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i feel some one pressed delete and lost the program and dont have a backup


Didn't someone just share a link recently on this forum that literally proved our data isn't lost?


I downloaded my data and I've been even earning points during the outage, and also finished one campaign with a collectible. The only thing I didn't see were the spent points. Only the points I earned were shown, not the ones I spent


I’m thinking the app is deleted not the db


There isn't a PS Stars app. It's built into the PS App, and the rest of the app is functioning, just not Stars.


Someone probably tried fixing some bugs and fucked up the code for the Stars program so bad that it bricked the entire program. For example, adding in code that clashes with already existing code, or one of the many possibilities and they didn’t make a back up of the code before changing things. This happens more than you’d expect, tbh.


I think someone found a loophole to exploit points. That's usually why they take stuff down. Idk though.


That's why they got rid of the old system, afaik. The number of games you could instantly get a platinum for if you loaded a completed save was insane. Could have probably maxed out the yearly earnings for earning platinum/gold/silver trophies in less than a day.


just git revert guys


There’s always a backup of the code. Every single tech company in the world uses version control like Git.


I'm telling you, too many of us had saved up a ton of points and were buying full on games like stellar balde or sea of thieves and they hit the pause button on stars intentionally because they were losing money. If/when it does come back it won't be the same and won't be as easy to build up points. Eta: I had over 15k points when it crashed. I was going to use it to buy BLOPS3 because I doubt it'll be worth my hard earned cash




Tell me you don't understand programming without telling me you don't understand programming.


Bro you can't even SPELL programming.


Feels this way, I still remember the day I opened the app and see the Stars mini logo seemingly fizzle away


They not like us they not like us


Wop wop wop wop


This literally happened locally at our Jail. All files was deleted and even back ups.


You must live in a redneck ass town because all criminal files are automatically uploaded to a national database


You got a redneck ass sounding name lol


I’m no IT person by any means but how can this thing be broken for this long?


Especially for a company as big as Sony - with so many daily users and resources. Just unacceptable.


Careful man the sony fanboys here will just say youre whining and tell you to wait for the generous god Sony to fix it whenever they want.


Nothing to do with fanboys. If it could have been fixed by now, it would have been fixed by now. Ask anyone who works in IT how long it can take to fix a non-urgent issue, and they will ask, "How long is a piece of string?"


I like that in your mind telling people to be patient and that making the 9000th reddit post won't get it fixed faster is considered fanboyism 


The Reddit Hivemind at full throttle.. provides accurate information and gets downvoted and called a fanboy.. you’ve even started being downvoted, and I suspect I will too, tbh. They are entirely correct saying that it taking a few weeks to fix a non-urgent issue, its 100% factual. The Stars program is bottom priority when it comes to their other services such as PSN, their stores, the streaming service, etc. All of those and more have top priority, which is why it takes so long to fix other issues for their services that aren’t as big/don’t generate as much income.


As a Sony fanboy I can confirm they’re taking the piss with this now, it’s a joke


How dare you insult our lord and gamer Sony Entertainment.


Sony is trying to fix it. You clearly haven't developed software, a lower-priority issue taking several weeks to get fixed, tested, and pushed is not at all unexpected or unreasonable


Fanboy alert


How are they a fanboy for providing accurate information? That’s exactly why it isn’t working yet. I’m sure they’ve been working on it, but it’s not an urgent issue compared to their main services, so it’s going to take longer to sort out the issue(s)..


And what main services are currently not working? Everything else seems to be running perfectly fine so the stars should be at the top of their priorities


You don't know what can be happening internally for the company. What their priorities and protocols are for IT or software maintenance. However, PlayStation Stars does seem to be a high priority for them, and they're working hard. But it takes time. There's only so much that could be done. Unless you have a background in IT or software maintenance or even know what's going on internally at Sony, don't criticize others for trying to provide what is actually possibly accurate information.


The problem is that Stars has been implemented not so long ago ,and the only thing that the company was having after launching it ,were losses .They have no income with Stars .So,they have no hurry or no headache about fixing it soon ,I suppose.


Not really. I don’t “fan” over any company. Just find it funny when people that don’t develop software make claims like “the god” sony is only going to fix it “when they want” as some kind of explanation for the time. If you don’t develop software you have no idea what such a system would entail and how long it takes to both develop fixed code, unit test it,create a full test build, and deploy it to users


They clearly don’t care about unit tests given their track record…


Again with people who clearly haven’t developed software stating what is “clearly” happening here. The only thing that is clear here is that there is an issue and Sony has said they are aware of it and working toward fixing it.


As a developer, broken features always get priority. Hot fixes are specifically for breaks like this, jump the queue on updates and features to get a break fixed. Best practice doesn't leave a feature broken, especially one so prominently displayed.


Heck even things like mechanical repairs something flat out broken takes priority over upkeep/upgrade. That other dude just wants to sound smart


lol I’ve been developing software for over a decade. Pipe down you clown


Then you would know you are jumping to conclusions without any data on a codebase you know nothing about


honestly sony is being really shitty this gen, I have 4 ps5 controllers and only one is working as intended. I bought the dualsense edge with promise it would be easy to swap the analog if the famous stick drift issue would appear. I got the drifts now, and I can't buy a new piece, because there are two problems. One, im from LATAM and got no official reseller here and I cant buy directly from sony because they refuse my PO address. Second problem is, most of the time the product is sold out because of scalpers. This new ps plus is shit, back in the day we used to own the games that were given, the marketing was always this, you would own the game. Now they're revoking licenses, I've got so many games locked because of this policy. I've been with the playstation brand since ps1 (1999). It's sad, but next year I will be moving to the pc ecosystem


What are you talking about? Ps plus games have always been contingent that you’ll have access to them as long as you have a subscription.


There is no change to the basic PS Plus tier. The 4 or so free monthly games that you "own" as long as you're a PS Plus subscriber. They haven't revoked any of those. You can still go to your PS3, and play the very first PS Plus free games, as long as you have a subscription. These are the games that are now called PS Plus Essential. You still don't own these, but you can play them for as long as you have PS Plus. What they remove are games in the rotating Extra catalogue. This is a newer tier designed to compete with Game Pass. They've been clear about this from day 1. You can play these while they are on the service and you are subscribed. Once they leave PS Plus Extra, they get locked.


>One, im from LATAM and got no official reseller here and I cant buy directly from sony because they refuse my PO address. Second problem is, most of the time the product is sold out because of scalpers. Neither of these are Sony issues, but issues with where you live. >This new ps plus is shit, back in the day we used to own the games that were given, the marketing was always this, you would own the game. Now they're revoking licenses, I've got so many games locked because of this policy. The service still works the same. You never owned them, you only got a license added to your account to play the game. You still can claim the 3-4 games per month from the subscription to add a perpetual license to your account. The higher tier is the new part which provides for access toa catalog of titles while you are an active subscriber. This is in addition to the 3-4 "free" games you get to "own" by claiming them each month. What licenses are they revoking? Your controller problem is anecdotal. I have had several controllers since console launch and none have had any issues.


The hell is this downvoted so much for? The guy was literally wrong about how redeeming the monthly ps plus games worked and I don’t recall Sony suddenly revoking licenses for ANY games from the service


I have a feeling it’s because the Reddit Hivemind has been downvoting him for providing factual information on how fixing issues with non-priority services work, and got called a fanboy..


People here are just absolutely RAGING because the rewards service has been down for two weeks, the hivemind saw someone "defending" Sony and didn't even care about what was actually said or the fact that OP is very mistaken on how the service works. Sony has issues. Someone in a country where they do not operate not being able to easily find their products is a strange complaint. Of course the products can't be found, they don't do business in your country. And the second is the common people not reading what they are subscribing to. Essential and Plus are explained clearly when you sign up. Do people not read before spending money?


“Common people.”?


Well bro I believe that's is ur main problem...ur from LATAM


I do agree Sony has been shitty this generation, but a lot of the issues you have aren’t really Sony issues specifically. The fact Sony made the dualsense edge without hall effects when pretty much every third party making a premium controller at the same price includes Hall effect. That was extremely shitty of Sony to do and was nothing more than a way to milk fans of more money. PS Plus is definitely shit, but more because they keep raising the price but the quality of games getting added are only going down. The free games should stick with your account like Xbox has, but nope, and they haven’t ever stuck before either. They haven’t revoked licenses for games yet, but they have done it for movies/shows purchased through PS. It’s 100% a possibility that will happen with games though in the future. It’s more likely a matter of when, not if it happens either.


To be fair, those issues with your DS Edge are 100% on you. That’s something you should have looked into prior to purchasing the controller. It’s not Sony’s fault you can’t get replacement sticks… and the free monthly PS+ games have _always_ been locked behind having an active PS+ membership… thats like being upset you bought Premium PS+ membership but upset you don’t _own_ the games you can download/stream from the Premium Games library.. None of what you have issues either is Sonys fault..


You should make the shift now


Never never we have owned the game .. this was only on xbox 360. Not ps3 nor ps4 or ps5. 


? Iv had acces to my ps plus monthly games for roughy 4-7 years


You ve got acces as long as you pay for the ps+. Since the beggining if you stop ps+ you can t acces your games. If you can you have a joyful bug 😂






You need to clean your console if it’s overheating that easily.. and the HDMI issue seems like a faulty cable, tbh. PS4 controllers got stuck drift all the time too.. it’s just something that happens and will always happen with that style of analog stick. That’s why a new one has been developed that uses magnets, which eliminates the stick drift issue, and it’s currently being implemented in some controllers.


I do clean my console it didn’t have much dust in it. I took the cover off and the fan isn’t working while running ps5 games so it must be the fan since I took it apart checked the motherboard and the fan connector seems normal comparing to pictures online and how it should look. I haven’t had that HDMI problem in too long but it does happen sometimes on my ps4 so it must be my TV. Yeah you’re right about ps4 controller stick drift I got like 4 out of 6 controilers that have stick drift. I heard about a ps5 controller version 2 coming out but still won’t fix the horrible stick drift issue.


I got the same Ps5 and controllers as when it came out in 2020 & it works very well... You are just abusing your controller by smashing button and you clearly lack free space environment over your console, she need to breath sometime even if it a console... Shame on you 😂


Yeah, I've kept my sweet PS4 due to trust issues with PS5 (and its ergonomically-bad, stick-drifting controller issues) and glad I did.


I had more problems with the PS4 controller than ps5


I've gone through 1 PS5 and 3 controllers so far. Nothing was my fault. Literally all manufacture defects. Got a replacement PS5 but never sent back a controller. Usually a button issue or analog stick drift.


I have literally sat, step, thrown and had my mattress on my controller still hasn't drifted. So either u have shit luck or ur breaking them


Remember when psn was down for like 2 months on the ps3 lol


Oh man. I totally forgot the [2011 psn outage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_PlayStation_Network_outage) and data breach. It was three weeks and 3 days and just unbelievable that this did not kill the playstation brand as a whole. I remember getting some sort of of credit monitoring for 6+ months from Sony because of this. If a three week PSN outage and data breach were to happen in this day and age it would be completely devastating with how connected games are. Seems like all games today need an online connection to properly function.


It sure felt like 2 months to my 13 year old self tryna play some cod lol but yes I agree if that were to happen today it would definitely be pretty devastating to Sony.


How the fuck was this 13 years ago man?!?!? Sure as hell feels like. Just a couple years back. Damnit I’m old.


I'm IT person and all I remember is Sony taking whole network down for close to month after being targeted by big cyber attack and losing loads of user data to hackers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_PlayStation_Network_outage Not saying it's anything like that, just saying Sony doesn't actually have good track record on fixing things fast


The 2011 event was a completely different issue. That was Sony being hacked, the Stars issue is only some kind of app issue. If they had been hacked again, Sony would’ve made a public statement about it and the entire app likely would’ve been shutdown for the duration of the issue. I’m not in IT, but is there a reason they couldn’t have just reverted back to the previous version of the app? It seems the Stars events they had planned for it may have been somehow part of the cause, so couldn’t they just undo it that way? If they had gotten right on this and done something to fix it within a few days, I honestly would’ve accepted a simple apology(and a refund of the subscription I had just bought right before the outage if that hadn’t gone through). As it is now, obviously a lot of people will be expecting some amount of compensation for the time/points/money lost - especially if Sony decides the issue can’t be fixed and so decide they’ll just remove the feature entirely(I know I have at least $10 worth in Stars pts waiting to be redeemed from that subscription renewal). After the 2011 cyber attack, they compensated everyone with some free PS+, a choice of a few free games, and I think even a little bit of store credit. Some people are acting like real jerks about this outage, but again I’d honestly be fine with just a couple similar rewards once the whole thing is finally solved.


Honestly, I think it has to do with the other updates they rolled out. So shortly before getting discord, we start having issues with the network. My Players Met list only updates 12+ hours after meeting people and it’s not even all of them but it’ll say something like “met 1 hour ago” even if I haven’t played the game recently. Then I see that there seems to have been an update that allows you to share profiles. Something in the process of implementing these things must have shafted the system. This doesn’t even make sense but I still expect to receive the points for my purchases. But with all this, what are the chances that it was a coincidence that they shut down the PS card rewards program?


I genuinely think there’s more to this than they are letting on! Something like they realised it had a gaping backdoor to their servers or something and panicked when they realised.


Super annoying, i want to get my 5 dollar ps points lol


* the app could be assigned to a different department (like, it's a marketing tool, give it to Marketing to handle) than people who actually created it, then it's not that original department's priority to fix it when it breaks, because it's Marketing's responsibility now * running a skeleton crew to keep the costs down, leaves no room for handling surprise random events * why did higher-ups fire the one guy who knew what the undocumented Stars code did * why did the intern delete the Stars code * why did we never create back-ups * fixing stuff doesn't get you any points on your annual review, but creating new features does * they know it's still tracking correctly, so the app not working just happens to be low priority * etc There's plenty of things it might be.


And working on someone else’s code to fix issues is a fucking nightmare and can easily brick parts of code when trying to fix issues, because you aren’t familiar with it like you’d be if you wrote it.


Really not sure, but it's also always been a bit broken. You can sit there and play every single fighter on the game list, both online and offline, and even win a match, AND even play both the PS4 and PS5 versions.... And never get rewarded for playing one of the games that month. It's happened to me a lot


Coz they don t care about this bug and don t do anything to correct it


Why would you spend money to fix something that makes you lose money


After what happened to the PS3 in 2011, nothing surprises me with Sony and their services.


Might be some legal issue that needs resolved and not a technical one?


The whole thing has been sketchy cause they haven’t said what exactly the issue is, no one knows if it’s legal or technical and the fact it went down during the Days of Play event is pretty odd too.


It is not sketchy for them to not disclose what the issue is. If you have bugs, particularly ones that could lead to security risks, you do not disclose until after the product is patched


Again, you being downvoted for providing factual information.. these mfs just wanna hear what they wanna hear and not the actual truth behind things, smfh.


You clearly aren't an IT person, debugging code is hard. It is taking this long because it is difficult to fix the issue


Especially if you aren’t the team who originally wrote it, and not as familiar with it if you had wrote it


Just because you are in IT doesn’t mean you know what’s going on specifically with Sony or that you have any experience with a place as large as Sony. They are a multi million dollar company that can hire additional temp staff as needed that are qualified enough and get this fixed. We aren’t talking about two dudes working in a basement for some small company. They could either be doing better, or there’s something else going on like possibly getting rid of the program.


I never said I do. But someone who works in IT would know that codebases for services in production often take a lot of work and time to fix. Asking "how can it take this long" is why I said "you clearly aren't an IT person", because if they were they wouldn't think a couple weeks downtime for a service served to millions of users and integrated into a massive storefront is perplexing


My husband is in IT as well and they are expected to get issues solved ASAP. Even if that means working late hours and hiring temp employees if it’s for a very large important client. He doesn’t work for Sony either but I find it hard to believe they couldn’t do better than what they currently are. I’m sure it does take time and work to fix. They have a huge budget so the time will be greatly reduced if they hire enough people unless something else is going on. We won’t know unless it’s up and running, they announce a data breach again, or announce the end of Stars or something else totally unexpected. Even someone in IT is just guessing at this point. We all are.


That depends on the issue. If the storefront was down then yes the company is going to have all hands on deck and outsource work because that is their revenue stream. A rewards program many people are a part of is not their main revenue stream. It is however integrated within their storefront which makes them their money. All the more reason to be extra diligent in testing and covering all bases before pushing the code to production... if they push code that breaks the store too then its hitting their wallet hard. Why would Sony expend a huge budget on this when it isn't going to make them much more profit? No need to rush to finish an issue right this second, and potentially break something else in the process when your revenue stream is still working fine.


You were saying that it was just taking a long time and we couldn’t understand, not that they could fix it if they deemed it important enough to allocate proper resources to. That is my point exactly. It should be important enough and that’s why some people are upset.


My point was that someone clearly doesn’t work in IT if they are asking “how can it take this long” It’s a codebase tied into a store front that brings in a massive amount of money. Developing code that integrates with that is going to take a while, as they need to test it very well to not risk taking down the storefront. If the storefront itself were down then they would be shelling out buckets of cash to fix this asap because that is their source of revenue. The reward program is not their source of revenue


We just agreed that it doesn’t have to take this long. They have the money and can get this fixed asap. They just don’t care enough. You just really need to have the last word don’t you? lol. You can have the last word, we all get that you work in IT, and I understand that you will continue to try to argue the same point even though you agreed with me. I’ve said what I have to say.


It doesn’t have to do anything. But again, I was just saying they clearly don’t work in IT or they would not be baffled that it takes a few weeks to fix a non critical component of code that integrates heavily with a critical one. Lots of unit testing is required to ensure they don’t break the storefront and lose revenue Them spending boatloads of money to fix this is a terrible business move, no company would do that, and anyone lone who works in IT would also know that and not be baffled


Unrelated but absolutely wild to see someone admitting to dropping $300 on apex coins in the article screencap.


Well how else are they going to get that sweet collection event heirloom weapon for a legend they never play as?


I entered the program literally a day before it broke, sorry guys it was probably me


Way to go buddy!


I also linked up to the program a couple days before this, maybe it was our powers combined that brought it crashing down. If we can do that, imagine the power we could wield! Muhahahaha!!


Damn this is actually a pretty huge deal, I had a TON of points saved up that I wanted to use for upcoming releases with vouchers. They really need to fix this ASAP.


Why were you saving them? Just redeem the $5 every time you get enough points.


Honestly I'm not sure, I wasn't sure if I could keep stacking the vouchers or not so I figured I'd just wait until I really wanted to use it. Either way, need them to come back


If/when they come back, just redeem the $5 wallet funds every time you get enough points. It just adds the money to your wallet. It doesn't give you a code/voucher.


Oh that's good to know! If I have money in my wallet, do I have to use that first or can I still choose not to use it and save it for later?


The wallet is considered to be a store credit, so any PS stars wallet redemptions would just add to the total. Doesn’t count them as a separate thing once redeemed.


If you have PS+ it will use your credit before your card on file to pay for it. I had that happen twice and that’s why I wait to redeem my points now.


Oh yeah that's exactly what I don't want, good to know, thanks!


Why would anyone want to use their card before their store credit?


because sometimes times are good, and bank account is great, so id much rather use my card rather than wasting my store credit, when I could save that for a time when times are not as good and bank account is not that great


Because everyone is different. PS+ is just a bill I pay each month and the reward money feels good to accumulate and like I got a free game. In the end I got the same credit amount, but that’s just my preferred way of doing it.


Why should anyone have to redeem them immediately? I personally don’t because then it uses the credit for my PS+ membership. I like to keep it separate and save up for the full price of a game.


Unless there happens to be a game or DLC item that you want, there's just no reason to save them beyond the $5 reward. The higher $ amount reward doesn't get you more money per point. As far as the credit going towards your PS+, that only happens because of however you have your PS+ subscription setup.


I know I don’t get more money and technically it’s the same if I save $5 on PS+ or a game. There’s no reason people can’t save them up if they prefer doing it that way. We were all under the impression our rewards would still be there. People have different preferences on how they do things. At least before this happened. If they bring Stars back I will be cashing that out ASAP every time.


Honestly that’s a really good point. I was saving up for the $20 voucher but this makes a lot more sense, especially after seeing that the service is vulnerable.


Didn't have much saved prior to it being down but i've easily built £15 worth of points since it went down.


they are not broken, this is according to a post made before you and I can confirm it works and tried it and confirmed that I have all my points , even with what I bought while stars was down "This is where you find your Ps stars points! 1.) Go to the ps app! 2.) go to your profile, press privacy! 3.) if you scroll down you will see “Access Your Personal information” Click ‘data access request’ 4.) you will get a email with a URL. Send it to your notes if you’re on IPhone! 5.) go to notes open up the URL. And on the top you should be able to see “ps stars point history” Click on it and there you go! We are able to still collect points while system in down at the moment! "


I’m looking at the spreadsheet right now that they sent me today after doing this and I’m missing several point credits for purchases I made the past two weeks :/ at least they got the ones from the beginning of the month but I’ve made three purchases since then about a 7-10 days ago that aren’t on there :(


I think you could easily reclaim them once the service is back, since you have the receipts


Going to check this now but thats fantastic! Glad that the points are still being tracked. Hopefully they can reimplement the program back in the app as I have a ton of points I'd like to exchange for vouchers


Wow YES Sure enough theyre all there! Just gotta hope they actually fix the app now


You obviously haven't even read the linked article. The author proved with screenshots that he did not receive points for his purchases since it has been down and wrote that it seems like "some users are receiving points for their purchases while others are not." So if what you wrote is true, you were just lucky. Others were not.


The dabatase that logs your points might still be there. But the program itself is gone. That’s why you can see your points . But no one can get new points, redeem , etc.


I was clear, my points are always tracked and I did these steps yesterday, and I bought some games since the blackout and also a subscription to ps plus extra, all points are there


Points are still being added, tho.. I had 2920 points a few days ago, bought 2 games and now have over 3k..


I would read the story, man. It covers this post specifically.


A sensationalized article made for click throughs and poor “journalism”. I think YOU should read the article and see it for what it is.


Dude posted here “don’t worry, all good on points!” Article finds “hey wait, maybe not all good, here’s evidence using the method that guy said proved his point that maybe it’s busted!” I mean, I’m not saying it counts as journalism, but to call it sensationalised seems a little sensationalised all on its own 😂


what a shitshow. you'd think sony would be able to sort it out already


Hey guys, at least PlayStation stars still isn’t as bad as the dualsense edge battery life 🤣


I still can’t help but feel it was another Sony data breach. Sadly they have a history of trying to hide these things. I absolutely hope I’m wrong on this.


That's the quiet conspiracy I'm holding too as well haha


I redeemed my 3000+ points to get Balatro in early June and then stars went down. Random lucky timing for me.


It’s deff broken. I can click it but it just says that it’s down. Like thanks.




It's a complete and utter farce at this point. It's making Sony PlayStation look incompetent.


Does this mean I won't get loyalty points for purchasing games anymore or will it be corrected once it is finally ever fixed?


It's must be something quite significant whether it's internal programming issues or something sort of exploit someone has abused and they are trying to safeguard the service.


Soon it will be almost a month of broken Stars. Maybe we should create our own app to collect things based on trophies gained and games played?


I don't care, if I can't access PS Stars coins and campaigns from the app then it's not working. All I'm worried about if they bring back campaigns that expired during "issues", like Wind down with PS for June is gone and now if you get campaigns via API (you can do it on your computer) there is new Wind down campaign and some others. Not to mention Days of Play stuff and Dredge boat.


I’ve been wondering what’s been going on with Stars. I have a pretty solid amount of coins.


What do you mean might be


They should give us all free ps credits for what ever game we bought for example if u bought cod mw3 you would get 70$ usd or 100$ if u are stupid and get that back in ur ps wallet it sounds crazy but I bought a lot of shot since it’s been down and I could’ve prolly bought at least 40$ of psn wallet credits 💀


I recently bought the $150 MVP Bundle for NCAA/Madden and my PS stars app won't allow me to click into it to see how many points I got for pre ordering that bish.


Yea it’s prolly not gonna be fixed anytime soon


I'm curious if this has anything to do with the upcoming end of Sony Rewards points. It's highly unlikely, but I've seen enough updates that break an unrelated feature in my time so I know it's still a possibility.


Bro I had the points for the 20€ 💀


Literally the day before it went down, I debated whether or not I should spend it on Plunder Pass for SoT or just save it. I wish I had now.


Sony's gaming division made more than $26 billion in revenue in 2023. This the best they can do in 2024 ?


Don’t like PlayStation stars and I am upset that Sony is ending the credit card points program. I understand when they took away the program when you got a platinum but this stinks.


Ridiculous that it’s been down this long


I stopped buying games digitally till this is fixed I had many points can’t even use them


I imagine if it was something else that was costing Sony money it would have been fixed pretty quickly.Ive got around 6000 of the star points so I hope they get it back up soon.


Stupid Sony.


I wanted to get Elden Ring DLC but $40 is too much. I almost had the $20 off !


Give me a fuck ton of coins and i’ll forget it ever happened


Nooooo!! Recent purchases put me over, for some goodies.


... praying my ass off to the Sonygods of Fortuitous Giving.... meka leka hi. meka leka ho. meka leka hinyho.


I better get the stars and more for this bullshit




You're thinking of Sony Rewards, which is independent from PS Stars.


If they close one program wouldn’t that make you at least consider that they might choose another as well? They are allowed to close more than one.


I think Sony needs to have at least one rewards program, because both of their competitors have that. Microsoft has MS Rewards and even Nintendo has Gold points. If Sony had no rewards system, it would be a reason for people to buy games on a different platform, which is a competitive disadvantage.


Right. I agree and want Stars up and running again. I was just responding to people thinking because they closed the other program that meant that weren’t going to get rid of Stars. They can still get rid of Stars in addition to the other program, although I really hope that doesn’t happen. I had at least $50 in credits on there and I’ve bought more stuff then. If I don’t get that credit it feels like stolen money.


Right, and my point is that Sony themselves should be motivated to maintain a rewards system because it would be in *their* best interest to do so from a business perspective. Thus, I find it highly unlikely they would shut down both at the same time.


I see your point. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. There’s always a chance they decided that the program wasn’t in their best interest or that it’s too much work to fix it. I find it hard to believe a company with that many resources can’t hire enough intelligent people in the field to fix it in a reasonable amount of time. The longer it goes on perhaps the less angry they feel people will be if they shut it down. It’s basically all of us giving it our best guess right now until we see it up and running or an announcement that it’s shut down or changed. I do agree with you that it only helps them having a reward program.


It’s not, don’t worry :)


Oh ok thanks for clearing that up


I think this article was just made for clicks. It's just speculating that the person doesn't think it's giving them their points for purchases they made while the service was down...when the service is still down. They are just going with a gut feeling, is all. Even if you suspect you didn't get points, when it actually comes back up, you can just call and tell them what purchases you made during the downtime. There is a record of those purchases. Yeah, it would suck to have to do that, but it's better than having no other recourse. They are just assuming what might happen when the service comes back up. Ppl write more articles about how they might feel if x happens, but you can speculate to infinity. It still doesn't mean we are to that point yet.


I had 9,000 points I saved up for like 2 years. Pretty frustrated I could use those points.


Can someone hack Sony just to fix the stars program? Lol


Welp now Sony owes me a free copy of sparking blast. For free👀


It think the whole program is cooked. It hasn't come back since it went down. They can't figure out how to bring it back without lost of data. Wouldn't surprise me if we get an announcment in a few weeks they are ending it. Anyway, I requested my data like the article suggested. Going to see if I accumulated any points since the outage started because I bought some stuff this month in the store.


At what point do we question if there was a hack of some kind? Akin to the psn hack back in the ps3 days?


This was my thought as well... Like, why is it taking so long? It was working for how long before that. I think it may be because they seem to always only use people within and not contract someone out to fix it (in a day, probably)


I got mine from my purchased. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones


Mean broken still try fix it


Good thing there hasn’t been anything worth buying since the outage.