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Horror in video games is mostly about rhythm and level design, two things that are very difficult to mange in an open world…


Yes, but when done well it can be *terrifying*. I think the best example would be the first few hours of The Forest. The first night trying to survive and hearing cannibals cackle in the woods and watching them run by is absolutely terrifying. Very few games have made me actually as scared as that.


Oh hell yeah! I just bought it two days ago and tried twice but I couldn’t survive more than one day. It’s so difficult and scary. Second time I got killed by a crocodile/alligator that I didn’t even see was lurking around


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is another phenomenal example. And let’s not forget that after more than half a dozen instalments, the well-established RE franchise famously did away with quite possibly its most iconic and distinctive features - a claustrophobic slow-burn pace and fixed-camera perspectives - in lieu of its now-equally iconic over-the-shoulder perspective and more-action oriented gameplay. If any franchise can make a jump this big, I’d wager RE is a top contender.


The entire storyline of the Forest is the gold standard of open world horror imo. If you do it blind, it’s so satisfying exploring that game. I didn’t even realize there was a plot for the first few hours, I just dug into it and the intrigue kept rising.


Terrifying? Hell nah. Me and my buddy were the ones cackling in that Forest.


Like all things, it just has to be designed well. Play Darkwood. It's an open world horror game and one of the best horror games I've ever played


People love it or hate it but I felt the evil within 2 handled it pretty well, it’s a very solid horror title with some open world design. And tbh I’m getting a little tired of the linear and short nature of RE games, even though I love the series. I doubt it will be as open world as people think, but a larger game in general would be appreciated.


I love open world games but I have to agree with what you said. Part of what makes an environment scary and tense is knowing you have very limited space to escape. Going open world would make the game feel too safe.


Not everything needs to be open world. Honestly, it usually makes it worse minus a few


I miss linear style games and they feel more and more rare. I use to love open world games but I’m kinda burnt out on them, they feel a little too static and lifeless anymore. With that being said I am a little open minded to an open world horror game cause there’s not many of those. I just feel like Resident Evil does a fantastic job at linear style games. So does FromSoftware and Elden Ring was amazing. So idk I’m just feeling conflicted about it


I feel like what we liked about those original open world games, was there was still a large amount of hand crafted stuff. I can definitely agree that I have loved getting back into games that actually end at some point, for better or worse. Most games are meant to never end and always keep you playing now. I feel like "procedurally generated" and "open world" are starting to become terms that turn me away from games more than they've ever drawn me into them at this point. As a new fan of the RE franchise, having played only a few minutes of the original version of RE4 growing up, and falling in love with both Village and the RE2 remake (I did also play the RE3 remake). I look forward to playing through the RE4 Remake when I can, and hope that a sequel to Village can hold up as well as the community received RE8.


Yep. And it makes it feel so tedious because most of the procedurally generated stuff ends up being very similar to each other. It also feels like such a cheap way to fluff up gameplay time and also feels super lazy. I’m working on developing a game and looked into some of the procedural stuff. Felt lazy. For me, I want to go back to the days of Medal of Honor allied assault, or call of duty 2 (the ww2 one from like 2003).


Resident evil but Elden Ring would be nice Actually some boss fights in previous RE games fight a bit soul-lite


It's funny because in replying to the comment below, I was originally going to mention opening up some of those world maps and just seeing all the stuff you "have" to do. I've realized that I don't enjoy completing every little thing in every game anymore, and I also consider it to be my personal badge of honor to the game if I get 100% completion or bother with the trophy hunt these days. I think for someone who either isn't going try tons of new games each year, then having one big game that you can sink an hour or two per sitting for months is great. But, I definitely miss talking with my friends about the end of a game and not "the end game". And I feel like, as you mentioned companies are fluffing up the gameplay time, those conversations either don't happen because no one actually beat it or someone has to ask "alright, do you actually care if I spoil stuff for this game?" so the conversation can continue.


It’s not linear or open world, but I prefer explorable zones like in Outer Worlds. Every planet is very detailed, has a good amount of secrets, sidequests and encounters but it’s not open world, and you can more or less explore whichever place you want to in order


Yeah like, even open spaces are well crafted to have a good atmosphere that a true open world just cant nail.


If it's coming to PSVR2, i'd play it.


Each RE release since 7 has had VR, I’d call it a safe bet for 9. (besides 2r + 3r)


They just need to do the VR mode for PSVR 2 but they wont


Did RE2R and 3R have it? I thought it was only the 1st person games?


RE 7 had VR mode, but only on PSVR. RE 8 and RE 4 Remake got it on PSVR2. Sadly only for the main campaign and not for dlc/extra missions




Are you saying it's hype, or you're hyped?


I'm hyped


Sweet, me too


Really enjoyed the implemention for FF7 Rebirth.


OG FFVII also had an open world. Also it’s an rpg and that genre tends to go hand in hand with open worlds. Not sure this would translate well with an established survival horror franchise


More of an overworld. Not really the same in the modern sense.


Audiences at the time would have considered this to be open world, but semantics aside, the FVII Rebirth isn’t a good analogue as fans were expecting an open world. RE fans are not expecting an open world.


Rebirth did it just fine for me with the segmented areas that still felt connected.


We really hating on Resident Evil New Raccoon City? A larger version of what we hoped the Nemesis Remake would be with a splash of Day's Gone? I remember people asking for this when RE 0 was announced, and when 5 was first shown off and with some of the side multi player games.


I actually really liked orc, the campaign was laughable but still decent and I loved the pvpve.


The few are great though, MGSV, Elden ring, I used to think it'd be impossible to have great open worlds


Making Elden Ring was definitely questionable. But goddamn it’s one of the greatest games of all time.


I might be in the minority but i enjoyed dark souls, sekiro and bloodborne over elden ring since i really didnt vibe with the open world. The replay value goes down a lot when you add an open world since you have to go through all the filler content on secondary playthroughs


Most people just play a game once.


I think the interesting question is whether or not Elden Ring is *improved* by its open world. I love it, but think it might have been a better experience as a semi-open world.


I think it is. Else itd be dark souls 4. I think how big the world is lets the depth if the story and history flourish


MGSV had nothing to do in its open world and the way it was designed made it obvious that it was made with the 360/PS3 in mind in how it funnels you into open areas through linear paths and being unable to climb anything. Elden Ring's open world is bloated yet sparce at the same time and there's no interesting ways to traverse it like in GTA, Assassin's Creed or Arkham. There are plenty of franchises that justify going open world but those two games are not good examples in my opinion.


GTA 4-5-Vice city-San Andreas, RDR1-2, Cyberpunk currently


Does this "*Dusk Golem*" leaker actually have a history of being accurate? The article claims they are reputable but doesn't explain *why*


he leaks mostly RE/Capcom stuff. He´s incosistent at best though. Also it´s important to note he did not actually said RE9 is going open world.


They’ve been right sometimes, but with RE specifically they seem to miss more often than they hit. IIRC they “leaked” that Resident Evil Village would be open world, too.


I mean if it's semi open like Village then I'm all for it. I love RE's style which has usually been an open space solving puzzles so it just sounds like it's.more of that


Please no...




Please can we not. Can we just have some games that aren't open world.


Personally I hate open world games. But nowadays everything is becoming open world.


Oh great, another one of my favorite series going open-world “because”. Please don’t be true.


They’ve done like 15 straight linear games, maybe it could be great. I agree most horror games should be pretty linear, but let them try something new since we’re still getting great remakes of the OGs


If it’s the same dev team that gave us re4 remake then I say let them cook. That game while linear was semi open world as well and it was pretty lit.


I agree. I’m sure they wouldn’t be doing it unless they had a good concept


Yeah, the franchise creator shinji mikami had released the evil within 2, it was a major dramatic shift in gameplay and featured what I saw as the first time we’ve gotten to have an open world in a survival horror game. And it was freaking AWESOME! I enjoyed things way more than I thought I would Resident evil now, isn’t really at a point where it needed such a change since things have been working well, if they continued the tradition of releasing the mainline titles in trilogies, then we should have one more game in the first person style, and then things should be renewed beginning with resident evil 10 but if they feel like it’s a good idea than I’m down with it They’ve down amazing with the franchise over the last decade; resident evil revelations 1+2 were great and a good step back in the direction of horror, re7 was really good, re8 was fun, it had its moments where it was legendary but overall a good entry. Then the remakes have been good, If they feel this is a good decision then I think no one would know better, definitely not any of these “fans” who act like they’re eligible to know any better 🤣


That’d ruin it for sure. Just have open sections like in the prior titles. A complete systematic change to the gameplay would fucking suck.


I mean they went first person. People thought, that would be a huge change. It wasn’t.


Completely different imo, first person to third person is a difference in scale and combat but isn’t a fundamental difference to world design like a shift from linear to open world is. Everything that makes RE tense and interesting and scary relies on well-designed, catered spaces.


Why can’t they have well-designed, catered spaces in OW? MGSV went open world, and while the story suffered, the gameplay became incredible. There were still parts of horror sections in that game, and it’s not even meant to be a horror game. Why can’t the devs incorporate well designed horror moments in a big environment?


Exactly this. Doubters, go play Darkwood. Its an open world horror game and arguably one of the best ever made


I see everyone complaining on here but I have faith they’ll make it work all their recent resident evil work has been spot on I think


Capcom taking the wrong lesson after successfully bringing the franchise back just like they did before, shocking! /s


![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4) Don’t need that to happen at any point like ever.


If anything it should be less open


The last one was already kind of open world


No it wasn’t. It had a hub area but all the story progression cycles out from that hub in specific directions in a linear fashion.


I really hope this isn’t the case…




terrible news


Yay. Another franchise going open world…


Oh god please no... I am so sick of "open" worlds... Give me an amazing semi-open, or linear, concentrated experience. I dont want to grind the map and spend an excessive amount of time in a game. RE2R, 4, 7, 8 are masterpieces, please dont try to change the already existing, working formula


I don't think there is a worse franchise to add open world to


I am forever over open world


Why though


Not everything has to be open world, and this is definitely one of them. Horror games have their unique charm, because we are often forced into an enclosed area where we cannot back off from fear. Why would you create an open space.


Reading these comments is hilarious because people had the same reaction to From saying Elden Ring would be Open World and look at it now...


It did end up having an overall worse level design though. Compare it to Bloodborne and the first Dark Souls where the areas are interconnected in various clever ways and it’s just not up to par.


This. Open world/linear are just descriptions, they aren't inherently good or bad. I wait to judge the game based on seeing the actual game. The knee-jerk reactions are non-sensical.


Stranded on a desert island, you must climb all the radio towers to call for rescue before zombies eat you.


I don't think open world can be as scary as a linier experience. I once said that an open world experience on horseback would never mix well with the souls formula and I was proven very wrong on that one though. It might be possible to have the open world be a "hub" that connects linier areas together. But I am not sure that will work however.


I'd love them to do a remake of Outbreak. Give us the entire city to explore. That's open world enough.


Great, we will get an RE version of Chadley and towers to climb, can twist!


Very disappointed with this news. Why it has to be open world? Why can’t we have a linear, rich and immersive gameplay anymore? They can still put some small sides missions alongside with main storyline. If they really use their brain for a linear gameplay then we can be able to experience special and unique moments, that’s all I want.


At least it isn't a Battle Royale.


Oh God help us. Breath of the wild did this. Breath of the wild is why everything feels the need to go open world. And it all sucks now because of it. It's not novel or impressive anymore. At this point I'm just sick AF of seeing it.




Haha, what? If there's anything that should *not* be open world, it's Resident fucking Evil


I know everybody fucking hates open worlds but I think this could be an interesting experiment. Definitely don’t want the series to do this full time, but could be a pretty neat one off. Give it a chance.


I don’t mind since I don’t have open world fatigue like everyone else, but it would be *really* hard to make an open world work in a horror setting. There would have to be a sense of dread and horror in every corner of the map in order to make it feel worth it.


Wtf. Please no


Is everything gonna be open world now?




Let em try new things, don't instantly hate. People complain for companies releasing same game every year (cod,FIFA etc.) as soon as they try something new they get flamed again. Relax, if you like it buy it, if not don't it's simple.


Sure. We can see Chris Redfield ride around on a horse, he can pick up bounties from various towns for hunting zombies, all while he's trying to find Ciri- I mean Rose Winters.




Capcom really throwing any old shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. It’s like they sat down and said “what makes a great Resident Evil game?” and then chose to do the exact opposite. They got lucky with first person being a hit, but open world has *no place* in an RE game and if it’s true hopefully it’s the last, they’ve strayed too far from what made the franchise a success.


i mean... every single RE game/remake since the mess of RE6 has been fantastic so i dont really see what you mean by this


I personally loved re6. The creepy mansion vibes were scary I felt. It's the only re game I played though.


yeah thats fair, it did nearly kill the franchise though lol


No please no it just doesn't work as well, Evil within tried it and i hated it all of the time


god damn it, no.


If it's something similar to Silent Hill or Evil Within 2, I'm in.


I don’t think open world suits horror as well as tight pacing and level design but who knows. I don’t mind open sections like the RE4 lake section that broke up the combat with some exploration. Who knows what they’ll do with 9, but I’m curious how it’ll work if it is open world. Unless it’s like open ended on what levels you tackle maybe.


Not open world, but I think it would be fine if it was open mission like deus ex


One of the few series that did so much right, I’ll trust them with this..


Losing interest by the second...


Oooo I hope it’s like dead rising


Depends how they do it. Open world means way too many things. If it’s just the last game but there’s no linearity to order then it will work fine.


I want dark, dreary, borderline claustrophobic locales where I worry about what lurks behind every corner. Please don’t reduce Resident Evil to an un-impactful checklist game with copy-pasted objectives and locations.


No capcom please don’t do this


The only way I see this working is something akin to elden ring level design. Basically you are in a large and interconnected area. You have “dungeons” that are smaller/contained areas with various rewards for clearing then you have something like grace or whatever GPA system for RE that points towards the main story. It would be incredibly interesting to see how they would balance it for skill, fun, and pacing of story. Basically RE8 but on a grander scale with more events and less chokepoints for storytelling. I would personally love it, but again, this would need to be a master class in level design to make it work. So I don’t expect much.


Ok. Not sure what that means anymore.


I hope it doesn't impact the storytelling too much if so.


They've been doing a great job lately, so I'm inclined to withhold judgement, but this sounds like a bad idea.


Maybe not full open world but smaller open location where you can choose what to do first. It would actually fit the series I guess.


That’s a huge fail if true


Maybe if we got to survive in something like racoon city it could work.


I'm interested actually I hope they do something like GTA v with the fluid character switch. Like Leon in one part of the city and Clair taking care of another borough. I know it's jarring to hear but after their complete win streak past re6 I trust them wholeheartedly


A resident evil open world side project would be great fun! But the main titles should be cinematic, atmospheric and tense.


I’m all for developers trying something new!


Outbreak Remake where you can freely travel all of raccoon city??


I got a bad feeling about this...


Open world and horror wouldn’t seem to work.


I’d really rather they not


*Capcom, stop. Please. Just… no.*


Basically Days Gone then.


It shouldn’t need open world. But it needs damned good storytelling.


If they do it like The Evil Within 2 where its a giant hub, then I'm open to the idea. However, for me personally, what makes the best Resident Evil games is the fleshed out locations and fantastic level design. I'm talking the Spencer and Baker Mansion, and the RPD. If it's fully open, I worry about the pacing.


I’m not thrilled, but I was skeptical too when RE4 was announced.


I’d try it. Capcom has tried a lot of new things with RE and they work more often than not. I trust them. Can’t wait!


I could see it with a smaller, more contained open world... similar to the Evil Within 2. I don't think it really needs it, though. I think bigger, open areas would more than suffice.


Have they learned nothing from the success of 7, Village, and 2/3/4 remakes?




Only acceptable if it's Raccoon City.


Open World is cancer. There's only a tiny handful of games that did it right. Most of the time it's just designed to waste your time.


REm4ke got it perfect with large hubs.


If they do it like Metro Exodus where its huge chunks of open world with lots of nooks and crannies it could be really fun.


Remember when the evil whitin attempted to make it open world in the sequel ? Yeah that didn't go well




This could either go extremely well or go as poorly as usual.


Didn't Capcom already make that game and call it Dead Rising?


I don’t mind open world horror games just cause evil within 2 was mostly good. But I use that mostly good remark loosely because it didn’t feel as nerving and eerie as the first game did. I think they should just stick to their formula but would love to see this come to fruition if they can make it work.


Didn't everyone love The Evil Within 2? RE has been amazing since 7, why can't we just give them the benefit of the doubt, they know what they're doing.


" Sir You Are Being Hunted" bit with a big budget and actual horror. I'm here for it


“It’s claimed” Oh ok well if it’s claimed then it’s gotta be true


This would be awful.


I think this could actually be kinda interesting. A big part of resident evil is the somewhat open ended level design and exploration. I’m not really a big fan of open world games but if it’s done right it could be really good. I mean, FromSoft did it well with Elden Ring and souls games have always been linear, so I don’t see why Capcom couldn’t do the same. This is just a rumor though from some random guy so there’s a pretty good chance it’s fake, so don’t get upset over a leak lol


But why?


I think this could be taken out of context I can’t see this at all. I bet it’s more like Evil With in 2, which had open areas and they were done phenomenally


NO!!!! The last thing we need is another open world game


God, please, no. Zonal at most. But no open world. I'm sick of open world games.


Ugh. Resident Evil does not need an open world game.


Welp, if it is ima skip it


But par6 of the fun of resident evil games is the labyrinth aspect. Making it open world negates that in a lot of ways...even if it is open world like ocarina of time where it's open word but you need to do things in a certain order


How about a live service battle royal shooter for resident evil 😂




This is where I jump off the RE band wagon. It’s been fun ya’ll.


And yes, they will charge you for fast travel


i meant RE4 was semi open world and that game is praised so much, ill wait to see gameplay before judging


What is players obsession with open world? Most of the time you’re walking around empty areas.


Well, from 7 onwards it’s been an amazing run. Had to end at some point lol


Big empty open world full of useless items to pick up every 5 steps and pointless "side" things to do to pad the time Instead of just designing a straight linear constant action/story to constantly keep you engaged


I mean.... if they do it right! I'm down to see AAA take a risk like this with Resident Evil. Imagine surviving raccoon city for a few days and having to explore to survive. Sheeeeeeeeeit I'll take it


Everyone saying this would be bad for RE has not played an RE game in the last 7 years. RE 7, 2 and Village all had one connected map where you go back and forth as you please. Yes the progress was locked by key items or puzzles but delete them without changing anything else and you have open world RE. Village would've actually benefited from it, the 4 lords should've been "pick the order you want" type of bosses/zones. Maybe RE9 is terrible, who knows. But saying that just because it's gonna be open world it's auto ruined is dumb


Not with that engine and sub 30 fps on 4090s lol


I hope it’s still first person view. Then when REX comes out they can make the game second person view. 😁


I was hoping RE would keep away from the same-game-different-sking bandwagon


I dont think a open world is a great idea for resident evil but I'll play it if zombies are back


Maybe the Open World will take place in the suburbs so you can infiltrate more than one Evil Residence


Will I have to buy 10 bullets at $4.99 after launch?


Nope! Open world for REV would be shite. Semi-open not so much, but open world? No. Just wouldn’t work with the game and its theme/setting etc


I'm a thumbs down on open world but a Create a Chracter option would make me buy it.


Why can’t they just make resident evil games… resident evil?


Come on people, we thought dark souls only worked because of their linear design then Elden ring happened. With RE, you can attach stories and plot to each location. WHAT IF… something is stalking you in the open world and you are consistently on the move to avoid it while completing your objectives? Fucking stress through the roof. I’m sure RE team has a ton of small stories to tell in side quests on the open world that they were not able to tell because of a linear story.


Honestly the only way to pull this off would be to go in the direction of like a Metro: Exodus type of open world where everything is small but extremely detailed and unique


Resident Fortnite Evil.


Source: "**Trust me, bro.**"


Village was the exact right amount of "open" a Resident Evil world needs to be. The essence of Resident Evil is that you're trapped somewhere and you need to escape. Have the game be open world would lose that.


If Dragon’s Dogma 2 has taught us anything, it’s that the RE Engine doesn’t really handle open worlds well.


I don't think an open world fits with Resident Evil.


Cautiously optimistic. RE is the kind of game that I think linear works best but we shall see


The chance for micro transactions in a linear game is much less for than a open world game. They trying to cash out.


That sounds incredibly stupid.


Open world and service based, ah the golden standard of ruining great games


I'd enjoy this


Welp it was a good run we had boys.


I feel like horror games benefit from being linear. An open world RE just doesn’t feel like it’d have the same quality scares or atmosphere. Not sure if I like this


How can they go from RE7, which was intense and did so much right to open fucking world


Please yes, if designed well it can truly have an atmosphere of horror like The Forest.


I would only accept such a game if it took place in Raccoon City and had a timer similar to Dead Rising, leading to different outcomes. Buuuut all the characters that matter already have alibis


About time.


If this happens, go back to Raccoon City some how, it'd be the best for open world


I’m so open worlded out dude. FF7 Rebirth, Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, Tears of the Kingdom, Horizon. Just stop already, I’m so fucking over it. I need something different, not more of the same.


Because the engine is clearly built for it /s


Hmmm they’ve done well with 7 8 and the remakes so I’ll keep an open mind


Good Lord, could this headline equivocate any harder