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I don't think the root system grows that fast. I've grown a few mango seeds in zip lock bags with slightly damp paper towels on the windowsil, and the roots usually only come in after I forget about their existence which is within a few weeks.


I've had a couple that were already started putting out roots *in the mango*. That actually why I grew my first mango plant. I cracked the shell open out of curiosity and found the seed had a little nubbin of root. Planted out of the same curiosity


Definitely more than 2 Months growth.


I'm growing a mango now and they do not grow that fast.


Well yeah, it's a timelapse sped up /s


ppl believe anything on the internet nowadays smh


OMG so it’s not a timeslapse?! That’s amazing.


Except this suggests that it grows that fast per day, which it doesn't. We know it's a time-lapse, but the stated time is wrong.


Could be an ecotype that grows fast.




Where are you from? I'm from Brazil, once a mango seed germinated in my yard so fast that I was scared, it took three weeks and looked exactly like the video.


Enough heat and light they probably do


How far off you think this is? I was going to grow like ten of em if they grew that quick lol


I've grown avocados and I know they're not the same but for that amount of growth it's like four to six months. I never paid attention to the number of days as I was always too enamored by the plant growing but yea two months for that is insane lol. Those four to six months is with ideal conditions too because if it's cold in your area forget it being that quick.


Appreciate the feedback! That definitely seemed too good to be true lol


I planted one a few weeks ago… It blew my mind how the stalk and root grew out of the same part of the seed! https://preview.redd.it/k1stmsluvh8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd2c4383a3f2741616cd3ff427017704d66175e


Ha. I have two mangos ripening on my counter top as I write. I just have to try this! I'll put it next to the avocado seed I just propped today! 😆


Do it.


Same, doing that right now


How many days til you get a mango?


8 years


WHAT? I got mangoes in 4~5 years


Depends on quality. If you buy the sapling from a garden which are generally hybrid, it is possible to bear fruit in 4-5 years. A lot goes in to bear proper fruits. As someone who had a 3 storey mango tree, producing 4-5 fruits does not take longer than 8 years but to produce like 300-400 mangoes takes significantly longer. Also, producing mangoes every year is strange from trees grown out of a seed as a lot of energy goes in blooming flowers and converting it into mangoes. However, not completely impossible. Some nursery varieties can bear twice a year mangoes as well.


Can you sit down at a table with a knife and fork and try to eat a rainbow? No! Such is Mango!


This made my day.


8 years


yeah, ok...but what happened on day 51? such a cliffhanger!


Nothing. The person realised that it won’t survive and he tossed it to the bin.


Sorry if not related, but do mangos grow true to seed? Like will the fruit be of the same quality as the one the seed is from?


It's been a hot minute since I looked it up but iirc, yes and no. Polyembrotic (multiple "seeds" in one) like the one in the clip, yes. Monoembrootic (single "seeds") like the most common grocery variety (around here), no. Possibly with a few odd balls here and there


Another question I guess then, my mom is currently growing a seed from what I believe is a store bought mango, and i don’t want to crush her hopes, but will it even produce? And if so and it’s not the same as what she got, will it be straight-up bad or just a different taste of mango? Sorry to load on questions.


No reason it shouldn't produce eventually. Mango are hermaphroditic (male & female on the same tree). Like most fruit trees it'll be a good few years before it gets to that point. Should still produce tasty edible fruit wether it's a clone or not. Also, as I write the word clone I'm remembering that the polyembrotic seeds both grow true to seed and as a hybrid in the same seed. One of the shoots will be a hybrid, the rest are clones that will grow true to seed. As far as I'm aware, no way to tell which is which when you go to prune out the extras


*one and only honey mango seed that made it. Germinated in a ziploc for maybe a month. Then moved it to soil




Nice video


So would you cut of the seedlings or is it all one plant?


Thanks OP!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶


Saw this a few days ago and am trying it out.


Be sure to elevate the jar above my head while holding a jar of honey.


Is this AI?


That’s some scary root growth.


I grew a mango seed and although it did grow very fast I don’t recall exactly how fast. I had it a few months and I don’t think it got that big. I forgot about it not long after I brought it in for the winter. And can I just say that beginning growth was a wee creepy :s


Wit for it to dry a few days. If fruit has started to rot, seed might be already sprouting. So use a knife and open it from aside, scissors could hurt it. Then you could put it in wet napkin and close it in plastic zipped bag, or if it started to grow a root just put it in a pot. When it's ready to seed it gets green.


That is so insanely satisfying


I’m off to buy a mango. Definitely want to try this 🥭


Hmmm… wonder if it would be easier than with avocado ?


It is. Much bigger chance of germination.


Perfect ! I’ll try then


Mine after roughly 6 months. https://preview.redd.it/1d0wi0or5j8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4caee17eb2c2485254bbbbe0f2f433f42d5c3d62