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Looks like a schefflera, not a money tree. I would get rid of the moss.


This plant LOVES sun. LOVES it. Get it in a sunny mid-warm, mid-humidity place and it will thrive. Took one from near death to giant or live in a greenhouse this summer. (Kept around 70-85 degrees)


Yes mine does perfectly outside, rain, hail or shine. Bring it inside and it doesn't get enough light or it very quickly looks sad and starts to drop all its leaves.


The moss has been removed. Thank you! It helps to know what I actually have. :) Any ideas on why the leaves are curling and so small?


Maybe too much humidity? We have a schefflera at works which thrives on neglect. I would just leave here be for one or two weeks and check on her then.


the small ones are new leaves. Curling means it isn't happy.


So it’s wanting sun. Lots of it. Try to give it as much light as possible but also don’t leave it to get cooked. But max out the light. Water throughly. Bottom drinking. Also maybe give it a little fertilizer stick as well.


Edit: It's an umbrella plant! Ha! I'm not finding much online about the curling leaves. Any ideas? I propagated this guy from a cutting of a healthy plant a little less than a year ago. The original leaves are the healthier looking ones near the base but even some of those have dark spots that have been there, unchanging, for several months. I added the sphagnum moss to help boost humidity thinking that was the problem and the plant has been sitting on a tray of pebbles with water in the bottom since I potted it. It's had bright, indirect light all day every day. I'm Zone 4 so it may not be the brightest. I water it when the pot is light and have even let the soil dry out completely a few times. It definitely didn't like that. Ph says it's neutral but I used a $12 probe to check so who knows. I just want this plant to thrive like my 100+ others. Please tell me how to help him!


I don't think that's a money tree.


Sometimes curling leaves mean root rot. Have you removed it from the planter and looked at the roots? If they’re mushy and dark colored, they’re rotting. If they’re tan/white and firm, they’re fine.


The roots look good. Glad it's not that.


Now that you know it's an umbrella, I think just changing your care habits to what an umbrella needs will have it bounce back. If you have been treating it like a money tree which doesn't require as much light or humidity it will obviously suffer a bit. Once you change your care, give it a chance to bounce back. Mine thrived directly in my window and then I bought barrina T5s to overwinter it and my other window plants. It's tall, lush, and loving life. During the growing season I fertilize it with half-strength fertilizer every other watering.


Its a schefflera and when it gets bigger it could be a umbrella or a dwarf umbrella (also know as Hawaiian). To me looks like a Hawaiian but I havent seen a young Umbrella Schefflera to be sure. I have three Hawaiians (dwarfs) atm, used to have a umbrella that was my moms but i let it die.


Have you recently fertilized? Almost looks like a excess of nitrogen with those leaves curling like that


Yes! Oh nooooo! Will it correct on its own?


I’d recommend running some water through the soil to rinse some out


Ok! I'll give that a shot on its next water. Thank you!


That’s an umbrella tree!


First remove the moss. Then send another pic so we can see what the soil looks like.


Mine is healthy and I lt it outside in the direct light, maybe it doesn't like the current spot?


I'm moving him now. We'll see how brighter light treats him. Thank you!


My schefflera is very happy sitting in a south facing window and being watered when it dries out — but it’s quite thirsty, dries out fast. It likes some direct sun through the window.


maybe keep the woodworking literature out of its sight? I think you're scaring the poor little tree.


too much water not enough sun


Reminder to self: never buy a money tree plant.


Ha! No kidding. Turns out mine is an umbrella plant though.


I really think that the issue with money plants are the crappy care they receive before they arrive at stores and greenhouses. For one thing, it's unhealthy for them to be braided like they are. They can choke each other out. And to keep them braided like that also means there is not only a twist tie at the top keeping it together, but also elastic bands around the roots under the soil as well - very bad for them. When I got mine it was suffering sooo much. When I eventually removed the tie and repotted it, I found 2 big elastics that bound the bottom of the plants/roots really tightly. And not only that... I discovered that out of the 5 separate plants that were braided together, only 2 of them had any sort of root system!!! The other 3 were just sticks stuck into soil with no roots. Those 3 quickly died. I only have 2 left of the bunch now, but they are unbraided, rooted, and lush. Money trees are super badly mistreated by suppliers in order to achieve that braided gimmick. If you go into purchasing one while aware of the issues so you can treat them, they're happy little chaps.


Make sure there are no rubber bands or any tie under the soil thats what happened to mine and it almost died. Also thats not a money tree and it seems you mist it a lot, it might be too much. I know youre only trying to do your best but maybe dont mist it and let the soil dry properly in between waterings. Its easier to bring back a dry plant than an overwatered one since it can cause root rot and that is very difficult to stop. Dont worry, overwatering is a common mistake even i do it so dont feel bad!


Dang inflation nowadays, even this fella experiencing povertree.. 😄


I think that’s a mini umbrella plant (tree maybe)