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Holy crap, DAILY watering? I water my kalanchoes every 3-4 weeks. Sometimes I think even that's too often for this type of plant. Edit: I worded this very poorly, I'm re reading it and I didn't mean to sound harsh like that when I said holy crap. Sorry if I sounded rude! šŸ˜”


Holy crap! was my exact reaction too, this has made me laugh quite hard šŸ˜‚ sorry OP, Iā€™m also not wanting to be rude, but youā€™re about to kill it šŸ˜³


Donā€™t you guys worry. I really had no idea about any of this. I appreciate all of the replies, definitely learned crucial things. Gonna have to note that down and rescue it


Don't feel bad, I've already killed one kalanchoe and I almost killed another one, I'm pretty sure over watering was the issue. Ive got a 3rd one that's super stretched out from inadequate light. I don't this type of plant likes me very much lol


Needs new pot 1/2 inch bigger.


download the app planta and itā€™ll tell you how often to water it! if you need help finding out what plants you have heres a link that I use often https://identify.plantnet.org/


Apps like these are useful for general principles, but watering on a strict schedule will also kill your plants. Use them as a starting point, but also spend some time learning what a plant in need of water actually looks like.


yes! very true, Iā€™m sorry! It tells you a lot of things and people on the app give advice! Also if you need you can delay watering by 2 days in case soil is still wet!


i water mine almost daily, but it's kept outside and it's 100+f everyday so it dries out instantly šŸ˜…


Wait, we are supposed to water kalanchoes? By the time I forget the last time I watered mine, it gets another drink, lol.


Over watering is the issue. Put the pot on a newspaper so that all excess water will get sucked off. This is a kalanchoe blossfieldiana..aka ā€œflaming Katyā€ā€¦ likes water but not too much. Likes well lit places but in shade.


Treat it like a cactus and forget about it and it'll.start producing more flowers. Try and care for it and it'll rot and die.


I have the same plants and now it has 3 stringy stems and no flowers. Is the pot too small?


Probably not enough light


I heard this plant requires really specific circumstances for it to bloom again. Like, you have to place it somewhere cool with zero light in winter and don't you dare have light touch it for a second. Otherwise it will still be alive, just not have flowers. As long as it has leaves its alive. Mine is growing new leaves too but it probably won't flower.


Heh, heh, "sucked off."


There is a very funny show called Ghosts. When the ghost finally goes to heaven the other ghosts call it getting sucked off. Makes me lol every time


This is a much healthier suggestion to how I usually squish water out of the pot


Also, you might want to repot it in a succulent soil mix (NOT Miracle Gro cactus soil!) or mix perlite in with the soil ā˜ŗļø


Also make sure the pot has drainage


Thanks. I am very very new to the flora game. Whatā€™s a succulent soil mix ? Miracle Gro cactus soil ? Feels like math class Iā€™m sorry


Succulents like yours need to dry out between waterings, and it helps to have good drainage in your soil (so water flows through easily and dries quickly). Cactus soil is available at any garden center and itā€™s basically regular soil with additives that make it drain better. Perlite is an additive (kind of like little white rocks) available at garden centers that you can add to soil to make it drain better


Makes much sense. What do you mean with drainage in your Soil ? Donā€™t you mean pot? Or is the soil I currently got too thick to let the water drain properly?


Yes, exactly what you said about the soil being too thick to drain, that's actually a really good way to describe it tbh. The soil doesn't get dried out so the roots stay wet and rot and then the plant dies. Adding in perlite and other amendments helps it drain and dry better Also drainage in the pot as well


the pot needs holes as well, if there are no holes in the bottom of the pot, take it out of the pot for a while. dont worry it has soil just put a little paper round it to hold it together.


NOT Miracle Gro cactus soil, it's awful. I lost so many plants using that, apparently a lot of people have. The comment above helps answer your question better than I can ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s fine to use it just needs to be amended further. Itā€™s not suitable for cactus or succulent straight out of the bag. Stupid marketing ploy to get people to spend more money on a smaller amount but if you only have a few plants you need to repot itā€™s not bad as long as you add 50/50 soil to perlite or pumice.


Supposedly people claim it's known to have fungus. I did try to use it up by adding perlite but it still wasn't too good for my plants tbh


It worked perfectly fine for me.


https://rosysoil.com/products/cactus-succulent-mix This is the soil I use for all my succulents and cactuses, including my kalanchoes. They all thrive!


Definitely repot it with fresh new soil. Only water it when soil is completely dry. This plant like high light so maybe put in front of a window


no plant wants daily watering (apart from fittonias maybe)


No *indoor* plant wants watering everyday. Tacking that caveat on because in the heat of summer some outdoor plants want it twice a day.


Yep Iā€™m back at that scorching time of year where my outdoor plants nearly die unless I water 1-2 times daily lol


Where do I learn stuff like this ? Any books ? Good podcasts, YouTube seriesā€˜ ? Appreciate the help.


I learn a lot by reading Reddit, Facebook groups, google and trial and error.


I learnt a lot from Sheffield Made Plants on Youtube. He makes good videos on plant care with a touch of humor too.


I watch him and Plants With Krystal too. I've actually been watching her the most lately...besides her knowledge, her sweet personality is infectious!


Thereā€™s tons of YouTube videos!


My fittonia is thriving and gets watered less than once a week (prob around every 1.5 weeks) šŸ’€




It's kalanchoe. It's a succulent. You're drowning it!! Get an insert for that pot or put it in a pot w drainage & keep it by a sunny window. Water when soil is dry to the touch.


Thank you. Stupid question but when you say pot with drainage, where does the drainage go ? I have to keep the plant outside I guess ?


You can use a plastic container that you can get in the plant section of any store to collect any runoff after you water. They can be clear also. I use nursery pots with a lot of drainage and put that into a decorative pot (just make sure you dump off any excess water) or these little saucers. https://preview.redd.it/t1ql4lwxwy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c886e8a389f5f67d8adaf2293b7f1e3bb3ad2bda


i really start appreciating this plant stuff. You can just improvise. Put your little bowl thing under and you good. Plant good, everything good. How nice


I use small 50 cent saucer plates from the thrift shop


I love doing this!! So many old and beautiful choices out there!!


at this time of year, check out the summer stuff in shops. they often have pretty decent reusable plastic plates. these work well.


Haha! Exactly-improvise away! Good luck with the growing. šŸŒæšŸŒ±


Turns out Iā€™m drowning the plant on a daily. The reason why I thought it needs more water is because the leaves turned brown. I grew up thinking brown leaves means not enough water. If itā€™s Too much water I thought the leaves would just be flaccid and hanging around although green. Donā€™t know where that misconception came from. Now I know that overwatered leaves can also turn brown. Good sub Reddit. Appreciate your advices.


Leaves that are turning kind of clear/yellow are generally overwatered. Crispy = dry. Rule of thumb for plants is that the soil shouldn't be wet 24/7. Damp/moist is the goal, so for me I water once a week and I know how much water each plant needs based on the size/type. Succulents are more like every 2-3 weeks, so I skip a week for some. Kalanchoes enjoy weekly watering sometimes, but not tons and tons of water (more than most succulents, though). edit: Always feel the soil to get a gauge on how damp it is before watering. Some plants I skip weeks because they didn't dry out and are still damp. Sometimes due to weather changing they need to be watered after 5 days instead of a full week. You have to keep an eye out and each plant is different.


That's a succulent, you only water it when it's dry. And it likes to be a bit cramped. Put it in succulent mix and let it sit.


Yeah look up specific care recommendations for that specific plant. You canā€™t just look up ā€œwhy did my plants leaves turn brownā€ because it will be different for every plant. This guy is definitely over watered


i recognise that pot, its from ikea and it doesnt have any drainage holes you need a pot with drainage holes and holy shit you are watering it daily???!!??! those guys are succulents they barely need monthly watering


Problem with IKEA is that they really donā€™t give you any information about the thing. You just put it in your cart and take it home. At least for the one I got it from. Couldnā€™t even scan the code to find out the name or anything about it, only the distributor and manufacturer of the pot. Maybe one of the reasons why my boy is dying. Didnā€™t make my due diligence, neither did anything suggest that I really should. I thought the plant just takes water every day and looks pretty. Good to have kept this app


im so sorry i js realised u were talking about the plantšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Donā€™t worry about it


if u need someone to tell u there isnt a hole in the pot i dont think the plant is ur only problem


That was uncalled for.


Well the soil absorbs water doesnā€™t it. Osmosis n dat


dude whatšŸ˜­ that water js stays there and destroys ur plant until it evaporates by itself


Yea thatā€™s the thing. I didnā€™t know that it does destroy my plant before it eventually evaporates


Mine are watered daily, but that is outside and it's around 107f or higher right now.


Since everybody already told you that youā€™re overwatered it - next time you buy a plant, look for certain features - itā€™ll tell you so much about what they need. The kalanchoe you got has nice thicc leaves, it stores the water it needs there (hint hint) so you donā€™t have to water it so much. Like every other succulent plant with thick leaves. Most times if plants got big green leaves that means it likes sun very much, for example. Look for other hints, the plant will tell you what it needs :)


Where did you learn that ?


We learn by doing, by making mistakes and killing some of m along the way, sadly.


If you notice any root rot too I would consider chopping the blooms, since when plants are in bloom they put most of their energy into maintaining the flowers.


Whatā€™s root rot and how do I recognize it


When you repot, check the roots. If they're brown and mushy, that's root rot.




Ooof! Overwatering


Kalanchoes are succulents that need direct sun or at the very least bright, bright light. You are massively overwatering and it looks like it has improper drainage.


There is no drainage lol


So are you just here trolling us? You have to realize how wrong this care is.


What do you mean ? There was no drainage in the pot. I replanted it into one that does have one.


Maybe plants arenā€™t the hobby for you. You didnā€™t bother to figure out the name of it, you did no research to its care. You saw one random piece of advice that you misinterpreted and overdid, again without taking any time to wonder if it was at all appropriate for the plant, and then you put it in a container that is non-compatible for that care. If you donā€™t have sufficient interest to do the bare minimum to care for a plant appropriately, just go buy a plastic one. Itā€™s fine. Really. Iā€™m not being catty, this is probably not the hobby for you.


And on what basis are you saying that I did not bother figuring out the name or researching about how to take care of it ? I quiet literally did but you try to judge things you have no knowledge of. Best to be quiet from now.


Hi there! Kalenchoes are super cool. Give her a drink once a weekish when the soil is dry. To tell if its dry, get a chopstick and stick it all the way down to the bottom of the pot. If it comes out with soil stuck to it on a big portion of the chopstick, it's not very dry. Succulents don't like a whole lot of water, they retain moisture very well just from scarce drinks. I would recommend a pot w drainage holes, terracotta would be fine probably. Put a lil drainage tray underneath to catch water when you water it as the water will come out of the drainage hole. If you have root rot like other people mentioned, clean the wet soil off, trim back dead, rotted mushy roots with sanitized scissors or pruning shears, repot in dry cactus or succulent soil (not miracle grow brand) and pray. They're hardy plants, and very pretty. Here is mine, clara. She grew from about 4 inches to over a foot in one year. *any other questions, message me!


Yellow leaves like hers usually mean "help! I'm drowning and my roots aren't getting any oxygen!" I believe in the kalenchoe comeback, though.




I appreciate it. When you say put a little drainage tray underneath, and others have also recommended this, iā€™ve read that I should wrap into newspaper before replanting in order to drain all the excess water. Question now is: Do I do both ? Or do I just pick one of the two ? Both are options for drainage iā€˜m guessing so I could basically choose right ? Or should I do both together


Both! Soak up that extra water with the newspaper nefore replanting, and always have a drainage tray underneath the pot to catch water when you water it. Also- when the water comes out of the drainage hole, make sure when it's done draining to empty the tray or else your plant will be sitting in water. Plants don't like wet feet haha


Thank you


Of course :)


The newspaper is not a long term drainage solution, it's just an organic thing that will absorb the excess water now. Don't pot with a newspaper. Find some good, aroid soil (lots of bark, perlite, pumice and the like), and a pot with a hole at the bottom (if the one you're using now has a hole, that's great, and that's what you need the tray for). Remove your plant from your current pot and soil. Remove the soaked soil, trying not to rip any white/light brown coloured roots. Do remove any black or mushy roots, those are rotten. Then layer your roots with your good soil into your new pot, so the roots are surrounded by the new soil. Once your plant is planted, shake or tap the pot to settle the soil. You might need to top up the soil after that. Then, if you had no or very few black mushy roots, give it all a thorough watering, and ignore it until the soil is pretty darn dry. If you did have black and mushy roots, then don't water until your plant looks like it needs it.


Iā€™m quite unsure about the thorough watering part if it didnā€™t have any or much root rot to be honest. Because if thereā€™s 1 main thing I learned from this post itā€™s that I waterboarded the plant on a daily. Maybe give it some recovery, let it dry. Iā€™ll check for the roots though, if itā€™s rotten Iā€™ll snip it off


I love how everyone gave you great advice! I learnt the hard way and Iā€™ll tell you how hardy it is! I adopted someoneā€™s Kalenchoe in the winter and had no idea what it was! Assumed that no plant anyway needed a lot of water so didnā€™t water it much at all and placed it on a high shelf where my cats wouldnā€™t get to it. Since it was so high up on the shelf and out of sight, I forgot about it! One day, after 3-4 months, I realized it was there and then got mad at myself for forgetting about it. It didnā€™t look too good but I gave it water and got it to a sunny room that doesnā€™t get direct sunlight but is warm. I set an alarm to remind me to water it every 2 weeks (if the soil was dry) and thankfully, it came back to its original state after a while! They are super hardy! The less you do for them, the better. Enjoy your beautiful plant šŸ˜Š


If the soil is moist from yesterday, then I would say less watering, more sunlight. The leaves look a little over watered but its a beautiful plant. šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•


You are killing it with love. Stop watering it. And give it a lot of filtered sunlight


Kalanchoe is a desert plant and you are watering it way too much. Let the soil dry out before you water. Maybe 1 or 2 times a month


Too much water! Put in a pot with drainage hole. Pull off old leaves. Trim or deadhead off the old flowers. Indirect sunlight and moderate watering.


Thank you. Old leaves are the ones that arenā€™t green anymore I guess ?


Youā€™re killing your baby! Stop watering twice a day immediately. Water once a week.


Some plants like tons of water and some like to dry out before watering and some want to be reeeeealu dry before watering because they store water. This is the latter. Any plant with thickish leaves like this (Kalancho), snake plants, cacti, and other succulents, store water. Itā€™s very important to find out what a plant IS before taking care of it. What is perfect care for one plant could be murder to another. Sadly youā€™re on your way to shopping for a new plant soon! Not sure about light needs for this guy but let it dry and see if things improve.


That's way too much watering and that's Ikea planter has no drainage.


Don't water it too much, put it in enough sun. You want it to have leaves, but not necessarily to have flowers, because flowers can be produced when the plant is feeling stressed. For the water: once a week is enough. For the sun: direct sunlight, but I'm not sure so try with shades first. For the water, touch the ground before watering, if it's moist, don't water it. Just usual tip with plants: if you think that their leaves are kinda hard, and a little fat and cushion-like, you do not need to water it daily. Because they may be of the succulent type. Fat leaves work in a way like camels humps. If it can help to remember it. Another tip: always test the ground before watering it. You do not want your plant to live in some sort of soggy socks if they do not like it.


That is your plants way of telling you it's drowning...


You should re pot it and water less.


You are severely overwatering. Not enough light may also be contributing but correcting the water first is crucial. This is a Kalanchoe and they are gorgeous and nearly impossible to kill with a few tricks. 1. ONLY water if the leaves are pliable. If they are firm do NOT water. I've gone almost 2 months before not watering and they were doing great. 2. These guys love as much indirect sun as you can give them. 3. If you find its getting too tall, don't be afraid to prune it back so it stays bushier. You can also propogate single leaves into new plants. :) My husband bought me my first Kalanchoe I think 7 or 8 years ago and its now become 4 different plants all around my home. I didn't water it for 6 months one time but it was during winter and the plant was kept on my covered patio in the very cold canadian winter and was dormant. 4. When you water, don't water just a little bit, thoroughly saturate the soil. The best way I've found to water plants to avoid powdery mildew is to bottom water. This makes sure all the soil is actually saturated too since soil can become hydrophobic easily without us ever knowing.


I think you might be over watering it, maybe try to dry it out before the next watering. If you think it best to keep it moist, try a spray bottle instead to mist daily.


I water mine once a week šŸ˜¬


I read that they are usually composted after they bloom anyway because they are almost impossible to get to flower again. Don't know if that's true or not but the one I've had for years is only ever flowered during the time that I had purchased it.


Iā€™ve not found this, mine reflower all the time!


Really! Tell me all your secrets! Hahahah


I have a few of these and they fall into my "only water the dirt" category. Some plants will rot or die out because water catches in the center because the leave grow up and leave these pockets for the water to collect. The garden center dudes told me to water the dirt and never from above. I also water my Amaryllis this was as well - just the dirt.


I thought these things were almost indestructible?! I had one that got infested with some nasty bugs so I put it outside in winter with a view to putting it on the compost heap as I already have another. It was out there for months, below 0c for many nights. The whole thing died back as expected. Come spring and thereā€™s new growth from the centre, nice and free of bugs, so Iā€™m bringing it back inside! :D


It looks very healthy Plants lose leaves. This is Also putting out many pretty leaves. GL


Very pretty plant though! I always wanted to get flowers but im always worried ill kill them hahah


Y'all just saved my tiny trader Joe's baby šŸ˜­


Ur Drowning it šŸ˜±


Is this even real?


Beginner stuff. Donā€™t worry