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Yes.  There was an episode of the anime where Ash's snorlax's pokeball fell onto a rock and broke.  So they had to manually roll him to a Pokemon center to get the ball fixed or get a new ball if I recall correctly.


oooooh I dont really watch the anime so had no idea.Thanks!


Then what series do you mean when you said "Everyone in the series keeps throwing pokeballs"


Probably the game series.


Of course they break, why do you think you can't re use pokéballs if you fail to catch a pokémon in one?


I thought the same until gen 8, but doesn't Yamper's Ball Fetch ability contradict that nowadays?


It could be that yamper gets the ball before it breaks like how some dogs will catch a ball in the air before it touches the ground


My dog just keeps the same ball in her mouth and I have to throw a second one for her to chase...then I have to walk to said second ball as well to continue throwing. I have no idea why she doesn't understand fetch, she's a Labrador retriever.


They really went out of their way to canonize that everyone in Pokemon litters way more than real life lmao


Maybe Pokéballs are biodegradable. After all, they were designed after Johto's Apicots, a type of plant.


In a similar vein, in Bye Bye Butterfree, all these trainers are throwing their balls from hot air balloons and... Never get them back? Although I guess they've released the Butterfree to go mate and migrate across the sea so the ball wouldn't be needed anymore.


Imo they are very dispensable and therefore can be left after being thrown especially in some episodes where I recall they were thrown into the ocean during the orange league. They must be cheap to buy in the Pokémon universe otherwise we'd have to safely assume that the characters retrieve them offscreen after they are thrown.


Isn’t there a kid in viridian forest in gen 1 or at least let’s go who says, “I wonder what happens to all the pokeballs that don’t catch a Pokémon” referencing this same thing. Considering pokeballs come from apricorns, I assume they are biodegradable and will just decay over time. They are shown to be technology in the anime but as of legends arceus we can see we make them without modern science so I assume the in universe version is just some fancy machine looking organic material to attract the youngsters to buy the product.


In the Diamond & Pearl series, Jessie releases her Dustox and smashed its Pokeball with her boot.


Wasn’t there a Meowth-centered episode in season 1 or 2 of the anime where there was a broken pokeball? The Pokémon (a female Meowth) was trapped from it and wasn’t able to get out until it was helped by Team Rocket’s Meowth?


In the Pokemon Origins mini series that aired some years ago, there was a scene of Red trying to catch a 'mon but failed, and the pokeball (think an Ultra Ball was what he used) straight up exploded. So I'm sure they can be damaged in various ways. My guess for the difference shown in the series (outside of just not wanting to animate it constantly) is that pokeballs that are damaged when "inactive" simply break apart (like Jessie stomping on and destroying her Dustox's ball, mentioned in another comment), and those that are "activated" (trying to catch a 'mon) explode, likely due to the technology in them overloading/malfunctioning when the pokemon breaks out.


I’ve seen Team Rockets pokeball break once or twice in the old anime