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Just found his Instagram. Nothing says "Mega-Church Pastor" more than a pic in front of a private jet. Take a look at the profiles in his comments, its full of mentally unwell people. Literally a bunch of empty brained morons in religious psychosis.


Tax these fuckers


Honestly seeing the jet get seized would feel like a religious experience to me 


Don't threaten me with a good time


(Church Admission already has that fully covered.)


Did you see the post where he insulted all of the other children who participated in a talent show with his daughter? So christiany.


That was RIDICULOUS. I read it thinking, oh surely he's going to eventually say 'I'm kidding, of course all of the children were great.' Just absolutely unbelievable.


Everything he says is sarcastic, snarky, meanspirited and the sort of thing you’d expect from a douchebag 21-year-old frat bro, not a member of the clergy. I would love to know where he was educated.


You would think/hope the amount of bragging he does about his private jet would be a giant red flag for the people who go to that place, but alas...


It's the jet that attracts them in the first place. If he is rich, he must be special!


Yup its the rich Jesus gospel that draws them in. Kind of like simping for billionaires.


now where have I heard that before.....


Nope. No way. He’s a representative of the “prosperity gospel,” as practiced by the Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Robert Morris school of pastoring. While they take the last dimes from their loyal followers, they justify their need/desire for private jets, marble mansions, Rolex watches, hand-tailored wardrobe, etc., and, they also use it as proof that they are, indeed, doing God’s work and being justly rewarded. We’re talking about extreme wealth, and their children and extended family also benefit in a similar fashion. There is an occasional glitch in these well-oiled money machines however, such as when Joyce Meyer’s well-compensated head of security, Chris Coleman, chose to strangle his wife and two young sons because he was having an affair with another woman and divorce was frowned upon by Joyce Meyer ministries. There is also the very recent case of Robert Morris, a very wealthy pastor of one of the largest mega-churches and evangelical advisor to trump, who recently stepped down after admitting to an inappropriate relationship with a 12 year old girl back in the 1980s. Evangelical followers are well aware of the lifestyles of the rich and famous among their spiritual leaders and they have no problem with it.


I remember Mike Murdoch's (the sow a seed minister) son or one of his son's friends saying that Murdoch had an entire room in his mansion filled with watches and jewelry, and his son was a constant party hound. Another friend took the safe in that room while that family was out of town, and when he broke it open, found reams of blank paper and a note thanking the thief for their work. Turned the theft into insurance for a sizable sum.


Jesus wanted him to have that jet. Glory be to he! s/


Understand that these are the same sort of people behind stuff like this [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) Fight against things as seemingly simple as this or expect it to get worse.


Their leader preyed on these vulnerable people to get them to become members. I’m sure they’ve given all of their money to him too. People like this man have a special place in hell


I know a guy who gave this cult close to $20,000, while he was having his truck repossessed. Mind boggling how people fall for this.


When I was younger my parents gave their church $60,000 towards building a new church…they prey on people and manipulate their thinking. It’s SICK!


It’s pretty gross. This church seems to prey on people who are in recovery or otherwise at low points in their life.


I have to laugh at "Mega-Church". Where is their church? Their address is the little office building next to Primantis on University.


They were having the "church" at the Riverhounds practice stadium in Coropolis. Less than 100 people showed up most of the time, but that was a couple years ago.


They're also the billboard off the Parkway in Robinson They seem to switch it up every few months and every time I think "damn, they still can't make the guy not look like the devil".


Oh this is *that* guy? Ugh.


I think they still do it. I’ve driven by there many Sunday mornings in the last year and it’s been absolutely jam packed


Yeah, for a second I thought this guy was big-time, but his church has 2300 followers on Facebook and I’m sure some of them are just fans of the racist/sexist/homophobic/wealth-worshipping anti-Christian bullshit that comes out of his mouth.


They closed on [this property ](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1442-Coraopolis-Heights-Rd_Coraopolis_PA_15108_M93327-71297) in May. I wonder what they plan on doing with the property. I hope they're not planning on a teardown to build their stupid church.


Since he is such a charitable Christian man, he should've gifted a jet to UPMC. /s


Like Trump Supporters!


It's the same set of people.


Holy shit LOTS of jet pics! He seems to like people to know. Also a few checks made out to his con for $1,000,000.


“Guys… God has spoken to me! He said… To prove your guy’s faith in him, you must pay me 500 dollars to fund my je- To prove you have faith in him!!!”


Beyond frustrated, we had a township meeting again last night, and again it was standing-room-only with pissed off Moon residents. But apparently the church promised the judge in court they wouldn’t use that property anymore beyond this week. They’re having a giant festival there now, but promised the judge they wouldn’t build the church or hold regular church services there. We all just laughed when the board said that. This pastor lied right to the judge, he’s all over social media, insisting he will not go away, so now what will happen? Allegedly, if they keep using the property for regular church services after this week, the Township will take them right back to court, but Shittlesworth has already expressed that he is not worried about any fines.


They are going to they don’t care. Champion Church is Washington PA is friends with this guy and learning from Shuttleworth! And big money funds it because it’s all to get these “followers” to give them all their money. Champion Church told its people god told them to lie. They are making horse stables on a million dollar property next to Tanger Outlets, business offices, yet til their entire congregation it’s going to be a church. It’s not zoned for that. They don’t care, they do what they want. Take desperate peoples money, and in the name of god. Lighthouse Electric is a huge donor to Champion Church, it’s reported he showed up to support their lie and said nothing. What does that say about Lighthouse Electric!


As a WashCo resident...I had no idea about this. Where can I learn more about this?


Observer Reporter has articles on it and I’ve heard from people who live there. Apparently they wouldn’t even tell the township the guy who was in charge of project was brother of the guy building it, and they refuse to call it a church, only business offices. The OR did a story a while ago.


It’s on Donnan Ave and they have one in Canonsburg they don’t use.


They are asking their congregation to sell everything to pay for this! The Miller family has other churches and the son broke off and did this one. They are loaded and asking for money from people with nothing. No Shame. And LightHouse Electric is part of it. The question should be why isn’t the state looking into these places.


What? A man of god lies?!?! Tax the churches. I'm tired of these people.


You know what, let churches stay tax free as long as they are providing help to those in their communities that are in need, as the Bible teaches. Im all for non-profits helping, but when leaders of any non-profit are benefitting in extreme wealth and closing doors in the faces of struggling people then they should lose their tax free status. Put a limit on what leaders of churches can claim as tax free. Religious organizations are the biggest Ponzi scheme out there, if they actually did what they preach then I would have zero problem with it.


The only problem is a church only has to say we're a church and they stay tax free. Any other non-profit needs to prove each year they should stay tax free in their filings. If you make the churches file with the IRS and full transparency like any other org, I'll be for it.


It's a bit more complicated than that. There are many kinds of tax-exempt non-profits. Things like golf/country clubs and yacht clubs are usually 501c7 social clubs. Also places like the VFW or Moose Lodge or the various "ethnic clubs" we have around here that are basically glorified private bars. Churches are noteworthy in that they're treated similar to 501c3 charities in that not only are their operations tax-exempt, but donations to them are deductible on the donors individual taxes. But the reality is you could strike churches from the tax code entirely today, and tomorrow they would all find a new tax-exempt organization type to slot themselves into.


Scientology literally bullied the IRS into their exemption


The problem is that the average church in America has fewer than 65 members and is struggling to pay its utilities and basic obligations. The effort to reign in these obvious big money grifts would be deadly to small congregations (including those of many other religions) that are doing exactly what we give them tax exemptions for, providing religious services and support, sometimes financial, to their members and maybe the community at large.


I’m extremely frustrated too. Let’s take a deep breath and get ready for a long fight and many township meetings.


This is really interesting because Moon Township has a reputation of being anal retentive about enforcing rules. My (3000 people) office is in Moon and when we were adding a wing and more parking we had to pay for a traffic study on top of all the other standard permits so they could re-time the lights around building. I have a co-worker that lives close but not close enough for the PA system to bother him. His main concern is the traffic if there's going to be like 1600 cars every Sunday. The township has to have some kind of recourse. Screw fines, I'm sure they are on municipal water, shut that off.


Keep showing up to council meetings. Get a lawyer or a set of lawyers if necessary. Make the township enforce their own ordinances. **Your township is obligated by PA law to enforce their ordinances pursuant to 53 PS § 617** **Your township can be sued if they refuse to enforce their ordinances**


It seems like the residents are getting more and more frustrated with our elected officials pussyfooting about.


It doesn’t matter. South Park has had township meetings for months about Sleepy Hollow Development so packed you cant get inside. Guess what? It’s still happening. Unfortunately, everyone is getting $$ behind the scenes and voicing your concern doesn’t matter anymore.


They have bothered us for years. Their office moved into moon township years ago and have bothered us for years. No one has done anything in all this time. Amazing how you can just do whatever you want when you're some pastor. Look up their services, basically a cult


After the injunction was denied, pastor, JD Shuttlesworth celebrated on Instagram. In part, he said to the township’s legal team, “Don’t let the fact that the judge felt your case was so weak, it was thrown out without us presenting a defense make you feel down! The important thing is that you tried your best.” Seems like a great guy!


What a good Christian attitude!


That’s the epic douche who drives around in the chrome SUV, right?






Is that an actual claim against him? Source? My first impression of this guy is not good, but that’s not something to levy against someone carelessly


If anything, throwing around false accusations only weakens arguments of substance


Just statistically a nice chunk of megachurch pastors are either themselves abusers or harbor abusers within their congregation based on the Southern Baptist convention's investigation. This particular church is probably too new to have abuse festering yet *for those saying "oh you're judging conservatives or christians as a group, how le tolerant" - I am not who you think I am. I don't subscribe to whatever madeup version of liberalism you have in your head. I absolutely do not stand for abuse of minors by anyone, and I will never carry water for institutions that facilitate it abuse of minors is not a crime of an individual. yes, there are individual (mostly) men who commit the heinous act itself. but in nearly all cases (thoroughly documented in the lawsuits against the catholic church and this newer report by the SBC) there is a conspiracy of silence among dozens or hundreds of people who knew what was going on and said nothing. this is not unique to religious institutions. see coverups of the abuses of gymnasts at Michigan; wrestlers at OSU; or football at PSU. Whenever abuse is as widespread as the SBC says it is *in their own database*, it's not just the 400 or so perpetrators. It is thousands upon thousands of people telling victims "yes it's bad but isn't it best for everyone if you just.. let this go?" that is why I hold the congregations accountable and why I absolutely *judge them.* if your response is to say "oh it's just the nasty liberals trying to make christians look bad" - all I can say is you are the exact type of person these congregations rely on to get away with this for decades


Statistically??? Yikes


Why the fuck not .they claim all the drag and gays are groomers, when it really the theists 95% of the goddam time.  Truth is no longer any kind of weapon. 


> JD Shuttlesworth That's a cartoon character name if I ever heard one.


Anyone know how to find the court records on this?


Bet this judge got a nice "tip".


I'm just sharing this story because there is a point in the video where a woman says "This morning they were speaking in tongue!"


Any videos I've ever seen of "speaking in tongues" they have a rhythm. And that alone proves they're full of shit. Normal speech doesn't work that way, so "speaking in tongues" wouldn't either.


I’m not really disagreeing with the idea that this is bullshit, but I don’t think having a rhythm is the problem. Poetry has rhythm in many languages, and it makes sense that a worship/prayer language would be poetic. The Psalms are rhythmic. So are chants at protest rallies.


Yes exactly, and all of those examples are forms of language that are crafted intentionally. Just like speaking in tongues. But ask any evangelical, and they will claim speaking in tongues is being possessed by the Holy Spirit and is beyond their control. Just one of many things they are full of shit about.


Poetry you say: There once was a pastor from Moon: He was a fanatic and loon; The man was a creep who thought his people were sheep; So many easily-bilked baboons.


The fact the they have a rhythm is not why it’s completely nonsensical and insane. It’s just dumb. 


Stormlight Archive fans in shambles!


Rapping in tongues**




There was another thread about this "church" recently. I can't believe people are dumb enough to fall for this shit, but apparently a lot of them are. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/1daklt4/raising\_awareness\_for\_a\_new\_cult\_in\_pittsburgh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/1daklt4/raising_awareness_for_a_new_cult_in_pittsburgh/)


I saw a post on another subreddit (not the one you linked, but it looks deleted) about a megachurch moving into an area and how the dude could mess with them. Then I see this the following morning. It can't be a coincidence


He's also a COVID denier. Here's a quote from [WaPo April 2020](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/04/02/conservative-evangelicals-coronavirus-tough-guys/): Shuttlesworth has [denigrated](https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1237761136507981824?s=20) “loser” pastors who canceled services and suggested the use of hand sanitizer betrayed a lack of manliness. “If you’re putting out pamphlets and telling everybody to use Purell before they come into the sanctuary … you should just turn in your ministry credentials and burn your church down,” he said. “You’re a loser. Bunch of pansies. No balls. Got neutered somewhere along the line and don’t even realize it.” Shuttlesworth then [announced](https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1245019150545760256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1245019150545760256&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patheos.com%2Fblogs%2Fprogressivesecularhumanist%2F2020%2F03%2Fpastor-ignores-pandemic-announces-national-easter-service-like-woodstock%2F) his own plans to host a Woodstock-like “Easter blowout service.”


Yes! I saw that too on unethical lifepro tips. Looks like the user deleted the story part of it but it's [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/1dsw3uv/ulpt_how_can_i_fuck_with_the_new_megachurch_that/). I wonder if that was the same one


That's the exact one!!


I didn’t post that originally but i know who did. it’s the same ‘church’


It’s why the Christian right tries to gut education. If kids aren’t learning essential science / math / history and critical thinking skills along with them, it’s much easier to manipulate them as adults.


They don't get permits and when the township will try to shut them down, they will scream religious persecution. This mega-church movement is shady. There is one with at least 2 locations around Pittsburgh that I know a few people were involved with - lots of shady marriage cheating, business deals, and even a questionable death to a pivotal player. My friend said he would never get involved with them again in business because of the cultish behaviour and somewhat fear for his safety if there was a disagreement.


Edit - probably a MAGA-church


Voilent and Entitled exactly as Jesus hoped.


Or the Apostle Greg Lock hoped…..smh at these fools


Are there even any megachurches that aren’t MAGA?


I used to attend Northway Christian Community and they never said who to vote for. They have 5 or 6 sites I think.


They've already been booted from the new sports complex in Coraopolis lol


Yes, it's amazing the lengths folks will go to to hide behind the victim card


Fucking cults.


I had no idea we had some gemstones shit going on in our backyard.


At least give us some Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers


“And after I pay all my cheap labor from Brookline, my guy from the strip district that sells Steelers shirts, my pierogi lady, and the fella that posts to my Facebook, it’s a wash. I make nothing. Zero. Zilch.” *well then why you do it, Baby Billy?* “Well… it’s cause I’m selfless.”


Mega church = money laundering scheme, tax free


Follow the money trail in their yearly 990 filings but track their jets to know where they are taking those weekly baskets of cash 😉


All churches


Does anyone live close enough to be able to blast heavy metal or other noises from a PA system nearby? I can help with the equipment. If noise ordinances aren’t a thing then it shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe just a voice saying the most revolting Bible verses over and over?


This. They are outdoors in a tent. 32 acres isn’t that big of an area. Get one of the pissed off adjacent neighbors permission and blast them right back with nonsense so loud they can’t hear shittersworth. Moon Township residents should not allow these people to move in and bully them.


“It’s Raining Men” over and over. Pride month has gone into overtime.


This should do it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNdcFPjGsm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNdcFPjGsm8) Number 9, number 9, number 9, SATANIC SCREAMING, number 9, number 9..


This one will work to: [Stormwitch - Priest of Evil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkyMkRHC6uI)


Yeah, maybe some Gwar thrown in too


Preach satanic, pastafarian, dudeism, or some other religion so if anyone tries to shut you down they have to shut the other guys down, too.


I was just thinking this. Have to turn the tables and annoy them back


I really wish there was the wherewithal to remind these extremists that my freedom from religion is as important as their freedom of religion


If not more.


Did Americans forget our history? Since when do we put up with this kind of bullshit. I'm not saying we need to tar and feather him. But certainly we can all save our morning shits for their lawn or something.


Yeah, did we quit when the Nazis bombed Pearl Harbor?


We’re going 90MPH down the road to Christian nationalism. You can do whatever you want, just call it a church and you’re golden.


I feel like its a loud minority. Hopefully all this cultish behavior dies off within the next 20 years. Younger people are straying away from religion. Its like theyre in their dying throws and they aren't going to go quietly.


If you think religious cults will just fade away with a new generation, I have some delicious koolaid folks may be interested in.


This is a pernicious myth. They actually drank Flavor Aid at Jonestown.


Cheap ass cult. Smh


Loud or not, these nutjobs have been laying the foundations to rule as the minority. They just executed a massive, massive power grab in the Judiciary. It’s going to get much worse, if it ever gets better.


Dunno how old you are but I'm pushing 40 and religion will never die.  Not in either of our lifetimes.  It's too easy for humans to see the patterns people explain to them. Tax em.


Progress is being made, [church membership dropped 20% between 1999 and 2020](https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx). I'm the same age as you and my boomer parents (not a diss, they are literally baby boomers) are the last generation to be a member of the church. All 4 of us siblings, no one goes to church.


Are you kidding? The young people are the ones flocking to these ridiculous megachurches. But I guess you're kind of right, because it certainly isn't religion.


I really hope you are right.


The people who remain will become more extreme, unfortunately


The worst part is they are procreating.


Rapidly and often.


All a part of their plan.


Scientology 101.


Wow, that place has only one way in or out. On a totally different topic, I'm astonished at how cheap roofing nails can be if you buy them in bulk.


A friend sent me a video of this "Christian Pastor". He's just an obvious dirtbag grifter. What a disaster.


can't moon just solve this by passing a stricter noise ordinance? That seems like the easiest thing to do.


Don't let your contempt for these yahoos distract you from the real issue here. Either these clowns are operating within the law (in which case they are laughable, but restrain your outrage), or the "Allegheny County judge" that refused the injunction is incompetent or corrupt. From the parameters of the story, it seems the latter. I wish the reporting was better.


He’s not a real Christian, this guys just an asshole


This type of church is frightening.


I know a girl who attends this church and I shit on her all the time. fuck that guy and his “church”. real churches have old ladies making pierogies in a basement kitchen straight out of 1960


Can confirm, Saint Malachy’s has been known to have some Christian Mothers making pierogies in the basement. The sign of a nice normal non-cult church.


Looks like a good spot for those super loud motorcycle/car dudes to do their thing. Also a great spot to 'drop' dog poop. 


Moon twp municipal code chapter 27 section 404: at no point on or beyond the boundary of any lot containing a nonresidential use shall the exterior noise level located on such lot exceed 65 dBA for more than 8 hours during a 24 hr period. Someone get their sound level meter aht !


That's the loophole they are using. They are way over that volume level, and during quiet hours, like at 11pm, but they are not doing it for 8 hours continuously, so the township says that cannot enforce anything. It's crazy


Law doesn't specify that it must be continuous, it says for more than 8 hours during a 24 hour period. So from noon Saturday to noon Sunday if there are more than 8 hours of total accumulated noise above 65dBA they are in violation.


That’s bananas. The code language does not say continuously therefore that excuse isn’t valid. Sounds like the board needs some new members.


Still needs to exceed 8 hours total documented. Unless you sitting there all day with a record they can just say nope it was shorter


I’d love to see how Shittlesworth would react to a concert venue in his backyard. But he probably owns an island from these dumb fucks giving them all their money though.


The Township needs to enforce the laws on the books. No permit, no event. Noise violations, shut them down. Over capacity, shut them down. Traffic, illegal parking, shut them down. BTW, what kind of woogitty woogitty church is this?


Mr Buttersworth doesn't need a permit! Did Jesus ever need permits? Gloating on Instagram. What a tool. Dude is a huge liar and scam artist. The really smart ones pick religion for their grift because it's the easiest. Willing victims!


Watch the 4 part documentary "Hillsong." It's the exact same thing that's going on. He won't last when truth comes out. Fuckin scam artist.


The truth only came out about Hillsong because it was so incredibly high profile for what it was. Guaranteed there are thousands of JD Butterfingers or whatever this clown’s name is all around the country flying under the radar.


I kind of want to make "JD Butterfingers" shirts and go sell them at the church.


Megachurches are a scourge on this country in a way that a lot of regular churches don't come close to being an issue.


I've had run ins with theses assholes via work unfortunately.  They are the wrong type of crazy. Have about a dozen armed security guards that instantly think they own any spot they take over. Fuck these people.


Need some farmers with a ton of manure to slowly driver around it all in the hot sun. I'd rather smell horse shit than have to listen to it.


The neighbors are annoyed by the loud music from the church. They should get and rent giant loudspeakers and blast death metal directly at the church.


I think its time for a drag show at the entrance!!!


I had no idea its new property was so close to residential. They ain’t being good neighbors - being so loud. ULPT had a thwarting request post recent, I think it’s about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/1dsw3uv/ulpt_how_can_i_fuck_with_the_new_megachurch_that/


I stopped by my parents house on Sunday morning. I thought maybe Robin Hill was having an unusually loud concert (which would make absolutely no sense), but learned about this stain in the community now. If there's some pestimistic hope, it's next door to the country club, maybe they'll get annoyed with it that they can put some money towards suppressing them in some way.


Y'all remember a couple years ago when they did that big revival at Highmark Stadium, the one where they covered the whole Southside in flyers promising giveaways of iPads and dirt bikes and junk? Is it those guys again? Really feeling it for everyone in Moon Township, you're all used to Globemasters and Stratotankers flying in and out all day long so I know you're able to handle a little noise. At least the big planes are cool to watch, a bunch of yelling in tongues on loudspeakers until go-to-hell o'clock every night, not so much.


Sad to see megachurch Americans coming north. Used to have a hard stop at Mason Dixon


There have been churches which meet the definition of megachurch (simply any single congregation with 2,000 members) in the Pittsburgh area for decades. Mt. Ararat Baptist Church in East Liberty, Allison Park Church, South Hills Assembly of God in Bethel Park, and Northway Christian Community in Wexford all crossed the 2k line in the early 2000s or late 90s.


> Used to have a hard stop at Mason Dixon Maybe in the city areas, but they've been incredibly common in rural areas for ages. It's no wonder after energy companies and manufacturing companies sucked dry rural PA and fucked off that there was a huge gap in functioning communities that grifting megachurches were all too happy to fill.


I was a member of a cult/church that wanted to be a mega church SO BAD in the ‘00s. We were in the Washington mall and it was all so cringe looking back and I’m so glad that shitty pastor failed. He’d be on Shittlesworth’s dick if he hadn’t run off to Kentucky.


Hey a real estate company’s masked as a church to scam and not pay taxes and it’s a church ran by a false prophet. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God


Sounds like the neighborhood needs to have an impromptu battle of death metal bands with enormous speakers and all the decibels.


Holy shit. My mom just told me about this! I used to wash dishes here when this place was Baywood, a club and grounds owned by Mobay Chemical. They would host dinners and gatherings there. The chef was a gruff German guy; I loved the leftovers he’d share.


Mobay owned that place? I also heard it was owned by Bayer. Are they affiliated somehow?


Yep! Bayer owned Mobay.


I believe you have to blame the city council members & whichever officials approved this cult. Do people not do due diligence with these approvals? Or were the wheels greased a bit? This is just terrible for everyone living here.


No one approved it, they moved in without alerting anyone in the township or seeking any permits. The town board members are just as irate as the rest of the citizens, and now he is attacking them online personally. They took this cult to court to try to stop their current gathering, and they promised the judge if they let this gathering go on, they would not hold any more events on that land. Which is a joke, this cult leader false-prophet has expressed on his social media that he does not care about the law, he does not care about the local government and their permit process, he will do what he wants.


I've been saying it and I'll say it again. Organize a peaceful protest and temporary road closure with the township, would be a great way to disrupt their events.


Seems like the kind of dude that would say “God told me I need a Gulfstream”


According to a small handful of other comments he actually has one


I was re-watching Repo Man for the one thousandth time and the scene with the televangelist always kills me: REVEREND LARRY Occasionally we get a letter from a viewer that says now the only reason Reverend Larry comes on your television set is because he wants your money. And do you know what? They're right! I do want your money. Because god wants your money. So I want you to go out and mortgage that home and sell that car and send me your money. You don't need that car. (continues in background)


Apparently he can heal the blind as well? Wtf. Who buys into this nonsense?


These places are fucking cults and should be treated as such.


Get together as a community and run them out of town. Disrupt their service. Give them no peace, as they have afforded you none.


Would someone mind sharing a link to a thread or something where there's more background info on this group? I've been seeing posts about it but I want to understand the lore lol


Religious nut cases acting foolish? Impossible…


and the preacher posted some passive aggresive comment about winning this round.


How very Christian of him


Oh there was nothing passive about it. He and his minions are downright taunting the municipality and residents.


Just pretend we’re all going to Starlake and create a multi hour gridlock so no one can get in or out.


I live right across the street from the soccer facility they were renting out in Coraopolis. For months I'd be woken up by pounding bass like there was a club across the street from me. Like clockwork, 7 am every Sunday. Asked the police directing traffic if there was anything they could do and they said no. Nothing will make me happier when these self righteous narcissists get run the fuck out of Pittsburgh. May they rot in hell and rest in piss 🙌


Where are the Righteous Gemstones when you need them? Baby Billy would sort them out.


What a joke of a “church” as well as Moon Township for allowing this to take place.


"speaking in tongues", WTAF.


As I can perceive, and being an evangelical Christian myself, the behavior of this "church" is unbecoming and shameful and does not reflect a true understanding of the gospel message. The supposed pastor is on what could be regarded as a boldfaced power trip that does not reflect a spirit of humility and godly conduct that would honor Christ and could be regarded as a charlatan/false teacher. Resorting to tactics such as shaming and insulting anyone who is not a Christian or exuding arrogance and aggressive posturing can seriously damage the reputation of all believers, even those who are more graceful and gentle (the guilt by association outcome), along with such an organization pushing unsound theology/cultic teachings outside the "pale of Christian orthodoxy" as termed by various teachers with solid doctrine and understanding of the Bible. While I in principle support the freedom of expression as provided in peaceful context for in the U.S. Constitution, I cannot endorse, or encourage involvement in, any programs that spew aberrant messages or that portray Christianity in a more arrogant, forceful, disrespectful, or militant fashion in a public framework especially. Any violations of law need to be suitably prosecuted by the authorities, and a defense of such improprieties as being a way of free exercise of religious beliefs cannot be accepted because Christians are to be subject to the powers that be according to Romans 13 in the New Testament.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re what we should want our Christian neighbors to be.


I don't understand why real Christians aren't doing more to expose these charlatans. They go against pretty much everything Christianity is based on: Helping others, being non-judgemental, not being greedy or selfish or hateful, etc. Joel Osteen's "church" doesn't even display crosses or other religious symbols, the focus is solely on him.


Shuttlesworth is a giant POS.


If anyone wants some free guns their parking lot is a great place to find them


He reminds me of the Nazi who chose poorly in The Last Crusade


Live now on YT. I'm going with uncle dad and bringing the rattle snakes.


Finally caught a glimpse of the chrome Messcalade in Wexford lol


I'm just here for the low-hanging circlejerk


Pastor sounds like a bit of a jerk. C'mon, dude ... that is not our best look.


Me: off to google to give the cult a 1 star review


It was so loud, even while we were getting ready for bed, they were still preaching.


Did anyone catch his online service where he said that the Steelers are going to start rescheduling their games because the Steelers players and the fans will all be attending his church services on Sundays?


zoned residential? how can this be happening?


It is not zoned residential, it’s in the middle of a neighborhood but was grandfathered in as commercial/country club use because it used to be part of the neighboring country club, (which has never had a crowd larger than 500. And they want to build a 12,000 seat venue.) However, in order to build a permanent structure, (especially one holding 12,000 people,) they have to apply for permit and conduct environmental and traffic studies, which they are not willing to do because that would be denied because it’s a small narrow two-lane residential road in a neighborhood where houses sometimes fall down hills. We have a noise ordinance that they can’t be loud for more than eight hours, but they started broadcasting at 6 AM and are noisy until midnight. 40+ families called the police. The police showed up. The church showed them a schedule of when they would be loudest during the day… That was it, the police did nothing.


Houses of worship (specifically, not any other religious building type) are generally exempt from zoning laws, by federal law.


And yet the good people of Moon will continue to vote MAGA because that is what they do.


If they have no permits, would locals be able to secure permits for extended periods of time and disrupt their schedule?


I think you mean “Maga Church”


There’s always termites.  Mysterious ways and drop shipping and all that. 


Burn it down.