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What a beautiful, heart-warming poem! The metaphors aren’t mixed together and are perfectly executed (which is something I struggle with). Especially the seasons. The “yellow veins” line is especially beautiful imagery. Well done!


“Roots grew beneath our feet”<- loved it!


Love it! I especially love the sunflower part. Does "But still the roots grew beneath our feet." imply something positive in the future between the two people? What do you mean by that line?


Fucking nice. Great imagery! Can I ask, what do you intend with the line, “I came barehanded”?


It means I still had nothing to offer him


I feel like in hindsight the "barehanded" and "feet" may be too cliché or literal with the whole hands to my feet concept


Personally, I love sunflowers! They are so vibrant. Your poem really resonates with me. What is happening when one is giving into a relationship and one is realizing it and trying to do the same? I like the line, "But still the roots grew beneath our feet.". It reminds me that everything still grows, regardless of how much love can change within a relationship. Or even, how much one tries to pull themeselves from the waters. Great poem!


I enjoyed this very visual in the play of it. I almost get the feeling the person in the poem is getting a little kick from the the object of there affection by way of the display in witch they have nothing to give.


Beautiful poem ❤️


Thank you!


This is wonderful. I love the topic and relate to it personally. >Fall picking apples, This has beautiful and multiple meanings. I am filled with the warmth at the end that I often feel looking at sunflowers. To turn up and be accepted and cared for exactly as you are AND still be valuable, still able to build roots, thrive and grow - it's a wonderful thing.


The average, common outdoor variety of sunflower can grow to between 8 and 12 feet in the space of 5 or 6 months. This makes them one of the fastest growing plants.


I love sunflowers so much. I am always interested in learning more.


Love it! I feel like done this trying to win someone over Lovely