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very simple, i look in the mirror and tell myself i'm the coolest bitch ever


Hey u/schmasay You are the coolest bitch ever šŸ˜Ž


hell yeah i am






Love it šŸ’œ




Oh shit, is that u/schmasay ? I heard they're the coolest bitch ever. Dang, im so glad i can witness this cool comment in person.


Nobody that owns a spyro the dragon plush is a loser in my book ā™”


One thousand percent this


I love Spyro




šŸ‘ŒThis is the one.


iā€™ve assigned my thoughts of self-hate a name. his name is Caedon (caydin) and heā€™s a 12 year old in a cod lobby. in other words, nothing he says actually matters. *some self-hating thought* ā€œyeah thatā€™s real nice Caedon isnā€™t it past your bedtime?ā€


This is my favorite comment so far. That's really funny and I should use that


thats... a... really good idea actually, over here giving sage advice on r/plushies stuff like that is usually difficult for me because it feels embarrassing but approaching it with humor like that seems like it might work


This is, unironically, a big part of r/InternalFamilySystems therapy hahaha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/InternalFamilySystems using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/InternalFamilySystems/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I needed this and think others might too](https://i.redd.it/17q7y4tfe9sa1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InternalFamilySystems/comments/12dcl0m/i_needed_this_and_think_others_might_too/) \#2: [\[MEME\] My therapist when Iā€™m finally able to verbalize how my different parts feel.](https://i.redd.it/bq5jwagtjfbc1.jpeg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InternalFamilySystems/comments/192gryy/meme_my_therapist_when_im_finally_able_to/) \#3: [We're not ourselves](https://i.redd.it/j4hzyuxecc2c1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InternalFamilySystems/comments/182ywbd/were_not_ourselves/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


no way i do this too! i named mine kalvin after the notorious transphobe kalvin garrah lmao


NOOOOOO oh god i forgot that he existed uuuuughh i want to forget again


Okay this is genius...imma steal this tactic lol


As mentioned by someone else, this is a big part of Internal Family Systems. My therapist a while ago had me name the part of me that thought I'm "not a good enough wife". His name is Felix, and ever since that day, I feel better because I realize and internalize that it's not me, it was just a fear that part of my "system" has in it.


Consider everybody else who doesnā€™t enjoy plushies a loser/s


This is the truth.


This but without the /s at times šŸ˜­ I at the least question their choices šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t want to be too mean or anything but if somebody harasses me about stuffed animals I will call them a loser for not having any


As a 19 year old who loves collecting plushies to death we literally live on a floating rock. Life is too short to not collect the stuff you love


I definitely agree with that


40 here, I tell myself the same thing!


Two things have helped me a lot: - I got diagnosed as autistic as an adult, which helped me understand I have hyper empathy for plushies - Iā€™m too old to care (40yr old)


Basically same here. Diagnosed autistic and plushies are Basically the only way I can comfort myself, so I don't care what people think.. I gotta have em


Same, all except I haven't gone to be officially diagnosed with autism and ADHD yet. I just self-diagnosed. Looking back at my life and how it is now, autism makes it fit and everything makes sense (especially the stuff that wouldn't make sense without autism); otherwise my life and different pieces are chaotic and all over the place and I am "quirky" and inadvertently sabotage myself without knowing it. I heard that women aren't often diagnosed until their late 20s at the earliest because of how autism presents itself differently. I'm in my early 40s. I know some women were finally diagnosed in their 50s or 60s. Plushies have always been there for me when people couldn't be, or wouldn't be. Plushies are positive beings. I can't find any shame in having them and carrying them around. If something (plushies! šŸ„°) helps me get through stress and isn't hurting me or anyone, it's a win. I learned from life that trying to conform (like getting rid of my plushies is just one small example) my life and how I love it is the worst thing for me. I need to live my life, even if some things seem "weird". If I can't be organically "normal", I don't see why I have to force myself to be artificially "normal", and it would be just for everyone else and not myself. I can't live my life for others like that. I'd rather be surrounded by plushies that love and don't judge than people who conditionally "love" and do judge. It takes too much energy to be around people like that, and to recover from being around said people long after they left, so I don't even bother. I learned to be myself and just feel good about that. I'm not doing anything wrong; therefore, no guilty feelings or shame is needed. The older I get, the less I care what others think about me, especially my "quirks". I am not wasting any more time or energy on those people than I absolutely have to. Like Dr Seuss said: "_Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind._"


Something I did once I realized I was collecting to many, was to find one brand I really like, and only buy the ones I really really love. I also had to stop buying the biggest versions available but thats a different problem. I only collect puffpals now, and my significant other collects squishmellow


When I look them in the face the feeling falls away.


Wait until it passes, look at my plush and go "oooooh so cute"


I go on Amazon and order more šŸ˜‚ Seriously though Iā€™m a grown man I pay my bills and I live alone, I still have just about every stuffed animal Iā€™ve ever owned either in storage or just out somewhere. It feels wrong to get rid of them, and I want to set some dedicated space aside for em. The only people who will make you feel like a loser for liking something cute and harmless are not people you want around https://preview.redd.it/tre3zfr6ic9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0ced678dd0d92ed6e20e64608a3d6dcdd7f81d


Some people like to buy art. I donā€™t understand it. They donā€™t understand me. I would rather have a shelf with plushies than a painting. I like your collection.


Everyone has a hobby and/or collects something. Coins, stamps, action figures, sports memorabilia. Plushies are no different. Collecting them is a harmless hobby that you enjoy. I'm a grown woman in my 30s and my fiance has no issue with this. He affirmed for me this exact sentiment


I feel like a loser for other reasons, never my plushie collection. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚


Pursuing an autism diagnosis! ..but in seriousness, just remember theres no harm in liking plushies AND its actually much more immature to judge or bully others for liking something harmless.


I've got a bit of a story for this. I'm autistic, diagnosed a few years ago, and I spent my entire life masking due to being in a not super safe environment. Over the last few years, I've been having health problems like dizzy spells, pain, tachycardia, etc., and no one could figure out what was wrong until I went to a physiotherapist and was told that my muscles were 'rock hard' and essentially messing with my breathing and blood flow. Two months ago, my back gave out, and I couldn't stand up straight and couldn't walk without immense amounts of pain. I ended up going to another physiotherapist who said the exact same thing- that my muscles were worryingly tight, that they were always 'engaged' even when I wasn't using them. It was only after that I put two and two together that the masking was playing a huge part in this- constantly alert, keeping track of every single thing I said and did to make sure that I came off as a "normal" person. So I made the choice to unmask. It's a process, and it's difficult and scary, but it's been helping. I've been allowing myself to do things that make me happy or comfortable, such as stimming in public, letting myself be excited about small things, etc. Part of that has been embracing the fact that I absolutely love stuffed animals, and accepting that part of myself. I used to have this sort of timer in my head like 'I'll need to get rid of the stuffies I sleep with someday' and dreading it, but now, I fall asleep happy with my teddy bear knowing that this is part of me, that it makes me feel happy and safe, and I don't owe it to anybody to change that. It's a choice I had to make to stop being ashamed, it didn't happen naturally, and might not have happened at all if I hadn't hurt myself so bad. All this to say, sometimes you need to choose to allow yourself happiness and joy. You love plushies, you collect them (fantastic collection by the way!) because it makes you happy. That's a good thing! It's something to be celebrated. Don't be discouraged if you sometimes fall back on that feeling of 'I'm a loser' or the self consciousness; it happens. Allow yourself to be happy, and choose it for yourself. šŸ’™


I definitely get that worry that Iā€™ll always want more and not be satisfied with the ones I have. That I usually try to combat by holding off on buying, at least for a few days, and in the interim enjoying the stuff I already have. (this problem also comes up a lot with tv shows lol i have way too many dvds) But honestly I donā€™t see enjoying plushies to be loser-ish at all! Most people either think plushies are cute and wonā€™t think a thing of it, or theyā€™ll at least understand the desire to collect something. It doesnā€™t really seem any different than say, collecting comic books (well, maybe comic collectors donā€™t sleep with their comics, but then again what do i know maybe they do). Theyā€™re cute, I like ā€˜em, and there are much sillier hobbies I have lol


it's harmless and brings me joy, if people want to try to tear me down for that or mock me for it then *they* are the losers and really need to do some reflection as to why they feel the need to try to make someone feel bad about something harmless that makes them happy. I literally do not care if someone thinks they're soooo coool because they think plushies are for children. It's high school bully behavior, I refuse to take it seriously. I think about it this way. I would *notice* if a dude took a life-sized anime plush of his waifu out in public, but if it was clean and not visually sexual, I would be really, really happy for the person feeling confident enough to do that because IT MAKES THEM HAPPY and that's awesome! it makes them feel good and comfortable and absolutely *who* am I to tell someone it isn't okay just because I wouldn't do it or I don't understand it? Why would I care? Why would I feel anything negative about someone being happy in a way that hurts no one?


I am 25 and will never stop indulging in my inner child. We have to have joy in life. My joy is loads of plushies! You are not a loserā¤ļø


I'm 25 as well. I don't think I'll stop any time soon either way āœØ ty!


Weā€™re the cool ones šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž




I don't feel like a loser, but if it helps. One time someone called me a baby for using a small water bottle, so I used it to squirt water all over his face. I assume there should be some equivalent to plushies.


I'd say throw plushies at them, but I don't want my plushie to touch a bully, gross!


This guy I knew always had different stuffed animals with him. He was one of the cool guys, so that really helped my confidence


I say, "These bring me joy, and having joy in my life is good."


With how much stress life gives you as an adult, some joy is definitely good


itā€™s a few different things for me. sorry in advance for the long answer i yap a lot 1.) they make me happy, and thatā€™s the most important thing. collecting and enjoying plushies is harmless, so feeling shameful/guilty over it is only hurting me. 2.) if people are making fun of you for enjoying plushies, itā€™s important to remember that they probably wouldnā€™t care *what* your interest is, theyā€™d still find a reason to bring you down. having friends that support my hobbies and like hearing abt them has helped me feel like a cool guy with fun hobbies rather than a weird loser! 3.) i have an adhd diagnosis, and i know how this impacts the way my brain works. iā€™m constantly seeking dopamine, and as the one meme says, if you canā€™t make your own store bought is fine! that said, i usually try to wait a little bit after seeing something to ask myself if i *really* want it, or if iā€™m just being impulsive. if it is something i really want and i can afford it, iā€™ll get it! iā€™ll keep enjoying it continuously after buying it after all! tl;dr: they make me happy and thatā€™s most important, having friends to support and listen to me helps a lot, and understanding that this is part of how my brain works (adhd) while making sure iā€™m not impulse buying or wasting money (i.e. not getting every plushie i lay eyes on) are all aspects that help me!


I find I'm very hard on myself because of how much pressure was put on me as a kid, so while no one has outwardly said anything about my collection, I worry they're saying stuff internally


yeah i totally get that. at the end of the day worrying about what people may be thinking about you but not saying is exhausting and stressful, but itā€™s also incredibly hard to stop doing. i donā€™t have any groundbreaking advice, but i will say donā€™t let what people might be thinking get in the way of something you clearly enjoy


That's good advice ty




Think about how Iā€™m not spending money on booze/amphetamines/cigarettes/other things that are actually harmful to myself and others. Also I remind myself that Iā€™m a grown ass adult who works full time and pays taxes and everything so that means I get to choose how I spend my money after paying rent/bills/retirement account/emergency fund.


You have an okapi plush so I personally dub ye Cool As Hell šŸ«”šŸ‘‘


2 ways 1. I tell myself its better to be obsessed with plusies than alcohol/ drugs/ wild partying 2. I have generalized anxiety disorder and my plushies help me feel more relaxed and calm down when im panicking. So its like they are medication or disability aids


1. That's very true, but sometimes the financial cost can hurt just as badly 2. I have a lot of stress and anxiety too, and they can help me feel comforted, so that's a good way to look at it


I tend to not think of the financial aspect of drinking or using drugs more like what it does to your body. Those things can hurt you in the long run( or even short run) while the only thing buying plushies will hurt is your wallet


You arenā€™t a loser for wanting more plushies OP. But I do understand the struggle of wanting more and more but at the same time not wanting to over purchase and to feel the need of being over materialistic or over consuming of items. I do the same for Schleich collecting and plushie collecting. Double whammy of items. But have very much limited myself even if I could spend more. First I go to my plushies I have now and even talk with them. Thereā€™s some plushies that Iā€™ve always wanted as a child! Speaking of, Iā€™ve always wanted a Spyro plushie! So that Spyro plushie you have gives me a lot of joy seeing it! Plus a few other characters in old games Iā€™ve always wanted as a plushie to own and snuggle like an Okami plushie! And I donā€™t feel shame in wanting those but I do understand feeling bad about getting more when thereā€™s many I already have. You have a wonderful collection btw. OP! Edit: If you want to challenge your wants when getting a new plushie or item. Wait for a while. Wait until 6 months goes by and if you still want that same plushie after that time passes, then itā€™s time to go and get it. I have made 100ā€™s of lists of plushies and lost interest in wanting many of them over the years or they donā€™t make them anymore but I donā€™t mind missing out on them as much. It took me so long to do that for myself when I wanted a specific fictional character plushie I saw in 2005. Missed my chances back then. Then a super similar looking plushie of the same character came out in 2019 and I waited until this year to purchase him! I love the plushie so much and heā€™s right now my main plushie I carry and sleep! I regret not having him sooner! He brings me a lot of joy!


Tysm for that šŸ’ž I've been trying to spend more time with the ones I've got, and it's been really good. I'm only going after new ones that I know I really want. I used to kind of just pick anything if I liked it


Tbh, the plushie community on instagram is so lovely! They have photo challenges for holidays and activities. Most of the people are adults, but the plushies are the ā€œstarsā€ of the accounts. Also, the podcast ā€œThe Power of Plushiesā€ has a different guest each episode and they talk about how their plushie and the community helps them with whatever struggles theyā€™re enduring.


I donā€™t feel like a loser, because I understand that only true losers look down on what other people enjoy. Perhaps that kind of wisdom comes with age and self-reflection? (Iā€™m in my 30s)


Anyone who thinks plushies are childish are missing out on one of the best joys in life, having a bunch of soft friends to comfort you.


I don't feel like one


I have a cool ass setup, make it feel like a Kingdom of plushies you got em like a store


Adults are allowed to have hobbies and spend their adult money on whatever they want. Simple. Squeeze whatever joy you can out of the world for yourself


I tell ppl that everyone collects things as a hobby all the time and mine happens to be plushies. Just how people like to collect things like Legos, video games and lighters lol (I also collect older monster high dolls)


I dont see any losers here. I see some awesome people who love plushies and specifically someone who as an awesome spyro plush I am jelly of šŸ˜


By not feeling like a loser. By leaving by the mentality of if it doesn't hurt anyone, do what makes you happy. Yes, I spent $50 on a plushie I can cuddle at night. It was $50 of comfortable happiness that I used my own money for. That's what matters.


I feel u on this a lot. I moved back home a month ago after completing college and my mom has made fun of my plushies on multiple occasions saying that im way too old for that stuff now. For a while it made me feel really ashamed, and I almost stored all of them away in my closet, but I realized that this hobby made me happy and that is all that should really matter. Life already throws so much bullshit at us, so beating down on ourselves for something that we know we love deep down is not worth the time or effort. I love your collection and they are really cute, I hope you can expand it to your hearts content moving forward :)))


Very easy. I don't feel like a *'loser'* for collecting plushies. Life is short, often too short, and definitely too short for me to care what others think of me.


Having friends who are also obsessed with plushies


We never thought we were losers in the first place šŸ™


I donā€™t allow myself to feel like a loser anymore. Other people enjoy football, makeup, clothes etc etc and THIS is what I like.




The first image is cute šŸ„° all the plushies can sleep together!


I don't feel ashamed, never have. In the past 30 years, when I turned 18 and I can buy what I want, I stopped caring about what others thought of me and my plushies.


I don't šŸ˜…, we are cool because we dont care!


Iā€™m the coolest guy I know. Take my advice you have a cool collection. Iā€™m maybe a little jealous šŸ˜


I donā€™t, I just feel like a loser for other reasons


sometimes i just say "too fucking bad" when people say it's stupid




If your problem is the desire to buy more and more, try out new hobbies and/or travel somewhere nearby, or in general give yourself something new in a non-material sense. Chances are that your brain just needs novelty


Adorable squishmallows collection! Eh i donā€™t really care what people think. I donā€™t take them out into public unless itā€™s a squishmallow clip on a bag or something so it doesnā€™t ever get brought up


Because I don't care what others think


I saw you in the squish sub! I say it's somewhat relating to self acceptance, It makes you happy and that is what matters. I learned to love what I love after gaining self confidence and not caring about what others think. Just remind yourself that your happiness and pride is the main thing to focus on.


Easy. I remind myself that people who judge are assholesā€”think about how boring their lives must be lol, putting that much energy into somebody else's hobby. Go read a book or something. And think about all the people who collect other stupid things. Hot Wheels, Pokemon cards, shoes, socks, ties. People collect ROCKS. Bottle caps, picked right off the ground. Bottles full of em, for no reason!! My nephew has a friend who is asking other kids for their baby teeth, to collect them. Teeth. People are drawn to hoard such strange things... Why would you be insecure about your adorable stuffies?


I'll be honest I literally just stopped caring about it. I do not give 2 shi*s about what anyone thinks! My plushies are such a big part of my life and I enjoy them sooo much to the point where it really doesn't matter what others think about it :) it makes me happy, why would I reject myself of that happiness?


Those shelves are neat šŸ‘Œ


I'm feeling like a loser for not having a spyro plushie! My now husband combined our collections and it's been growing ever since...had the all cull here and there but it's mainly grown. We think it's fun and it's our house so we can have and do what we want...plus our younger visitors get a lot out of our collection too!


I literally just donā€™t even care what anyone would think of me for having plushies. I canā€™t sleep without hugging one.


I dont, just like people who likes to collect paintings and and books, I like collecting plushies that sparks me joy. Not only that, remember that whenever youre feeling down, you can have tons of plushy choices you can pick to hug


Plushies are how I cope with life.


More plushie. They donā€™t think Iā€™m a loser and they outnumber all of the haters at this point.


Cringe culture is dead šŸ˜ŗ I can do whatever I want and if my friends make fun of me for it are they really my friends?


I tell myself that I can like whatever I want, regardless of age. Iā€™m so jealous of your squishmallow collection! Lol


I mean...I just don't believe that on any level, about myself or any other person. Collecting and genuinely loving plushies is an extremely endearing trait that makes me MORE fond of people. Anyone who would look down on me is the joyless loser.


Iā€™m a girl and i feel like itā€™s the girliest thing ever and super cute. I am also about to go into working with animals and I think it also makes sense I have many stuffies to show how much I appreciated animals before I had the chance to be with them


I remember that my plushies donā€™t think Iā€™m a loser so why should I?


I like your Pepper plushie


Release that life is to short for self hatred and then go hug my plushie (or my dog if heā€™s allowing it)


Sometimes I just take a breather and just snuggle up to one of my plushies and feel like it's saying "don't worry! Many people of all ages enjoy plushies! And we love you :)" and it always helps me :)))


theyā€™re fun and nice thatā€™s all that matters


I love plushies and I don't care what anyone thinks


I own a toy store. The top selling category is plush. You're fine. Everyone is fine. All kinds of people buy plush for themselves for all kindsof reasons. Take your darn plushies out of that drawer if you want to display them. Just be yourself. Im 42. I have an entire room woth plushies all over. Rescues, rejects, ones i fell in love with, unwise impulse buys, i have a weird and unexpectected collection of octopi. This 63 hear old lady came in and told me she collects orca and dino plushies while she was buying a blue triceratops made by either Texas Toy Distribution or Wild Republic (i forget) from my store. She was desperately wanting to get the orange stego too haha. We had a great convo and she was one of my favorite customers even though i only saw her once.


Not the best answer, I justify it by sharing my collection with my son.


It's my money and I do whatever I WANT now who else has the same plushies as me šŸ„°šŸ„°? Let's make them a teas party.


I need them spyros, I need them Pokemon, I need our beloved cult leader


Is that a plush of King from The Owl House I see in pic 1?


I sleep better and feel happier There is literally nothing else to worry about šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ž


I learned to quit caring what other people think of me... If they don't matter to me, why should their opinions matter to me? If I matter to them, they aren't going to judge me for liking something as innocent as plushies...


Hanging out with other people who love plushies. BTW your squishmellow collection is amazing.


You tell yourself that your plushies donā€™t think your a loser, they LOVE you because you collected them


I never feel like a lover for loving stuffed animals! Like what you like!


I had to pause on your first picture out of excitement about the Spyro plushie! And I try not to care what society thinks of the hobbies that I truly enjoy and feel comforted by.


I remember that i have you guys to lift me up


I have a supportive husband who encourages my love of plushies. He also likes to lounge around on our plush filled couch. ā¤ļø


Is it feeling ashamed? Like it's a guilty pleasure? Life is too short and miserable already for me to be guilty about things I enjoy!! As long as the things I enjoy are not actively harming anyone (including myself) then there is nothing to feel guilty for!


iā€™ve gone through stages of embarrassment and not, iā€™m proud to say i no longer care about what others think but me in my teens / early twenties wanted nothing more than to ā€œfit inā€ so i hid them, but id rather be called weird than be something im not


I have the jellycat jack in the 4th pic šŸ„°šŸ˜»


Losers don't have disposable income to spend on cutie patootie plushies šŸ’…


Why would I feel like a loser? Im happy as a clam, and comfy as hell


I think about how whole industries have shifted to tailor to adults who enjoy child-like stuff. Adult onesies. Adult color books. And let's be real, adults are the ones making Squishmallows so crazy popular. I saw a teenage girl give her bestie a matching Eeyore plush on a plane and omg the joy those girls had. I tell people my giant Squishmallow is the best back pillow I've ever had and it's 100% true. Plushies are for EVERYONE.


It takes some practice, but ultimately you accept that this is something that brings you joy, and you're a human being, and it's not hurting anyone. I find that people that can't rock with my stuffies are just people that I don't need around me.




Sometimes I feel like a loser for liking plushies and then I remember that at least I donā€™t like crack


combat it? I embrace it. https://preview.redd.it/un6242qryd9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb02a30df302cfa6918a8f24404cf7bdcfe6ce45


by acknowledging everyone is different and has their own personal interests and that is 10000% allowed. i may not understand someones love for taylor swift (an ex) but that doesnt make them a loser. i see it as two things, 1 life is meant to be enjoyable and fun and 2 i dont see people as losers, less than me or anything negative for just enjoying the gym, going to the club or having collection of cups, so why would i see myself as those things? we are all different and our hobbies are what make us special, even if that sounds cheesy. self acceptance is so important!!!


I tell myself it's better than hurting myself over my feelings


Join plushie communities, make friends with like minded people and just enjoy being you without the masks. Itā€™s liberating.


I don't feel like a loser, I'm awesome


Loosers don't have spyros and pokemon šŸ˜Ž


Honestly I cuddle them more. It's like I'm going to double down on the thoughts/feelings. Like im gonna show them whose a loser


The Fuglers on the back of my door tell me I'm not allowed to feel like a loser. And I don't want to disagree with them. Also when I get hyperfixated I just don't care, so I just remember that feeling, and the joy my plushies give me


I don't think of myself that way. I just find joy in my plushies and your collection is nice btw


Look in the direction of my toddler enjoying all of my said plushies (except my Hello Kittys! lol)


find someone who makes you feel cool for your plushies :)


I just pull out my list of bills and ask which one somebody's gonna pay for me to actually give af about their opinion.


I don't have the best self esteem but I really don't care what others think. If I like something, I like it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This might get buried, but thank you all for your super kind words! I was on the verge of tears reading some of the things you all were saying. Thank you āœØ


I think it might just be my age, I used to be super self conscious about pretty much everything but Iā€™m almost 30 now and at this point I donā€™t care what others think about me owning plushes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø as long as I like them and the collection isnā€™t harming me (like buying more than I can afford or something) then idc what people have to say about it.


I don't! At 33 I know there are so many others my age and older that love plushies as well. My friends don't share the same hobby but they appreciate and encourage it, my mom teases me a little bit but it's lighthearted, and my husband straight up enables me (he just bought a Jellycat for me a couple of weeks ago). No reason to ever feel shame in something that brings you joy and is no harm to others.


Have a cuddle puddle


Webkinz, spyro, and squishmellows. Tryna be you rn tbh


Easy, I never feel like a loser. There's nothing wrong with enjoying plushies!


Nothing, Iā€™m a grown adult with adult money and I love my stuffed animals. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø you either get to a point where you like yourself and your quirks or you donā€™t. No amount of internet advice will change that.


I think of my younger self and how much she loved them and that never made her a loser šŸ’•


I have no shame with having plushies,so I don't combat anything


SHUT THE FRONT DOOR, ARE THOSE BLUEY AND BINGO SQUISHMALLOWS????!!!! šŸ˜©āœ‹šŸ» neeeed But anyhow.. when I feel bad about my hoarding of plushies at the grown ass age of 20, I just remind myself of how happy they make me, and what good and wonderful times Iā€™ve had with them :)! My plushies are cute, and usually are sentimental to me. They mean a lot to me and they are part of my cute decorative choices in my room. Do you feel that way, too? If so, maybe this helps a little :)!! There is NO age limit on stuffed animals!!! I will probably have a house full by the time Iā€™m 30! šŸ¤­


i feel like this often but i tell myself that if i keep trying to conform to others opinions, including my own negative ones, iā€™ll never be happy. if collecting plushies makes you happy, do it. life is about you!!!


I don't care what other people think.


I think of what my art teacher would say to help improve peoples moods and help them out if theyā€™re feeling down by someone; ā€œWho cares what they think!?ā€ šŸ˜


I just embrace it honestly. Nobody's opinion matters to me but my own about my plushie collection


Truth be told, the only thing sadder is the loser who goes out of their way to comment how much of a loser you are for having plush toys. You have spent your time wisely, they didn't. So there is that.


I don't feel like a loser. And anyone who tries to make me feel that way is the real one.


Iā€™ve always loved plushies. To this day if I see one on the shelf at a store and it looks sad, I bring it home. Itā€™s something inside me that for a very long time I questioned whether it should be there or not, but over time I realized that whatever it is, it makes me the sweet, kind, and caring person I am today. But theyā€™ve always been a sort of security blanket for me as well. Having them beside me in bed makes me feel safe and loved. I donā€™t feel any shame in that, and if anyone tries to make fun of it, fuck them ā¤ļø


An organized collection like yours is for winners!


Embrace being a loser šŸ«” if having fun and enjoying myself makes me a loser then I wanna be a loser.


I tell myself that whoever thinks Iā€™m a loser for liking them is probably a person whoā€™s afraid to show their interests. Iā€™ve also surrounded myself with people who donā€™t care about those things and like me not for my collection of plushies but for who I am :)


Plushies are fun at any ageāœØ


Im not really a plushie enjoyer this sub just keeps getting recommended to me. But what i will say about any hobby, never feel bad about it. At the end of the day if it makes you happy why does it matter what others think? If youre surrounded by people who will put you down for things you like i think its time to find new friends.


I remind myself I donā€™t care what shallow bitches think of me. Itā€™s my life, not theirs, and I can do what makes me happy.


I remind myself that thereā€™s worse things I could be into. At least this is a hobby thatā€™s completely harmless and affects nobody but my bank account


I donā€™t know anyone without plushies Well to the point of seeing if they do Now itā€™s the assume they have plushies till proven not


I got over it. I had a best friend who passed at 15. She was constantly bullied for being childish, liking dolls and stuffed animals and shit like that. We were FIFTEEN. Bullying got bad at fucking GRADE 4. (I hate kids) until she passed I always saw myself as the tomboy. Masc. Fuck pink kinda cool girl. Tough. Then she died. And I was like "this is so superficial. Pink reminds me of her stuffed animals remind me of her and my childhood and make me feel comforted, dolls are cool as fuck. I don't have to match anyone's view of what makes a real girl. Every women and girl is valid." After all. If she could live being 100% herself without feeling bad or wanting to hide it even as she was getting bullied why should I? She's a super hero in my eyes (or more appropriately a magical girl haha)


I'm giving little me what I couldn't afford when I was younger! So it's never wrong. Its what I deserved. Everything for her. Healing my inner child.


I just tell myself, ā€œplushies are for everyone and if you donā€™t agree, youā€™re patheticā€


Hug them/let them comfort me


Honestly, by giving up some of the things f4om my childhood that I loved out of necessity. I used to care, but after losing them and the memories that they brought back, I stopped allowing other people to force me to assimilate to their ideas of what they think is the right way to live. If it brings you joy and no one is harmed, do it. Don't let society force you to pretend to be colorless and boring as them.


Feel like a massive loser over other things and suddenly collecting plushies seems like the least of my problems There are healthier ways about it though so I don't recommend.


Your collection is dope, and it does not make you a loser!


Nope, I feel amazing and I love your collection! Forget what others are feeling, if you happy then thats all you gotta worry boutšŸ˜‰


By not feeling like a loser, because why would you.


Drop the webkinz collection!! I want a tour!!


Very jelly of that Spyro plushie šŸ‘€


throw the plushies with big hard eyes at the haters. Hopefully the eye of the plush will smack into their nose


I donā€™t feel like a loser. Once you embrace your weaknesses they become your strengths. If people think Iā€™m weird for liking toys and plushies they arenā€™t worth my time. On a side note I love all of your variety! Spyro, Pokemon, cats, and Cult of the Lamb. Very nice.


I realized the developmental delays in the world of neurodivregence literally make me more of a child in some regards and that felt very legitimizing to me. I need to hug a big soft thing to sleep or i pull my hair and all of it breaks. For a while i didn't win this fight though. Now my hair is short.


By knowing you aren't one because you choose to collect what you enjoy the most Also, I'm amused by how Spyro is giving pats šŸ¤£ super cute if you ask me šŸ˜Š


I don't, cause I know I'm winning keeping my happy lil plushies.


Life is too short to give a shit about what other people think of you just because you're an adult who likes plushies. I'm 23. I work at build a bear. I ADORE plushies and actively carry them around with me. I get only compliments on my plushies. Try not to worry about what other people think so much! If you like them and enjoy them that's all that matters!


Bad ass plushie bitches for life


I got over it haha. Besides itā€™s literally cool to have plushies now. It used to be childish but a mix of Japanese kawaii culture and people thriving off of nostalgia has made it acceptable in most gen z spaces


I don't feel like a loser because I'm not. Simples. šŸ˜†


I stopped caring what other people think about me a long time ago. (Not caring can take effort, especially at first, especially after a lifetime of self-consciousness. It gets easier with time, I've found. Decide not to care out of spite.) Anyway, the only things that make you into a loser are hurting others and acting like a jerk. Collecting plushies doesn't hurt anyone, so it doesn't make you a loser.


I just give zero fucks about it and keep doing what I love


Something i do is take screenshots! if i still have the same love for it weeks later ill buy it! but i do understand always wanting more it can suck!! and just try not to care to much! if it works for you it doesnā€™t have to make sense to others!


I look at my plushies. I feel joy. It obliterates all negative feelings. šŸ„°


By not giving a shit what people say about it.


I donā€™t really think about it Iā€™m 25 and own plushies myself Iā€™m so far beyond thinking Iā€™m a loser for owning plushies I just think theyā€™re neat and cute to have around and cuddle sometimes that doesnā€™t make me a loser ā˜ŗļø (I mean I am a loser but not because I own plushies)


Ooo is that a 3d printed articulated Spyro in that last picture with the eevee?


I make them little bracelets :)


You have a Spyro plush. To me, that automatically makes you cool!


Remind yourself that you can't cuddle funko pops


I embrace it


Every time I see someone who Doesn't love plushies, or any other "weird" stuff i like, i treat THEM like a loser in my mind, force myself to silently judge them. Eventually you'll genuinely convince yourself that you're the true normal and cool one, and theyre the weirdos