find others online who share the same experience. But what do I know


When you've called PRT about issues you've had, have you gotten a good response?


They're better than asking random people on the internet. The few times I have called they have actually helped me, especially with detours around holidays and events. They have a twitter account that is pretty active as well. https://twitter.com/PghTransitCare


PRT has a history of cutting some bus times "behind the scenes" without public knowledge. I'm a daily bus user on this line, and never saw a posting. I am serious just asking if others have experienced this. I *have* called PRT twice and was put on hold for over 5 minutes and wasn't able to continue on the call, I do track my bus (how do you think i know it isn't coming for up to an hour and fifteen minutes). Not just venting here -- truly wanting to know if others have experienced this with the 86 OR other buses, so until I can get an answer from PRT, I can piece together if this is one of those times they are lowering the number of buses as a trial run. They used to have sometimes 4 buses running in the morning on this route. Now PRT tracking app shows 1 or 2 during morning commute. Again, I have looked into this. Reddit isn't my "first and only." I have spent 2 months talking to actual people I share a bus stop with, tracking with the PRT website, and calling twice.


I applaud your patience


Lol you've waited for 5 min and hung up? You've spent 20 minutes here on this reddit thread


https://twitter.com/PghTransitCare contact them here


Honestly if OP had a bad experience on the phone do you think twitter will help? Is your theory they might just get different people?


What link should i use to find an answer?


I'm glad to hear that. I can recall calling them twice in the last several years and getting absolutely nowhere. Seems like maybe OP had a similar experience and now is either venting or hoping for a crowd-sourced suggestion for how to work around it.


https://twitter.com/PghTransitCare Op can send them a message here


Bullshit they are.


It's like PRT doesn't really get that even a little unreliability can really erode ridership. For most people, getting to work on time isn't optional and if the bus is going to make them late even 10% of the time they're going to find another mode of transportation. They're literally going to kill the whole system with stuff like this. As ridership declines PRT will find it more difficult to justify $ from the state/feds, so less reliability, etc. And the customer service is literally a joke. Last time I called that was circa 2016 after waiting over and hour for a 71D. When they finally answered, 1) no explanation or info on when the next bus would arrive and 2) all they wanted to do was talk me out of making a complaint on the record. it was a weird conversation, and they wouldn't allow me to leave a name and number for someone to reach back out to me. i got the distinct sense that they didn't want any record of the incident for the statistics. In short, it went beyond not giving a fuck. I can totally picture the entire system collapsing within in a decade.


the problem is that a lot of people literally don’t have another option. many people can’t drive or don’t have a personal vehicle, don’t live within walking distance of their job, don’t live near coworkers to carpool with, and can’t afford to use ride-share apps everyday. sometimes public transit is really the only choice, and it really sucks that PRT absolutely does not give a single shit about those people, because the company knows people will keep using the bus anyway because they have to.


Yep.  You're right. I'm lucky in that I own a car and can replace my downtown job w remote work or something I can easily drive to.  Many cannot.   Public transit is a delicate ecosystem.  Obviously poor people on a bus are like a crying baby in a thrift store.  But if things trend too far in that direction, I feel like the 'normies' get weirded out.  I already have one coworker who now drives because of some very legit  sketch encounters at Wilkinsburg station.  And she's no suburban Karen.  I think things are getting better lately, but my point is a decent number of normie commuters and students helps keep the transit ecosystem in the eclectic zone and out of the dystopian zone, if that makes sense.  And as reliability drops you can start to lose 'normie' riders and things will get weird, which will further reduce ridership.  I know Im pessimistic but ...


I know an Uber driver who said that many of his early morning trips are people going to minimum wage service jobs after the last round of cuts. These people are probably spending a third of their income on transportation.


If this continues, we could reach a point where they’re only able to provide service on the busiest corridors like 61/71, busways, and the red and blue T lines. They’ve fucked up the 67 so bad this past year that I just don’t ride it anymore unless absolutely necessary. It doesn’t run the full route on weekends, the buses are always late and packed to the doors because of the god awful headways, and occasionally a bus is 10 minutes early or a no-show and everyone is left to wait another hour. Without the PRT functioning, a lot of people will have to leave. I know people who don’t drive that rely on the PRT for every trip. The amount of times that they cannot complete a simple trip because of no-show buses is pathetic, and it impacts their opportunities at work/school.


please call and report this to PRT. The GPS tracking requires manual input to work, and clearly this operator on this run is doing it wrong, and needs to be trained properly. I know it's annoying but please call and report it to PRT customer service!


Track it here https://truetime.rideprt.org/map


You can't track the 6:58 inbound because it always says Wilkinsburg on the front so it doesn't show up on the tracker - I have the [PRT Transit Alerts](https://twitter.com/PghTransitAlert) twitter bookmarked so I can see if it's cancelled or not


I used to take the 86B when it still existed, so like 2005?ish, and I swear I would watch 2-3 of the bus headed outbound in the morning before one showed up inbound. (Inbound was supposed to be every 10 minutes. It very definitely was not.) This isn't helpful for your actual purposes, but your note reminded me of how absolutely annoying that was.


I remember when it ran every 10 Min.


There was a period of about ten years that this kept happening to me. No matter what bus route, no matter what origin and destination, sometimes the scheduled bus would come. Sometimes not. What a horrible feeling when you look at the schedule and see the next scheduled bus will come in an hour, and that's only if it actually comes! I've driven everywhere since, and have never tried to make use of public transit again. I read on reddit multiple times that people were gushing about what a great public transportation system Pittsburgh has (usually in the context of responding to some outsider contemplating moving to Pittsburgh). I wondered if they had improved things. Maybe they have, but apparently not for you. And I'm not going to try to see if they might have changed for me.


This exact thing has happened to me with the 75 in the last few months.


Used to happen to me back in the day like 2016 or so


Same! This also happened to me twice back in October of '83.


Oh wowzzz. 😔


PRT is surprisingly super-receptive to responding on Twitter. The problem probably lies in staffing, if I had to guess.


Try calling PRT


Prt doesn’t care about us and never will


PRT is a mess. It won't get any better with all the work from home. $150 million for T repairs and service is not being enhanced or extended beyond the current routes.


Did you call prt? Seems like they would have more knowledge than Reddit classic /r/pittsburgh let's downvote the actual answers


People are downvoting you because you are being an asshole. They were just asking if it has happened to anyone else / if anyone else knew anything.


What you posted isn’t an answer, toolbox.


Why make a call and be forced to speak to a person when you can ask Reddit randos for sketchy info at best?


Idk if you know this, but... People are capable... Of complaining online... After also complaining... To the source. We're multifaceted individuals you see ✨️


NGL, pretty frequently /r/pittsburgh makes me wonder how some people were smart enough to make an account and find their way here in the first place.


it’s wild to me how I see people getting shamed constantly for coming to this sub and asking for other peoples experiences. That’s all we’re doing is we’re bouncing ideas off of each other and seeing if other people have the same experience as us if you don’t like that you probably should just leave.


This is wild lol OP doesn't want their complaint fixed, they would rather find others who have experienced this issue. Never seen this before. Oh well I'm not gonna care about op anymore cause they don't want to seem to want to fix anything


It seems like this is an ongoing issue and passing on information so that more people can speak up is a valid precursor to affecting change. You have provided nothing of use in this thread, just criticism, when you could have just scrolled past, but hey, let’s get annoyed with the people who are using the resources they have available to at least try to make things better while simultaneously failing to place accountability on the actually program/people who have control over it and aren’t operating as advertised.


Criticism does nothing unless it gets to the right people. PRT doesn't monitor Reddit, you have to call in and report it. The employees on the phone literally tell you this.


Which the OP had already done. If others know it’s an ongoing issue, they’d be more likely to call in themselves when they experience it. There’s nothing wrong with people using this subreddit for what it’s intended.


Where did OP say they did that? I only saw a comment where someone didn't want to wait on hold.


interested in other peoples experiences. what about that is confusing to you




It’s unlikely the people who read the very first sentence in the post will reply with such a shitty response


> It’s unlikely the people who read the very first sentence in the post will reply with such a shitty response "Has anyone else experienced this? The last 2 months the 86 just doesn't come for over an hour in the mornings." So what are they exactly asking for then? Maybe you can explain better


Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions here, but I interpreted the phrase "has anyone else experienced this" as asking if anyone else has experienced this.


That's not really a productive discussion though. Was op wanting someone to magically have an answer if enough people vented?


Maybe? How do you know the driver won’t see it and comment? How do you know someone won’t say “hey actually they skip these four stops now, I’m not sure why it wasn’t announced!” It’s *almost like* open communication and discourse could lead to an answer. I personally found the fact the early one is marked as Wilkinsburg and therefore can’t be tracked as helpful. But I guess you’ve got nothing better to do than comment on this post 7 times 😂


Not every discussion has to be productive, this is Reddit. Though I will say, everyone sharing their recent experiences with PRT is probably more productive than you commenting with the link to their Twitter over and over again.


>That's not really a productive discussion though. Who the hell are you? The discussion police? People can have any discussion they feel like having and your stance is you want to shut it down because YOU cant personally contribute. YOU not understanding the issue clearly, and having nothing to contribute just means you should probably just stay out of the discussion. If you listen you might just learn something.


"I don't have this info so it must mean no one in the world does"


Wow what a arrogant response.. Spoken like a true Mount Lebanon. In my opinion on reddit, you are more likely to get answers on this thread than calling a number and being on hold.


How can you tell someone is from Mt. Lebanon? Don't worry, they'll tell you.