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This looks normal to me šŸ„¹ Spider-Cube 2 is what you're playing yeah? šŸ¤­


Damn, youā€™re right. I put in the wrong disc


It's an easy mistake to make šŸ„¹




Gotta put the circle disc in, not the square one.


Spider-cube, Spider-cube, does whatever a spider-cube does


This is always so weird, everyone plays on the same system but some people experience shitloads of bugs and glitches. Im like 22 hours into the game and the only glitch i have had is the cape on one suit clipping! Been lucky i guess šŸ˜…


Just the way the cookie crumbles lol. Still an incredible game though, even with the glitches


Yeah, happends in all games i guess, some have issues and some are lucky! But its a very good game indeed, having a blast in the city as spiderman šŸ˜… Hope people are enjoying it despite some issues!


Iā€™ve always wondered why that is. Makes no sense really. What would be different from one persons console to the next? And then How do devs gage what to fix when that happens? If only 5% of people experienced a certain bug how do you duplicate it so you know how to fix itā€¦.


Been thinking about that myself! Devs have some big work ahead of them after a release! Despite not having huge problems with the game!


For me I got a subtitle sync issue in one cutscene. Other than that im doing good in the first hour of the game and canā€™t wait to play more.


Had a couple times audio didnā€™t sync up. An enemy was shooting a new projectile type and no audio played for it. Iā€™m not sure if that was intended or not, but I feel it should had made some noise. The other stuff was dialogue being weird. Missed lines turned into double speak. All said and done, Iā€™d consider it bug free.


Thatā€™s pretty much it. Millions will play. A few thousand will experience some glitches here and there. A select few of those will record and put it on the internet in weird outrage. After attempting to make a flappy bird / free fall clone, I respect whatever the fuck these devs can achieve.


I usually get lucky like you too but have experienced 3/4 bugs so far


My brother finds a way to break every game he plays. Some people just have the gift


Iā€™ve had twice where the triangle to interact didnt pop up so I walked away and came back and it was fine. Not any big bugs at all. Totally agree itā€™s so odd!


I've had my game crash a few times but otherwise no real major glitches


Obviously most glitches are just game glitches but I think there are at times outside factors that can cause glitches as well. Such as this one where a single bit flipped in a Mario 64 speed run due to unavoidable outside interference. https://www.thegamer.com/how-ionizing-particle-outer-space-helped-super-mario-64-speedrunner-save-time/


I had just gotten down fighting some enemies once when suddenly I got sent through the floor and had to restart from my last checkpoint, but otherwise itā€™s been a good experience.


I had two game breakers on day one. During the sandman fight, my game wouldnā€™t register that I was pressing triangle as Miles so I couldnā€™t web zip to his head at all. Had to restart the whole game which was only ten minutes. Then I had another during the mission right before Mj sneaks into Kravenā€™s lair


Think of it this way. Spider-Man 2 has been in development for a few years. A game gets maybe a few hundred different testers on the game before release. Those testers end up playing the game pre launch finding bugs full time for maybe the last 3-6 months before release. Youā€™re looking at 1-4 million hours of testing done where they are actively trying to break the game. While thatā€™s happening testers naturally fall into a pattern of how they play the game, itā€™s something everyone does playing any game, so weird edge case bugs that are caused by maybe one of the hundreds of testers because of their unique pattern creep up every once in a while but are hard to reproduce/fix. Sometimes those bugs just disappear. A game like this releases, sells over 2.5 million units in a matter of a week or so. In one day more play time has been put into the game than the entire lifetime of the development. This is done by millions of players doing things millions of different ways as opposed to a few hundred on the dev team. Suddenly that super rare bug in development starts popping up because the sheer scale of playtime is so massive. Itā€™s kind of amazing how few bugs there actually are.


In the infinite Spiderverse, there's got to be a Spider-Cube somewhere out there.


Lmao this is so making it into the next Spiderverse movie.


How do I unlock this suit!?!?


At the main menu, you gotta hit up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, X, O, menu button.


a game called spider-man has bugs, it makes sense don't know whats the issue


Spiders are not bugs


distant relatives, those games are about family, aren't you following them?


Good save


If the spiders were doing their job they'd be eating the bugs, not letting them loose.




Only 59 up votes? Don't worry I evened it out. You're at 60 now.


Yt ahhh comment šŸ’€


I wanted to like, but it was already at 69 šŸ¤­ Edit:Someone ruined it šŸ˜¾


Only -19 downvotes? Rookie numbers let's get to 200 downvotes.


Youā€™re about to unleash the Cenobites on an unsuspecting NYC arenā€™t you?


Looks like tofu invaded the spider world.


Remake of Atari 2600 Adventure is looking good!


I laughed way too fucking hard when I saw the notification for your comment pop up


Oh hell yeah, they added Tofu to Spider-Man!


Spiderman 2 is backwards compatible on Gamecube confirmed


Smh, Nintendo really will do anything with the GameCube besides remaster Chibi-Robo šŸ˜”


Spider cube


Fanboy downvotes incoming


Real fans can laugh when it bugs out in a funny way and enjoy the game still. The fanboys will always hate when anyone says anything slightly critical of Sony or one of the studios


True, the white cube took me by surprise and couldnā€™t stop laughing after a pretty serious story moment tho lol. When I returned home to start the save again Miles and Peterā€™s faces were floating, taking me way out the story again hahah. I had to close the game and reopen, it was a nice break from the gritty story ngl lol.


I had a funny cutscene bug i loved it


Big agree


If you posted this without the passive aggressive title and something like ā€œlulz look at this funny bugā€ you wouldnā€™t be downvoted. You arenā€™t being critical of anything. Youā€™re just farming for fake internet points dude. Smh šŸ¤¦


Dude, chill, itā€™s not that serious. Just poking fun at another game that isnā€™t fully polished at launch


Bruh. Having a single glitch that only a handful of people have experienced isnā€™t a game that isnā€™t ā€œfully polishedā€. **every single fucking game has bugs and glitches** You didnā€™t discover anything new, you arenā€™t ā€œholding these companies to a higher standardā€ and you arenā€™t ā€œpoking funā€. You wanted karma on Reddit. Just be real about it. Ffs


My lord, you gotta chill. You do know some people just like sharing things online? Not every post is karma farming. Gotta lighten up a bit.


Passive aggressive? It's a joke, damn.


Ive had 2 crashes which honestly pissed me off


Iā€™ve had one so far when I was collecting one of those >!spider drones!<


I crashed at the Carnival twice myself. Harry and MJ disappeared and I couldn't get off a park bench!šŸ˜‚


I got stuck sitting on a bench with MJ at Coney Island. They just sat there and all I could do was look around lol


Yeah one hard crash here and a handful of weird graphical glitches (mainly around clothes).


is your whole console shutting off like mine? Itā€™s happened at least 5 times in like 6 hours of gameplay


I mean, that's purely for aerodynamics! He's gotta weigh at least 150lbs lighter.


thatā€™s just good object oriented programming


Of course there will be glitches on release. With how immense this sandbox-type of game is, I expected some glitches. I'm sure there will be an update soon...


gOtY 11/10


šŸŽ¶ Spider-cube, Spider-cube, does whatever a Spider-cube does šŸŽ¶


I had gotten past our first time seeing venom and the game crashed during the end cutscene so it never played the cutscene for the next mission and I went and got collectibles waiting for a call and an hour later I realize Iā€™m not getting that call and my auto saves are not old enough to reload into the mission. 18 hours gone


Best to use manual save. Yikes. Sorry to hear you lost so much progress


Honestly had a good experience so far on my side. One crash during a cut scene in the first few hours. aside from that a solid experience so far


Last night I was playing, having an absolute BLAST. God the swinging and traversal is so incredibly satisfying and fastā€¦ but then my PS5 just bricked. Would not turn back on. I havenā€™t tried again today yet. Iā€™m scared :(


Oh dear. That is scary. Hopefully it starts up again with no issues


It turned back on when I cycled the power, but it keeps doing it! I was playing Spider-Man 2 again, and it did the same thing after about 30 minutes of play. Middle of gameplay, screen goes black, thereā€™s a little spinning icon, and then the PS5 turns off. Then it wonā€™t turn back on until I unplug it and plug it back in. This is messed up. Itā€™s only happening with this game.


I didn't know that you could play as John Cena


Nah their is glitches. I'm surprised there was any.


What suit??


Iā€™m somehow lucky or unlucky that this hilarious shit never happens to me


Still a masterpiece in spite of this happening. I've had it happen a few times, but I don't care at all


I couldnā€™t agree more! Itā€™s frustrating to have the game crash randomly, but besides that itā€™s seriously a fantastic game. The only thing in it that is meant to be there that is god awful is how much they hold your hand on the beginning. Gets real old real fast to have them telling you the basics of movement for three games in a row. Be nice if it asked if you want instructions of how to swing at fight at the beginning like they ask if you want a recap


I haven't had any crashes, thankfully. Worst I've had is a partial freeze that was fixed by reloading the checkpoint. The handholding may have been a bit excessive, but to be fair, they did change the ways a few things work for this .


Iā€™ve only had two, but theyā€™ve luckily been right after finishing a mission. Just one had one happen when the stuff with Venom really kicks off. Thereā€™s a few things where it would be good to add in a pop up, but itā€™s largely the same to the point where the little changes wouldnā€™t make a huge difference to figure out if youā€™ve played the other two. The biggest changes are all in the things you get through the skill tree, but they donā€™t ever give a pop up for those lol


Man the amount of times I had to reset checkpoint or restart the game to fix a hang or graphics bug is dumb. Early reviewers should have mentioned these issues instead of riding Insomniac.


The fact this game is so buggy on launch isnā€™t surprising. 5 years and this buggy? What a shame. Give the license back to treyarch.


Nah. Treyarchā€™s last COD game was a buggy nightmare at launch. At least this gameā€™s issues are pretty minor. Occasional graphical bugs and on rare occasions crashing after missions. Insomniac is doing way better with their launches than Treyarch is


At least your graphics look good, look at my post.


Where is your post? I don't see anything in your profile


Yikes! What do you have it set to, fidelity or performance? I have it on fidelity and this has been the only kid of graphical big or glitch Iā€™ve had. Otherwise itā€™s been drop dead gorgeous


Iā€™ve tried everything, hdr on and off, every setting imaginable. Itā€™s definitely not my TV. I did purchase the digital version however, that might be why. Do you have a physical copy?


Yeah, I went with physical, but that shouldnā€™t make a difference since the files are the exact same. Only difference is with digital youā€™re downloading the game from Sonyā€™s servers, and with physical youā€™re copying the files from the disc to your SSD. Maybe delete the game and reinstall it. Beyond that Iā€™d try contacting Sony. Was really hoping this game would be without any major glitches, but it seems not. Sucks with how incredible the gameplay and story are


Iā€™ve deleted and redownloaded twice. I downloaded on the ps5 storage and my m.2 storage. Nothing changed it. Iā€™ve heard from others that theyā€™ve had the same issue coming from the digital version, while others with physical has been fine. I read somewhere itā€™s likely a bug, but no confirmation. Idk, Iā€™ll be putting the game on hold for now, I canā€™t play like this šŸ˜‚.


RIP, hereā€™s hoping Insomniac puts out a patch for it quick. Most likely a bug introduced in the day one patch if they didnā€™t fix something that major on the version most people are getting before launch


Itā€™s on fidelity btw


(Small spoilers in the text so donā€™t click on the spoiler text if you havenā€™t played. Nothing major or thatā€™ll ruin playing it, just a bit of a courtesy) Love the game, but Iā€™ve definitely been encountering quite a few glitches. None have been game breaking. Worst was early on with >!Miles glitching underwater in the ship instead of locking onto the ceiling to crawl through a vent. Had to reload from the last check point. Also had one with Harry showing Peter around the lab and he got stuck in the elevator. Wouldnā€™t walk around to show me the bees.!< Didnā€™t want to share any of those though cause theyā€™re still part of the story, and this one was by far the funniest. It was with Miles in the Tokusatsu suit. I was just looking through all the suits and when I hovered over it, his model was replaced with a white cube. Tried it on, and he was a white cube in the game lol. Went away as soon as I went back into the menu Edit: Also curious which suits youā€™re all using for Peter and Miles? Iā€™m using the OG Toby Maguire suit for Peter, and the Miles Morales 2020 suit in white/blue for Miles


Put in the og scarlet spider suit as soon as I could get it. Miles has the track suit in black. I've had the game crash twice but nothing game ending or progress blocking. Not too bad for a day one play yesterday. Playing on smoothed fidelity with vrr and 120hz mode. Getting a stable 40 fps and it looks great. I'll probably do a hard mode run after with performance mode on, but just enjoying the game right now.


Wtf is even haopening on the water id he spider jesus




There are very few, but games come out with a lot more bugs than they used to. Itā€™s inevitable with larger titles, but itā€™s gotten worse over the years. Seems this game has quite a few issues with crashing, and graphical bugs that range from amusing to making the game look like youā€™re playing on a PS2. Glitches and bugs that detract from the experience to that degree should be polished out by the time the game comes out. We can criticize the flaws that should be fixed while still enjoying the game


Spider Cube, Spider Cube, does whatever a Spider Cube does. Can he swing from a web? No he canā€™t, heā€™s a Cube.


I would give it a week and it will be a lot smoother. Most of the glitches I experienced broke immersion but nothing more.


Itā€™s to be expected nowadays


Im suspecting either a fault with your storage or you out some shonky extended storage in this ps5 the way it's struggling to load stuff to me stands out as not a problem with the game but with the system


This is why I will never buy games at launch anymore.


Itā€™s honestly way better than a lot of games have been at launch. Biggest issue is crashing for some people (crashed once at 33% overall completion), and then graphical bugs. Not on Nintendo levels of being done at launch, but better than most


Coming from Starfield, this is nothing.




Thank god Sony and others are finally focusing on just PS5 releases. Canā€™t keep catering to decade old hardware


Truly the next cyberpunk. I went to the games store today to get my refund.


Millions of copies sold and being played with no issues. One person on reddit with one bug. And we all know that every game **never** has any bugs, glitches. That is not common at all in video games for the last 30+ years. No sirrrrrieeeee WOW thanks! Truly life changing stuff here.


Struck a nerve?


Oooo, Iā€™ve made a fanboy angry. See how everyone else here is able to laugh about the funny cube? Take a chill pill


Bruh you were the one crying about fanboys. Foh


Default cube on his way to Blender HQ just to be deleted and replaced with another cube


I like that suit.


My friends character started twerking when it landed near the ground.


First person mod


Invisible suit


Damn, what game is it?


What skin is this?


Jpeg-Man 2


I got a glitch myself in the beginning of the game where one thug was completely invisible and neither of us could attack each other. I had to reset the checkpoint and it worked fine afterwards, but I couldnā€™t help but laugh at it.


Oooo-eeee-ooooo killer tofuuuu! šŸŽµ


If you put on the bodega cat costume when this happens you can roleplay as spider cat. Lol. I fell through the map a few times today and saw this several times. I restarted my game and the glitches stopped but I was having a good time as spidercat


Yeah. My game crashed like 3 times and Iā€™ve encountered numerous bugs so farā€¦..still got the platinum though


I had/have this bug as well..shut the game down and loaded back in and it was still there. Hope itā€™s gone when I load back in after fully shutting down last night.. I unlocked some new suits I was anxious to try and every suit for both characters (except the original suits) was doing this.


Hey thats lego spider-man....


Just did the damned drone mission about staying off the ground, the movement in this game gets really stupid if you put to much into it, the end of the mission restarted me 4 times because it forced me to land at the end of the mission to complete it, but it would also restart me.


How did you unlock the Tofu Cube from Resident Evil 2?! That's siiick!


The Blender cube suit!




Spoilers dude thatā€™s the final boss


Speed nonagon special suit


The only issue Iā€™ve ever ran into is sometimes the audio glitches out and characters that are supposed to be talking just donā€™t because it doesnā€™t switch from battle music to cutscene


I had a somewhat bug too, Peterā€™s head got de-attached from his body xD


early footage of the upcoming game Lego Spiderman.


How do you unlock that skin?


I've only fallen through the map once


Optimal speedruns of the game already out I see


Nothing wrong here. Cube dlc directors cut. the ending made me cry, when cube had to say goodbye to that one corner


I found a few in my 15 hour run of the story, 1 crash, 1 required me to reset a checkpoint, 1 forced me to close and reopen the game if I wanted sound, a couple that were odd but didnā€™t require me to restart anything. Overall, pretty solid for a day one release.


What's the ~chest~ Cheat code for turning into this cube.


Tofu made it from resident evil to spider man


Hey! I was Tofu earlier too. Go back to the starting screen. Itā€™s hilarious


I havenā€™t experienced that many bad glitches. I accidentally went out of bounds once during an enemy base. But that was about it.


I played it for the first time yesterday. Spiderman glitched out on me twice. He was stuck in the free falling animation during the first major boss encounter, and another time he got stuck in a wall. Couple hours into the game, it crashed during a cutsceneā€¦ I stopped playing for the night at that point.


Is this Spider-Manā€™s tofu mission?


Not the best companion cube I've seen. ![gif](giphy|l41lLjDhlakJJWhyw)


Damn I wish this was on PSVR


Bro downloaded Pong remastered


Didn't this glitch also exist in the first game?? This is pretty hilarious!


Haha I was like 2-3 mins into the game and it already glitched on me and I was laughing so hard! Still love the game tho


Wonder if this is the same bug from the first game where you can turn into any random object like trash cans.


My boy playin this on the new Chromebook


Daim I wasnā€™t going to purchase it cause I just bought Mirage but guess Iā€™m double dipping this month


Is this a roll of toilet paper? šŸ˜„


Honestly thought you were just miles in camouflage for a sec lol.


It's spidercube


Lol damn, looks like fun


There was supposed to be a bug here but you got a box instead.


Dang, Speed Nonagon is popping off!


Iā€™ve ran into a few bugs over the weekend. Nothing that restarting a checkpoint canā€™t fix and never see the bug again. Compared to other games this one launched flawlessly


Love it. Been playing as much as I can since launch and my game didn't give >!Tombstone a body but only head!< at Coney Island


Honestly this is pretty cool. Seems like a skin youā€™d unlock back in the day for a ps1 title. Glad to see they brought it back!




Literally just had this happen earlier.


I just had this happen to me


I shoulda recorded when I was trying to take a picture of the tennis court. The people were invisible, but the racquets and balls were not. Legitimately PONG.


Tofu from resident evil


Not my health bar disappearing in a boss fight.


The only bug i had so far was that the skill tree icons were missing but was fixed by just re opening the menu


I've had three separate soft locks. During prowler tutorial, NPC dialogue didn't start when I got to the location, during the carnival I sat on a bench and talked to MJ, who never started her dialogue and after clearing one of Markos memories, instead of zooming into the crystal, it zoomed out to spider butt and I couldn't break it, though I still got haptic feedback on trigger pulls. All three non major, I just manually saved and reloaded and was 10 seconds back.


Itā€™s full of spider bugs, but still a great game






Loaded spiderman 2 on the game cube again I seeā€¦.?


OP battling spider-manā€™s mortal enemy, the Straw Man


I got trapped for a few minutes on a fire escape


My game crashed when I was getting ready to land at the ramp at the beginning of the game. Didnt think anything of it but now wondering itā€™s just a ā€œgames be messy at launchā€ sort of deal


This happened to me earlier when I tried changing suits and it looks ridiculous


Ah yes. The mini fridge skin


Holy shit the new geometry dash graphics look amazing


How did you get it to be in first person mode?


Had this happen to me earlier very funny bug


I clipped into a building, crashed twice and had a building textures fail to fully load in. Still probably my GOTY honestly


Especially funny when the cube very brutally takes down enemies


I love it, almost wish it happened to me


I've encountered a floating cup in the Emily-may foundation and a basketball shooting and dribbling on its own, also unsynced subs in just one cutscene like another friend mentioned. All in all nothing gamebreaking or something that ruins the overall experience


this literally just happened to me lol


Cube is a feature


my game crashed after some ten hours into it. I'm honestly scared it ruined my (brand new) ps5. I rebooted everything, started playing, it did the same again. Waited the entire night, just got into the game easily , lost all my saves. I'm not sure what the hell is going on;


Yesterday I was sneaking around and thought I had cleared all enemies and I heard fighting sounds. Went toward it and found a dead body standing up fighting against a floating gun. Game is great but Iā€™ve had at least 3 bizarre moments like this so far. Also Peter went bald for like 2 seconds while putting on the symbiote suit lmfao


Only glitch I've seen so far is the hologram of black cat making her face stretch out into a snout. thought I was looking at anubis


Itā€™s weird to me how the game went gold like a few weeks before but thereā€™s a good amount of bugs, unlike the previous games.


Is that from the unpatched disc version?


Itā€™s a disc version, but the day one patch gets installed as soon as you put the disc in


Happened to me too!


Lol I got this one too


What multiverse are you in?


Hahaha I think this happens when you change suits when youā€™re not supposed to be able to, it happened to me as black suit spidey in Mays house lol